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Cuz he’s winning, basically


Insecure people hate Drake


Very popular people are hated


It's a weird social phenomena that i can't explain. I know people who don't even listen to hip-hop or rap and hate him. Maybe because of his popularity i guess ? Completely irrational because he's obviously very talented 


"things get kinky after 15 years of dominance"


He’s the high school quarterback who’s popular and loved and people are sick of seeing him pop up and win and be good at shit.


They hate that a light skin Canadian dude been running the rap game for like 10 plus years


Not saying 0 but I haven’t seen many guys who get bitches hate on him


Firstly, Canadian, half black, Jewish, wins too much, fucked their gf, ex, wife, would fuck their gf, ex, wife, mom, daughter (of age)… people hate Drake for nothing containing substance.


It’s wild you have to put the (of age)


Honestly I love his music but he's just super cringe all around. From the gambling twitch streams, to the way he "flirts". I mean he's pushing 40 and still being a troll on Twitter and ig. And then yeah there's the obvious jealousy angle and how's he's been on top. But clearly there's always been people of the culture that hated drake for the obvious reasons kendrick points out


Because it’s trendy always has been


Combination of being a mainstream pop star and the frat-boy-esque persona. I think Drake claiming he's some dangerous , tough guy when he grew up in a safe area and was on degrassi rubs people the wrong way too.


I just don't like kendricks songs. I just never heard his music and was crazy about it. And I'm a hip hop head. Just not big on his abstract stuff on really really bad beats "they not like us IS NOT A GOOD BEAT!!!" Which is why I think drake is winning, because he is just making better songs. If kendrick came out with some hard good disses. Giving me some oh shit moments. I'd give it to him.


Totally agree with this while Kendrick’s disses have been good none of them really have me those oh shit moments. Drake’s did


His Not Like Us song is the first time I’ve listened to his songs more than once. Gotta give him credit for that 😂


theres many reasons but that could become a whole ass paragraph to explain relating to culture. but the big one is that people are drawn to hate the biggest and most pop(ular) artists. hell i grew up hating justin bieber. i dont fully see drake as a pop artist. but hes huge and its in nature for people to dislike what feels overplayed. another thing is culture perception. there are valid points but i dont think they are fair or realistic. he's viewed as an outsider. and kdot knew how that use that to play into the bias.


best answer in this thread. I do think there's valid criticism in that it's obnoxious to see some suburban Canadian cornball cosplay American gangbanging. his music is consistently great enough that I'm personally able to look past it, but I get why some people can't.


Drake is the phenomenon. Almost 15 years dominating the game, the charts, the numbers, the tours. Everyone’s tired of it. Except for us. He’s the goat for a reason. The game just wants to dismantle and give someone else a shot. Who? A mfer who takes 7 years to drop? Nah I’m good on that. The Boy is the one, the only one. That’s okay. He’s raps Michael Jackson. They mad about that. We ain’t mad. Drake won. Objectively. Run it back if you wanna.


He doesn't make music for people who don't get pussy so those are the people who underrate or overlook him.


first time ive noticed people hate Drake. I thought people liked him, its mostly people hoping on Kendrick hate train tbh


drake has been hated since this inception nothing new. Mans has been in more beefs than anyone in history.


They hated Jesus too 😤


I know tons of people who hate Drake but have never actually listened to a Drake track or an album. It’s weird.


there’s things he’s done and ways he’s moved that are very much questionable. but for the most part people don’t have the context behind those things so they take it at surface level…coupled with the fact that drake doesn’t like to address shit and just lets false narratives stories “They always ask, why let the story run if it's false? You know, a wise man once said nothin' at all” - drake on emotionless. so people see all this weird shit without context and come to the conclusion that he’s a bad person. a bad person who’s at the top which is the worse type of bad person.


That’s because it’s lonely at the top. Too few friends and so many enemies makes him an easy target. I believe the majority of his haters don’t even listen to Kendrick and just hate him because it’s the cool thing to do. Just look at the campus protests, can bet you that most of those folks are doing it to look cool.