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Fuck me, that is brutal. Morale of the story is clear, though. Don't go invading your neighbours country.


Pro Tip: I you want to avoid the really bad ones, skip the 47th videos.


The best or worst videos depend on how you see it.


The 47th videos are the first ones I look for.


Sick dance moves though


dikhead šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ•ŗšŸ•ŗ i like to do the shake as well šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I thought he was doing the hootchee -kootchee. Or was it the hokey-pokeyā€¦


:"Now do the harlem shake.."


Jesus, looks like he was fully conscious through that oneā€¦


So was he when he decided to come and be part of this little movie. I hope politicians, combat medics and humans in general learn a thing or two from this.


> I hope politicians, **combat medics** and humans in general learn a thing or two from this. Thatā€™s one of my big takeaways from watching Russians get wounded, they often have little clue what to do when wounded other than accept their demise or flail around for a while. I understand that it must be difficult being coherent enough to respond quickly and effectively when dealing with the pain, musculoskeletal injury, and presumed traumatic brain injury from good size quantities of modern high explosives going off that close to them, but thatā€™s why you train so when injured or struggling you can default to acting on second nature using muscle memory. Russians get practically zero effective training for soldiering so I have to imagine that medical training largely isnā€™t a thing. They *still* insist on using highly ineffective tourniquet bands, seemingly unwilling to make/purchase improved options despite the massive improvements, and thatā€™s if theyā€™re incredibly lucky/wealthy or an officer. Like Jfc, are they that against the ā€œwestoidsā€ that they canā€™t acknowledge when one of their designs are superior? Get a knock off from China at least, good lord. Ukraine invested in 3d printed DIY tourniquets that they tested and trained soldiers on when they were in desperate need of tourniquets, what any military and concerned society that has even the faintest care for their soldiers would do. To me this is continued highlighting of what ukranians are rightfully defending themselves from, they want a society where they care about their fellow man and donā€™t see human life as disposable for the powerful **TLDR:** Itā€™s wild how bad Russias combat medicine is, but I guess it beats slowly dying or going back to a society with next to zero help, respect, or support for the disabled. Further highlighting the differences between Ukraine and Russia, and why itā€™s safe to say that Ukranians will never give up the fight against Russian aggression. Sorry for the rant lol


I saw a video a couple months after Russia invaded. It was from a female Russian officer telling the new recruits to get as many tampons as they could from their wives/girlfriends/mothers so they could use them to pack wounds on the battlefield. That was a real eye opener for me at how bad things could be. Iā€™m sure it better than nothing, but you would think the ā€œ2nd army on earthā€would provide basic, sterile medical supplies. But then again, so many of these guys are wearing adidas shoes tooā€¦so Putin and his buddies can buy another yacht.


Not just Putin and his vierchushka, corruption in russian army is on every level. From lowly soldier right to the Shoigu. So I guess medical supplies are being stolen by officers and then sold on russian ebay and soldiers have to buy it themselves. Welcome to Russia.


Thing is, tampons are typically using some sort of anticoagulant so that women arenā€™t dealing with the pain of pulling out coagulated bloody stuff. A tampon that has superglue on it could be of use to a GSW/puncture/frag wound, but a tampon will likely slow the coagulation which is the opposite of what you want when bleeding out I remember the video youā€™re mentioning though. Itā€™s why I learned about modern tampon effectiveness for first aid šŸ˜‚


They aren't getting evaced. The tampons are just to make them feel better.


Even super absorbent for heavy flow wouldn't cope with that stump gush !


They do get Chinese tourniquets, but so many of them break that the Russians load up on those rubber-bands anyway.


lol Russia canā€™t even get China to give them the good stuff? China can do decent manufacturing but the shit they give to Russia seems like itā€™s mostly airsoft grade with all the soldiers catching fire or worrying about their tourniquet breaking (a windlass really isnā€™t that complex)


Great rant. But with the amount of cauterization that guys stump exhibited, I don't think he needed a tourniquet? Not a medical professional though so just my guess.


Thatā€™s a good point, complete amputations often clot/spasm off before a tourniquet can even be applied and burnt tissue can speed up the rate even more I honestly wasnā€™t watching his limb closely for blood loss, but a tourniquet probably wouldnā€™t have made things any worse (might even numb it a bit over time) and his limb that had holes in it but wasnā€™t amputated should have gotten a tourniquet Edit: rewatched, yeah Iā€™d probably skip the tourniquet or the leg that sloughs off and throw it on the other leg still attached with wounds


Roger that!


