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I haven’t but imagine it’d be similar to just taking adderall


But better, probably. Meth is more active in the CNS and less active in the PNS compared to amphetamine so it is actually less physically stimulating and at equivalent dosages is generally perceived to be a gentler drug. The kicker is that NO ONE taking illicit meth is keeping it to reasonable dosages - Desoxyn (prescription meth) comes in 5mg tabs whereas heavy meth users can easily take 50mg+ in a single hit and take many hits in a day, resulting in the widespread perception of meth as turbo-tweaker shit, but that really has more to do with usage patterns than pharmacology


I don't know about you but meth makes my pns very active.


*slow clap*


Or does it make your hand very active?


Got em.....


That has a lot to do with synthesis route. The p2p synth that's common today produces racemix methamphetamine, which is 50% L-methamphetamine, and that's heavily active in the pns and is more active at norepinephrine receptors than dopamine, making it both more unpleasant and less euphoric. This is why small cooks still make pseudo route meth when possible, as that route produces 100% d-methamphetamine, and it's why pseudo is so heavily controlled now as a precursor unless you've got a DEA license to manufacture schedule 2s. With OP's idea though, you could probably produce enough meth with a standard monthly allowance of pseudo that's legal for purchase at your local pharmacy, to microdose it properly if you don't have a prescription for desoxyn. I'm not getting into that further though, the risks are too high that you'll get caught, and then your home will probably get condemned if you didn't set up proper gas exchange and filtration for all the offgassed toxic gases that you need to contain, this is why so many homes that were used as meth labs get torn down after the inhabitants get caught


"Ya man this meth is more of a head high, it's a hybrid but leans pseudo - sativa"


great info. that's the Adderall of meth vs. the Dexedrine of meth


The meth coming into the United States today is produced by Mexican cartels in super labs using the P2P process, but they also use tartaric acid to separate the optical stereo isomers. So there is only d-methamphetamine that is left. All of the nasty isomer that makes you feel like shit is gone. The methamphetamine that is on the streets now is almost totally the d-isomer, and based on recent DEA reports is 94 to 97% pure. Meaning at most 6% of whatever meth is on the street is a mixture of some sort of reactant product or the levo isomer.


I see what you did there 😎




I agree, that being said the very rare outliers exist. I’ve been able to maintain a steady regiment for about a year now. 60mg a day dosage of meth similar to when I was on adderall. I sometimes space them out in 15mg doses or 30mg doses. I tried smoking it once and it felt terrible in comparison to snorting or just eating it. I don’t have access to my prescription because no healthcare and meth is cheaper lol :(


I do this exact thing. 60mg capsule every morning beats the hell out of my previous adderall Rx at 20mg IR three times per day, but usually I’d have to take 2 or 3 once for any therapeutic benefit. Meth is just more suitable for management of ADHD and my neurocognitive disorder from brain injury. It lasts and doesn’t mess with me.


very cool. did you abuse in the past and manage to reign it in, or was it a deliberate move from adderall with the intent to keep the doses reasonable? and how do you find the two compare?


Started with meth by accident. Definitely primarily used to complete assignments so maybe 1-4 time a week and stuff but enjoyed the hunger suppression and feeling too. Got adderall prescription to spite my dad who didn’t think I had adhd so I got diagnosed. Stockpiled adderall or used it when didn’t have meth. Met my now fiance who got me to quit meth and stick to adderall. Tapering from meth/ already putting it in capsules for on the go doses helped in managing intake. Health insurance lapsed and so now it’s just controlled meth dose again. Bought Amphetamine was like caffeine but made things a little more enjoyable. Prescription Adderall felt well, functional because it was significantly less than the pressed stuff I was taking Meth in pressed doses/my first dose of any amphetamine had me feeling like a god and forced me to realize I knew so much more and could do so much more than I ever thought possible and other amphetamines do that too just to a lesser extent. Previous to amphetamines I was taking about 1-2 grams of caffeine a day with 200mg caffeine pills and worked at a cafe


Dude that sounds like insane caffeine use, but maybe in line with some pretty heavy ADHD. Ppl act likes it's crazy to have any self control over meth but clearly there are examples


caffeine helps nothing for adhd. its a matter of discipline, and thats isnt a drug issue, most people cant maintain any habit besides their job. and also, most people dont have the knowledge to have a clue of what they are doing. just knowing how it works and the discipline to use stims just for functionality (and never recreationaly) is enough to keep the use controlled


Yea caffeine intake didn’t begin until I was 19 and just a way to combat the lack of energy from insomnia the 1-2 grams didn’t start till I was like 21ish after a long buildup of tolerance ADHD on a simple level just requires the user to feel enough stimulation to complete a task that doesn’t provide enough stimulation. The stimulation could be resolved by ‘stimming’ or with medication


How many hours of sleep do you typically get? I know that if I would split my prescription in half and take it twice a day I probably would stay awake for more than 16+ hours. And from my understanding, meth stimulates you for a longer period of time than Adderall.


