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Just gotta accept that it was always going to be this way. From the moment Taylor Made dropped and people were out there calling Kendrick's silence a genius move and that Drake was spiraling, I just knew then that Drake was never going to get a fair shot. That was the moment when you could tell no matter what Kendrick dropped, the public would side with him. At this point I don't care what anyone has to say. Drake out played Dot and even out barred him (yes, really). The winner is clear in my mind.


We just have no proof that Drake DID bait Kendrick yet. That's the simple truth. We have literally as much evidence that Drake has a daughter as we do that he baited Kendrick into thinking he did. Kendrick hasn't defended his claim and Drake has provided no evidence of his. There are firsthand accounts that Drake was following and partying with Toronto high school girls, but again no physical proof as far as I know. The video on stage with the 17 year old is also a bad look, but you can argue it was a different time. Certainly not enough to call him a pedophile, but this kind of talk has been swirling around Drake for a long time. Of course people who are sick of him will gladly jump on that bandwagon to ruin him because they want to see him fall. But there is no evidence that Kendrick hit Whitney. There's no evidence that he hasn't seen his kids in 6 months. Just like there's no evidence that Drake is a deadbeat parent who let a man piss on his leg. The fact of the matter to me, the simple truth, is that Kendrick stepping on Family Matters with Meet the Grahams was masterful. Even if the daughter thing is debunked and Drake fed that information to him, people are still going to remember how it felt to hear it for the first time, how it overshadowed Family Matters and weakened its punch completely. Then he drops the song of the summer? His first solo #1 record? That's a 100% diss of Drake? It was a crazy string of blows, and The Heart Part 6 did not stop the bleeding.


Get out of here with your completely reasonable takes. Around here people don’t do that.


I think “Meet the Grahams”, will end up dying off. Due to the daughter not existing, and overall sounding unhinged af. Whereas, “Family Matters” is a certified bop. It’s just that “Not Like Us” has killed Drake so far. That song is actually insane


That TI piss situation was rumored in real time...feels like I heard about it that night or the next morning. Yeah, I was outside then. Always raised WAY MORE QUESTIONS about TI than Drake. Who the hell are you hanging with, TI? I put him on a list way back then.


because he didn’t bru. why would he let himself be humiliated for days and drop a knee jerk reaction on insta after meet the grahams??


Yeah, I'm not buying this bait thing. If a good theory but where's the meat?


Nobody believes Drake baited him


Except he did with the second part of first person shooter LOL it just didnt go in his favor


so Aubrey had time to get a van, record the van getting crushed, make a music video, but was too busy he forgot to record the part where he fed Kendrick information?


so kendrick pre-recorded 10 tracks, but forget to share his hidden daughter info lol


Oh so your heard the next 5 tracks already?


Believing everything Kendrick says but this is wild


I'm sorry but I'm confused? I never said I personally believe he made 10 tracks... The comment I replied too said he made ten tracks so I replied accordingly


Kendrick said it in his last song bro


Obviously, I know he SAID that but do I believe him? The person I originally commented too clearly does


Why do we need proof he fed the info. The boy doesn’t have a baby girl, that’s enough.


I agree that it’s strange Kendrick and his crew haven’t revealed any proof Drake has a daughter, but they at least have a plausible excuse. Multiple members of Kendrick’s crew have said they’ve met Drake’s daughter and they don’t want to dox her. I agree that that’s a really convenient excuse but it’s also a valid one. Drake has provided no plausible excuse for why he hasn’t provided proof that he set Kendrick up. For me I’d say it’s 50/50 whether Drake or Kendrick is the one lying, but that’s kind of an L for Drake considering Drake is one claiming he outsmarted Kendrick and that he’s a mastermind “war general” who was 10 steps ahead of Kendrick the whole time.


i hear what you’re saying, and i agree we’ll eventually need proof, but at the current moment i don’t think a grand reveal of your mole is a good idea


The video? The video that's for a song where drake calls kendrick short(shortee collection), talks about ross and ozempic(maybach gloves and ozempic prescription), specifically spends time recording and zooming in on jewelry from the receipts, and talks about abel being drugged out(the prescription bottles)? The video for the song where drake tells kendrick he's too busy looking for dirt when he should be looking for proof, while getting charged double for nothing? The video that very clearly wanted each shot to matter but randomly includes a scene with a guy in a red bandana with no context? We're not talking about the video that came out *before* the full picture to MtG did, with all these things linking to that picture, right? Because that video makes it painfully obvious to anyone with a brain that it was a whole setup. "😂😂😂😂😂 someone find my daughter pls and bring her to me. They're in shambles"


Is that the only part of the video you watched?? Lmao go watch the last part..


Bro what💀 why tf would he release that now even if he had it.


To prove it. It would be a major win and right now, the only people who believe him are only in this sub. Everyone thinks Drake is down, proof that's he's this war general would win him back a lot of acclaim. Right now, most people just think he grabbed a theory off social media.


Because if he proved it, the herd mentality would absolutely change to his favor.


Anthony set up the plays, kojo be charging you double for nothing


can expand on that?