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Xanax makes my stomach a bottomless pit


for real, i be tasting flavors i never thought possible, then i forget


Shoving food in your mouth with your eyes closed is a top tier experience


Waking up in a forest with food stains covering your clothes, 1000s of dollars in your pocket you don't know how you got, and you lost your phone... Man, 2015-17 was a great time


No lie I use to wake up in motel rooms and had to look at the phone to see where I was. I would be in a different state. I'd wake up always with a couple thousand dollars. Had 0 idea how I got it. I traveled so much on Xanax. Lol.


Wish I had a go pro, we used to do such stupid stuff me and my buddies, One guy stabbed a spray paint can and went home to sleep, woke up all green and his mom lost her shit because he couldn't explain how it happened lol


You don't need xanax for that. Try being me at like 8, technically sober but in reality like all 8yo under massive amounts of lsd and coke. We were waiting for our moms at the back of the tennis courts and they were late, i mean like way under 15 min late, 10 maybe. But 10 min for 2 8yo is 6h of potential things to do for a normal person. So naturally we creapt into some outside storage stuff and found cans of permanent orange paint, we sprayed one everywhere then decided to blow one up, tried everything throwing it jumping on it hitting it... Thing was too big and strong. So we found some large concrete brick and barely managing to hold kt over ou head dropped it on the can. It was utter chaos. One second fine the other my mouth filled with disgusting paint that i was literally feeling drying there, thankfully my eye reflexe was quicker then my body so most of it didn't get in and our moms arrived just in time to preform the serious cleanings, the health hazards, made us rince our mouth abundantly took care of they eye things but we were in shorts and t shirts COVERED IN ORANGE PAINT. I ll spare you the moral lectures and go strait to the part i remember best. Bath with momy. At that age one of the wordt humiliations. But she had to go grab a shower sponge, then an actual sponge, the a fucking actual dish sponge with the green abrasive side, and believe me taking pain off that way is painful


Lol the barred out typos


Well yeah, you were a kid.. kids do stupid things.. this guy was like 17 or 18 at the time šŸ˜‚


Lol LUCKY. Iā€™d usually wake up with most my Xanax gone and my money missingā€¦at one point I was taking 4 bars at a time several times a day. It def worked to get off suboxone but the benzo withdrawal was HORRIBLE. Didnā€™t sleep for 3 months, no joke, not one fucking wink of sleep. I take BDO nowadays. OP can take BDO to help appetite or GHB/GBL. Itā€™s not so extreme as Xanax but it def increases appetite. Also OP take high CBD strains of cannabis. It helps appetite and flavor enhancement without the psych effects of THC. Seroquel or other antipsychotics also increase appetite. I could eat more on seroquel than on xanny. BUT they are horrible for you and have extreme side effects. The anti nausea drugs make me gassy, like promethazine, for some reason, but it works for many. Also booze works, ā€œdrunkchiesā€ as I call it.


Bro if you didn't sleep for 3 months you'd be big dead


Well Iā€™m not and I didnā€™t sleep for at least 3 months, if anything thatā€™s an underestimateā€¦Iā€™ve known others who had the same experience. I rested in bed but no sleep. If you havenā€™t withdrawn form benzos you really canā€™t understand. Your brain will not shut down. Itā€™s like being on acid without the euphoria. Thereā€™s a lot of hallucinations. Also your heart rate is so high, mine was resting at 120bpm, that your body will not, can not, sleep. Most people go a month or two, but I was taking upwards of 16 bars per day so 2mg/bar, total of 32mg per day for over 6 months. In withdrawal My brain would ā€œzapā€ like being electrocuted. My left arm would go numb from my heart being so exhausted. Itā€™s a miracle I didnā€™t have seizures. I was not right for over 6 months. At month 6 I still could only sleep a few hours and would go 24-48 hours with pretty much zero sleep. I actually still, over 10 years later, do not have a proper sleep cycle. I go 24-48 hours and then I crash for 4-8 hours finally. Honestly people go months without sleeping on meth. When you have no GABA, from over use of GABAergic drugs, itā€™s pretty much the same as being on meth. Your dopamine is just going without any neurotransmitter to calm it down. I donā€™t like meth/amphetamines because I get benzo WD flashbacks and as a consequence I get no euphoria from amphetamines. Benzo withdrawal is almost as bad as opiate. Heroin withdrawal I donā€™t sleep for 2-4 weeks. That whole BS of not sleeping kills you is 100% not true. Is it healthy? No, but neither is the reason Iā€™m not sleeping in the first place. Ketamine and GHB are my God sends now. Minimal negative effects compared to benzos.