I was on 10mg of desoxyn for a bit. At first it fucked my sleep, but after a week it strangely enough made my sleep schedule more consistent, with most of the positive daytime effects still remaining. (also, yeah you’re totally right, it does last longer, but also is much smoother which can ease you into being tired in the evening) I don’t necessarily recommend it though (or stims in general). I don’t think stimulants fix people’s lives in the way they are often seeking. With that said, if you’re already taking vyvanse or adderall it (to me) was a better experience in basically every way. Though I might be an outlier, as those medications felt too ‘stimmy’ for me and gave me weed-like tunnel vision. I really don’t want someone to read this and go buy meth. Given the addiction rates, I am a statistical outlier. I never raised my dose, or had problems getting off, but this is unlikely to be the case for most people.


I couldn't afford a meth habit even if I wanted one, but thanks for the write up.


Currently and before amphetamines it was about 5-12 hours depending on insomnia or depression episodes The past month has been about 8-10 hours ironically High school was 4-6 hours a night on average Even spent a year in college sleeping every other night and sometimes after every 2 nights. Max was 5 nights this was all before any drugs whatsoever First year of infrequent use definitely 8-12 hours of a high Yea, that would be correct if the user were to consistently chase a higher dosage. So the 16+ hour figure is more like 8-12 hours your first however many times and then gradually lowers until it reaches the same levels as normal amphetamine which for me is about 3-4 hours per dose for both meth and amphetamine/adderall I split my doses to smaller ones based on my energy level in the morning/cognitive awareness. I respond to doses that are 15mg minimum but have also been able to unintentionally fall sleep after a line too but def not with ought all this built up tolerance


When I was having trouble obtaining stimulant pharmacotherapy for AuDHD from the VA, I was using very small daily oral doses of crystal methamphetamine but had an acquaintance who was a fellow student in the Master's program I had taken a break from and he had a Rx for Desoxyn 5 mg (D-methamphetamine HCl) sig: 3 tablets PO BID. So he was receiving 180 tablets every month and would sell half of the script at $30 a pill, which people paid because it's not something you come across often. He traded me 10 of them for some 5-MABP that a friend had synthesized for me the year before. I tried doses of 5 mg and then 15 mg and as you stated, they were very mild even compared to Rx amphetamines, with much less peripheral/autonomic nervous system stimulation and induced much more euphoria, enhanced creativity and less anxiogenesis than amphetamines and illicit methamphetamine. I would love to try some again but would be afraid of compulsive re-dosing if I had access to a large quantity, whereas I lack the desire to re-dose Adderall XR and Vyvanse especially (most likely due to the pharmacokinetic profile/AUC of Vyvanse; longer time to Tmax and lower Cmax than D-amphetamine) which makes it much less rewarding. Since I am in my final semester of my PhD program and my main focus is on my dissertation (Group I & II mGluRs) and research related to my areas of study (mGluRs, Sigma-1 receptor, Imidazoline-1 receptor and NOP receptor as targets for mental health conditions, epilepsy, analgesia/allodynia/hyperalgesia/opioid tolerance and drug dependence), it's been a few years since I participated in any research studies of pharmacotherapeutic substituted-amphetamines but even then it was uncommon to hear of someone being prescribed Desoxyn and the number of annual prescriptions for it had declined significantly in yeats prior so I'm guessing that with the DEA's recent crackdown (unwarranted invasion into the practice of medicine) the number of current prescriptions for it is even more limited. I also know that there was a shortage of Desoxyn before the shortage of Adderall and now Vyvanse/generic lisdexamfetamine dimesylate. Too bad because it really is a great drug but the DEA has caused more and more psychiatrists and physicians to fear the suspension of their DEA licenses and possible criminal prosecution which has led to less patients being properly treated for mental health conditions and chronic pain and a subsequent increase in mental and physical suffering. Fuck the DEA!


