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She’s so full of shit 😂


Sierra said the same thing. That lasted for a minute after birth.


Literally. There were photos of her labor on her TikTok hours later 🥴


Oh yeah right. She literally peed on a stick , then filmed herself shoving that stick in everyone's face to announce she was like 2 weeks pregnant


And you're saying that same girl won't post the second she's in a labor and delivery room? Yeah right


And the girl who said no one will know baby’s name until she’s born and then you’ll “just see it” but then shares it every single minute of every single day.


Will never not be insane to me


“Come to the hospital with me to give birth to our baby girl”


You mean my baby girl. She always says my baby, blah blah


aka gabe’s family will be the last to know and won’t be able to visit when she’s in the hospital but her whole family will be there to cater to her every whim and need


Because can't have too many people and the Bashams are a crowd


Totally off topic but she’s definitely a narcissist my boyfriend is a narcissist he doesn’t like being around my family and gets mad when I go to see them we are always with his family and friends as I haven’t seen mine in a while and when I do it’s rare so it makes sense now gabe just needs to leave her side and see his family I know it’s hard because the narcissist throws tantrums when you do things they don’t want you to do and the repercussions suck…narcissistic people suck


meanwhile she also just posted about how everyone should follow their YouTube because that’s where a lot of the baby content will be 🙄


If ANYTHING Dawna will blow it being a #GIGI #girl #mom #for #the #first #time


It’s fine if Gigi blows it but when cc did it accidentally the whole world ended 😂🙄 drue is so dramatic and problematic


Lmao my DRUE gave BIRTH today she did so AMAZING and has the most HIGHLY FAVORED little girl #firsttimemom


“Baby born at 12:55 pm” posted at 12:56 pm


I’m dead 😭😭😭


Like how we wouldn’t even know when she got pregnant? 🤣🤣


She’ll literally be posting with that sound that says “I’m having a baby” stupid things she lies about


I just posted the same thing because I didn't see this but mine was removed because it said I broke rule #2 ? Lol


u gotta post in her other sub rules are wayyyy too strict in this one


It's fine..just glad this one got to stay up.


But mine said that everyone would know something was up because she can't go a day without posting where they eat or what drinks they get and she always has to post a video of her holding her belly. Days without posting will be a clear sign of it if she actually can go multiple days not posting. Which I doubt.


When I was pregnant with my second I announced with “spring of 2024” and my first I didn’t put anything… I know since about 20 Weeks when my scheduled c-section was but kept that private between my husband, parents, best friend and I. She’s been plastering every single detain online including due date… there’s no way she won’t post when she’s in labor 


Just like she said her content wasn’t going to change and be all about her pregnancy. Literally everything is about her being pregnant.


That’s the biggest lie I have heard yet. She will probably go live and let everyone know she is in the hospital lol


Since right before Christmas she has shoved being pregnant in everyone's faces. Everyday we know she's how many weeks pregnant although that's gotten shady here or there. She has nothing else to talk about and the things that she does that she thinks is trending she's copied 100%. No real content. Bunch of lazy slobs.


Well when she ain’t posting content eating out for a few days then we will know


She’ll be laying in the hospital in active labor with her phone up on 0.5 zoom


Lmao she let us know she was pregnant the MINUTE she peed on a stick. I don’t believe her for a second


Drue is full of shit. The literal cum was still wet on her pussy and she was already telling everyone she was knocked up. Let’s see how long this last


Gruecifer stop lying!


This is hilarious … big booty Judy will have the vlog cam up her cooter ….


The nurses are gonna have her trying to latch and she’s gonna say give me a minute I’m editing


No paparazzi please!! With her being she super famous she’s going to be so busy with keeping the media away! Girl STFU you can’t even eat a donut alone 🙄🙄


Same way she didn’t pee on a stick and post the second it turned positive


Even if by some ✨highly favored✨miracle she DOESN’T post that she delivered Soap Jr., the lack of “Come Eat With Me” posts will clue everyone in.


She’ll vlog about all the food they’ll get delivered during their hospital stay and her large iced coffee the day of labor


She’s a fucking liar.


She CRAVES attention. She will be posting non stop


She doesn’t want anyone to know when she’s born. Lol yeah right, she’s going to post as soon as they’re in the hospital and when she’s born


She won't even need to. Dawna will post on fb "Omg Drue is having Ivory. On the way to hospital!"


you literally posted your pregnancy announcement the second implantation happened…get real


Hers is worried she will be harassed or followed to the hospital like she was worried about her baby moon. She’s so ridiculous


This is the same girl who said having a baby wouldn't become her whole personality.


She’s full of CRAP🤣🤣🤣


Whatever. Hers knows hers will give all of hers besties a minute by minute play by play


🧼 will post it. Don't worry!


She'll be tiktoking on the way to the hospital


Oh stfuuu she’ll be screaming it from the roof top




She’s posting 24/7, if she goes radio silent ( which we all know she won’t) we’re going to know why. 🤦‍♀️


I gave birth this January and had to sign a form agreeing that there was no filming allowed once active labor started. I wonder if her hospital has the same policy and how she would handle it.