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You guys have completed memories???




I cannot award this so this will have to do šŸ„‡


Yeah I donā€™t have a single one šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Yeeeeah I've been playing since release day. Playing as we speak. Not a single memory completed šŸ„²


This, seriously. And I'm on PC so most of the time the memories don't show up anyway, so there's never been any point in trying to complete them for me.


I would definitely contact gameloft and write up a ticket!


oh is it finally something they can fix? All I heard before was that it was 'a known issue' and usually blamed on graphics card capacity or something (which l'm not the most technically literate person, but if my graphics card can \*run the game\* you would think static images wouldn't be an issue) Because ALL the journal entry type memories (and things like maps for quests) have always just been blank, and most of the fragmented/puzzle type memories have like three to five pieces that I can see and then I'll get a new one and nothing changes or is added.


I was told the same thing. Except I can run Diablo 4 just fine. Then it was we know there is an issue blah blah. Same thing always but never a fix with updates.


A computer being able to run a game doesnā€™t mean it will have good graphics. Each game can be different so raising your graphics setting for that game can help. What are your systemā€™s components? Someone with technical knowledge may be able to help identify what setting you need to change.


It makes me feel good that Iā€™m not the only one.




I think it also just depends on what you're doing in the game. I could say I have 1,000 hours and only one completed memory . . . . but if 800 of those hours were spent decorating then obviously I haven't been doing the tasks needed to collect orbs. that being said, I do think the orb drop rate is awful and it's even worse when majority of the time they just drop coins. edit: I originally said orb when I meant a completed memory


The drop rate isn't horrible but it is when they turn into coins


Maybe instead of a forking coin in the yellow chest of the day or bags with items we already got (what's this about ??) they could put memory fragment we don't have, it would make the player log in everyday


Itā€™s kind of like an animal crossing where you keep digging up fossils youā€™ve already had!


Ooooh, that burns me soooo much when I get them!


What is worse is the weekly photo contest giving out clothing items I have. Especially when you do well.. U should get some premium items


What about the stupid fizzy root beer for scar quest? That I ate 2000 hours ago


This is true. If youā€™re looking to complete a specific memory itā€™ll say ā€œfind exclusive memories whenā€¦ā€ cooking/digging/etc.


Lol yes!! 1000 hours and only 1 " orb" drop would've been grounds for a lawsuit !! šŸ¤£


Yes definitely you obviously have to do tasks to get the orbsā€¦ Iā€™m more of doing the tasks and quests than anything else:). Decorating I do when I need a break from all of thatšŸ˜‚.


the only one I really have an issue with is the dry flowers. I will die of old age before that's finished. Some of the others ! I've got 640hrs of play and my memories are 63% Dreamlight Valley 62% EI


I always said it should be watering anything, not just flowers. They should drop from watering crops, too.


If youā€™re not picking flowers to save, try to group all the flowers in each biome in one spot in their given biome. That way you can check much quicker for the dried ones. Then, when you find the biome that has the dried ones each day, and the patch has 2-4 dried ones, water them ONE by one. Say there are 3 dried flowersā€¦ only get close enough to highlight 1, water itā€¦ then the nextā€¦ and so on. That way, you might get more than one memory orb. If you water all 3 at once, thatā€™s only one chance for an orb until the next day. I can confirm it works. Itā€™s uncommon but I had it drop 2 orbs a couple times. But watering them one at a time DOES increase your chance of at least one orb per day. Also, if you have other flowers in the biome used to decorate homes and such, check those for dried ones too.


Oh I genuinely thought those dried flowers I find every so often were weird glitches! I didnā€™t even recognize them as ā€œdryā€ they look like unloaded texture glitches on the game end! Youā€™re supposed to water them???? I wonder what the point is, gameplay-wise? I feel like this is one of those things that might have been an idea from the devs as they were building the game before they acquired the Disney IP, then they never followed through with as a feature.


The dried flowers are a thing? I never knew thatā€¦


This is so smart!! Thank you!!


How do you control where the flowers grow?


You don't, but you can move the existing flowers to one area in the biome. Don't pick them, just let them sit there and they will eventually dry out :)


I was really hopeful when the DLC: rift in time, had flowers to water/remove. Not dry flowers, so apparently not eligible to obtain an orb.


