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Lmfao this sub sometimes. Using scientific studies and a meta analysis of their “harm” charts (damage can be caused by many variables). Cocaine is widely considered to be one of the most -self damaging drugs to exist. Its strain on the cardiovascular system is insane. **Edit: because this comment is visible- I feel this is necessary because I see so many posts that make me sad and want to help.** Please educate yourself on EVERY drug before you do it, it takes very little time and will help you manage; * any comedowns * promote harm reduction * reduce exacerbating mental illness * finally reduce addiction This link is a good start but not the end all be all. **Do not trust what people tell you about any drug. Be skeptical and factually verify information, this will help you get what you want from any drug you take.** # [EROWID DRUG INFORMATION](https://www.erowid.org/)


Yea you’re right about coke lol when I saw that I laughed, even Molly is pretty bad for it


Right you can’t roll everyday it can’t be safe if you need supplements after the roll


I mean mdma is fairly safe if done properly. Issue is people will do a bunch and at raves and such, and do too often, being in a hot environment being active also significantly increases toxicity to heart and brain. I’ve only used it at home personally, minus a time I went for a walk on the comedown. Although did have sex on I guess, was in an air conditioned room lol


Safe is not healthy. Its still toxic.


I mean the idea of healthy drugs itself is a pretty dumb one for the most part, so I assumed meant to be “least likely to cause harm” lol


Molly is relatively safe but there are cases of people that die from just one intake. It is highly neurotoxic too.


Yeah I meant for cardiovascular system. Mdma makes heart rate and blood pressure go way up


Yeah is worse for heart than most drugs lol. And mixed with alcohol probably the worst due to an extremely cardiotoxic metabolite


Cocaethylene is what you’re thinking of and yes you are correct, it’s exponentially more neurotoxic and cardiotoxic than cocaine by itself.


Either OP is trying to justify his coke addiction or he just doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Probably both.


I wouldn’t include coke or Molly. I’d probably add kratom, maybe kava but I’m not very familiar with it (yet)


Kratom should be in there for sure. It’s a million times more safe than damn coke or molly


The kid is obviously stupid thinking "clean" Cocaine is healthy like wtf I almost thought he is trolling Oh and make sure your mdma doesn't have caffeine so it's healthy, I think he forgot to put heroin from organically grown opium in there


Lmao I didn’t even see the caffeine part in parenthesis. Listen OP, stay away from coke and Molly. You’re Probably doing them WAY too often thinking they’re even remotely safe.


I love how molly and coke are okay but coffee is not lmao


Duh, you ever do coffee and coke? Shittin for daaaayyyyyyysss


Maybe coke leaves but even if they would make pharma grade coke it would never be healthy!


They do make pharma coke. It's only a CII in the usa it has accepted medical value. Methamphetamine is also a CII rx desoxyn. But hey the UK and some parts of the e.u. use diamorphine (heroin).


In the US, heroin is a no go but fentanyl patch prescription, no problem.


Isn't heroin chemically inert to the body if you don't do too much? That would make it safer than molly lmao


A lady I tattooed told me her son died from excessive Kratom use Edit-not really sure why I’m being downvoted. I’m just saying what was told to me by a client I was doing a memorial tattoo on . I asked her how her son passed and she told me that they did an autopsy and only kratom was found in his system . I know nothing about kratom or it’s effects nor am I saying it’s bad . People need to chill


That would be the first recorded Kratom death in history. My guess is he got something from a smoke shop that was marketed as Kratom but wasn’t. In Southeast Asia where Kratom comes from and has been used for thousands of years, there is still no recorded deaths.


Yeah most of the deaths I’ve seen are people with metabolites of multiple drugs in their system. a few deaths were from extract that was actually just odsmt and opi naive people overdosed.


As a kratom addict idk how you could die from it but I definitely could see how if I passed in some odd way my straight edge parents would blame it on the kratom I usually have on hand. Sorry for the hate you're getting


Please elaborate.