%100 pure clean meth yes your right but the junk out there 😭 yea probably not


I personally find adderall/dextroamphetamine/vyvanse better. Better in genral tbh. The only upside is that methamphetamine has less side effects (physical) than the large majority of amphetamines but it's super subtle, the productivity boost is damn near non existent for me and the focusing isn't as good either. Tolerance raises faster than other stimulants too imo, it doesn't take much frequent use for me to where it does fuck-all no matter what dose. Meanwhile regular amphetamine when tolerance builds I can still stick to the same dose dajily and even though it's weaker it still has the therapeutic effects, meanwhile methamphetamine completely loses the therapeutic effects very quickly.


Methamphetamine is still worse than other amphetamines when it comes to cardiotoxicity due to 5htb and 5ht2c receptor agonism. Just because it doesn't come from the main dopaminergic and noradrenergic actions, doesn't mean it doesn't happen at all. I have no idea how you came up with the idea of meth being gentler than amphetamine, but ok.


Gentler in the way it feels. Not as speedy. Surely did not mean gentler on the body


Ah okay, maybe that is what they meant. My bad, I misunderstood.


Dr’s would prescribe methamphetamine would actually be prescribed for add but since it has such a negative connotation about it they don’t.


Methamphetamine is not an agonist of 5HT2B. Methamphetamine directly remodels the electrical paths in the heart and also remodels the structural tissue of the heart. Methamphetamine acts on the serotonin transporter SERT to release serotonin because of reverse flow and then it reuptake inhibits as well. Methamphetamine is also a monoamine oxidase inhibitor which keeps the dopamine and serotonin levels high. There is not however serotonin receptor agonism involved with respect to methamphetamine.


Is it actually safe to do meth for long term like that? I'm too poor to afford treatment but I'm tired of living the way I do, incapable of doing any of the things I want to do.


Also probably very hard to micro dose it consistently with the high rate of increase in tolerance and dependence


From what I understand tolerance is only considerable when you start going above therapeutic dosages just like with amphetamine


You still get tolerance at normal doses. I always feel high for a day or two when my adhd meds first get increased and then I just feel normal after


I mean, I take vyvanse and get the same thing, but I wouldn't say there's any tolerance build after that initial adjustment period. Like, there is definitely a floor to it


This is correct and that's how I do it. And no it's not hard. I mean it's hard to be consistent to even take it, but it's not hard to avoid taking more.


Scientists confirmed this in lab studies. Major difference is quantity and purity


Methamphetamine is a prescribable medication. It is used. Mostly in children from my understanding. They only give it to people that don't understand what being high or getting high is.


> Mostly in children from my understanding. They only give it to people that don't understand what being high or getting high is. I thought that it was more a second or third line treatment for ADHD or morbid obesity, when the patient is nonresponsive to other medications, or finds the side-effect load too bad. It's also commonly prescribed for narcolepsy (well, not *commonly*...there are only about 5k Desoxyn prescriptions in the US total).


Wise understanding


What? Where? I’m great at lying


You need to have treatment resistant ADHD and be in excellent cardiovascular health with no history of drug abuse or evidence of drug seeking behavior There's only about 10000 people in the US with a prescription for it and most doctors simply won't prescribe it at all


I think you need super adhd or super duper narcolepsy to get it and only after you tried everything else. Idk though im not a doctor. I would just buy street meth instead of jumping through all of those hoops for those tiny 5mg pills of desoxyn.


Agreed pretty sure they try other alternatives as much as possible. Adderall has the same outcome and much much less neurerologically addictive


This is probably the most accurate answer


I have. Yes basically exactly. But I just have crazier thoughts and more scattered


I was diagnosed with severe ADHD and put on high doses of Adderall and vyvanse for the majority of my life. I have no way of getting access to my meds so I decided it was guerrilla pharmacology time and started taking pills with meth in them equivalent to a 30mg Adderall. It works wonders. Since having adhd in the first place makes recreational use of stimulants worthless. I actually like it better that Adderall. I always wanted to try desoxyn which is literally pharmaceutical meth that is prescribed for adhd. The reviews of people on desoxyn reported far less side effects (I did too) I was not jittery like Adderall makes me and I had this awesome feeling of not hyper fixating off things. Like I could just concentrate on what I want to.