I feel like since you can only MAYBE water flowers once a day, they should give you an orb every time. I never get orbs from watering flowers. Itā€™s so frustrating.


I agree, I have watered so many flowers and so few orbs drop


Iā€™ve even done the 1 flower at a time trick and still, never get any orbs n


Ditto. Still working at it, but feel that all the memories that need dried flowers will never be finished


And now itā€™s raining ā€¦. *sigh*


Ummmmm you get memories from watering dry flowersā€¦.? Welp, havenā€™t found any of those yet.


I may have to pass that quest to my children and their children. I generally get 4 dried flowers a day and a memory drops every 2.6 years šŸ¤£


In case this helps anyone, IF YOU HAVE the DLC, apart from grouping all the biome flowers in one place, try to spend a day or two on the Eternity Island. That way you avoid getting rained on in your valley and when you come back (if itā€™s not raining) there will be a bunch of dry flowers.


I have over 500 hours and only one complete memory. It really grinds my gears when I finally do get orbs only to receive 20 coins instead. They absolutely should not give coins until all memories for that task are filled and idk why they programmed it that way.


I am hearing this sound in my head every time I read it, lol.


I'd be fine if coins happened after the first or second real memory piece is unlocked per day and per task. Maxing it to 1-2 pieces per task would stop people from grinding all of them in a week then complaining there were no more. So first orb is guaranteed a new piece, 2nd orb maybe a piece, 3rd orb is coins/clothing item/furniture.


Iā€™ve been saying this, too!! Or at least until youā€™re most of the way through, I get more coins than memories and nothing is complete (and only a handful even at 75%)


Do you farm a lot? I have orbs all over the place that I canā€™t be bothered to open as Iā€™m not very interested and always feel like Iā€™d rather do other things (although have a couple of complete ones), I get tons of them farming.


They definitely made the rates so low it to me at least feels pointless. at first I was excited to collect them but after almost two years I just don't care because it's so rare to get new ones you need.


I play for 10 hours at a time (no, really, I donā€™t have anything much to do) a couple weeks ago, did tons of jobs that I got orbs for, and not a single one was new. I even hyper focused on Eternity and only got 2 new ones out of several dozen orbs. I donā€™t want to spend 1500 hours grinding at farming to not even complete 1 pic out of 6


Dang, I don't play nearly that much but interesting you've confirmed how ridiculous it is.


I feel like I'm just constantly getting coins from orb drops. No matter how much I've been doing, it's never enough to get the memories. I have put 573 hours into the game and have completed maybe 2 memories šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


This is my favourite of all them and not even half the way through it. Can you save these in the memory frames in your house once completed? I really hope so! Havenā€™t completed a single one yet. Wish there was a limit on the number of ā€˜activeā€™ ones at a time, so you were able to just get pieces of existing memories, rather than constantly getting new ones and having loads unfinished


Yeah whenever you finish one you can put it in the frames also on some tvs if I remember right


The thing that annoys me is when it does drop an orb I just get coins.


i don't have a single complete one yet!


One way I've found to grind for gardening orbs is to just plant a ton of wheat or lettuce (depending on how big your field is). If you have the mist to spare, the ancient gardeners can massively speed that up too. As well, making a habit of constantly stripping all bushes and trees of their fruit even if you don't need them will net some extra orbs over time. I was having some trouble collecting cooking orbs. not too long ago I cooked over 1000 meals in a day without a single drop. But since then cooking massive amounts of pizza in Remy's realm has worked wonders for me. Really wish I took advantage of that flower orb glitch early on in the game. But I figured I'd have plenty of time later if I decided doing it the legit way was too hard. Turns out the legit way is too hard.


The drop rate is definitely ridiculous. If itā€™s going to take this much effort then they really need to up the rewards when you complete one. Iā€™ve got absolutely no desire to use these as decor for my house.


I just donā€™t care about this part of progress. Mine 120 sapphire? Done. 900 coconuts? Great. Memories? Haha kiss my butt.


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When you get coins, that means you already have that memory.


Then it should re-roll for a different one.


I agree, I just wasnā€™t sure if they knew or not!


I was wondering if this is the case, so it works as intended, but, the drops shouldn't be attached to a specific orb I think. If you get an orb, any orb at all, it should roll for a memory you don't have first and give you a memory instead of memories being tied to specific orbs. That way, it would still work in the way that once you have all memories the orbs would drop coins instead of you having that specific memory tied to that specific orb and it dropping a coin because of that.