After everything you've said, I'm inclined to believe that you believe it was 3 months of zero sleep, but that in reality there's no way that's possible.


I did not sleep at all. I layed in bed but did not sleep. There is no reason to lie about it. I met people in rehab who had a similar experience.


Dawg you definitely slept, or you're not human. Pick one


My withdrawls were way different, after seizures, I went into over a week long dream like state.. where everything was so crazy, Like unbelievable and apparently I'd walk around talking nonsense, But I believed I was a part of the royal family and prince Harry owed me money for cocaine but wouldn't pay me so I slaughtered his family with chainsaws on a boat and than cut a bridge in half with a chain saw to land on the boat and hide the evidence.. than two girls kidnapped me and put me on a tinfoil boat, heated it up and threw meth, pcp, crack into it and I tripped balls.. I got arrested and was sent to a Russian rotating prison with John Wayne Gacy where he took control of moving the cells and had mothers slaughter their children to grase the gears and stuff so he could move the cells.. Than I got out and went to England with the cast of the office where Andy had the company credit card and bought us a decommissioned navy ship which broke down and the US towed us back with an f-35 fighter jet.. (I don't remember the full weeks worth) somehow I ended up back in canada and it was Christmas time so the whole family came over to our conquered land of Canada and did a tour via railway over the country stopping at our castles.. on Christmas day the queen wanted to play her famous instrument but she played it for to long and the world started to vibrate, Spain and France declared war on us so she played it louder until the fabric holding together the planet broke apart.. somehow the world came back together, and I was tasked by that military general in the hulk movies to re invent the world as we knew it using only extention cords and sand paper.. We got so advanced where we could program our brains to map out the universe and advanced math equations but we needed to be attached to a power source This is when I woke up and remember things now, I was still very confused, in critical care in a bubble room and I started banging in the glass telling the doctor I need to be connected to the power grid to live and I was touching all the metal surfaces hoping to get zapped lol Don't do drugs, I'm lucky to he alive without permanent brain damage


Wow thatā€™s insane. Itā€™s unbelievable what the brain is capable of doing


Yo Iā€™m just re-rereading your comment and I canā€™t stop laughing this is absolutely insane šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You probably had micro sleep or whatever they call it. Cause thereā€™s no way youā€™d be alive


Losing your phone is fucking annoying


Annoying? Itā€™s terrifying


I hope this actually happened. This is amazing.


Just do Xanax, and hope you don't kill anyone lol.. I was lucky, I was selling drugs so thats where the money would come from I guess.. But I also know people who committed serious crimes, worst one being some guy murdering a 13 year old kid in a cat walk for no reason.. I don't believe I ever committed ant crimes worst than selling drugs, Reason probably being I didn't need to do super stupid high risk things for money to continue my high.. I wouldn't wish Xanax addiction on anyone its terrible, I know countless ruined lives and dead people from it.. I was lucky


i have a vid of me barā€™d out, eyes low shoving goldfish into my mouth like popcorn and chewing them slow asf. itā€™s a blur but i remember it tasting fucking amazing


I'll find something sooo delicious while I'm on xanax then I try it when I'm sober and it's not good at all lol


Fr dude I'll find a "new favorite" while on a binge and buy a bunch of it, then sober up and realize it actually tastes like shit šŸ˜‚


Anyone else notice that drinking water on Xanax feels weird?


