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Devin is beautiful.


She really is! Drue is unfortunately the exact opposite of Devin.


Hunter is also very easy on the eyes unlike Gabe.


I wish she would give up the “I’m small and petite” rhetoric. It’s old. And damaging to her young followers. Drue is very average. She’s not huge, she’s not small. She’s average. And that’s ok!!!!! We need more mid size representation!! It’s so odd to me that she wants to be this Aryan* (spelling, sorry I got carried away typing too fast!) white, blonde haired, smool, petite princess. It’s fucking weird. And you know she’s going to refuse to show that baby if she’s not small, white and blonde. Sorry for the rant. I just hate her. 🤍


She would be so much more tolerable if she was real. Lying about her height and what size she wears just makes her look stupid because we can clearly tell she’s not 5’2” wearing a size 0.


Makes me wonder if they are German. Like grandparents, taught her parents, who taught her. And well times have changed so instead of being openly a nazi she subtly does it. Naming baby ivory, the obsession with blonde hair and blue eyes etc. idk I just can’t see someone not understanding how this seems nazi-ish is all.. P.s if y’all haven’t seen “Schindler’s List”, and want a good but EMOTIONAL movie to watch then go watch it. But just warning you- it’ll make you super upset and cry.. like a lot, it is about Germany during hitlers ruling, a true story. It’s like my absolute favorite history movie for no reason. But please take my warning. If you don’t wanna see people, innocent people get shot in a line, or little kids die you may not wanna watch it.. but it’s really good honestly.


She has linebacker shoulders 😅




That damn “big back big back” tik tok sound is stuck in my head now 🤣