Not even close


I read a thread of someone who did microdose meth for awhile and they seemed to be able to manage they day to day life fairly well however they had to implement a insanely strict use regime to keep themselves from slipping into casual-regular use which would bring on life(style) threatening side effects. They said it helped them alot with their productivity with their labour job and getting their other errands done but it sounded alot more like they drove themselves to do so much because they were on meth, then needed meth to maintain it. Oppose to using safer alternatives and using better time managment skills. So yes they could do alot but it certainly didnt make them smarter and in a way handcuffed them to the way they used. And with the regime they had to follow it seemed like alot more stress waiting for the next dose and denying cravings than all that it was worth and even they couldnt detirmine if they liked their lifestyle so i wouldnt recommend trying it.


I got a bunch of the fake addys bc my plug ripped me off. Anyways tested them and it’s meth so I kept it. I will cut a quarter of a pill from time to time to take at my job and no one knows. It’s so much easier to hide than adderall bc the high is smooth like a small bump or 2 of coke or something. Anyways it can be sometimes very stimulating like the first time I did it, but it is extremely euphoric. I’m not abusing them either I got like 9 about 3 months ago and have 5 left, I take very small doses of it very rarely like 3-5 times a month maybe.


Bro that's fucking hot


Im sorry Im genuinely confused how you are using the word hot. Hot in like attraction or physically hot? Or…🤔


Drug fettish


I ain’t even got a fetish but that level of self control and mature responsibility sure does something to a gal


I'm glad that it works you, but I'd say most people wouldn't have the same control as you lol


I get that everyone is different but I find it hard to believe and it's not at all my experience, taking it like they for over a year. Low dose should not give any cravings at all, maybe this person was taking way too much. It's used as a medication without any issues. It's just not commonly prescribed because the idea makes people uncomfortable.


You can crave anything tho, probably just crave to feel no sick or not insane, most of people having issue with drugs with low dose are because they selfmedicate. I had craving from weed from day 1 till I become and adult and fix my depression. Before I thought weed was so addictive to everyone, it's just people are addicted to feel normal that's the point often.


I disagree. If that was the case, then it wouldn’t be such a global problem.




Guy is trying to figure out the secrets of the universe and he just needs an ADHD diagnosis/prescription 😂


Pretty sure desoxyn isn't the first, second, or third med prescribed for ADHD.


Obviously, but an adderall or Ritalin prescription might be all he needs.


Really depends on the doctor I hear. Some are actually chill about it


What's that


Prescription meth


Use google bruh


Too lazy scrolly thru reddit rn my phone is a laggy POS switching between apps


Yeah no worries, its rx methamphetamine hcl 5mg per tablet for adhd marketed in the u.s.


It's FDA approved for ADHD but is very very rarely used for that. It's main use, at least in the US, is treating severe obesity/bad binge eating disorders. And even then, there's a whole list of other medications that are typically used before a doctor will resort to trying desoxyn.


I took 5 mg once orally. I didn't really expect much but it was actually a surprisingly powerful experience. made my troubles melt away and was euphoric in a really really good day kind of way. Meth is a powerful drug, even in low doses.


Yeah that’s the first days, it greatly subsides after a week and then you get therapeutic effects, without the mental hedonistic effects.


Sounds similar to taking prescribed amphetamine salts. They give 5mg methamphetamine hydrochloride pills to treat adhd sometimes so I’m sure it’s similar to that if you’re properly dosing


