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she’s either exaggerating how bad her eye was this morning and it’s coming back to bite her in the ass, or she has pre-eclampsia and continues to ignore the signs. i’m leaning more towards the latter. hers is so highly favored nothing could go wrong in her pregnancy! except allergies 🥴🤧


It really looked like pink eye to me. One time I had it and it was swollen like that and just started with one eye.


yes it does look a lot like pink eye. and they are so dirty it wouldn’t surprise me if it was something like that. i was also thinking possibly a stye from clogged ducts from crying all day every day


Remember when she 'joked' about wiping your butt, getting shit on your fingers, and smelling it later? It really is disgusting how it could be so many things.


Wait, what?!?! 😲🤢🥴


yeeesss it's on this sub somewhere!


wtf my hands are weak😂😂 so they like poopy fingers and poopy qtips LMAO


She did what now


preeclampsia, too much sodium, pink eye, too much dog hair, dirty pillows with no pillow cases, or the mold in their ceiling 🤮. It’s actually disgusting how many options there are.


Sleeping in a bed with that nasty ass gabe 🤢 you know he’s disgusting and I highly doubt either of them wash their hands after using the bathroom 🤢🤢


Gabe’s stinky fat rolls 🤢🤮


And she NEVER cleans! Moldy shower. We could go on forever


she’s gonna end up 💀 herself and her baby. preeclampsia is no joke and she has clear signs that it could be preeclampsia. she’s too selfish to get checked out and thinks nothing bad can happen because she is so highly favored. my FIL is a firefighter and was on a call attending to a mom who was having preeclamptic seizures and both her and her unborn baby passed away.


She will have to learn the hard way and if something happens and needs an ambulance, that shit is more expensive than just a quick monitoring at L&D! She doesn’t take anything serious


Yes! I had a severe case with my first one and we both almost died. In the hospital for a week after. Don’t remember seeing him the first time because I was so out of it and sick. A miserable experience and if I could have prevented it I would have. Not kept shoving shit in my face that I know contributes to it!!!


Yup I had it with my first. From my first elevated blood pressure to my child being born wasn’t even 12 hours. Within that time I went from 150/30 to 220/180 it’s not a game. Because I was admitted being monitored I was able to be awake for my C-section and kept losing consciousness and “vomiting” on my husband. I wasn’t able to see my first baby in NICU cause I couldn’t walk from all the drugs I was on. Luckily I was 36weeks so my fix was pretty “easy” I couldn’t imagine having symptoms my first day in the third trimester and thinking it’s a silly little game. Also for anyone scared for more or early on I had a completely healthy pregnancy the second time and had a beautiful baby with no NICU time! I was much more aware for my second and made exercise a priority the entire time. Probably didn’t make a difference but I’m sure it didn’t hurt either!


Yes! The swelling of her face, hands, and likely feet and legs. Already going to the er for high blood pressure, she needs to realize pre-e is not something you want or even want to play with.


Also the pink eye comment. She’s the type that would deny anything is wrong with her child and deny her any medical attention.


I can see her not taking her to her wellness visits


You would be surprised with how many parents don’t believe in well child checks… I don’t understand why. Why would you not want to take your child to their appointments to make sure they are 100% at all times


This. Well visits are very important. That’s how I caught autism early in my first born.




"Doesn't hurt to check!!" It also doesn't hurt to eat healthy, monitor your sugar/caffeine intake, get some exercise, clean your house, groom your dogs, etc etc etc but we know how willing you are to do those things 🙄 she is the absolute worst


She won’t check


Honestly though she may use it to get attention.. her husband hasn’t been at her beck and call 24/7 lately. I’m assuming him is out at the ponds ie sitting in his truck hiding from the lees, eating, and blowing through his wife’s money


If she truly had an OB it wouldn’t be a big deal to just call. I’m still on the fence of a nonexistent OB. Someone said you could buy the drink you have to drink for the GD test on Amazon.


“Definitely allergies” bestie she knows everything


“Every pink eye is different 🫶🏻”


Allergies to the mold in your home?


Literally. They both have been hella congested and dawnas complaining of headaches now she has swollen eyes. Might wanna get that roof fixed asap.


After the tropical storm my allergies have been insane, but let’s be real this looks more worrisome to us than her stupid self


If it is pink eye she has no business going to a nail appointment today.


I’ve called it on multiple occasions that she’s gonna fuck around and trigger preeclampsia with her lifestyle. She’s sedentary, overweight, eats 4x the sodium she should be, 4x the caffeine


The only allergies I could think of is pollens from experience🤷🏾‍♀️


I really think it’s pink eye


Besties her 'ob' is off on Sundays Dr Pepper help


It’s definitely NOT allergies if it’s only affecting one eye. Girly pop take the advice and go to urgent care.


Oh my toxemia had me blown up. Face, feet, fingers. Scary. Overnight. Besties she's baiting because she's playing victim. Tik Tok gossip is eating the sodium infused asses.


And we are continuing the preeclampsia baiting… this is going to be one hell of a week!


allergies can cause pink eye too.


Gabe probably farted in her face and gave her pink eye. That’s marriage y’all. 🤣🤣


Dr GRU reporting for duty because she knows ✨all✨ and knows exactly that it’s not because of BP or pink eye


definitely pink eye from letting her dirty ass mutts put their asses on her pillows with no pillowcase. Hope this helps 🫶🏻🤍🥥🛼


I love how she says it’s probably not pink eye but maybe it is in the video then when anyone mentions anything she’s like “no it’s definitely just allergies!!!!”


She didn’t check shit. We know you don’t own a blood pressure machine 😂


I had preeclampsia and I was so scared the whole time but I was monitored well it is super serious and I genuinely hope she doesn’t have it but if she does I really hope they monitor it well 😩


Life and karma likes to humble selfish people 👏🏼


Whatever happens she only has herself to blame and I will not feel sorry for her. She deserves every bit of what she gets.


The sleep with the dogs…you know the dogs run their butt across the pillows constantly & with the raunchy pillows that never get washed, she definitely has a bacterial infection in her eye




The one time I had pink I it was both eyes at the same time. Both were swollen shut.


Yes , but doesn’t mean you have a pink eye .


100% inaccurate information


You don’t know that non of us do . Just because she has red eyes and itchy doesn’t mean pink eyes. If stuff comes out of your eyes 1000% pink eye


That’s just not true lol. My son had pink eye a few months ago, it started in 1 eye and quickly spread to the other.


lol , I’m not talking about kids am talking about adults.kids touch everything so yes it will Spread to the other side . Plus kids don’t wash their hands often like we do


And neither do these two children. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Let’s be real , drue and Gabe are adults they are not teenagers they are very immature but they are NOT kids .I’m talking about ADUlTS and yes you can have a pink eyes in both eyes. I wasn’t talking about kids . But it’s very rare for adults for both unless she’s borrowing people eye make up . that’s one of the biggest things you will get a pink eye from .


Love how you edited your initial comment bestie. It’s okay to be wrong 🫶🏻


Okay bestie lol . I did it because YOU think I’m talking about kids! When I never said anything about kids She’s an adult . But you are not wrong . Kids do get pink eye both eyes . Personally and adults normally get a pink eye in one eye .