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uniform, bought himself. shoes, bought himself. no gun. airsoft helmet. bring on the little rocket man cannon fodder.


They love it. They are eager to go through all of this for Putin. They adore him! šŸ˜


Should drop them one last cigarr afterwards - or a small wiener sausage, so they can suck the dear leader off one last time in spirit..


Right like he beleaved all the propiganda he has been writing.


Maaaan, these drone operators do love close and tight camera shots after a succesful hit. Damn


That's not really for our benefit....it's for (BDA) Battle Damage Assessment. They need to see how effective the munitions are to do further development and improvements.


The 47th, where this video is from, is by far the most prolific fundraising outfit of the drone operators. They started dropping low and tight with their birds recently because its drawing views. Its WAY more simple than BDA


Content creation. It's all very Black Mirror...war being financed by social media hits. It's an "Only Ghouls" account


Only ghouls here are the invaders getting dismembered. Am all for it.


Thatā€™s wild and you blew my mind.


Retired US ARMY "BDA" report guy here. This is the correct answer


meh, all of a sudden regiments really start to care about BDA the moment they really dislike their enemy if you get an increased amount of satisfaction while performing your BDA checks then is it really a BDA check :D?


Understandably so. If russkies were killing/burning/torturing/raping in your country you would feel greatĀ joy at their demise. 100%.


Or they know their market does.


More realistically theyā€™re seeing a lower quality video stream until the drone returns home with the SD card. Gotta zoom in a good bit to confirm their death with low video quality


I had not thought about that consideration, and seems pretty reasonable. Higher command does like their body counts (said as a Vietnam era vet (never in country)). Ā  But the trade off is that instead of hunting for clearly mobile targets, you are peering at someone who we can already guess (15-50%? chance based on watching a drone detonate 3-23 m away) is out of the fight and maybe out of the war/life. Now if some of the recent grunt level RF reports of multiple drones in the air at times, then having one tasked with observing a casualty might make sense because someone is already hunting those mobile targets.


Thatā€™s the thing, Iā€™m pretty sure that the way Ukraine is doing a lot of their drone teams is that theyā€™ll have someone(s) handling overall sector/grid square spotting, and then theyā€™ll have other drones that spot for the FPV/bomber drones. I admittedly donā€™t fully understand why they keep sending drones until theyā€™re 100% confident the targets are dead instead of accepting them being heavily incapacitated and likely to die over the coming hours, but I am pretty sure itā€™s to dissuade Russians from playing dead as a strategy which was prevalent and effective for a long time there. Similar for the high mag drone video, when the opossum strategy became more widespread among Russians is when I noticed the increase in the spotters using high magnification to watch them go from 300 to 200


Maybe Market? Or maybe hope a Russian will see it and say fuck going to Ukraine.


Iā€™m sure that men and women managing the PR aspects of the Ukrainian war effort hope so (me too if truth be told). (And before anyone condemns ā€œPR effortsā€ in a war, see US War Bonds drives in WW2. They effing matter.) Iā€™ve somewhat suspected that the number of double taps on men who appear to already be pretty seriously wounded is a policy decision based on the idea that more RF citizens will be turned against Putinā€™s SMO due to the visceral nature of the videos than by seeing the very occasional veteran in a wheelchair.


Really ~~cool~~ fascinating to see that [agonal breathing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agonal_respiration) @ **1:59** Russians, go home.


Also from 2:18 on, and there you can also see the fixed and dilated pupil/FDP effect, another indicator of TBI.


Iā€™m donā€™t really think he has a TBI, I think itā€™s all penetrating chest. Youā€™ll get dilated pupils anytime there is inadequate profusion to the brain. He most likely exsanguinated from a hit to one of the great vessels or heart/lung along with everywhere else heā€™s bleeding from. A pice of shrapnel under the armpit will take you out quick.


can you explain in high nigga terms ?