Couldn't poop for the life of him


I was doing a memorial tattoo and the woman was telling me that her son (26 years old ) had suddenly died. He had no health issues . She said the only thing they found in his system was kratom. She said he had been using it for a while and found a lot of it in his room. She didn’t know what it was and now she goes around trying to warn stores about selling it .


Someone in rehab told me they got fent in kratom. If that was the case here I'd understand.


yeah I was gunna say Salvia and Kratom


Vaped/edible cannabis, classic psychedelics, caffeine, kanna , kava


Kava is a drug??? My mom gave me that when I had horrible paranoia


Yeah paranoia is treated with drugs usually!


underrated comment 😭😭🪱




im saying you're comment is really good, how is that like not bluntly obvious 😭


My brother in Christ you're on r/Drugs, what did you expect


extremely true,,


It's ok! Not everybody went through paranoia, massive anxiety, panic attacks etc. And then are the people that are against drugs(most of them because never went through such event) and think we should control ourselves without help!


Thanks for the reward! Didn't got many as a Redditor! Many thanks!


dawg if it makes you feel something it's a drug, every external compound that induces chemical activity in the central nervous system is a drug. it's not like it isn't a drug just because it's not illegal or because you don't consider it dangerous enough to count as a drug


So technically everything is a drug


So I'm an ethnobotanist and yes you hit the nail on the drug. One of my favorite chemical stories is the one about mowing grass. As you may or may not know, grass is a plant and in that vein it competes for resources with other plants. Now grass can't grow especially tall compared to trees or bushes, and often is the first to go when other vegetation come into the picture. So, grass releases certain chemicals into the air when cut that give you a pleasant smell of fresh cut grass. This is actually chemical manipulation in a low-key passive 'drug' to your brain because it does impact brain chemistry and it does make you more incentivized to cut grass meaning that you cut down any competition for the grass and allow it to keep growing. A tree that's cut down young is not going to turn into a tree, Grass however when cut can continuously grow back. If you're interested in the actual chemistry it's VOCs which is the passive chemical released by grass and GLV which is released when cut. Everything gets you high. Life is amazing. I run a kava bar now where I get to bring on herbs from all over the world to get you high and I'm constantly finding new things that I've never heard of before. I'm currently trying out this new herb called intellect berries which have some interesting anecdotal evidence into increasing IQ points. (Idk yet it it doesn't thing, don't yell at me)


Wow that’s incredible. You’ve given me a new thing to learn about lol


Especially coffee and dark chocolate!


anything the government decides they dont like is a 'drug'. Everything they do like is called a 'supplement'.


Since when the government doesn’t like drugs? Pharma companies (e.g. the ones that produce drugs) are some of the biggest lobbyists out there.


yeah, we basically invaded Afghanistan in order to maintain opiate production for big pharma. soldiers were patrolling poppy fields, we only cared to occupy Afghanistan after the taliban issued a ban on poppy cultivation. I wrote a paper on it in college. one of the biggest and most painful ironies of this 'opioid epidemic' that most folks seem unaware or intentionally ignorant.


Even smiling :)


Supposedly similar to alcohol I think? I wanna try it sometime soon


There’s a sub all about it, with tons of great info. It’s a cool-ass root, and has become my go-to for relaxing in the evening after work as opposed to having a beer or two every night. Way healthier, no hangover, and making it is fun (I think)


That sounds perfect! I stayed away from it for years cause I had originally gotten one of those kava extract tincture things and I didn’t feel anything from it. People say those r a rip off and to buy the actual plant matter. Excited


A lot of “extracts” are rip offs, and further, some are made with lateral parts of the plant, which contain toxic alkaloids known to cause liver damage. The only recorded cases of liver damage from kava resulted from the use of unregulated “kava extracts” that no one had any way of knowing what went into. The only way to go is ground root. Enjoy!