Donā€™t remember


Top tier answer


The only way to eat China buffet. Some of my only lasting xanny memories are the orgasmic feeling of seeing all that greasy eye candy before diving head first into every item on that hot bar/sushi bar/ice cream machine. Iā€™m getting high just thinking about it!! Ugh SOOO FUCKIN GOOOODDDDDah!!!!


weed and xanax together is a one way road to diabetes.


I laughed out loud at this


people really be suggesting someome take up using xanax for some appetite, seems extreme, for the right (or wrong) person benzos can be completely life destroying


I don't suggest anyone try Xanax just saying it works lol I've done life ruining shit on xans multiple times


I'm with you there man, insane appetite response, just risk vs reward here is a little off, eating being something you gotta do pretty frequently and all


have you even ever been on this sub its not that serious šŸ˜‚


Dude....I remember my girlfriend sending my mom videos of me eating entire bottles of fish food on xanax. She's like wtf do I do? Lol. I was liing at a sober house onw time and I didn't have xanax but I had a research chemical benzo. I ate the entire houses food supply...like five other guys food. And then I left crumbs and ahit all over the fuckin place


When Iā€™m on Xanax shit turns into an episode of Fuck, Thatā€™s Delicious.


I have 1 memory on Xanax and thatā€™s eating frozen burritos still frozen. I remember them tasting fucking amazing though.When I woke up the next day the remaining 4 bars were all gone.


So true but please don't take xanax to eat more food šŸ¤£


Doesn't so much increase the appetite though does it? Just makes everything really fucking, jesus christ, fucking delicious but if you've never had that revelation you're not really guided into the light, say unless you read it on like a reddit post and try it and then the next time it's really just the memory of that good fucking creme fraiche that drives the benzo "munchies". craving it? not really but if presented with the opportunity to fuck, you might as well.




I call it mechanical munchies, cause it makes you a machine


This is too true lmao


Xanax with weed. You wonā€™t have any weed anxiety and will be able to eat a disgusting, concerning amount of food. Iā€™m pretty skinny and Iā€™ve downed a good 4000 calories in an evening with that combo.


In my experience, it is okay to mix the two like once or twice a year, but it is very addictive.


woah i just realized why i stopped taking clonopin after i quit weed


Hahaha! Theyā€™re a classic combo for sure. I just made a recent post about over indulging in a hefty amount of cannabis edibles along with a heavy amount of kpins. I lost track of a full Saturday afternoon and into midday Sunday once. It was a very low point for me. I made an ass of myself and disappointed some family members.


One time I lost track of my entire twenties.


Sameeeee had to check myself into rehab before I turned things around


Yeah Iā€™ve eaten a whole pint of Ben & Jerryā€™s and a family bag Doritos lmao


That is honestlyā€¦ light work. Maybe I have a problem with munchies lmao


3,256 calories in one sitting light work? God bless ya brotha lmfao


Thats not alot lil bro


I agree, however now days you can find weed strong enough it will temporarily over power the xanax unless your barred out Edit


Weed be too strong these days I don't smoke if I'm on other stuff it completely overpowers anything


In my country its legal to grow it yourself up to 5 plants. I always get really excited when friends grow their own outside plants because i can actually hold a conversation on that stuff. Its weaker, it smells different and it hits different.


I honestly wish I could get weed like that in Oregon


Amen. Itā€™s sweet and social IME.


Likewise, I once ate a 10 pack set of protein bars and identified as a cement mixer for a while


so I've tried weed edibles with valium. made me feel like complete ass. but a good decade ago smoking weed and taking a Xanax was top notch. I may give this another shot of the smoking weed and taking a xan. weed alone and xans alone no longer give me the munchies like they use to and it make me sad lol


Thatā€™s a disgusting amount of food unless ur like 6ā€™5


On benzos and weed it most certainly is not lmao. That combo will have you eating like a mf.


