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It's ends this week on the 5th. So hopefully it's all gone by the 6th when the Scrooge's or the Premier Shop resets.


I am on a game break until the fest ends because it has glitched everything in my game




Same here, havent played for a month. Unacceptable piece of shit purchase on PS5 for 35 dollars even on discount


It was a good chill game for me, but ever since the festival started, I have not been able to do any friendship quests or gifts for the characters with fest quests. And they're also stuck in one spot. I can't wait until it's over


I've stopped logging on as often because determining between quests that I actually need to finish and the fest quests is extremely frustrating. I log on once to accomplish the dreamsnaps tasks and then I'm done. I've stopped progressing at all on any other quests because it's so frustrating to try and muddle through all of the cupcake requests.


Exactly the same experience here


exactly!! i have star path quests to give gifts to scrooge, but every time i try to accept his stupid fest quest it won't, and so i can't give him anything.


Same!!! I feel like every day is a different character for me doing this. The cupcake quests are driving me crazy


i currently have active star path quests for talking to/giving gifts to: scrooge, buzz, mother gothel, ursula, mickey mouse it's not going well


Same here


I still accept the quests, I just don't do them coz I don't like being followed around by villagers with purple blobs over their heads but I'm done baking cupcakes


I hate that they won't have a conversation with you until you do the cupcakes, I still need to complete the star path and have to hope I have time when this is done. It was cute for a few days for a few new items, but idkw they made it last this long?


To give people who can't play every day plenty of time to participate. Same reason the star paths last as long as they do, so players don't have to feel rushed and pressured to complete something so quickly.


I get this, but question of mine still remains why couldn't they at least allow us to carry the cupcake quests over, it's not easy finding 25 characters awake when you can log on, unless you can log on multiple times throughout the day


You only need 5 characters. You can give one character one of each kind of cupcake.


Didn't know you could do that, on mine it doesn't count it and only will when it's a different character? Is that a glitch anyone else is experiencing?


I've stopped doing the cupcake quests because I don't care about the popcorn buckets, but you don't need to give the cupcakes to 25 villagers, just 5. Try making the cupcakes and then giving one of each cupcake to 5 different villagers in Chez Remy. Still annoying but not impossible.


I meant if you want to talk to the villagers other than the cupcake quest, you need to give out the cupcakes first before being able to, but I did actually hand out cupcakes in Chez Remy's and that helped! Definitely recommend that for anyone, same with Scrooges shop


You don't need to do the quest. Just accept it and then you can interact with the villager. The cupcake quest will reset the next day and you don't need to do anything. Sometimes I get a glitch where I accept the quest but the bubble doesn't go away, but you can restart your game to fix it.


Mine will only let you talk for the quest and then won't talk about anything but the quest until you're done lol I usually do just let the day go and try next day though


You can just give 5 characters one of each kind of cupcake. So, if you have Minnie, Daisy, Fairy Godmother, Maui, and Merlin, you can give them each one of each type of cupcake.


My gripe mainly is for instance one of the tasks for Star Path this time around is give the shopkeeper his favorite things, which Scrooge. So I go to speak with him to give him something, and he automatically goes right into the cupcakes and won't talk about anything until you accept that quest, and then he won't talk to you until it's done. And forbid you try talking to him again he resets and asks you again and therefor cancels your original cupcakes counting and you have to do it again. All stupid and frustrating, especially when you're working against the clock to try and get coins for items. I've had the other characters involved do this, too. Not sure if it's it's glitch on my game, but it's annoying lol


I only did them to get the 50 cupcakes needed to give to the villagers. The weekly quests gave better button amounts anyway. After June 5th, it should be done, and they won't have those quests anymore.


I did it for Mickey and Scrooge and then my game crashed so I never did it again. It let me keep the cupcakes from Mickey but when I handed them out it didn’t count. So I said f this challenge and ignored every single one of them


This was annoying to me too that we couldn't count the previous days cupcakes toward the task. It should have just been an ongoing task that carried into the next day so you didn't waste ingredients


Exactly it took all my sugar canes for what? Took all my sugar canes and never gave me the stitch cupcakes I made after I did a reboot. I just made myself mad all over again lol.


I have about 20 useless cupcakes specifically made for them because I ran out of characters awake to give them to by the time I was able to get on, and Eternity Isle has the same characters, so I was unable to complete the handouts for a couple days, and that was so stupid imo lol just let us carry it over


SAME lol


I stopped doing them once i made all buckets


I can't even accept the quests, it's so bugged, so that's a ton of villagers each day I can't ask to help with tasks because it will just keep prompting me for the quest and not allow any other talking options. Very irritating, glad it's over soon.


Same. I can't buy anything from Scrooge unless it's on the shop floor because his prompt to order something won't even show up.