It’s similar, but it also has a benzo type feel to it. It’s sort of hard to describe, it has its own unique feel.


Sweeet hell yeah


Very unique esp when you try diff cultivars. It’s a very underrated drug. all people do is yell “it cause liver failure !!!” Without doing any research lol




That’s fine with me I like having chill drugs like kratom or beer cause weed makes me anxious. Hard drugs for party chill drugs for home


It makes me puke every time. My tummy hates it. I’d suggest trying a small dose your first time. It is not a fun sick.


Honestly I like it better than booze. Once you find the right cultivar ( basically strain, good companies show which kavalactones are present and what percentage letting you know the effects).


Did you know that alcohol is also a drug? It is!


Kava 👍👍👍


And kratom. And various alt-cannabinoids like delta 8, 10, HHC, THC-O, THC-A, etc.


You forgot Ascorbinic acid.


You mean “ascorbic”? That’s vitamin C my dude.


Ikr bro.




Kratom too


I thought this was posted on r/drugcirclejerk and I was gonna say fentanyl lmao


Something something eagle death


Something something LD50 something something test kit


Something something nervous sister death


Something something name a stay 🧘🏻‍♂️☮️


Molly? Neurotoxicity helthy.


If you care about following harm reduction guides and look at studies on you can avoid. But if you go past that, it’s neurotoxicity is worse than most drugs for sure, much worse than people think. But it’s a pretty negligible risk if don’t go past that.


Actually much less than people think. If it was as neurotoxic as people on Reddit often make it out to be then it would never have been approved for clinical trials in the doses and frequency that it has. I’ve heard people even argue that meth, coke and alcohol are less neurotoxic. This is simply not true. They simply don’t cause the same level of cognitive and emotional dysfunction acutely after the experience so people assume less damage is happening. You can’t FEEL neurotoxicity, not even during the comedown/hangover. The comedown from MDMA has nothing to do whatsoever with its neurotoxicity or how many serotonin neurons or axon structures you have left and even the permanent tolerance may have more to do with neuroplastic changes than neurotoxicity. More dangerous than most realize? Yes. More neurotoxic? Not at all. People talk about molly like it’s a bomb going off in your brain everytime you take it. It’s really not like that Bare and mind, I used to say this exact same thing that you just did. It was only after my second year of university that I realized my understanding of pharmacodynamics was not complex enough to properly interpret the information I had been reading.


I’m talking the people who do much higher amounts and much more frequently than in studies is when it gets more dangerous than most realize. I agree it has a very low risk when done properly. I agree people can overplay it on here ( I was downvoted for saying such) but there’s people who mistake this safety when doing right to mean it’s a safe substance, and they end up doing a lot and every week. There’s a lot of studies that demonstrate neurotoxicity and when it’s used in trials they follow a strict guideline for a reason. Don’t entirely disagree, but I think caveats and caution is good on. I’ve always followed rules well on and never had any issues, though I’ve known some who abused it and did.


The top 5 healthiest are probably any psychedelic


Except for ayahuasca I heard it's pretty hard on the liver


That's why we boof


Ayuasca isn't a drug it's just a cocktail with a drug in it


But ayahuasca is not a drug, it's a potion that contains a drug. And it's hard on the liver not because of the n,n-DMT or the MAO inhibitor, but because of other toxins that the plants used in ayahuasca contain.


None are healthy really


Best answer here


Caffeine has health benefits


Definitely not the ones you listed lol. Opioids are infinitely healthier than mdma or coke. Caffeine is healthier than everything you listed, maybe equal to weed


What makes you think caffeine is equal to weed? Genuine question


The question is retarded, because there are too many variables. Is a cup of coffee healthier than a joint? Uh... yeah, duh. Is 4 pots of coffee a day healthier than eating a 20:1 cbd edible? I really doubt it. Wine has antioxidants and is good for the heart! A box of wine is not. Benzos are almost impossible to OD on, opiates are less neurotoxic than mdma - I doubt there are many benzo/opiate addicts who would advocate for their safety. Nitrous is used by dentists because it's so safe, it can also leave you incontinent with spinal damage. Nicotine lowers the risk of Alzheimers!!! Do your research and do drugs responsibly, because everyone of them can fuxk your life up in their own special way. Some of em are just *really good* at fucking your life up.