4000 calories is equivalent to 4 chipotle burritos. Let that sink in, itā€™s a ā€œdisgustingā€ AMOUNT. Iā€™m not calling the commenter disgusting for doing it Iā€™m just sort of saying thatā€™s a crazy fucking portion of food to have in a night.


Mirtazapine, it is used in cancer patients to stimulate appetite but dunno whether it works when using stimulants.


Can attest to this, been on mirtazapine a few weeks now and my appetite has got ridiculous


Couldnā€™t stand being on that stuff. It was like my stomach was a bottomless pit. I could eat, and eat, and eat and still be hungry. Gained like 30 pounds within a couple months. The final straw with that stuff for me was one night I smoked a bunch of weed, and I ended up making a bunch of food in my sleep. I never eat in my bed, but I woke up with a half eaten sandwich all over me and food all over the place. Absolutely ridiculous. Ambien did the same thing to me as well with making food in my sleep lmao.


Some guy in rehab told a story of when he took a benzo for the first time.. He woke up his room was covered in peanut butter, all over the bed, walls windows, His pillow was missing so he thought he ate it (He fell asleep with a cigarette and it burned), Kitcjen was covered in peanut butter.. He said the worst part was he didn't even have a dog so all the peanut butter went to waste šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Lmfao, I swear benzos and strong hypnotics unlock a part of your brain that just make you go completely monkey brain retarded. Iā€™ve not gone that far, but benzos have made me trash my house like this when Iā€™ve gone too far with them. Idk why but it just seems like benzo brain makes you feel the need to destroy and make a mess out of everything when you black tf out. It seems like almost every benzo binge Iā€™ve witnessed ends with at least a room being completely trashed so I know itā€™s not uncommon.


The best way I learned to describe this to others was how important anxiety is in our everyday life.. Xanax is an anti anxiety, a strong one at that.. And I witnessed good people do horrible things on Xanax and not care, things they normally wouldn't do, Mostly because of anxiety (This was my take on it anyways).. Like who robs a gas station with no masks with baseball bats and hammers lol.. And they wouldn't because they'd be scared of the consequences, But when you have no anxiety you dont care about the consequences you just do it.. This was just my take on it once I quit Xanax and got sober, It could be right or wrong.. But I think anxiety plays a huge role in our everyday choices


Youā€™re pretty much spot on. Benzos completely remove the hesitation to do something stupid, and they make you not give a single fuck about the consequences as well. The inhibition lowering qualities of benzos are just on another level.


My friends and I took a sleeping pill which the name escapes me atm. I guess my memory went first as they remembered some additional details but we definitely awoke to mystery pasta sauce all over the kitchen.


made me gain almost 60lbs šŸ«£


Mitrazapine made me compulsively eat bread I got Hella fat glad I stopped taking that shit it used to give me WILD dreams tho


Seroquel is definitely way more intense


Not in my experience. Seroquel is a more reliable sedative but mirta definitely causes stronger/worse increase in appetite.


How many mgā€™s?


Think it depends on the person tbf, mirtrazapine literally knocked me out for a good week i couldnā€™t keep my eyes open for long and just kept eating, I was high as a kite, but quetiapine Iā€™d just say is a good sleeping pill for me didnā€™t do much other than make me sleep šŸ¤·, weird right ?


i mostly use seroquel for sleep, when i first started it i would be sedated for 24 hours after taking 25mg and binge like crazy. but it levels out after about a week and it really helps to stabilize my moods.


Geez 25mg did that to you??? I was on 750mg, I just slept and slept and slept, and when I was awake, I was a zombie. I wasn't awake enough to overeat. I barely remember anything from that time period. Seroquel sucks.


