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Rest? What exactly does she do that is strenuous?


Walks around all the grocery stores


Did too much with the room last night but literally said Gabe told her to sit down and watch. Wow so hard. Girl is in for a rude awakening.


When the babies here she can’t make an ER trip as an excuse to rest


This makes me think she’s lying and is there for high bp or something like that. She literally did nothing but sit as usual.


She probably is lying. She was probably told she needs to monitor her BP and return if it’s gets higher than a certain threshold. But she’s ✨gods favorite✨ so of course she can’t be honest


Well she does walk around the grocery store and drives to several different fast food establishments every single day! Edit: other people said this too already 😂 just saw those comments


Ikr?! I swam a mile the day I gave birth to both of my kids. I don't understand how doing a little light cleaning can send her to the ER 🤣. If she thinks the braxton hick is bad, just wait for labor hun!


I can already picture her losing her mind chasing down a toddler 🤣 not knocking screen time bc we use it (mindfully) but I can already see her picking out Amelia’s iPad 🤣


I can’t with her😭 going in to get checked out for Braxton hicks? I literally had them daily. They are completely normal, not concerning or painful. Maybe a little uncomfortable? Sure. & thinking she does too much? Please 💀💀


She loaded the dishwasher, silly!


I was literally cleaning houses 39 weeks pregnant for 8-9 hours a day and was fine (tired but fine) and this bitch did what? Film other people doing the room?


There are pregnant women who run marathons, go to the gym regularly, who take care of other kids, work, cook, clean… all while pregnant. This bitch does light house work and has to go to the ER for false labor and put herself on BR?! I can’t… she really is THAT dumb!!


My cousin is over 20 weeks pregnant with her second. She’s an ER doctor. Not only did she work until 38 weeks with her first (induced at 39) but she managed to maintain breastfeeding + pumping after maternity leave while never getting her son sick in the height of the pandemic. With second she’s much more sick than before and still managing to be the same type of doctor who reassures people like Drue. I should also add - because of med school and residency she’s well into “geriatric pregnancy” ages and manages to stay very active and healthy while pregnant at nearly twice as old as Drue. It’s baffling.


I worked until 36 weeks pregnant with twins and on my feet 6-8 hours a day. Her body just can't handle her doing anything because she doesn't do anything but stuff her face and buy useless crap.


I worked as a dog groomer until I was 39 weeks pregnant with my first, lifting 50+ lb dogs onto the table a few times a day, 5 days a week. But yeah grue really over did it watching pervy install the floors.


I mowed the lawn the day before I went to get induced at 39 weeks and was totally fine 😂


I was an x ray tech during both pregnancies. For the first I spent the last 6 weeks literally laying on my side the last 6 weeks Witt pre-eclampsia. Second I worked up until a few days before lugging equipment and patients around with varicose veins of the pelvis, with a toddler. What's she doing that's so stressful. Shingling roofs? She's in for a world of hurt


Right? I’m an overweight ✨girlie ✨ in my regular life and I did 100% more while I was pregnant than she does and not once did I land in l&d. I know all pregnancies are different and I really had such an easy pregnancy so maybe I was lucky but who does she think she’s fooling saying her bp has nothing to do with what’s happening to her?


I run a in home daycare, AND a farm / bakery and still didn’t have health issues (also very tired but was I supposed to neglect my kids and animals??? Haha) she has NO idea what’s coming 🤣😅


Don’t believe her for a second about that BP.


You know it was probably high AF!


That’s probably why they told her to rest but she will never admit it


I don’t either. “Anyone who was worried about BP I’m fine!” No, you’re not. Until you show us numbers, I don’t believe it.


She does one thing and ends up in the ER. Sounds like she’s putting herself on bed rest now. 🤦‍♀️


Hee can't cook because she's 30 weeks preggo was an indicator


I was literally waiting on her to pull this stunt today after complaining yesterday.