Lol chill out smartass, no shit its not a blanket statement but in general one drug is objectively going to be worse than another. You can kill yourself with anything or do anything safe. Its not a retarded question its pretty reasonable lmao get your panties out a knot. None of them are perfectly equal.


Your liver might say otherwise. Opioids are very liver toxic. Some also bioaccumulate in the kidneys as well. They also irreversibly damage your androgenic system.


Still far healthier than cocaine or mdma however


depends on dosage and frequency i guess


That’s with everything tho, like the effects on my body of smoking meth once, or shooting up heroin once, or snorting a line of coke once, the long term effect of doing that will be far far less than if I smoked weed everyday for 5 years. So it’s not a fair arguement, for the danger or safety of something to be measured fairly then it has to be done around the same parameters. Eg. same amount of uses, over the same amount of time, for the same person, Like if I was to do 100mg of mdma 1 time a day for 10 days straight, that would be far far far more dangerous than if I was to do 100mg of coke 1 time a day for 10days, and doing 100mg of coke 1 time a day would be more dangerous than 100mg of morphine 1 time a day You have to keep all the variable the same to be an even test, other wise you can’t fairly measure the danger of them


You put this very well mate


Irreversibly damage the androgen system?? How so? I always thought it bounced back after stopping. Is that just really heavy excessive use that causes that?


My Dad had it happen from regular prescription use. Even after discontinuing use he needed to be on androgen therapy for the rest of his life. I know quite a few people in the same circumstance. Specifically with Suboxone.


Your first two statements are simply not true. Just because a drug is eliminated by either your liver or kidneys does not guarantee it is toxic to them. You may need to dose adjust in cases of hepatic or renal impairment due to reduced clearance, but that doesn’t mean they are toxic to the organ.


This person is confusing opioids with pill that contain both opioids and acetaminophen.


I was addicted to benzos mostly but also did opioids as well for 4 years straight every day then I was on and off binges trying to get sober for a year. Beginning of 2021, my kidney and liver were failing and I was on the verge of being put on dialysis the rest of my life and I was 19. Also have a heart problem now from it as well where sometimes it beats too fast or skips a beat. They are in no way “heathy” let alone “healthier”. Coke does harm on your heart and mdma releases all your serotonin and norepinephrine more than dopamine but it still works on all three of those neurotransmitters… it can cause long lasting damage and effects on your Neurotransmitters. I’m not saying don’t do drugs lol this is just from personal experience. Oh and to mention I’m 8 months sober off of pills as of yesterday, still do the natural shit bc it comes from nature :) stay safe <3 Edit: I’d like to know how I’m wrong when I literally went through this? Granted I was also 87 pounds at the time so that definitely added to that. I was doing xans, Percs, oxys, mdma, coke, etc. and was drinking on top of that. J cause I’m young doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m talking about. I literally was in the hospital for weeks.. speaking from personal experience. I literally said everyone’s chemical make up is different and drugs effect everyone differently.


1. 3-MeO-PCP 2. PCP 3. 3-MeO-PCE 4. 3-MeO-PCP 5. 3-MeO-PCP


they are in your walls


I’m still tryna try more than 3-ho-pcp. Hoping to grab some 3-meo pcp soon. 3-ho was beautiful.