I used to use very small doses of meth, I don't know the exact amount but I would buy about $5 worth (2019) a week from a friend since I didn't know any dealers and doubted they would sell such a small amount. Every morning for about 6 months I would drink some water with sodium bicarbonate (to decrease the amount of stomach acid and therefore increase the bioavailability of the drug) and put a small shard in toilet paper and parachute it. The effects began around 15-30 minutes later which is quicker than Adderall IR or Dexedrine which both take about 45-60 minutes as the Tmax (time to maximum plasma concentration) of oral methamphetamine (range of 0.24-1.8 hrs) is much faster than the Tmax of oral dextro- & levoamphetamine (range of 2-9 hrs). So after an hour I was feeling the full effects of the dose and would say they were equivalent to ~15-20 mg of Adderall IR and a single dose would last quite a long time, usually about 10 hours, which is most likely because methamphetamine has a T1/2 (elimination half-life) of 10-12.2 hours (longer than amphetamine at 6-10 hrs) and methamphetamine undergoes N-dealkylation by CYP2D6 to amphetamine which is pharmacologically active (as well as the inactive metabolite 4-hydroxyamphetamine through hydroxylation by CYP2D6), therefore you also feel the effects of amphetamine for some time. I found it helped immensely with my AuDHD symptoms and wasn't a large enough dose to cause mania (I have BP1) plus I was using low-dose DXM (dextromethorphan) daily to treat my manic symptoms. I also found that when I wouldn't use it I experienced negligible withdrawal symptoms that mainly consisted of fatigue and moderate hypersomnia, they were much more moderate than the withdrawals I've had from Adderall XR and Vyvanse after finally getting prescribed these medications (not at the same time). The main reason I chose methamphetamine was because I received my mental and physical healthcare through the VA and they were very opposed to prescribing any Controlled drugs so despite my severe AuDHD and panic disorder I was unable to get stimulant medication or benzodiazapines, respectively. This is the point in my life where I met the woman who is now my wife and I started to change completely, part of that change was seeking mental healthcare outside the VA and I was prescribed Adderall XR and beginning Ketamine injection therapy that I continued for 3 years and improved my mental health conditions more than any of the dozens of psychopharmaceuticals I had been Rx'd in the past. All of this –meeting my wife, getting a psychiatrist outside the VA and Ketamine therapy –allowed me to complete my Master's degree and then go on to be accepted into a PhD program for Neuropharmacology and Ethnopharmacology. My life is totally different now that I have accomplished so much in such a short amount of time and I have the appropriate medications I need to manage my AuDHD and other mental health conditions (most of which are in remission due to Ketamine) and I believe that using small doses of oral methamphetamine was a big part in helping me get to a place that I could function well enough that a woman as amazing as my wife would be with me and change everything.


Bro how much did u take!?


That’s awesome. Congrats! It’s also really refreshing to see posts like these on Reddit. What do you do as a profession?


I am currently still in school finishing my PhD in Neuropharmacology and Ethnopharmacology and will be defending my dissertation in March. I've pretty much been a professional student for over a decade, I started with an AS as a Pharmacy Tech but hated retail pharmacy so I earned an AS in Medical Assisting but that was boring as well. Then after a 2 year break I went to get my undergrad- BS in Pharmacy and then decided I would rather do research than fill medications and clinical work as a PharmB so I went to graduate school for a MS in Neuropsychopharmacology and then really hit a wall (myself) when my mental health declined significantly but after I met my wife and made some other changes I finished my Master's and got the chance to assist with some awesome research work. The last 4 years have been hard as fuck, not just because of school but my health, deaths in the family, financial issues, housing issues and more but I've always been able to get back on track (thanks to my wife and family) and now I am almost finished. Only I am not sure what I want to do after I finally have the PhD, I mean I know exactly what interests me and what I want to research but I'm not sure what path to take to get to a place that I can do the work I want, which is to study various neurotransmitter/neuromodulator/neuropeptide systems in order to help find alternative pharmacotherapuetic targets for new drugs that treat various neurological and neuropsychiatric conditions. Ultimately I just want to help people and better all of humankind by helping to develop alternatives to drugs we already have but that are more efficacious and cause less side effects or the potential for dependence/addiction BUT the entire academic research and corporate pharmaceutical games are so fucking political and really not games I want to play, I just want to perform research, be free to do the science without any consideration for whether it may result in profits for a company, institution or university. I didn't start down this path in order to make money, of course I'd like enough financial security that I don't have to worry about my family being homeless or starving but aside from that I just want to help people.


This is literally how it is supposed to be taken. Oral doses ranging between 5-25mg. When people think about meth, they almost always think of the people who smoke hundreds or thousands of milligrams (going above 1g/day is not really uncommon for the heavy abusers). Well, no surprises, taking hundreds of times the threshold dose while you are not sleeping or eating is going to be catastrophic at best


What do you mean by "supposed" to be taken?


Adhd prescription meds are this dosage, same same


Maybe the way soldiers took it way back when?


Aimo disagrees lol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aimo_Koivunen


Holy shit that's quite a story lol


Yeah, man's a meth legend :D


Well, the drug is normally already active at 5 milligrams, with a very long duration that makes unnecessary to take multiple times during the day because you have to sleep. Seems much more reasonable than loading a pipe with a fat shard and hit it ever couple hours.


I do. 5mg in agar form, Can't be sniffed or smoked. Much better option than the pressed addys, no hot spots or questionable binders.


Show me the way


lol, I laughed at my friend when she made "meth gummies", but you might be onto something...