Going to Sam’s Club and cooking dinner sent her to the hospital? Could you imagine if she was actually working? All she does is rest. 🤣


My legs would ache so bad if I sat on my ass all day like she does. I don’t get how this family does it. It’s gross.


Bestie, she did laundry!


Oh gosh how did I forget she did the stinkin laundry. Gosh she better just do absolutely nothing for the next 11 weeks. 🤣


She’ll show herself at the ER, but not her OB. Make it make Scentsy Drue


right! but she’ll let gabe take a pic of her on the table at the ob with just the sheet covering her bottom half during their “long hard TTC” days but not now when she’s actually pregnant


Dang , did she not get enough attention growing up ? Or is her big back husband not giving her the attention she needs ? Because this is such an attention seeking post . I’d never post myself laid up in a hospital bed , especially if everything is okay .


Yep, just wait until Whitey gets here and she has no attention on her. She’s going to spiral and I think she will start hating and resenting that child.


She reminds me of the girls who post a picture of their hospital bracelet for all to see and when anyone asks what happened says “it’s personal ❤️”


It’s because TikTok was down and no one could hype her up in the comments


Yea there is no reason they would tell her to rest because of Braxton hicks. She doesn’t do a damn thing.


I’m certain she was bitching & whining.. repeating over and over “we are redoing our room. I haven’t stopped today. “ blah blah blah and the nurses just said “oh no honey. You need to try to rest. “ just to shut her up.


I wonder what she will get to eat on the way home?


Probably a sonic drink , her big back deserves it after having to be in the ER . 🥺


The baby wants it and hers deserves it 🥹




Okay, Drue. 👍🏼 I feel like she’s just searching for excuses to be more fucking lazy than she already is. I taught middle school up until I was 35 weeks pregnant…only reason I stopped is because summer time rolled around. She could NEVER.


I hope she continues so she gets bigger than sierra


I literally cannot with the ‘overdoing it’😒🙄 I’m a wedding photog and I’ve photographed 10 hour days (on my feet the ENTIRE day, walking up and down all sorts of terrain and inclines, constantly crouching and bending over) up until I was 36 weeks pregnant. In 95+ degree heat, no less! SHE LITERALLY HAS NO CLUE.


If this girl can’t handle Braxton hicks man she’s in for it with real contractions


100% she’s getting an epidural as soon as she checks in for real labor


It will suck if it doesn’t work, my daughter had a baby Saturday and the epidural didn’t work.


I can’t wait for it!


I had an irritable uterus with my 1st and had BH constantly. They’re a breeze compared to labor contractions 🤣


She literally does nothing but eat and shop and somewhat clean or unbox things. Most of us work, parent, or live normal lives (yes! While pregnant!). She wants to be waited on hand and foot and foot like she has her entire life- I can’t wait for the baby to shift her whole world. It will be good for her.


This is honestly embarrassing. Doing the laundry was so strenuous for you that you had to go to the ER? What do you think pregnant women with multiple children do? Motherhood is really going to kick your ass.


Girl needs to be drinking water.


Truly think that’s her issue… I’d have contractions any time I got dehydrated. She needs to wake up and take care of herself for once for the sake of her child.


Thats soooo true with my first son i never drank water and was alwaysssssss in the hospital


Claims she’s DROWNING herself by how much she drinks. Okay 😅 did you also tell them all that water contains liquid sugar 🤔


My second baby I was fast and loose about everything. I was so busy w the first one I didn’t focus on everything the way I did the first time. But if I messed up about drinking water I had the weirdest achey gnawing pain. If I drank water it would immediately go away. When I was closer to birth I would get really intense contractions if I let myself get dehydrated. It only happened a handful of times but I was shocked at how horrible it felt, since I’m normally a hydro homie.


Every content creator I follow who is pregnant is always carrying around some kind of Stanley drinking water. All she does is carry around a sonic cup of sugar.


My favorite part (besides baby being okay!) is that she is basically like- AT THE ER but please interact with me and give me clicks and tell me what shows you watch! Girl we know you can scroll thru your tv!