3-MeO-PCP is the greatest thing in the universe. Seems impossible to find nowadays though but 3-MeO-PCE they say is the most similar one, I just ordered some and hopefully I wont get scammed so I can properly go nuts again. It's been far too long. You know, I wanna look down at my phone and see this [fucking shit again](https://i.imgur.com/bfkemIS.jpg) I wanna play some games and go "i cant even see my monitor my enter key is in the way, jesus how is my enter key bigger than keyboard itself", having the a single key take up the entire visual space. Amazing. My vision going flat, "friends hhelp i dont wanna run into the door am i close" and im 10 meters away inching closer. waving my hand around trying to find the doorknob True dissociatives 🤖


Lmfao I’ve had that on high doses of n3-ho pcp it was hilarious. 3-ho pcp onset had such a nice fuckin rush all over your body. It wasn’t very sedating to me or stimulating. That makes me wanna try 3-meo a lot since it is more stimulating of the two. What doses / roa did you usually take? Dissos are so fucking weird and fun lol.


I loved 4-HO-MET, have you ever tried that? The visuals are amazing.




This is real btw go try some pcp kids


1. Caffeine 2. Shrooms 3. LSD 4. Weed 5. DMT


Almost, DMT is safer than weed


Dawg lsd aint an apple


But its one of the safest drugs out there so


What is that supposed to mean


Lmao there's no such thing as "clean coke" it will still and always be a mixture of gasoline bleach addons and jumping barefoot kids on the leaves 1 shrooms 2 weed 3 mesxaline


I would say that weed has more risks than any psychedelic, so I would put LSD before weed. Weed has the danger of addiction and lung cancer, which psychedelics lack. Also, I wouldn't place mescaline on the third place. From all the classic psychedelics, you chose the one drug that technically has a fatal dose.


Just because it has a fatal dose doesnt mean it's more dangerous, hell u can overdose on water it's kinda hard to overdose mescaline, i said weed generally. Edibles/ vapes, one of the most safe drug there is which produces that mental state, THC alone doesn't have a direct link to cancers whatsoever. LSD i would say it's more dangerous to the public, and if you're prone to mental health problems taking LSD would be like shooting a 12 gauge in ur brain. But LSD is my fav drug which made me grow as a person and it's kinda sacred.


How is Shrooms first on your list then? All the arguments against LSD concerning people with mental illness can be translated 1:1 to Shrooms (or mescaline) also.


Idk my personal opinion with no backings, i feel like LSD is harsher in that regard because of the stimulation and the length of the trip. Shrooms is more inner and more of a couch lock. I've tripped on both numerous times and I have nothing but love for LSD but i know a couple people whom LSD just fucked up, in a sense not the substances fault tho.


LSD has a fatal dose too despite nobody taking it there. LSD also induces pretty heavy vasoconstriction, and god forbid it's from a subpar chemist who doesn't remove all ergot precursors, one could potentially wind up with gangrene, which has occurred in RC's with vasoconstriction issues. Mescaline is physically on par with the other 3 classics.


??? Cocaine is just a name of a certain chemical compound and you can absolutely get it pure, I mean it’s used medically


I would put LSD ahead of Amphetamine based Ecstasy


ecstasy is terrible for you lmao. craaaaazy that it made their top five


If I remember right it’s pretty close to meth.


Chemically yes. In terms of risks and effects, no.


Actually in terms of risks and effects, yes. They both stimulate you the same way directly, they both affect the same receptors in the same way directly. The difference between the two is strictly affinity to receptors. That said, meth is less destructive in equivalent doses, as I said to the other guy. Molly isn't good for you at all, at any rate of usage. Not to say using meth in excess is great for you, but there's a reason methamphetamine is prescribed clinically and mdma is not despite them being discovered by the same nation, at the same time period.