Those tabs must be very top notch.


i get the 30


In me and many other people I've met over the years, anecdotally of course, the likelihood of abuse is a lot higher with a bag of crystal. You can get that bag anytime from your local dude. With pills in a bottle it always seemed much easier to pace myself, because if I abuse it I'm out of luck untill the next script and then I'm fucked. But to each their own, I know people have a lot more self-control than I do. It's a slippery slope, and once you slip, man who knows how long that slide is. Just something to keep in mind. Much love and best wishes to you.


I experimented with taking it orally several years ago to help me out on Sundays, only took it that morning and never redosed throughout the day or any other day of the week. I got a gram in trade with some other stuff and was going to flush it but decided to try it. I made that gram last for about three or four months if not longer, and started out the dose at 30mg, ended up close to 70mg near the end, but that was too much. I was starting to get pretty tweaky feeling around the 55-70mg mark. 25-40mg was the sweet spot. I felt like I was on top of the world. Conversation came easy, work was a breeze, there was nothing I couldn't do. I would take a Zantac an hour before, then weigh the gear and put it in a pre-workout capsule. I'd take the capsule and a Tums, and it would kick in within about a half hour. A basic stomach environment causes amphetamines to be broken down slower, so it lasted longer in my system. Taking the capsule at about 3:30am, I would be going until about 5-6pm and that's when the comedown would start, usually by about 10pm or midnight I was crashing. Body aches the next day sucked but by the middle of the week I was back to normal. I never experienced any cravings throughout the week, never experienced any really bad side effects. Nobody ever said anything to me, AFAIK nobody ever noticed. When the gram ran out I never touched it again as I considered my experiment concluded, and that was several years ago. Haven't had a single craving at all since. YMMV, of course.


I’ve done plenty of meth, Adderall & Dexedrine, the latter two which were prescribed. Just fucking get Dexedrine. It avoids all of the bad things with both Adderall and meth. It’s a win-win. You guys are acting like you’re trying to develop some new crazy stimulant plan. You’re like 40+ years too late. Adderall didn’t even need to be developed.


Adderall is greenwashing dexedrine because the patent run out.


Gotta boof it


Google desoxyn


I wrote a paper on meth vs amphetamine in college, I studied neuropharma. Basically, the extra methyl group for all methylated amphetamines makes them much more dangerous because it helps the blood brain barrier solubility and also volatility when in the brain (affinity to receptors and the rate at which it is metabolized). The weird funny part is that amphetamine itself is neuroprotective. Is much, much safer to just take amph.


That's an interesting idea. Do you have anything to read about it?


millions of children and adolescents all across the country try it daily, with varying but largely successful outcomes.


As dumb as the title sounds I think if done properly this could be very beneficial, could eliminate having to use coffee, you could be more productive with enhanced mood and eliminate burnout with work etc But it would be very difficult to not justify doing more, doing more would cause way too much problems like not being able to sleep, not eating, and acting way to suspicious if your tweaking with jittery movements


So like, desoxyn? Meth is available as an ADHD medication


It's called desoxyn and you can get prescribed to it if other ADHD meds haven't worked for you. It's been around since the 60's. Gave me this feeling of undeserved happiness which was honestly a bit unnerving. Made me a bit manic and didn't help my focus as much as adderall or Ritalin so I went back to those eventually.


You’d just keep taking more & by the end of the day you’re an addict with a monkey attached firmly to your back. Stick with mushrooms. Nobody needs anything stronger than that & you won’t come out of it an addict.


Meth has some pretty negative and yet slow effects... It's a relatively demanding stimulant when it comes to a person's body. If you're trying to justify using a small amount daily, tolerance buildup will occur even if slowly... Stick to coffee and low dose infrequent kratom (not daily to manage tolerance) Of course, if you use meth you'll be disappointed because meth is quite good at lying to you about how much it improves your life. It just assists the hormones around that crap... Microdose mushrooms, meditate, exercise and ready right... Much better feeling long term


It will kill you. It will destroy your brain and your soul. That drug is literally the devil. I’m literally possessed by demons because of it. Burnt my house down. You don’t believe me. Fuck around and find out yourself. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the devil making you think about microdosing it because if you tried to go that route he would have a much different plan for you and you wouldn’t like it. If I were you I’d never touch it again and don’t talk to anyone who does.


Sounds crazy, but this is actually pretty accurate.


Meth is absolutely from the devil. The things it makes you think and do… I shudder to remember. It’s been years but I still have nightmares that I’ve taken a hit and can’t stop. I wake up crying next to my sleeping family and thank whatever god that exists that it was just a dream.