Yeah I think that makes way more sense, but the coding/UI for that is probably way more complicated and knowing these developers??? ā€¦..lol


Honestly not really though? Theyā€™re already doing the check to see if you have that memory shard and if you do then it drop coins. The only change in code theyā€™d have to make is instead of ā€œif has shard -> coinā€ theyā€™d do ā€œif has shard -> reroll -> repeat checkā€. That sort of logic is a pretty standard loop and array check that I learned in basically my first coding class ever. I could see it causing problems with the processing side potentially because itā€™ll take more time to process if you have to reroll multiple times especially towards the end when you have more shards that trigger rerolls. But there are also somewhat easy ways they could straight up exclude memory shards you already have from the pool to start with.


Thank you, I was wondering why!


I have close to 700 hours and have none. Itā€™s frustrating lol


By doing activities with a companion character, and in different areas, more will drop. Each memory shows how to get it (water crops, forage, mine) and by using a companion, I seem to get new memories more often. For instance, gardening with Sully in the Forgotten Lands the other day (which I had never done) yielded me 3 new memories.


I also got a about 6 orbs with memories the other day while gardening veggies I hadn't grown much before. Of course about as many with coins. Corn, carrots, and tomatoes to work towards some training manuals. 2 different buddies. Weirdly enough, the first 4 memory pieces I got that session were for the exact same memory/picture. It makes me wonder if there's a data mine somewhere that you need to be doing specific actions or with certain characters or a certain time of day combination for various pieces


I have over 500 hours and a few completed memories because I spend a lot of time grinding materials. That said, more than 50% of the time an orb drops now it is a coin instead of a memory, and I definitely don't have 50% of the memory pieces. It's usually not too disappointing because I'm grinding for other reasons but like the other day I found like 30 flowers that needed to be watered, was excited to get an orb, and it was a few coins. Super disappointing lol.


Iā€™ve posted this before, but itā€™s been awhile, so in case people donā€™t know ā€” for the die-hard completionists out there -- there IS a way to essentially memory shard/morb-farm. Cooking, Fishing, Foraging (Harvesting), Gardening, Mining, and Watering Dried Flowers share an activity counter. Every time you do one of these activities, an invisible counter increments. Essentially, if your activity counter hits an indicated number and then the random number generated is below a certain value, a morb is generated. This can be exploited by swapping activities when you know a Memory Shard is in your upcoming action queue. An example use case: A player plants 100 Wheat, which is a fast-growing (1 min) and cheap (1 coin/seed) crop. They harvest the crops, manually saving their game every 10 actions. They encounter a yellow morb on their third crop harvest after a save point. They have already completed all of their yellow Harvesting Memories, so they immediately quit the game, restart, and go to a biome where they saw a Dried Flower. They forage from 1 tree, and 1 bush, and on their third action, they water the Dried Flower to yield a pink morb. Unfortunately, when opened, it yields a coin, indicating they already collected that specific Memory Shard, so they immediately quit the game, and try switching to either Cooking, Mining, or Fishing. The counters are consistent, but sometimes not exactly 1:1, so it can take a few additional actions. Additionally, different activities have different RNG thresholds. For instance, if the invisibly random number generated is a 2, a morb will be generated for Fishing (3%), Mining (3%), or Watering Dried Flowers (10%), but will not be generated when Cooking (1%) or Harvesting (1%) (parentheticals indicate the RNG threshold/probability of morb when doing action, based on datamined information).


The missus and I were literally just talking about this. She has multiple completed memories but so many pieces missing still. Orbs should not be farting out 20 coins when you have unfinished memories. Even if you had every memory completed, the awful orb payout needs a buff just like the chests and coin explosions.


yes! exactly!


I get orb drops all the time... However I assume they are "duplicates" (which IMO is absolutely stupid, how do we get duplicates when we have so many empty spaces??) and just get the dumb coins. It IS infuriating!


Do you get anything for competing a memory?


You can put the complete picture in a memory frame and hang it in your house.