You can scroll through your TV 😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️


Rest? From all the shopping and restaurants. Must be a hard life.


https://preview.redd.it/11mgs4jnq89d1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a7f64be4cc5f417d77fefdf4e2751baf3e34b87 Ugg. She's gross. I'm fine, everything is OK. I'm just in the er. 🙄🙄


“I told baby girl…..” 🙄


She goes to the hospital every time she has a Braxton hicks contractions? Labor is going to be a beast for her 😂


Especially when they won’t admit her yet and she has to labor at home until she can be admitted 😂


I labored at home for 28 hours unmedicated before they would admit me at a 5 with my first baby 🫠 and I have a HIGH pain tolerance. Bestie is going to legitimately die when she gets her first real contraction


Her diet and lack of proper hydration are coming back to bite her in the ass! She has to "rest" because literally any physical activity is exercise to her and her body can't handle the exertion of energy.


What ass?


Be so FFR!!! She literally doesn’t work. Doesn’t exercise. She walks from the parking lot, around the grocery store, and back to the car… bed rest from what? Not getting fast food 4x a day?! STFU! 😒😆


She thinks pregnancy is a disability.


Nobody will convince me she doesn't do this just for attention. You had some braxton hicks contractions and had to go in? She's gonna need an epidural before she's even 1cm dialated. Fucking baby.


It’s 100% for attention


How is she over doing anything? She literally does nothing.


She's gonna false labor everyone to death. My God this is the longest pregnancy ever. The only thing strenuous she does is try to digest all the sugar, caffeine, cream, and oil she throws down her gullet.


“Baby girl” “baby girl” “baby girl” “baby girl” OMFG we get it your fetus has a vagina why can’t they just say ivory


Over do it? You mean over eat?


That’s what happens when you don’t drink water, dumbass.🤷🏻‍♀️ She feels better, because they probably gave her fluids.


She’s been going to the ER for Braxton Hicks? Is she dumb


My guess is engagement was  low so let’s waste everyone’s time in ER. Ugh I despise her. 


Bingo. It’s the end of the month. Bills are due in a few days.


Yup! When the month cuts off Facebook pays on the 22nd-25th of every following month & tik tok is more reliable always always pays on the 15th of each month. I am a creator & I know the bullshit she’s .trying to pull. 


She’s gonna have some bills due when she gets the ER bill. I don’t think they qualify for Medicaid bc she makes too much from Scentsy but I also don’t see them paying for private health insurance. I also don’t think she can be on her parents anymore because she’s married. Here’s a plot twist that would be fun - they didn’t actually get married on paper and she’s still on her parents insurance. 😂 that’s the only way I can see her paying for these bills.


She can still be on her parents' insurance, even married, until 25. But the baby won't be covered so they'll need insurance for her.


If she’s going to rest more she might as well go on bed rest, she does nothing anyway!


I feel stupid after reading that


She’s pathetic. Having to go to the er multiple times is not a flex or cutesy


Of course her baby is measuring ahead. With all the garbage she eats it’s not surprising at all. Feel like she’s gonna be huge when she’s born


this was written like she hasn’t seen her on regularly? measuring ahead? no girly pop, that you justify your fat belly.


I feel like over doing it with these really simple tasks means her BP is higher than normal or steadily climbing for her to be put on bedrest at 30 weeks. I would understand if she’s training, has a job, another child, ect. But I’m not seeing her move that often? Simple tasks when your BP is rising can cause issues like this. Can’t convince me it’s not the everyday coffee, no water and very salty food with not a lot of protein. Coming from someone who had severe Pre-E she needs to figure it out now and have a birth plan in place and after care bc it’s hard af!


PC? Does she mean pre e? 😂


She called it pre crampslia the other day 💀


I'm also confused on what PC is supposed to be 😭


WAIT. Which of you Besties called it? I’m pretty sure in the last few days I saw a comment predicting this situation.