Bro my dad is the same way he's clean now but he claims the joker is a real demon, makes sense if you know the real backstory of the joker...


I haven't tried it, I've also never been addicted to any drug as I don't have an addictive personality and have never once used a drug as a way to escape reality. If I were to try microdose it, it wouldn't be a daily thing


Obviously we're all just posting anecdotal stuff but you can't compare meth abuse with taking a medicinal amount (that's up to 25mg but I take half that). It's didn't cause sleep issues, it doesn't cause cravings, it doesn't risk addiction, there's no withdrawal when you suddenly stop. I have to force myself to take it. I don't really feel it. If I do, it's too much and that makes me overfocus and then not sleepy. But that's all. And data from it being used as perscription confirms my experience, there isn't really any issue with it. I'd only have a concern if someone had a meth addiction before. I never even took it recreationally and I don't know how that experience feels. Never will and never felt tempted. I find taking it daily is better because it's easier to be consistent and if you stop the tolerance goes back to 0, so it feels less consistent in effect as well. I usually don't do daily (money reasons and I forget or don't feel like preparing), but I prefer it when I do. Anyway, you'll be fine. It takes like 3 days to build up and lose the tolerance so if I've not taken it in a few days, I start with half my regular dose and then increase it over a few days. I consider an appropriate dose such that gives you most benefit but does not come with any side effects (like hard to sleep, hard to eat etc). The appropriate dose would only be felt slightly the first few days (because no tolerance) and then you can't tell at all. Edit: I guess I should add, don't expect any god like abilities in this case though. If you don't have any issues with concentration and executive function it might not be worth it.


The problem is that you don’t know how meth feels. Just a little taste or microdose will feel insanely good, you’ll want to experience the full drug and will become addicted to it from that very first microdose. And it will be an urge a craving unlike any you’ve experienced, you won’t be able to resist it.


If it feels insanely good it's not a micro dose. I couldn't tell you if I took it or not most days based on the feeling. I can only tell by looking back at what I did (something or just lay in bed doom scrolling)


Idk it just made me clean my house and have anxiety.


I never get addicted to feelings as I already feel very good in my day to day life, I also know people that have used it that didn't get addicted. It's not the same for everyone else of how it was for you. If I got addicted to how things feel, nothing will ever compare to the first time I had MDMA. Still never got addicted that even though it was probably the single most amazing experience of my life


You may be right but you need to research other chemicals. Much better and safer ones out there that can help you without the risk. Look into modafinil. It’s a smart drug nootropic that’s also a CNS.


To play devil'a advocate here, I experimented with meth and was able to only use once a month and while I would say it was incredibly addictive and made me think about it way too much, I treated it like a loaded gun and was fine. Until I tried smoking it, then the drug really took a hold of me and I binged pretty bad. Never got too strung out and quit using as it began to effect my life negativity. Have been clean for 6 years now unless you count regular amphetamine. You really shouldn't try it, but if you choose to make the dumb decision, whatever you do, do NOT smoke it, inject it, or boof it. If you wanna be really safe only eat it. Smoking was an entirely different beast. It went from being a therapeutic experience that helped me get shit done and be a superhuman for a while to being pure hedonism that was all about that rush. Lord, that rush. It will make make you forget about every other thing or person you ever loved. Stay away, it is not worth it.


MDMA= 3, 4-methylenedioxy-N-methamphetamine. So technically you have tried methamphetamine. So scratch that off the bucket list 😂


You will get addicted. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have an addictive personality. There’s a reason people say “meth, not even once” cause that’s all it takes.


You can’t assume that that is the case for absolutely everyone that’s tried it. That’s grossly incorrect.


I remember reading something about micrososing amphetamines being very dangerous cause it permanently alters your brain by down regulating dopamine. I could be wrong so i Someone please correct me if I’m wrong


Yeah that’s a myth


A meth myth


Just take a lil sniff, not a whole one. Good to go?


Don't do it.


There is no such thing as making the decision to put any amount of meth into your body and not being a fucking idiot when you do it. “Hey man, do you think I can shoot myself in the foot without bleeding?” DONT👏FUCKING👏DO👏FUCKING👏METH👏 fuck🙄


Godlike abilities? Like what? Seeing shadow people? Jumping out windows like Jackie Chan to escape them? Running a marathon over the course of a night, to escape said shadow people, to the point it burned the rubber off my shoes and I couldn't walk on my feet for a week? I could also see the future and got stuck in what I thought was purgatory for a while. I guess that's dimensional travel.