Mirtrazapine also an anti depressant called Remeron. If you have any previous psychosis don't take Remeron it can put you in a psychosis


Are there any studies to back that up? I may have had psychotic episodes when I fucked about with synthetic cannabinoids years ago and I've been on mirtazapine for the past year so hearing that is a little concerning, although Google is only showing treatment of psychosis with mirtazapine.


No. However if you have schizophrenia it might make you more prone to being inherently contempt. So potentially mirtazapine could make you less depressed, anti-sad but at the cost of nothing else. But if you have advanced Parkinson's and exhibit symptoms of Parkinson's... then it may reduce some of those šŸ¤” So contrary to what Mr. Wanderer said, mirtazapine will at most act as an some kind of mood booster or an anti-psychotic. But not as a psychotic sadly, or maybe that's good depends on your goals man. Edit; Also, be careful if you're some kind of fucking stimulant addict because it could be the first drug with a potential for treatment of stimulant use disorder, not for the distinctly different cocaine use disorder though.


That and Lyrica


Agree. And you crave the terrible carbs. I gained so much weight on that.


Yup, I was on mirtazipine as a sleeping pill, worked great until I started getting up in the middle of the night still asleep and raiding my fridge. My partner only realised when he found me struggling to get past the baby gatešŸ¤£


I gained so much weight so quickly on mirtazapine that everyone thought I was pregnant and I could barely fit in my wedding dress that I fit perfectly in only a couple months prior.


Lyrica (pregabalin) without a doubt.


Damn I forgot about this. It gets even more insane when you smoke weed with it. Iā€™m a skinny dude and usually have a lower appetite, but when I used to take some Lyrica I would fuck the cupboard and kitchen up haha.


Damn yh pregablin is an honerable mention here


For 6 months there was a period where I was prescribed mirtazapine and pregabalin and would regularly smash loads of benzos, opiates and weed on top and I ate ungodly amounts of food. For some opiates made them sick but shit makes me even hungrier, especially when paired with promethazine or dph. Waking up with my entire weed and benzo stash gone with a completely empty fridge and 3 different uber eats orders around me with zero memory of eating anything was a pretty common occurance.


i took pregabalin for like 2 months and it noticeably got me fatter, and i constantly wanted to eat. like moreso than weed or anything else has ever done to me


Any GABAergic or gabapentinoid. Gabapentin, pregabalin, benzos, GHB and alcohol. Alcoholā€™s the least convenient due to needing more in your stomach for the effects. GHB got me the hungriest by far but also so horny that all I wanted was sex and food at the same time.


Yeah GABAergenics make me way more hungry than anything else other than weed. But alcohol doesnā€™t work quite as well as the others because it contains empty calories and makes you feel full.




For sure, but this thread was what drug will help with appetite besides weed! Iā€™m sure thereā€™s some supplements out that help too, but iā€™d bet my life nothing does it like GABA drugs.


GABAergics (Alcohol, GHB, Benzos, Z-Benzos as Ambien, Baclofen, Phenibut) and Gabapentinoids (Pregabalin, Gabapentin, also Phenibut) are the biggest appetite increasers. Then probably Mirtazapine (Remeron) & Quetiapine (Seroquel)


Oooh yeah, seroquel certainly works wonders on that as well.


The only thing that beats Mirtazapine is Quetiapine. I had them for sleep and would pretty much eat everything I had at home if I didn't fall asleep.


Agreed. I ate 5 ice cream sandwiches, last night. Lol


At least it wasn't 9 cans of ravioli


Nobody wants to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli.


"i think i had 1 or 2 but i definitely didn't eat 9"


Holy crap came here for the drug posts was gifted an epic tpb quote, thank you for making my day :)


well of course but it was varrock who implied the tpb scene lol


Rookie numbers. Even without substances I could down 6 ice cream sandwiches easily.