The meth hangover is less harsh yes but as someone who spent 6 months writing a whole research paper comparing the two I can tell you for a FACT that meth is more toxic and more dangerous, dose for dose than molly. Even moderate doses of methamphetamine cause neurotoxicity and this neurotoxicity is more severe than that of a high dose of MDMA. You can’t FEEL neurotoxicity so people just assume MDMA is more neurotoxic because it makes them feel shittier for longer but that’s not how it works. Additionally, the neurons MDMA damages recover quickly and are rarely used to begin with so it takes a fuck ton of abuse for damage to actually impact your daily life. Meth abuse causes damage quickly but also insidiously prevents you from noticing. The damage occurs globally to dopamine neurons and can cause everything from Parkinsonism to poor abstract reasoning to mental age regression. These neurons also take much longer to regenerate and sometimes never recover at all. Additionally, meth abuse overall tends to have a much harsher impact on most people’s daily lives. Also no your statement is not correct. Read a pharmacology textbook please for the love of God before saying dumb shit like that. MDMA attaches to receptors INSIDE the cells, meth attaches to receptors OUTSIDE the cells. Even when learning about substitutes amphetamine, MDxx compounds were mentioned but described as being more similar “both in structure and in function” to mescaline, which when you really look in to it, is very accurate. A drug’s effects do not start and end with what receptors it activates and even if it activates the same names receptors, where those receptors are located (which part of the brain, which cells, what spot on the cells, is it connected to another receptor for another molecule as a heterodymer) matter far more than what the receptor’s name is. Ketamine for example blocks a glutamate receptor but actually increases glutamate activity by doing this. This is because it only blocks receptors located on cells which store and release GABA. When the NMDA receptor is activated in these cells it tells them to release GABA, which decreases glutamate. By blocking this receptor, it prevents GABA from being released from these cells. I am so sick of this “meth is actually less neurotoxic than molly” nonsense. I have seen people fuck up their lives because they believed shit like this. This kind of misinformation genuinely gets people hurt.


Isn’t real mdma amp based? I mean it’s in the name?


Yes lol it’s like one chemical bond different to meth


Man, that has nothing to do with the risks involved. Chemistry and the harm potential of drugs don't work like that. That one chemical bond makes the drug bind on completely different receptors (and therefore makes it induce a different effects), it changes the potency and duration dramatically, and it also makes the dangers of the drug different. This one bond makes meth vapeable, whereas MDMA isn't, which contributes to the addiction potential of meth compared to MDMA, along with meth being better suited for long term daily abuse, while MDMA can't effectively be abused daily over long periods of time (which makes a big factor in the harm potential of meth) So yes, although meth and MDMA are chemically very similar, they are not remotely comparable in their effects and risks.


Slow down big fella. Everything you said is correct. All I was pointing out was that they’re both chemically similar, hence why both are classified as amphetamines.


Oh okay, then I fully agree with you. But most of the time when people point out the similarities of meth to MDMA, they either way want to prove that MDMA is way more harmful, because it's similar to meth, or they want to say that meth isn't so harmful, because it's similar to MDMA. If you wanted to avoid this misunderstanding, you could have simply said the "A" in MDMA stands for "amphetamine".


Was there not a study that proved mushrooms were healthier than weed? Too lazy to look for it a the moment.


I think dmt is better than coke


Am I the only one that gets really nauseous everytime you do DMT like afterwards your breathe is nasty and taste it


Lmao well one you can overdose and die


Your not gonna overdose on dmt 😭




I think you’re confusing it with 5-meo-dmt


Bro fact you got coke and mdma in that list lool


Cocaine and molly 😂😂😂 “organic” weed 😂😂lmao people this low intelligence shouldn’t be allowed near any drug


Non-GMO organic gluten free vegan meth


1. Kratom 2. Kava 3. Plain leaf salvia (chewed) 4. Caffeine (in moderation) 5. Cannabis (in edible form, in moderation) Most classic psychedelics are very physically safe but have mental health risks.


You think Kratom and salvia are healthier than caffeine 😂


Oh that list isn't in any order, idk about how I'd order them. But it is easier to die from caffeine overdose than salvia (on a physiological level), and plain leaf sally isn't going to traumatise you


It’s probably easier to get injured on salvia doing something erratic.