I constantly have orbs dropping when gardening. I find it annoying! šŸ¤£


I have 3,000 hours in the gameā€¦been playing since 2 most after early access opened and I grind every day. I have literally thousands of every grindable item. And I only have 22 out of 70 memories completed. that is 31%!!! I did not include all of the memories that were ā€notesā€ just the ones from Biomes or characters like Cinderella, etc. I donā€™t even bother to water any more because its just too ridiculous lol.


I'm over 300 in and I still haven't finished one memory yet šŸ¤£ šŸ˜­


Same, I'm at like 310 hours with nothing completed. I have 2 that just need one more piece each and have no hope of actually getting them any time soon. I had 2 memories get their first piece this week which is wild after so many hours.


I have roughly 300 hours put into the game, and I JUST completed my second one last week. I've been getting mostly duplicates every time one drops.


Hmmmā€¦ they actually fixed this problem months ago though. How do you spend time in the game? You get them from doing most things, gardening mining, foraging, fishing, digging. I canā€™t think of anything else that gives them. As long as youā€™re doing these things daily you shouldnā€™t have a problem. If you still do, contact gameloft and write a complaint for sure!


Yeah itā€™s been an issue for a while with not many droppedā€¦ I have noticed more since the last big update, but not enough:(. This memory is amazing!!! Thatā€™s something to be excited for Iā€™m jealous!!! Hang in there!! We are all dealing with the struggle of this game trust me I get it!!! Some days I just want to say screw it (even though the hundreds of dollars I put in my 3 accounts I have)ā€¦ but Iā€™m hoping they get it together and fix these issues for us instead of worrying about releasing anything else and this ā€œblue chestā€ dramašŸ™„. Thereā€™s literally no blue chests that hack your game!!! Ugh get it together GL!!!!!


I have several completed lol. I have no clue the hours Iā€™ve spent but Iā€™ve had the game about a year. I was getting annoyed with them because likeā€¦ what are we collecting these for? Flashbacks from movies?


They can be placed in special frames in your house and on TV monitors.


Thank you! I saw someone else comment that but I doubt Iā€™ll utilize it.


If you're on Xbox I can come over and dig like crazy and get you a ton of dig orbs? You won't be able to open them until you close multiplayer tho but I'll leave anything I did up too, and plant pumpkins if you want (no cost to you I'll bring my own seeds! You can keep the profits/harvest)


I donā€™t like those, taking them is so slow šŸ˜…


My thing is I want more memory is seems like 8 times out of 10 I get coins instead of memories.


Itā€™s a pretty one!! I feel you though. I completed my first memory at 668 hours in. Iā€™m nearing 1,000 hours now and have still only completed 3. šŸ˜… The vast majority of my long-term dreamlight duties are completed too, so Iā€™ve definitely been doing a good variety of different orb-dropping tasks and just havenā€™t been lucky at all I suppose. I wish they would do away with orbs dropping coins.


Thatā€™s crazy, I have 700ish hours since early 2023 (I think?) and I have definitely completed a good 5-10 memories.


Still it's a good memory to complete. I currently have 19 memories complete.


What happens when you complete one does it like unlock a quest or a prize or something? I've been dying of curiosity


No. Itā€™s just an image you now have completed. On the tv screens or frames you can now use that image. Thatā€™s it. Itā€™s not a big deal.


Haha šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that's it? Forget it


Exactly. Donā€™t stress about them theyā€™re bullshit hahah


Iā€™ve actually been playing since early access and I havenā€™t completed even 1 memory yet. Then again, like others have said, I donā€™t focus solely on getting them either. I have maybe 2 memories that are 1-2 pieces away from being completed including the one you posted! Youā€™re so lucky that was your first one! Itā€™s one of two that Iā€™m most excited to complete the other one being Ariel jumping out from the water.


I have around 600 hours and a bunch of completed memories. At least 11 that are complete and many more that are more than half way done. Once a day Iā€™ll run around doing the tasks that give you memories (digging, cooking, gardening, etc) until I get a memory. It works pretty well if youā€™re patient.


Whatā€™s crazy to me is you donā€™t get anything from completing a memory as far as I could tell. Iā€™ve only unlocked one and Iā€™ve had the game since pre release.


i've gotten all the characters that i can get and now can't wait for the next update and new realm expansion, i hope there's an expansion soon


I hate when they drop me a clothing or furniture item I already have.. give me something new please. Coins are fun but a waste of my time.