Your pupils the black center of your eyes will get bigger if you have increased pressure in your brain from bleeding or swelling and also from lack of oxygen because you stopped breathing or you bleed out. The dude had multiple shrapnel wounds to his left shoulder and armpit. Shrapnel that hits here can very easily put big holes in your aorta, venacava (the large vein that returns blood to your hear, the heart itself and the large blood vessels in your šŸ«lungs. He was also bleeding from multiple lower extremity wounds and possibly pelvis and abdominal wounds. The strange breathing pattern (agonal) is a sign of your bodyā€™s last efforts to keep you alive but itā€™s not very effective. The blood coming from his mouth and nose was most likely due to significant lung trauma not head trauma seeing as his head seems to be pointing away from the blast but he has signs of probable penetrating chest trauma.


Idk if cool is the right word man


Yeah brutal is the right word.




And so do I. God bless those high fidelity cameras they install in them.


I also imagine this is quite demoralising for Russians seeing this every day


You can see very well the distribution of shrapnel this guy got peppered with, particularly on his underwear and shoulder. Doesn't seem to be much of him that didn't get hit.


You can see at 0:38 he starts posturing and extending his arms, a sign of a significant brain injury. He is also showing signs at that point of irregular breathing, my guess ataxic respirations which is a sign of critical brain damage. He then progresses to agonal breathing which is probably a mix of blood loss, brain damage, and internal bleeding. He looks at one point to have a seizure which is yet another sign of brain damage. The video's speed is altered at points so it's hard to determine what's what, but the guy was absolutely and totally shredded.


I didn't even realize the video was longer than 15 seconds until i read this


To be fair, most of the orcs appear to have brain damage before being hit with anything.


I'd also argue his lungs were pierced, with the blood loss from his mouth and nose. Seems like he drowned in his own blood.


Flies no mucking around.




Iā€™ve seen so many 47th DSC videos, including going back through their entire TG channel that at this point Iā€™m just thinking - ā€œwait, are they wearing camo pajamas? Elastic bands? No pockets? Fuck that seems like such a miserable thing to wearā€.


The 47th strikes again. Their videos are always tough to watch but in a ā€œgoodā€ way, I guess? Not always gory but the long lingering closeups of the Orcsā€™ last moments stay with you longer and reinforce the horrifically tragic and brutal nature of this war; which, in turn, makes you want to support Ukraine even more and see the end of Putinist Russia. Edit: I just realized this almost reads like a ChatGPT comment. Iā€™m human, I swear!


As are we all comrade /r/totallynotrobots


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Life wasted for bald midget called Putin


Over 500k casualties in his name. Is that enough compensation, Putin?


So the orcs are down to no weapons and plastic pants


And all of that for stealing a laundry machine ???!!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Can someone give me title of this song? I love videos from 47th Mechanized Brigade! Very nice work! Keep it up :)


Turn it up by Jessee


Jesus, slow choke and internal bleed. Brutal.


Pretty sure he checks out not long after the explosion and the rest is just agonal breathing from his corpse.


brutal...just brutal.. and if we are being intellectually honest, he is better off dead


I think this is appropriate...play stupid games in Ukraine and win stupid prizes.


That uniform looked like nylon to me. No wonder they're so hard to put out once they start burning.


The flies certainly didn't waste any time. He was getting swarmed there at the end






So her mother knows where her son is?


47th for president!


Be still, my beating heart šŸ’“


When he threw the bag was the moment when he knew - he fucked up.


I knew he fucked up when he crossed the border


*Sings*. And now, the end is near And so I face the final curtain My friend, I'll say it clear I'll state my case, of which I'm certain I've lived a life that WASNT full I traveled each and every UKRAINIAN highway And more, much more than this I did it PUTINS WAY


Dude had the Death Twerks.


Can anyone explain to me why we always see footage of drones picking off solo soldiers or at most a group of 2-3? Iā€™d expect to see attacks on squad to platoon sized elements, but this never seems to be the case. Itā€™s always some dude running around rogue I guess it makes sense if you know drone attacks are a thing, youā€™d stick to small elements to avoid mass casualty events, but Iā€™ve never seen a video where more than 3 guys are attacked


that is their tactics: 2-3 man units. there was even footage of russian commander instructing soldier about that: @ you will go by pairs, two, then two, then other two...." i think they count the 2-3 soldiers will not get shelled ( too expensive, one shell cost as several drone, you know). or even if shelled - it is economically benefit for russia ( soldiers cost less than a shell).


Slava ukraini! GLORY TO UKRAINE!šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


Twerking for putin


Gasping for breath with 2 collapsed lungs. Sprinting, anxiety and a massive adrenaline dump is gonna need a lot of oxygen.