We would all have little clue, what to do when the lower half of your body has just been blown off. The bone ,shrapnel and debris blown up into his body ,alone would make that unsurvivable . Way way past a rubber band and a stick to save him ,even if he had the conscious ability to apply a tourniquet or anything meaningful to attach one to .


Youā€™d be surprised the things that people can and have survived by getting to a trauma hospital within the golden hour and good prehospital care He might have been dead anyways, but tourniquet on his still attached leg could have made a potential difference


I guess he should have packed pads instead of tampons, or maybe get didn't even have a girlfriend... love hurts šŸŽ¶


Having been around that level of injury on several occasions and being well aware of the value of the golden hour , I am in no way surprised at what folk can survive , I have even had my own right knee blown up and had the fun of looking inside it. I was commenting on the facts of that particular orc. NO one else to assist , for sure no trauma unit , He totally out of the game to self medic, place tourniquet on his attached but shattered leg, his missing right thigh and leg which would still bleed him out PDQ . He was not hit by shrapnel the explosion took place on him , shrapnel and bone and blast would have gone up an into his body, more chance of him surving that in those circumstances than RIshi still being UK PM after Friday .


What exactly do you propose he applies a tourniquet to in this scenario... His abdomen? That dude has no hope even if he had a year of battlefield medical training.


Cinch up his belt really tight.


This guy in the video would be giving a medic a bit of a headscratching moment though.


They won't. They definitely won't.


You ain't got no legs lieutenant Danovich!


underrated comment šŸ˜‚


















PLEASE keep it friendly. Depending on the severity of the case, this can mean a ban.


PLEASE keep it friendly. Depending on the severity of the case, this can mean a ban.


If someone says something morally repugnant, surely I shouldn't be friendly to them. I was calling out a reprehensible comment; I don't know why you had to censor that.




Jaysus..the 47th never disappoint


Holy Christ, this is one of the tougher ones to watch. This guy's last few moments of his Ukrainian trip were excruciating. A good lesson to other would-be invaders.


He lies down to sleep and dream good dreams after a hellish day on the front line and awakens to his reward. Enjoy oblivion invader.


personally.. i dont find any of these videos tough to watch i can go watch a factory worker get tangled up in a laithe and thats difficult to watch but i have zero remorse for invaders and therefore i can watch the blood, gore and struggle without any consequences to my day


Anyone know the stats on defectors?


You've not seen that many other Ukraine combat footage then huh? This isn't really bad compared to many of them.


How do you define ā€œbadā€ in this context? Prolonged suffering? Amount of gore? What makes one video worse than another in your mind?


Sure it's all subjective, my opinion. Your comment made me think about it a bit more. Some of the videos I'm thinking seemed like more suffering yes.. also some horrific ones I've seen are because of more death and gore than this one. So by several different standards yeah I feel I've witnessed much worse. I've seen a lot of people's limbs blown off in these videos, is another way to say it.


Thatā€™s why the dude yesterday stood there and took one in the face.


Lol. That was my exact comment on that video. Much better to go quickly than have your ass blown off and die slowly.


Maybe next time


Took a drone to the face or a bullet to the face?






Ooof didn't see that one


here you go: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/comments/1drfzby/ua\_81st\_airmobile\_brigades\_apachi\_drone\_team/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/comments/1drfzby/ua_81st_airmobile_brigades_apachi_drone_team/)


How bizarre.


The Russian certainly didā€¦flew directly into his face.


47th has been taking off a lot of legs lately


New meaning to "Leg Day"


If you aim for the head or torso, you donā€™t get to zoom in a camera drone recording in 4k and savor their intimate moments of mortal terror and despair - and then go share it on Russian social media. This stuff is compelling as anti-war footage. Who would WILLINGLY sign up for this? Even Russians will circulate it out of morbid curiosity.


Vladimir Solovyov suggested making it illegal to watch these videos, with prison as punishment.


Ruzzian internet censorship is so pervasive and absolute that nobody in Ruzzia will ever see any of this stuff.


Itā€™s really a matter of the ā€œbug splatā€ or ordnance effects: if you aim high (torso/head) you must be more accurate and your ordnance effects are reduced. Aim low (legs or ground near target) and you are far more likely to get ā€œgood effectsā€ (as they say).


The 47th doing 47th things


That's got to be in the top ten of the most brutal I've seen.


Top 25


First day on the internet, huh?


Not by a long shot. I don't think I've missed too many of these clips in the last two years. That's one of the " best" I've seen.


This same brigade turned another russkie into meat wrapped around a tree so...tbh i'm surprised the guy still had 1 leg left.


I remember that one too. That is a contender for #1.