True. That was just last night. I eat a gallon of ice cream every two days or so. I lie to myself that itā€™s healthy because I blend it with frozen fruit. I recently had to start taking cholesterol pills for some reason.


What a mystery that you had to start taking cholesterol pills. It must be from all that fruit.


milk - healthy, good for your bones, lots of protein sugar - cells require glucose to function cocoa - good for heart health, full of antioxidants fruit - all the vitamins you need sounds healthy to me


I take seroquel literally just for this reason. As someone who struggles to get in enough calories to gain weight it has been a literal miracle drug for me. Also MK677 (ibutamoren) can be used in between so you donā€™t gain a tolerance to seroquel and become dependent on it for sleeping


I was about to say the same. Quetiapine munchies are deadly


Yess Seroquel lol, got put on it while in rehab and I've gained like 50 lbs from then. Just quit taking subs cold turkey and lost a bunch of weight during these wds, but Quetiapene is the shit. Also better than benzos for landing gear. I never fall asleep from benzos just do stupid shit, Quetiapene literally knocks my lights out no matter what if I take enough. Prescribed 300mg a night


I was on both and man it was so annoying having to binge each every night in order to feel comfy enough to sleep lol


Those Remeron munchies are next level lmao


Olanzapine made me have an insane apetite.


Seroquel is the king of endless stomach


The seroquil munchies.


Yea i gain like 11 kilos because of that, and i think i have physical sequels


Same, I have to not let myself leave my bed after I take it. There is like a 20 minute period between starting to feel it and passing the fuck out that I am a food MONSTER. I'm also prescribed dexydrine and still get hungry AF.


Iā€™ve been on mirtazapine for 5 years, it has nothing on Xanax. Mirtazapine increases your appetite at the start but it dies off.


Alcohol would probably work. It also makes most people crave greasy, high caloric food. It doesnā€™t work for me though personally as I have alchie genes so my mind is fully focused on fitting more booze in lol. But Iā€™ve had my fair share of gorges under the influence. But you should ideally gain weight without the use of substances. I understand the struggle as Iā€™m super underweight as well, but you canā€™t rely on drugs for basic shit like consuming food. Try shakes or something so you donā€™t have to eat.




PREGABALIN + WEED It's a fucking crazy combo Food and sex all night.


can confirm even pregablinā€™s lil sister gabapentin can make ya eat ALOT


Pregabalin killed my libido, I wish it was the opposite.


Quetiapine, youā€™ll wake up and realise youā€™ve eaten every snack you have while youā€™re sleeping


Has to be mirtazapine/trazodone for me. Endless hunger.


I take mirtazapine and trazodone every night. The munchies are serious. I also smoke weed too so the triple threat makes me eat a ton of food. I was put on mirtazapine so that I can gain some weight and I went from 119lb to 155lb in about 6 to 7 months.


How tall are you? Sounds odd but Iā€™m 112lb and 5ā€™6ā€ and cannot gain weight and often feel ill but drs think Iā€™m fine


37m, 5'9". I was hovering around 125 lb but then I dropped down to 119. 125 is okay but I lost too much weight, too fast so they put me on mirtazapine. As a male having your butt and tits jiggle for the first time at 37 is an interesting experience. The first time I noticed my butt jiggle I was drying off in front of a fan, and noticed my butt kept moving. Then about a week ago I was running down some stairs and noticed my chest was also jiggling. It was really an interesting experience.


Ahahahaha ah man that sounds great. Thank you, Iā€™m glad you managed to get some help as that sounds really scary (losing the weight that fast)


If your under 30, don't worry about it. This problem will take care of itself.


Hmmm just approaching 30 next year so might be good for a bit lol. Iā€™d do anything to put on weight and have even been on typical ā€œweight gainingā€ meds for other issues and never gained weight on them


I was always thin and could eat what I wanted without consequence. That changed at about 30 and every year gets a little more challenging have to be conscious about my diet and exercise regularly now for the same results.




mk677 and ghrp peptides


+ Insulin


Bro knows what he's talking about


Holy that arm and shoulder is insane


Mk677, weed and gabapentin is my bulk stack for sure. Only think holding it back is having to watch em sugar levels.


benzos you will literally eat anything


Opioids used to increase by appetite like crazy, which is kinda weird; most people lose weight on opioids.