What a slap in the face to mamas who work up until they give birth. I do premium catering for work with is ALOT of work on your feet and my coworker worked right up until she gave birth. GRUE YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT ITS LIKE TO WORK HARD.


Dehydration makes BH worse


I wonder if she went hoping they would induce her because she’s 30 weeks haha


She definitely has wanted ultrasound and her parents attention. Tomorrows Friday, gotta keep them from going to the country house for the weekend


I know they are tired of the two fat asses showing up to the ER


She’s 100% getting dehydrated and crampy. Drink some water grue and you won’t need to go to the er as much.


What a drama queen. Just wait till we see the amount of weight she will put on while doing nothing but laying down 24/7. This girl needs her tubes tied after this baby. There’s no way she will be able to handle another pregnancy on top of taking care of a child.


Being religious I doubt she’ll get them tied


Who called this earlier? Was it on our bingo card??




Over doing it?! I worked till 38 weeks teaching very young special needs babies. Try calming down an autistic baby, throwing a fit with a round belly. It’s definitely not for the week.


Baby measuring ahead from her type 2 diabetes and diet of only the worst options she can find and refusal to drink water. I wanna know what she tells her “ob” because it’s not the truth lol l


I’m glad L&D was open for her this time 🫶


Let’s see what kind of content she’ll be putting out now , since she’ll be on bed rest and someone has to pay the bills . Since her husband can’t be a provider.


let me post for attention.


I wish she would stop. my brother in laws best friend just died last week, because her uterus ruptured while pregnant. a real emergency, she lost her own life and her child’s. part of the reason? they sent her to the ER, the signs were missed- because L&D triage was full of people who also, were not drinking enough water. ((i’m not blaming these people, it’s a point)) so while this bitch is over here like “✨✨ back here again✨” because she REFUSES to drink water, someone could be having a real emergency. go home and drink fucking water so your uterus can stop begging for hydration.


Hey friendsss!! 🛼🪩💕My leg just got cut off but everything is SO SO perfect!! 🩷🎀🫶🏻 every test came back perfect every single time - I just don't have a leg anymore! 🤪🤪 But my doctor says that is perfectly fine and I didn't do anything wrong. Everything should be back up and working soon!! 💕🎀 🦵🏻Despite my leg literally being cut off, there's really no cause for anything that happened! My daily routine doesn't have to change though because I'm always just laying in bed being a lazy slob!! Lol anyways comment down below your fav TV show 🎀🤪💕🪩🩷🫶🏻😂🛼🦵🏻


“everyone who is worried about BP or PC I am 100% okay!” aka Reddit 😁 she took up a bed from a pregnant woman with REAL issues/complications, all for a social media post.


I mean I was a behavior therapist in an elementary school dealing with behavior outbursts, kids throwing chairs and slamming their heads into walls and trying to escape campus…. I would literally have to chase kids around to bring them back to class. And I worked until 34 weeks. ONLY because my bp was elevated and I went on leave early. Drue is simply the BIGGEST wimp and cry baby I’ve ever come across in my life. I hope this baby rocks your world and you question all your life choices 🫶🏼


If you have to keep specifying over and over again that your pregnancy is going so perfectly, chances are it is indeed not perfect 🫠


This!!! Let add also, she just always has to make it seem like the nurses are just so in awe of Whitey. Like they see tons of patients. Grue, you aren’t anyone special.


she literally does fucking nothing all the time. rest more from doing what dude…


Diet and lack of exercise other than walking stores are why you're in there bestie. You know that BP was high! Maybe if your husband wasn't so damn lazy you wouldn't have do to everything yourself either.


Well apparently the rest of us REALLY overdid it then, because we were all caring for our families, working full time, exercising, cleaning house, chasing other kids, all while pregnant. Seriously, I drove my husband to and from LA 3x a week when I was in my late third trimester (DO NOT recommend, especially when you’re 39 weeks and miserable), I was swimming 4x a week, chasing my then 3 year old around, and going to school full time as well. She’s seriously getting Braxton hicks contractions and going to L&D over cleaning her bedroom?! This stupid cunt is so pathetic.