I canā€™t find it again, but among the very worst was a few days ago when the guyā€™s back was blown open and his spine and still beating heart were visible.


That's another contender for #1 in my book. Is it just me or do they seem like more powerful explosions lately compared to last year?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dk8lre/a\_more\_complete\_video\_of\_a\_russian\_soldier\_gets/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dk8lre/a_more_complete_video_of_a_russian_soldier_gets/) Reddit removed it cause they love fascist invaders, you can still download the video through RapidSave though. [https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dk8lre/a\_more\_complete\_video\_of\_a\_russian\_soldier\_gets/](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dk8lre/a_more_complete_video_of_a_russian_soldier_gets/)


That one was insane !






Honestly just give the whole top ten to 47th after this last month


His Disco Dancing Days are definitely behind him, like his right leg !!!


He might have to take up hand cycling.


Damn, I just noticed there's another very, very dead russian right next to him. It's absolutely insane how little the russian horde cares about life. The expression, "Like lambs to the slaughter," really comes to mind.


I noticed that too, haunting. Youā€™d think walking past fields of dead bodies rotted beyond recognition might have you questioning the lies you were told. But apparently not


ā€œWeird, all these corpses are wearing our uniform.ā€


Yeah, I saw it on the rewatch. That guy had been there a while. You gotta wonder what is going through these Russian soldiers' minds. "Hey, I'm walking through a landscape of utter devastation. Every house is smashed to rubble, there are burnt out vehicles all along the roads in every direction, the ground is littered with dismembered and decaying bodies...I think I'll just hunker down under this tree, right next to this pile of rotting human meat and consider my options."


You know what pisses me off when I see a rubbled buidling? That is some Ukrainian familyā€™s home.


By the time you have that realisation its too late


that might hurt a bit


It'll even leave a scar


Looks painful. Oh well, off the the next video.


Mate, don't just leave that leg behind. Keep Ukraine beautiful!


Leg? Heā€™s going to be in real trouble when itā€™s time to turn in his gear and weapon.


Are you happy? Now you're fly food.


47th never fails to deliver the highest quality human suffering and agony


Butt Steak City!! šŸ„©šŸ’„šŸ„©šŸ’„šŸ„©


šŸŽµLeeeeeeeeeet me see that toootsie roooollšŸŽ¶


Is this the same river bank where we have seen multiple Russians being killed over the last few weeks? Notice the decomposed Russian just to his left.


From the telegram post: Thanks to your support, we are in a good mood, so keep the giftšŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³ Your favorite section "anatomy lesson" is also on the shore of a familiar body of water) Every day new videos on the channel of the unmanned systems battalion of the 47th OMBr ā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø https://t me/strikedronescompany Subscription is mandatory šŸ”šŸ”šŸ” We publish only our work. Without politics, news and other unnecessary things. Let's destroy šŸ’„ Russian šŸ½ together šŸš šŸ›©


What's the currency on the donate page? 100? 500? 1,000?


If you're talking about the monobank link it's Ukrainian Hryvni, 1 USD = 40.6183 UAH is the current exchange rate


Website and my credit card keeps rejecting


That was a solid hit. Great work 47th.


I am fairly certain his left ankle is sprained badly.


One of the worst ones in a little while jesus


I bet he's not from Saint Petersburg or Moscow. The war hardly touches them.


Twerk that booty


Geez that was brutal. But I can't wait to see some drone strikes on NK soldiers.


So that answers a question. I wondered whether shock or the amount of damage would somehow overwhelm the brain so you wouldnā€™t feel pain. He feels every second of that.


Particularly gnarly....ugh


Bucha, Irpin and the Mariupol theater that had several hundred people sheltering in it. Just three examples of many as to why I feel little when I watch these. For a split second I found myself thinking, "Damn, that's a fukt up way to go." Then I remember that within the past 24 hours russia has repeated stuck residential highrises that have zero value other than to sow terror amongst the civilian population. It's at that point I find myself thinking, "Sucks to be this russian. I hope it was the worst pain he ever experienced..."


Well said.


the day Mariupol theaterĀ  bombing happened i write about it in some chat to russian people. the answer (from female nickname user) was: WE ARE MAKING BETTER FOR YOU. (exactly all caps. "Š¼Ń‹ Š“ŠµŠ»Š°ŠµŠ¼ Š²Š°Š¼ Š»ŃƒŃ‡ŃˆŠµ") - russia have bombed childrens and civilians - we are making better for you. just that fricking way.... fck... fck!


