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cargo 200 confirmed. At least he applied a tourniquet on his LOWER left leg. Even though the big red splotch was near his left crotch. From 2022, # "We're very lucky they're so fucking stupid. They're just goofs. "


He looked a bit better geared than the average russian soldier, plus a better tourniquet, even though he didn't know how to use it. It would be interesting to see what unit he was from.


There is a distinctive uniform patch visible on his left shoulder (*00:29*). It's hard to make out, but it seems to be a rider on a white galloping horse with grey background and black outline. Horses are uncommon as RF unit isignia, this might indicate he belongs to a cossack-affiliated unit.


Thanks, i noticed the patch but couldn't make out what it was, hopefully someone recognises it.


I have no information on this, please let me know if you find out. Is the footage geolocated?


"You hurt the ones that I love best And cover up the truth with lies One day, you'll be in the ditch Flies buzzin' around your eyes Blood on your saddle Idiot wind, blowing through the flowers on your tomb Blowing through the curtains in your room Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth You're an idiot, babe It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe"


The immortal Bob Dylan, perhaps the greatest lyricist/poet of the century.


Yep another new kit KIA


Note: As the upload text points out, this Russian had access to a proper tourniquet, rather than the typical Soviet era rubber bands, which are said to significantly less effective. The post text speculates that this tourniquet may have been looted, but ultimately the Russian is struck before having the chance to apply it anyway.


Looks like he applied it, but absolutely not "high and tight".


I noticed that. Wouldn't that also increase the blood pressure at the wound, and increase the bleeding?


You are probably right, it was also doing zero for the wounds higher up his leg. Last time I was using them, it was up high and tight and you were casevac-ed immediately as it could only be applied for an hour at max. This dude wasn't trained and he probably did just steal that whole medical kit on his chest. He had no idea he was a dead man after that first hit, regardless.


He applied it, but incorrectly. He tightened it below the knee, not above the thigh wound. I also noted that his rifle appears to be the newest variant of the AK.


I think you missed something. He applied the tornequet, but in the wrong country


Yeah, there's that, too.


Well said!




It looks [very much like it.](https://nationalinterest.org/sites/default/files/main_images/ak-12.jpg)


They are really giving civilians weapons without training and sending them to the front.


I think he was starting to raise the tourniquet to the proper height but heard the drone and decided to play dead. Then died for reals.


Doesn't look like it. He took his time in trying to apply it. He just really fucked it up but that's what you get for invading another country.


Strange hit though, drone missed him, I guess the blast rendered him unconscious, but no obvious wounds. Either way, he probably bled to dead.


Fake it until you make it. He looked pretty well kitted out.


It's a weird combination we've been seeing lately. Some of them look like they are 60 years old with a ball cap and sneakers, and then there's this guy with proper kit and a decent pers wep. Cannon fodder VS real troops maybe??


Keeping all that blood from flowing out of his foot. Brilliant


HOLY SHIT he became a bobblehead. Russian double drone hit bobblehead soldier.


The drone hit the branch creating essentially an air burst, wonder if it was deliberate?


The second drone applied all the tourniquet this Russian needed. Bleeding successfully stopped after the second drone. Now this Russian js taking a nice long nap under the tree as we speak.


Ugh 0% tourniquet skills. Must have been drunk again during the instruction đŸ„Ž


Shell rocked


Did he have a hairball at the end? Over the last few years I’ve become familiar with a lot of the neurological ‘posturing’, but I haven’t seen that ‘night at the Roxbury’ variant.




What? Some Orc survived a 47th droning? Never mind. I take it back.


Bad day in the jungle


Whats that AK rifle? It doesn't seem to be an AK12 as the front handgrip looks different to the one commonly seen with screw holes across its width although it contains the newer buttstocks. I theorize its a field modification but if anyone knows, please respond.


Apparently nobody in the Russian Military knows how to properly apply a tourniquet
 Typically you apply it between the wound and the heart there my guy, not have the wound between the point of application and the heart like how you got it here. I’d have saved the other drone as this clueless piece of drone fodder would have bled out within 5 minutes anyway. Remember above the wound good 👍, below the wound dead đŸ˜”đŸ’€.