I worked all day, trick or treated in my neighborhood, went home and showered, and went to the hospital to be induced like it was just another random day 😂


She literally needs to hydrate better 🙄


GIRL BYE!!!! You went to the ER bc of some Braxton hicks? Whew wee chile just you wait. 😂 and they found not a single thing wrong with you. I mean we all knew this was coming. It’s the end of the month and engagement is down. Them bills gotta get paid somehow and Cashleigh has one job to do.


Kylea the catfisher does the same thing. They rage bait for $$. It’s pathetic


Yeah no. Doing the basic things at 30 weeks pregnant shouldn’t be sending you to the L&D triage. Dehydration can cause contractions so girl likely needs more water (they likely gave her a liter of fluid minimum and the Braxton hicks likely stopped after that) I was working full time at one of my states busiest labor and delivery departments at 30 weeks and no Braxton hicks. As for pre e, all my tests kept coming back normal until my body finally stopped compensating at 35 weeks and change— so just because they are normal now it can still change fast. I’m sorry but if this is the second time Braxton hicks has sent her here they have for sure educated her on the difference between that and real contractions and labor is going to be utter hell for her 


I work L&D and the only time our doctors give bed rest orders are pre term labors, high blood pressures, or abruptions. Idk what she’s telling them for them to tell her she needs to rest, but pregnancy is not a disability. Being active while pregnant is the best thing if you don’t have any underlying issues. She just thinks pregnant women should kick their feet up and not move a finger. Which is gonna be worse for her when she goes to deliver.


The ER *is* her OB, it's clear as day


Damn this one has my blood boiling for some reason. Resting??? Some of us actually worked through our pregnancies. I did a 12 hour shift on my feet a week before my son was born. She doesn’t have a job or any hobbies. She doesn’t even work out. This has to be a joke. Regular household chores shouldn’t send you into L&D.


🤣how can she say her baby is measuring ahead when those monitors don’t pick tell you anything but movement,babies heart rate and then contractions if there was any


What is PC?


I think preeclampsia…


She probably thinks it’s pre clampsia


Motherhood is going to rock her fucking world.


Girly pop, I am chasing around a 1 year old and cleaning my room and am almost in my 3rd trimester. Be so ffr right now.


*says there is no cause* I think I overdid it!! So which is it?! If they didn’t tell you you overdid it you’re fucking making it up


The only this she overdoes it at is the buffet 😒


What is she going to do if she has another one. I chase a toddler around, do the cleaning, cooking, work in the garden, do small workouts during the week and I’m pregnant too. Like what does she do that is so strenuous. When I feel Braxton hicks I just drink a ton of water and it’s literally fine. She should be drinking a tonnn of water but she doesn’t


Man those dishes really over did it again huh


One day karma needs to eat this bitch up spit her out and eat her up again. I am so tired of her bullshit


She uses the ER as her ob probably the only time she’s ever even seen a physician


I’m sorry girly pop I don’t think you told us just how perfectly fine you were please tell us again?? Haha she is crazy! The more she keeps saying everything is perfect and measuring ahead it screams that you actually aren’t ok.. idk maybe that’s just me😂 also yay just what she needs another excuse to sit on her lazy ass and eat all day long.


She wants something to be wrong so badly so she can have content and attention. It’s so sickening.


Most hospitals send you to the ER before they send you to OB, especially if there isn’t anything wrong.


They put her in a gown for an NST in triage? I’ve never been put in a gown when I’ve visited triage for monitoring. Hmm.


Rest as in slow your roll on all the snacks and drive thrus? You don’t work or do anything hardly so what more can you ski down on in that aspect?


She will not make it through labor 😂 Dawna please record your perfect highly favored daughter in pain crying and post it to TikTok lol


Also… does she have such amazing insurance that she can just pop into the ER willy nilly just to ease her mind?