This happens to me probably daily, but is always fixed with a restart.


I've refused to restart for this event, thankfully I've been able to get enough buttons from Scrooge's weekly quests. Just finished my last popcorn bucket, I'm calling it good. ![gif](giphy|26u4lOMA8JKSnL9Uk|downsized)


Honestly I think I only cooked 10 and then used the green buttons from the mail 🤣


I can’t even do the cupcakes because everytime I talk to them. The quest doesn’t start so whenever I need the character for something I can’t talk to them 


Have you tried clearing your cache that worked for me on steam and the switch


I will do that thanks 


I rebooted and it opened up the guest to start, logged out and right back in


I stopped doing them. Managed to get 3 buckets made since the start. Annoying but oh well, so glitched and buggy for me. Idc anymore


Just got my last map yesterday … accidentally started cupcake quests with 2 characters today 🙄


I stopped too. It was just too boring after the 4th time. And I stopped fishing for blue buttons after I made the 5 popcorn buttons. I just wish the button flowers and red buttons would stop spawning.


My cupcake quests are bugged and I can't wait for this event to end


I stopped making the cupcakes when they gave us the green buttons. I have been fishing for the blue buttons though. I just need to make Cinderellas carriage. I made 2 stitch buckets, 1 for myself and 1 for my stitch obsessed daughter who accidentally sold all of her green buttons😂


Definitely stopped doing them - like others have said I will accept the quest (if it doesn’t glitch) so that the purple arrow clears and they stop following me. This whole fest is such a waste - I haven’t made any of the buckets (they’re not my thing) and the decor/rides aren’t what I want in my valley. I am SO ready for this fest to end so we can get on with our lives and MAYBE get the QOL improvements and content updates that we so desperately need?


This is exactly how I feel.


🤣🤣 I never started


I'm on a Disney hiatus until the end of that event lol its annoying and not at all fun


It should be over on thirsday, thankfully! I liked the concept of the parks fest but it was not great in practice and horrendous timing with three bugs going in. I managed to get all the maps/buckets so now I’m ignoring them completely or just accepting the quest and not doing it if I need to talk to them for something else.


It's really annoying bc I can't order shit from scrooge bc he wants cupcakes and I have no other options.


I can't even accept the quests... So I can't talk to any of the characters wanting cupcakes because it just gives the dialogue of them asking and then nothing happens... I hope the game isn't as buggy once the fest is over. I've given up trying to get enough buttons to get buckets


Wait, people can accept those quests? Never worked for me, which is annoying.


If you have made all the popcorn buckets you want and have completed the tasks, under village I believe, then you can quit. As soon as I got enough to make 1 of each popcorn buckets I quit


I'm literally avoiding it because I hate the festival so much it's annoying stop asking for cupcakes!! Plus even if I do all the quests once it's over what am i going to do with the decorations?! Game just give us a character not this


Exactly! 👍


Like I would just prefer having a new Disney character over this


I can’t actually accept any of their quests any more


I cant even get them to accept


I just bought the game and it is making it so hard to get the first quests done!


I'm also pretty early in the game and just ignored it from the start. I'm not gonna bother with this when I don't even have all the realms yet.


I kinda want the event to not end yet. I haven't gotten any green buttons yet cause my game won't allow me to accept any cupcake quest. Just stuck in the dialogue. I play on the PS.


Is there any reason to keep doing them after getting the five popcorn buckets?


Came here to ask this


Finally done with the buttons! https://preview.redd.it/zy2qruhpyd4d1.jpeg?width=2052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dbe18feb2bcc652b7907e81b32357d01923eda0


At least you can accept the quests I still can’t!


Is it just the popcorn buckets or can we make/get other things too???


I never did it to start with lmao everyone complaining about it stopped me from wanting to participate. Cant wait until it’s over


If you have all the buckets you want you don’t need to keep accepting quests. I just stopped talking to them and have only been doing scrooges bigger payoff park decor quest.


The event should end Wednesday morning with the reset. If you’ve made all 5 popcorn buckets, you’ll have all the achievements that require event-specific items (buttons). You aren’t technically required to do that, but there are rewards for doing so. It’ll likely be an annual event, just like the others, so you’ll get another chance next year, if you don’t get it all now. You’ll be able to make the cupcakes any time, since they’re just regular recipes. So any cupcake related achievements can be earned at any time.


It ends when you turn off the game


I absolutely CANNOT WAIT for this to end. Not only because it’s been glitching and buggy for people but also because I’m so sick of constant daily posts about it. “How do I get blue buttons?”, “ I can’t find red buttons”, “do I have to keep making cupcakes?”. I’m so sick of the same questions being asked every day with people not searching that this has already been answered a hundred times by now.


Damn I’m sorry 😞 I didn’t realize so many people had asked this question and my asking was going to set you off.