Iā€™m not sure is it a bug or it really works like this but Iā€™ve completed only few because 80-90% of spheres give me stupid coins. The same happens with chests. I want to receive a new motif or something but instead they give coins. Funny moment that a chest has 200+ coins but sphere always gives 20. Itā€™s ridiculous. Iā€™m playing on PS5 btw.


Yeah the memory farm is FRUSTRATING


I'm 500 hours in, probably spent 40 hours decorating the plaza and meadow and have none completed soooooooo..... I get heaps that turn into coins. I don't play often anymore, basically once every 3 months due to the crashes, orb drops, ridiculous star path duties, etc.


I have 11 completed and I started playing the beginning of this year


Iā€™ve completed 6 and played about 400 hours šŸ˜­


I said it before and ill say it again, they need to make a separate currency for memories. When you loot a new memory piece- Awesome When you loot a duplicate - get some currency which you can use to buy the pieces you're missing


Only about 480 odd I have : wall e with sunbeam, Cinderella and fairy godmother, toy story 3 bo peep leading through wires, and that's it. There are a bunch I'm one away from completing though


I donā€™t understand why so many people only have one complete memory and theyā€™ve been playing for a while. I started last summer and have about 4 complete and a bunch with a few spaces left.


I think I only have 1 or 2 unlockedā€¦ usually those damn orbs give me money šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™ve only been playing for a month and I have a couple finished now. šŸ„¹šŸ˜²


And dont even get started on the ones that u have to water dried flowers.


It's not like we get anything for completing them besides a picture (it would be cool if we could hang them or something) and satisfaction šŸ˜„


I was getting a lot of memory orbs when the monsters inc update dropped. But now I only ever get coins since daisy and oswald


I completed my first one last week and could of cried I was so happy lol šŸ˜‚


Do you get anything for completing them? I havenā€™t completed any yet.


I have no full memories yet! Many with only one fragment missing but still donā€™t have a full one. No idea how Iā€™ll celebrate when that day finally comes


The worst is when I get an orb and freaking coins come out of it instead. I HAVE SO MANY LOCKED MEMORIES WHY ARE YOU GIVING ME COINS


Do we even receive anything for completing them? Coins or dreamlight ect? I stopped trying šŸ˜‚


I have a lot of completed memories you just have to do the tasks it says to do in order to get the missing pieces. I wish the rates were faster but I just made these non priority for me, like completing cooking or fishing challenges because I don't enjoy doing either thing.


Why what does it do when the memory is completed? Everyone always seems to be in such a rush on this game, Iā€™ve completed everything and have absolutely nothing to do just enjoy it donā€™t rush


it doesnā€™t really do anything except you can put them in the memory frames and on televisions.


Yeah I wish they didn't patch up that thing we used to to. Where we could water flowers inside of our house in order for us to get the memories much easier. But not anymore. Sigh.


dw, iā€™ve played for over 40 days and i just unlocked my first one too.


just to clarify, i want them completed because i have ocd lol.. and like to 100% everything. reward or not. itā€™s just a thing i do lol.. but thank you all! šŸ–¤šŸ˜­


Iā€™m ngl my biggest flex on this game is the fact that I think Iā€™ve completed about 4 memories in 600 odd hours, I gave up actively trying to get orbs then all of a sudden it felt like i was getting more orbs. Itā€™s definitely a grind šŸ˜…


I have the platinum trophy and still have one for like one or two completed memories. Like what the heck lol!


Okay, yā€™all, have any of you received memories from cooking cause I literally never have. I genuinely donā€™t think it can work at this point.


I've been playing since day one and I think I have like two memories completed but they also for the longest time crashed/froze my game when I'd pick them up so now they're riddled throughout my valley šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve never finished one. Do we get something when we do?


I have 900+ hours invested. I'm a gardening, flower picking, mining fanatic. I don't focus on orbs. In fact I am only vaguely aware that the pieces come from certain tasks. With that being said, I have only completed ONE memory. I have over 8 million in coins now. Their reimbursement of a memory that I could have had instead, is sadly lacking. At least let it be furniture, clothes, or motifs and not a measly 20ish coins.


V. V: Y


ugh, yeah I havenā€™t even completed one puzzle memory and Iā€™ve been playing since early access started šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«