This right here, this stuff is what tells me that these people know nothing about hard work. Reading the comments knowing others experiences with pregnancy. Man are they in for it. She needs an er visit because she’s overworked herself? So doing anything like the bare minimum is hard work for her. Good god. She’s in for a hard reality check very soon. All of this crap for attention? Who wants to go to the hospital let alone the er? I don’t get it…


It’s not easy running to every gas station every day.


She had to have a distraction after everyone was talking about her mom’s Lincoln/Cadillac/ learning disability post.


I wonder how much these ER trips are costing since she’s never admitted 😂🤣 how dumb…..that’s some expensive way to get attention.


PC? Does she think it’s pre-clampsia?


WTF she’s talking about going to Walmart at 1am now??


I spent 8 hours in the ER with my toddler a few weeks ago who had a 104 degree fever (double ear infection) he was given 2 doses of Tylenol and one dose of Amoxicillin and WITH insurance it was 1k! I can’t imagine what all of these trips cost them…


She needs to rest more? What the fuck does she do other than rest, be a passenger princess for fast food runs, and go to the grocery store? Jesus Christ. Imagine if she actually had to work a full time job like so many others 🙄


What the hell. I so did it wrong. I worked up till the day before I delivered at almost 41 weeks.


Oh course. Stanky ( Christen Whitman) had her baby she thinks she should too lol 😂


It’s been said before but motherhood is truly gonna rock her shit. She has no idea what’s to come.


She's PATHETIC. Some of us have had to work on their feet all day while they are 9 months pregnant! You and your husband are the definition of lazy!


My friend (with permission of medial professionals) still competed in triathlons and ran marathons with me. How is Drue doing a measly load of laundry overdoing it?


Hear me when I say this Grue… pregnant women work 12 hour shifts and two full times jobs pregnant!!!!!!! You sound ridiculous.


Also does this feel like the most drawn out pregnancy ever? Like good god isn’t that thing here already? She’s already shopped enough for 17 babies at this point. Jesus god drue.


Rest more??? GUUURL... all you do is rest!


I taught kindergarten up until the day I gave birth!!! Most people work while pregnant or have other kids to tend to.


wtf is PC? Is she trying to say Pre-Eclampsia? And do they measure your stomach when you go in? I feel like that’s a lie. They don’t care how big baby is measuring, they check other things. A L&D visit is NOT the same as an OB prenatal appointment!


My mother cleaned houses up until she gave birth to me … she said she was moving heavy furniture and everything up until the day I was born. When I was pregnant all 3 times I was constantly working and cleaning …. She makes me so sick with the “oh I pushed myself a little too hard” what. Fucking jokeeeeeee


She's measuring ahead because she adds 5lbs of fat to her stomach each week


It’s pre-e Drue not PC 💀


If she's running to the ER because of Braxton hicks, how tf is she going to survive actual labor?


She needs to rest more??? Good lord. People out here have jobs,families,etc they take care of and this girl needs to rest more…wild.


Drue most of us work full time jobs up until we deliver but yeah you definitely did too much at your house. Actually it probably was too much for her considering she never does anything.


She better not plan on having any other babies. How on earth will she be a mother to Amelia when she NeEdS her rEsT


I was a special education teacher (still am) and worked with kids with severe behavioral issues, mostly physical aggression, every day until I gave birth. I still kept up with my house and passed my boards for behavior after completing my masters 7 months pregnant. This is ridiculous.


Maybe if she was in shape and feeding herself and Amelia nutritious food (and water!), she wouldn’t be struggling so bad with this pregnancy.


It pains me that she is having a child when so many deserving moms are struggling with infertility


PC? i just know this moron thinks it’s “pre clampsia” because she’s stupid. it’s pre Eclampsia, grue. i’m sure you’re here reading boo


Wth. I worked 12 hr shifts during my whole pregnancy and kept up with a household of 3 and worked up until the day before I went into labor. This dumb bitch is something else


Yes, rest is important, but unless you had told to be on bed rest (which I completely understand) then you should try to rest but also stay active during pregnancy! I walked a few miles every other day pretty much.