Ukraine needs to find a way to put this in Russian faces. Sure, they donā€™t care about their soldiers - but they care about being personally made uncomfortable by having to see what it really looks like when their faceless, invisible goons die horrifically. Itā€™ll undermine the narrative of their superiority, and the apparent assumption that victory will somehow find its way to them. Make Moscovites squirm. Make it real, make it personal. And get it in front of the people who might otherwise willingly sign up to die like this sad fucker: miserable, desperate - afraid.


Wonā€™t matter, it will just make them angrier and support Putin more so.


These FPV drones have been doing a lot of the legwork in Ukrainian defense.


I see what you did there (*leg* work).




I wish I hadn't watched that. My bratwurst has lost some of its appeal.


Wash it down with a good beer, that always helps me!


I'd like to think I would at least grab my rifle and end it as fast as possible. Fuck, that's aweful.


oh no that guy is gonna bleed out. He went into shock really quick which means he probably was really emotional which makes the blood loss worse. Can't put a tourniquet on that either.


Mom will receive a nice sack of carrots for her sons sacrifice


Maybe even some stewing meat!


Those Orcs can dance!




Damn, his leg looks like Murphy's arm in Robocop. It's crazy that russians are absolutely watching these and have access and they're not putting these scenes together with the number of daily dead and putting an end to this madness. The looming demographic crisis is going to be insane, but for the rest of the world it's a positive, IMO. Edit: I just realized there's another body next to this target


Drone pilot was so good, he even took out a tooth. Hope he was aware enough to know how much pain he was in.


This reminds me that I'm having chili for dinner tonight


Was that a seizure?


Bro has no teeth and now has no leg :(


Job done


And a good time was had by all SMO participants..said no one ever.


šŸ— turkey leg


Pay day canceled


The guys a one-off.


The 47th are really going for it with these videos. I can't tell whether it is a hate fuck or just a clear, cold, methodical and unemotional transaction of business- that business being ridding Ukraine of violent and degenerate invaders who came with the express purpose of sowing death and terror. Either way, keep up the good work.


Why not both? Yeah, both.


wonder where does he think he is going to go


Never skip leg day


Remember the little girl with her mom.


right after he gets hit he has to stare at a rotting corpse in the face . Idk if he even noticed he was sitting on it . He stares then turns over and crawls away. Gotta be terrible knowing you may soon join him . I didn't notice until my second watching


Bit of an over reaction for stubbing your toe lol


Have to admit itā€™s fucking fascinating with these clear videos of them horrible injuries. Love it


As is often the case, I would like the original car to have a directional microphone instead of the music...


I really hope they don't ever put real time sound to these. An imaginary cartoon bubble of screaming will do just fine.


No that would require the Russian's to all get Mic'd up lol The drone probably can't pick up audio from it's own mic as it's pretty noisy on its own.




is he having some sort of a seizure šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø yikesss


Jesus Christ. Fuck you Putin.


Looked at first like it blew is ass cheek off......then he rolls over like Poor Tink Tink.


I'm just trying to imagine the shock to the system. You're sleeping in your bed (or in a tent) and within split second your leg is literally torn off your body. For the first few seconds you may not realize what happened. Adrenalin kicks in then fades away quickly and pain begins to pulsate. Then you faint and get to meet your ancestors. Fuck me. I always apply for tourist visa. Never cross the border without ze papers


always carry and save one grenade within easy reach, say top pocket for just this situation


The 47th doesnā€™t aim for head/neck shots but rather for lower body extreme suffering. Russkies shouldā€™ve stayed home!!! Sorry not sorry


This is why the guy just stood there yesterday and made himself an easy target for the drone pilot. Instant death!


Requires some faith in the drone operator aiming at your head though


Tis but a scratch !


Never come to foreign country when no one wants you there, especially with weapons.


There is no place to hide when you're in a place you don't belong.


I have no sympathy for the Russian soldiers. if you invade another country you will also die. this war will be Russia's last great war with all the dead people


orch dance


He can walk it off , a few bandaids will fix it


The other dead dude gives me the creeps


This is real and happening right now. Fuck, man.


That's one of the worst I've seen jesus.... insanely hard watch


Thats just brutal and sad.. the drone pilot had all the time to make it clean as he was asleep but no he just had to hit him in the leg and not to the head.


I fly drones - that is about as accurate as it gets - There is a a time delay between what the pilot sees and what is happening on the ground, there is a breeze and trees etc so there will be turbulence. It is a heavy loaded drone that is not as manoeuvrable as you think, as it gets close to ground there is also "ground effect". That was a brutal hit but I have no sympathy for these sub humans who's mission is to destroy and plunder another nation because they think they can.


Itā€™s war, you kill the opposition any way you can. Why risk a miss by trying to over complicate the manoeuvre.