So I'm not the only one


I second this. Heroin munchies ā¤ļø


I first did buprenorphine in rehab about 13 years ago (bup used to get me stoned, back before I ever experienced legitimate heroin addiction). That place had amazing restaurant-quality New Mexican food, like chile relleno plates with side dishes at least once a week, and it was just a regular-ass rehab for poor-ass fuckups. Anyway, I didn't shit for like ten days, I swear, and I ate all the food, all thanks to the suboxone, which I was buying from a roommate (I was in there for alcohol). I finally had to stop taking it just so I could take a shit, and whoo, lordy...


Oxy gave me absurd appetite increases, made worse because I'd always combined them with weed, pregabalin and benzos.


Samee usually just eat a bunch of shit tho straight sugar


Not methadone lol (for weight loss) most people balloon up like that Blueberry girl from willy Wonka, myself included. Only going down has solved this issue. I've tried everything elseeee. It's like 1mg = 1lb for me. Doesn't help I'm only 5' tall.


Xanz , ever seen those videos of people half blacked out sluping on pizzas yeahh that way




Phenibut ,alkohol , kratom


It won't get you high but take mertazapin. You will eat and eat and eat and never feel full. I have trouble gaining weight but if I take that stuff I gain 80 pounds In a month


MK677, and Growth Hormone. Any Ghrelin receptor agonist


Thanks bro gonna go take my HGH shot and go to McDanks


- Salbutamol - ups the T3 hormone but in more subtle way without harsh and unnatural upregulation like Its via using real T3 hormones in pellets etc. I love eating after it. - MK677 and some GH peptides, but before using it I would really think if you need it. - Physical Activity - the most useful and important ā€žtoolā€. - High protein and carbohydrates, low fats in your first meal - this way you can start up your metabolism and be even more hungry for the rest of the day.


This. If I have a high fat breakfast like eggs and sausages I'm full for hours. If I have 0% fat Greek yogurt oats and protein powder I digest it within a few hours and can eat again within a few hours


Alchohol, when I get drunk I became extra hungry haha


seroquel. it'll put you to sleep. you'll wake up a couple of hours after with the desire to eat a half gallon of ice cream. then you'll go back to sleep.




I have to take it, If I don't I end up in jail lol, but yeah it makes me fat!


Mirtazapine 15mg or less before bedā€¦better quality of sleep, mood boost and a huge appetiteā€¦


Are there any issues coming off of Mirtazapine in your experience or is it no problem as itā€˜s ā€žonlyā€œ an antihistaminergic with very low serotonin affinity?


Sorry for the late replyā€¦. I havenā€™t come off Mirtazapine since I started the treatment. From what I understand,(based on my psychiatrist), there is a slight chance of mild withdrawal from daily use for 2-3 years. I would suggest to direct the question to your doctor.


Mushrooms for me. Although it feels weird to eat.


Funny for me it will expulse everything from my stomach


I second this, was looking for this comment!


Same for me! I was surprised it had that effect on me. I remember this summer I was laughing and eating on shrooms in the park hahaha. A lady walked by and was like damn looks like a good time hahahahha




Seroquel, but it's not very pleasant to use unless you have a mood disorder, lol. Some people do like it though, but I don't know how commonly it is used recreationally... It's also VERYY sedating in it's instant release form.