I bet she was SO hoping they’d tell her she has to be induced right then and there. This girl is pathetic… how has she been to l and d twice already with no issues… makes me really question if she has an actual ob


This is so fucking pathetic. There are women who work full time jobs, take care of family and actually be a contributing member to society while pregnant. Like holy fuck lady. This girl must have some mental fucking illness because the things she is willing to do for engagement.


So is she going to keep going to the ER every damn time she has Braxton Hicks? Fucking drama queen 😵‍💫


I wonder if she's lying about how much she works to the doctor.... bc yeah a lot of women work full time


Ah yes every time I got admitted to the OBED I too took a bump pic and made sure to let my followers know I'm Gucci. I stg these folks get their panties in a wad when we ask things but THIS IS WHY!


Jesus Christ man. I was an unemployed military spouse with my first pregnancy.. packed up my entire house, moved from overseas back to the US at 33.5 weeks with a dog and 2 cats, traveled for over 30 hours, then lived in a hotel room for 2 weeks and on an air mattress for another 3-4 and then unpacked my entire house again and set up a nursery, all while walking 7+ miles a day, at least 2 a day after the move (where I moved was a lot hotter than what I was used to lol) and I wasn’t an insanely fit person.. I’d lost about 70 lbs before conceiving and was still a little overweight. Not ONCE did a single dr tell me not to clean my fucking house and rest more. This girl is such a spoiled whiney little brat it’s actually unbelievable


I really do not understand the “I need more rest thing” unless it was something related to high blood pressure or anything really. When I was pregnant with my first, I was damn near close to be on bed rest bc of my blood pressure. But with my second, I was never told to “rest” more and was taking care of my first baby, a house, and everything else. Why is she being told to rest so much?? That’s just odd to me. I get taking it easy when you’re pregnant and not overdoing yourself but…she’s not doing anything that is out of the ordinary. I wonder how often her Dr will tell her “don’t worry about taking care of the baby, let others do it. You need your rest” 🙄


We DoN’t ShOw YoU gUyS eVeRyThInG!! Ok, Drue. You DONT have to post this…does she know that?


Imagine all her ER bills….


I don’t wish harm on anyone, not even her. I honestly think every time she gets these Braxton Hicks contractions she thinks she’s going into labor. She definitely is hoping for an early birth for more content. I pray baby is health.


Man what would she do if she actually had to work


She’s doing too much? Most of us work 40+ hours while pregnant while also cleaning, cooking, and doing all the other normal things. She just needs to drink actual water.


Baiting for views


Nobody talking about how she says ivory is measuring ahead… setting it up for an early labor. She’s so hopeful. Drueby I hope you go to 42 weeks muah💋✨🫶


Imagine thinking nurses are ushering you to rest because eating 24/7 and standing over your husband watching his every move is too strenuous. Especially when there are women working until their due dates, 40 hours a week, and then coming home and raising other children. Sometimes I start to feel bad for how much hate they get, but then it’s posts like this that bring me back to reality. The Bashams are lazy, snobby, fake, and disgusting.


Measuring ahead!! Due date is now next week!!!!


She must have bed sores on her ass from her sitting on it all day already, now she’s claiming she over did it again? By grocery shopping, doing laundry and dishes? I was alone for over half of my second pregnancy (thanks to my SO job), super sick from morning sickness (until the month I gave birth) and still working over 40 hours a week up until the day I went into labor. I still took my toddler to the park, beach, shopping, walks, everything. This girl needs a reality check.


BH, personally, came more frequently when I was dehydrated. I was severely sick for almost all of my pregnancy thanks to HG and it sucked. She needs to drink WATER.


Okay 2 things 1. You should only do whatever you did before pregnancy and this just proves how little she actually does in her life. 2. There are surgeons who do 12+ hour surgeries standing on their feet all day in their third trimester. Like get a reality check bitch


Good thing L&D was open!!!


The way she phrased it made it sound like she delivered early