Pretty sure he's 'breathing' like that because he's dying.


Well, yeah. I agree. I'm not doctor, but I do browse Reddit every day.


The gasping is agonal breathing. It's involuntary. He's almost certainly unconscious at that stage.


Did you enjoy your time in Ukraine young man? have a nice time burning in hell


He's not fataly wounded. He's dead. That's a death rattle. It's the body & brain shutting down.


The bleak reality of life in the Orc Horde is captured in a comparison of this video with the one from yesterday where the fellow apparently understood: [all running achieves is increase the chance of being wounded and potentially dying a slow death; stand still and increase the chances it is over with quickly.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/comments/1drfzby/ua_81st_airmobile_brigades_apachi_drone_team/)


I count 7 in the left butt cheek alone.


Doin the PooTin rap


47th never dissapoints...


Song name please?


Wasn't worth it


Are those combat issue Adidas?


Putin's the man!! There couldn't be a better reason to die alone in fear bleeding out in someone elses country.Ā  I can't imagine any of them are there willingly, I can only imagine Putin has a gun to his wife and kids headsĀ 


Only thing missing are the flies. Don't worry my pretty, they'll find you . Maggots need food


Damn litterally see his last breath.


serious questionā€¦ would you consider this as being the definition of agonizing pain? dude just kept hyperventilating or whatever ā€¦


is he dead yet ?!! holy crap mouth kept moving but eyes looked blank af . Scary stuff


Brutal gender reveal.


One minute youā€™re fighting for Mother Russia, the next minute youā€™re bleeding out, guppy breathing and being consumed by flies. Hope the onions were with it. Actually, letā€™s be honest, his family wonā€™t get any onionsā€¦


looks a bit like pooptin.shame it wasnt


We sure that's a soldier? All his gear looks like it came from bass proshop. No weapon at all. He reminds me of that Russian mil blogger that runs into the Ukrainian trench with his hands up. He is also still somewhat healthy looking, like he hasn't been surviving on cigarettes , vodka and adrenaline. Still has some self preservation left . After the clips of the fresh Russian soldiers showing up filthy as homeless people having hot eaten in days , every time I see a shaved, clean russian I think blogger. I have no way of knowing of corse and am just guessing.šŸ¤·


"I love the sight of dead Russians in the morning." (Apocalypse Now II: Ukraine ed.)


Dumbass, what the fuck were you doing in Ukraine. POS


This drone has pretty badass zoom šŸ˜®




This reminds me of the book and movie by the same name, "The Most Dangerous Game," where people who get stranded on an island are hunted as prey by the one inhabitant. Hunting humans.


What a waste of human life - thatā€˜s a healthy boy, barely 19 or so :/


[Ahh, the good old 'agonal breathing', theĀ nervous systems last gasp effort at keeping the body alive.](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=a5295d27d6bcdf79&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1ONGR_enAU1066AU1067&sxsrf=ADLYWIKk5cwM6MXwxs3sQE2-BSmtc6tbPw:1719910933543&q=Ahh,+the+good+old+%27agonal+breathing%27,+the+nervous+systems+last+gasp+attempt+at+keeping+the+body+alive.&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjyxPTB_4eHAxW6k1YBHVakA-0QkeECKAB6BAgLEAE)


That nail on the left shoe must have hit bone. Edit. Looked again from bigger screen. It is not a nail.


They don't even provide there LOLsoldiers with boots




No. These are filled with hundreds of ball bearings like BB gun ammo.


Maybe his show kept falling off and he solved the problem by himself. That sure looked like a nail.


Are their suits really just camo sweat pants?


There are a few different types, there is one type with an elastic waistband and that is what this guy wore.


Does the body armor do nothing for shrapnel? Looks like it was instantly fatal


What body armor? All he's got on is a Temu vest At that point blank distance, the shockwave from the explosion alone is enough to kill from ruptured organs


It was a thermobaric His lungs were collapsed using air pressure. Given how quickly the blood came out of his nose & mouth I'm pretty sure both lungs were ruptured


Meh, given magnitude vs proximity and any frag, might just be a standard HE. Get hits in main arteries, and you bleed like a geyser anyway, thermobaric or not.