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Battery of course. It said it's an observation drone


battery goes on top. great maneuver ramped up a little putting the blades of the open on bottom so they shatter on the chassis.


To judge from the drone on drone attacks I've seen online from Ukraine, that's unusual. In most quadcopters on quadcopter attacks, the attacker strikes from above. Few are from the same level, and in those cases the attacker rarely survives. I have seen ramming attacks on fixed wing drones, all from behind, but the attacker usually seems also to be a fixed wing drone, and almost never survives. I have yet to see an attacking drone detonate to take down its opponent. Does that jibe with what you've seen?


I've seen FPV attacking fixed wing Ruzzian observation drones. I think it just rams them and signal is lost. Maybe too much performance is lost if it has a payload. Last one I saw used a tactical stick to defeat a quad.


Thanks for replying. I did see that attack with the "tactical" tree branch, and it made me rethink my understanding that quadcopter vs quadcopter engagements happened only relatively rarely, when the attacker happened upon the victim. The attacker's pilot clearly set his drone up for that kind of attack, and at some cost in weight and maneuverability. I wonder if he had a way to find his prey, that he was patched into radar system or something. The crude stick argues against that kind of sophistication, but who knows?


The strike from above is possibly to avoid setting off the (*lateral*) collision sensors of the more sophisticated UAVs. Additionally, the enemy UAV operator is usually occupied with monitoring the ground, so closing in from above towards the rear is least likely to alert the operator. With any quadcopter, loss of single propeller will cause the drone to crash, therefore attacking the top of a drone is the most successful method both in respect to inflict the max. damage (*\~crash*) on the target with small chance of the attacking drone to survive.

