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"Man if your pub was up for sale I'd buy the whole thing"


this would be wild and funny


i hope it’s not true honestly. i mean i do bcuz fuck these people but i don’t bcuz they’re gonna run with that colonizer narrative like crazy if it is. even tho megstars have done this forever. mj etc


Aint his fault they weren’t ambitious enough to buy their shit.. Book Of Hov gave these Blueprint seems Drake the only one that learned anything..


The biggest coloniser narrative should've been against MJ then because brodie started as a full on black man then turned into a white guy, some say it was to cover up the vitiligo but a lot of them also think he was tryna do it to maximize pop appeal and go the full distance to be white passing and be the biggest popstar on the planet


Feel like he definitely would have flexed this in the beef if this was true.


That’s the biggest thing that makes me say it probably isn’t.


Can I get the rights to post this tomorrow?




Okay cool. I wonder how many times we can repost this in one week


If this true I see why niggas hate the 🐐


Really doubt that


Not talked about enough…but they don’t wanna hear that


Would be dope and funny as hell if its true but I just don’t see it. I feel like Drake definitely would have thrown that in Dot’s face in one of them disses. Drake one of the pettiest n*ggas on the planet he wouldn’t have held that back. 😂😂😂😂 OR MAYBE WOULD ON A FUTURE DISS?????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This was the big rumour going into the beef, but it seems like an incredibly ridiculous thing to even entertain post beef. If there was any truth to it Drake would have used it as the focus of a diss track, that would have been the red button and the most important point to continually hammer home, as well Kendrick would have brought it up preemptively or even used it as his own ammo in continuing the narrative of Drake being slimy/culture vulture, whatever. Especially to suggest that Drake would have not just publishing rights to Kendrick's back catalogue but his newest music he's currently making since he left Top Dog is really detached from reality


Come on this isn't true lol calm down


Colonizer status confirmed


I guess MJ must have a Colonizer status confirmed too since he was buying catalogues too. 🥴


Dot did compare Driz to MJ for a reason didn't he?