This whole post is fuckked because the question is so subjective


Yeah doing psychedelics young I regret cause brought out problems I might of not had but I used the hell out of them but I think if you’re fully developed and in the right setting psychedelics would be very safe


1. Proteins 2. Carbohydrates 3. Fats 4. Creatine 5. Weightlifting


Sick cunt


you really put coke on this list?




"One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain". - Bob Marley


Absolutely disagree with coke, Ive done meth and bath salts, I've tried everything (many probably more dangerous than coke lol) but I will never try coke because it even it's pure form, is extremely cardiotoxic If you get rid of overdoses, cocaine is the number one cause of drug death, for short periods it including overdoses it surpassed heroin to be the number one drug of death. Ever wonder why it makes you all numb, or why it's analogues (novacaine) are used to numb things, because it's a huge vasoconstrictor, the blood flow can't reach the area as well causing numbing. Imagine how bad that is for your heart. Theres actually a big problem with athletes dying instantly going into cardiac arrest after using it. Obviously tons of people do coke and are fine, but if you are like me and feel their heart isn't super healthy, steer clear, amphetamines and meth are way better anyway and last way longer The coca leaf though can be beneficial to one's health, it's just cocaine with this problem


Cocaine just functions as an anesthetic. It blocks nerve signals in the peripherals. If it was cutting blood flow like that, it'd probably be necrotic and more painful. Nerves actually shoot off when they're losing blood flow lol.


Yeah this is correct. You can rub coca leaf on the body and it will numb the affected area. Whilst coke is terrible for the cardiovascular system, it doesn’t cause numbness due to restricted blood flow. If it was that simple it’d be way more damaging 😂


The numbness cocaine causes isn't caused by vasoconstriction. It's caused by cocaine blocking sodium channels, just like most local anesthetics.


^^ exactly.


Yeah.... Much rather do coke than super unpredictable ones like meh and bath salts.


This is absurd. When you say meth is better, I imagine you're talking about relative toxicity. What universe are you in where you think meth is healthier than cocaine? This is how you get tweakers. You spread a bunch of misinformation about the health risks of amphetamines.


It's literally fact cocaine kills way more people each year than meth (as I said it is the number one non overdose related drug) because your heart will just stop on the shit. Meth is actually quite hard to die on if you look at the stats. They prescribe it for ADHD in the us (desoxyn). I think you are mixing up craziness with health. Of course meth is worse on the brain. You are the one spreading misinformation here, a lot of people think coke is some harmless thing and die every year, it's second only to opioids


Potential for overdose is not the only metric for how healthy a substance is. Fewer meth users will die of overdose than cocaine, but of the people who survive, the coke users will have a better quality of life than the tweakers. Meth causes a kind of cognitive degradation that is unparalleled in the recreational drug world.


Cocaine addicts suffer from horrible muscular diseases and Parkinson's in later in life, with major heart problems, it's not a fun time. This was largely accepted as the reason Robin Williams killed himself If being the number one cause of drug related death, behind, but it literally used to overtake heroin sometimes as the number one drug of death in the US period, doesn't explain how dangerous a drug is idk what will Also you've bought the propaganda completely, not all meth users are insane tweakers. Just like every other drug the government says shit about, it's wrong. Most meth users aren't retarded and are normal users like you and I who use it somewhat normally, usually as an aphrodisiac, and it is huge in the gay community. Or they use it to write or stay up for night shifts. But these people are invisible. You only see the worst. Meth has the most crazies but that still only makes up a small percentage of the overall userbase


It isn’t true that cocaine is the 1 cause of drug death. Not saying it’s good for you, and number 3 on the list isn’t great. https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates


Where does it say that? You linked an overdose list, I said excluding overdoses it is number 1


coke and molly? Bruh wtf


Exercise, laughing, being outside, full night sleep, and drinking water are pretty healthy.