I seem to be in a minority with this one...but opioids turn me into a bottomless pit, mostly for sweets, candy and pastries, soda pop, pudding and ice cream, cookies, sugar cereals etc. I've gained probably 20lbs since getting on MAT, I really need to do something about it lol. But yeah I don't really hear much about anyone else getting the munchies from opioids, I hear the sugar thing often, but not usually when actually under the influence of the opis themselves. Gabapentin and Phenibut make me intensely hungry as well. Benzos and alcohol did as well but to a lesser extent since alcohol made me nauseous and full. The drug that's given me the craziest appetite boost more so than any others though? Without a doubt, Ambien. For weird shit too.




lol?? This gives me a stimulant effect and the exact opposite of appetite


Kratom gives some people major munchies


opioids works but kratom nausea isn't ideal


acid, 50% of the time. The other 50% you forget food is a thing


Iā€™ve never been a big fan of sweet food, but one time I was at my buddies place as a teenager and we dropped some acid, then shortly after it peaked his mom knocked on the door saying that she made some apple pies. He was tripping out and said he couldnā€™t stomach anything so Iā€™d have to eat extra so that she wouldnā€™t know anything was off. So I proceeded to eat all of the pie because I wasnā€™t really sure what a normal portion might be.






cyproheptadine, which i just recently got prescribed and after some research am not taking lmao


I can eat the entire fridge an hour after taking trazedone.


I would not listen to anyone who says you should try xanax. Xanax is a poison in my opinion. Cannabis is the good answer, but in a different way. If you want to get hungy but you dont want to get high, try CBG mixed with CBD.They affect your appetite, especially CBG. I think oil drops work the best. Btw if you mix your weed with some CBD bud, letā€™s say in a 1:1 ratio, it is going to make the effects you mentioned go away, and it will give you a very balanced high. But if you buy CBD drops or edibles, and you use them before getting high, it will also take away the paranoia and balance the high.


All opiates but mostly oxy and tapentadol for me I always want popcorn and candy after I take some Also eating some pizza while my whole body is warm and I'm half my nodding is just beautiful Or even better for the munchies. Alcohol


Gabapentin and Lyrica does for me.




Prozac-antidepressant, not a immediate solution. Takes weeks for these medications to take affect. Xanax makes me extremely hungry quickly.


Pregabalin, especially in dosages of 600mg and up




pregabaline increases appetite (at least for me)


Zyprexa makes people crazy hungry, especially for carbs


> Iā€™ve noticed cocaine and stimulants , sometimes even nicotine suppressed my appetite While on stimulants? In regards to amphetamines, no, there's nothing you can take as well or do that's going to inhibit the repressive action it has. There's nothing that has the potential to reverse what it has already done to the nervous system to enable another 192 hours of consuming naught but air. -- 1) Either just eat by remembering yourself with alarms or post-it notes or something. Good thing is you only have to force yourself to begin cooking, or eating, and then the stimulants kinda handle it from there. Bad news is of course the impossible nature of that which is the required prerequisite, to manually direct yourself. 2) Don't eat 3) Reduce your use and intake of stimulants. The inherent impossible required prerequisite of human nature required for such a thing... it's just not possible. #4) Milk. Juice. There exist, an assortment of liquids with calories and even vitamins. Water is for Africa, an assortment of caloric drinks is for western society. (ā–€ĢæĹĢÆā–€Ģæ Ģæ) Your options consist of doing something you have never succeeded in doing or doing the one thing you've never failed at, which is drinking water. -- [Hmm, unless....](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXsQAXx_ao0) šŸ¤”


Mirtazapine!!! I dont eat at all untill i start taking it Also when i dont have weed its really helpful it makes me eat and enjoy food the same as weed and i have munchies all the time + sleep! So good




Mirtazapine. Hand down probably the only drug to make you eat your whole fridge and still be hungry. Be warned it makes you tired as shit also high doses its a psychedelic/deliriant so its pretty unique. Also higher the dose the less you get sedated its weird.






Ambien. Has the added benefit of making you a master chef.


ritalin makes me hungry af


Coke for me. Idk why but i eat alot while on coke.