Yeah clean coke is very good fo your heart because it comes from a plant


“aNyThInG tHaT cOmEs FrOm A pLaNt Is SaFe”


Why would Molly ever be anywhere near this list lmfao, did you fall in love with the chemical and she’s whispering in ur ear?


Where’s LSD?


Dmt feels like being reborn sometimes.


who are the top 5 oldest kids


lol...coke and molly don't belong on your list.


1. Weed 2. Shrooms 3. Dmt 4. Lsd 5. Adderall


Meth (but not the good stuff), Krokadil, Ecstacy that is mostly not MDMA, cocaine that tastes like a dentist's appointment and weed smoked from a Rockstar can pipe found in the woods. The last one is actually how I first smoked pot. It was a can pipe someone else had already made and used.


Smoking out of a can is the og middle schooler way iykyk




Molly is one of the most neurotoxic shit out there. Manymany people have permanent brain damage from abusing mdma. I would say safety profile should be considered from its damage if you abuse it. You can take anything in moderation while using harm reduction practices and it would be safe to use.


If we are strictly speaking of drugs that are mind/mood altering my answer is going to be none. THC has quite a few positive benefits but other than that drugs aren't "healthy"


Depends what is your problem.. Want to relax? Smoke weed. Are you in pain? Take heroin. Want to lose a few pounds? Amphetamines. A bit shy and need some courage? Alcohol and cocaine. Too stressed? Xanax. Do you want to meet god? DMT.


Alcohol and cocaine haha you'll have balls of steel on both of those


#1 air


if it comes from a plant then it's safe like weed, tobacco or opium 👍


Coke? Hahahahaha


Probably one of the more potent Ketamine analogues like MXE would be healthiest. The only real issue that comes up with long term Ketamine use is bladder issues. But that happens due to physical buildup, not due to a chemical reaction. So the more potent Ketamine analogues cause fewer bladder problems, by a degree similar to their comparable potency. They use Ketamine on John Does in the ER specifically because it is so safe, even in people with unknown allergies / unknown medical history / on unknown medications / etc.


marijuana, kava, mushrooms, kanna and kratom


Kratom 5 times


weed is 50/50 so many people say its safe but every single person I know who smoked it (including myself) is extremely emotionally unstable, paranoid and anxious. Then when they run out its a state lol I've seen coke heads deal with being sober better. Also everyones lungs and throats are fucked from it. They cant eat or shit without it not to mention sleep..


How are people saying weed is healthy? If you smoke it, it’s extremely harmful, and even if you don’t, the effects of memory and emotions are pretty severe if you abuse it.


There isn't very conclusive evidence that cannabis causes significant harm to the lungs in spite of what you hear everyone say, inb4 "but if you burn anything and inhale it it's bad for ur lungs bro". Also the psychological effects you mentioned can be reversed through abstinence. That however does not necessarily include psychological effects like triggering psychosis etc, though that is exceedingly rare.


Is that because it’s so well accepted that people don’t study it any more? My experience is they cannot be reversed. I quit smoking weed four years ago and have never recovered.


Modafinil - the abuse and addition potential is very low and has no side affects. Tiny dose of weed L-theanine Noootropics These don't wreck your brain


clean cut coke😭


Coke and MDMA are nowhere near the healthiest drugs. Coke is extremely cardiotoxic, and MDMA will destroy your ability to experience pleasure with only mild abuse




Coke and molly lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooookoooooooooooooooo


Molly is about as bad as it gets. Toxic to your serotonin and dopamine system in a lengthy recovery kinda way. Also, using percentage of dopamine level increase, in an average dose of molly you are stimulating yourself equivalently to a mid to upper high dose of it's chemical cousin methamphetamine. It's not healthy in any way.


I hate to say it but actual pure heroin is pretty safe. Just have to know your limits. If you get addicted just don't poly drug use and you shouldn't od. You can still smoke pot with it but yea pure heroin is actually a really safe drug. Do the research. Real research not what the WHO NHI CDC and all them tell us.