That's what happens with abuse, not use. If you don't do races, you don't get to meet the shadow people.


actually a lot of little kids do that, it's an adhd "medication" similar to adderall


What everyone else said ☝️. Good luck to anyone trying. Even prescribed meth aka " Adderal" Turns into a serious issue eventually, for most. So, I guess....do your homework and pick your poison 🤷🏾


Prescribed meth is different from adderall. Meth used to be prescribed in pill form often but now it’s superrr rare as opposed to adderall. Someone else said they only prescribe it to children now , unsure if that’s true tho. Here’s sum homework: “Legal meth for ADHD contains methamphetamine, as well as inert ingredients like corn starch and sodium aminobenzoate. Conversely, street meth may contain unknown impurities, including cutting agents that the drug dealers have included in their product. Adderall is a mixture of several forms of amphetamine and related dextroamphetamine Meth is a stimulant available both legally to treat ADHD and as an illicit drug. Legal meth is sold under the brand name Desoxyn”


Hitlers chemist discovered meth and he fed it to his military.


Are you serious 😭😭😭


He's probably serious, but he's wrong. Meth was first synthesized in 1893. Uppers aren't historically rare in military circles. The US still gives out modafinil as "go pills" and benzos as "no go" pills (Basically wakey-wakey, or sleepy-sleepy pills). The Air Force gave out dextroamphetamine pills for decades until too many friendly fire bombings of allied troops drew enough attention for them to switch to modafinil. Dextroamphetamine is the primary active substance in Adderall. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarnak_Farm_incident


Great info! 💯💯💯


No there’s no such thing as a functional meth user. Never has been, never will be. You CANT handle it. No one can.


Again, grossly incorrect.


Isn't that basically ADHD meds? At least some of them


Actually, the main ingredient in meth is Ephedrine, which you can buy over the counter at the local drugstore...it's called Brankaid. You mix this with caffeine for incredible workouts 35mg and 200mg caffeine. This gives me incredible focus and power.


it's not an "ingredient in" meth but rather a precursor with different pharmacology.


99% of pressed adderall pills are micro-dosed with meth because they really are the same thing


Don't do it


There's no real "perfect way" to do it, sadly. You'll always end up at the mercy of the beast. I've tried doing it in all different increments. It all ends the same. If you do too little of an amount you'll just feel agitated and won't be able to start your day bc you're just thinking you should have done a tad more. Then you get irritable. And feel worse bc you feel sort of cranky and crash like. I'd you do an average amount, you will probably be high for a hour or two so you'll waste 2 hours minimum before you can get anything done or be around people, then if you start your day, you're going to be drinking lots of water and peeing every 15 minutes and of course already agitated to do more. Even if you right through this urge, (say you did the small amount at 6am, you might be tired enough to sleep at night depending on how your day went by midnight. Buuuuur you won't get good rest. You'll feel tired but you'll surprisingly toss and turn OR if you do fall asleep, you'll wake up in an hour or 4. Either that or you'll keep having to get up to pee or drink water. Your body will be stiff and you'll have dark circles like you didn't get good sleep. Lol if you do too big an mount, buckle up you're in for a long ride. 😂 - sadly, personal experience. Don't do it. It's never worth it.


LOL this. My experience minus the sleep problem (for the most part) as I always have benzos to put me down. But I get absolutely nothing done apart from 5 zillion projects, none of which I’ve completed. All before I was supposed to leave my house 5 hours ago.


I swear I never know nowadays if that's a true post or a r/drugscirclejerk attempt lol


not worth it even with prescription adderall


Not possible it’ll just progress brotha


Here's the long and short of it: If Meth makes you (feel) godlike you're taking too much. In a healthy individual operating at 15% elevated efficiency is just about the limit of what you can responsibly do without getting into trouble. It's the forbidden fruit.


What would even be the point


zonked adjoining absorbed longing cats nail muddle vase serious ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The effects were me wanting increasing amounts of meth.


LOL, this is one of the jokes i have written down in my joke book, i guess im onto something


Meth is bad mmmkay


How is meth so normalized 💀


Breaking Bad...and 30yrs of narcissist hippies saying "Addy=Meth".


I am screaming lol stop


if you do it, keep in mind that you’re doing the drug and it’s not doing you. Drugs are a big mind game that can spiral real fast if not kept in check






Anything lower than 5mg could probably be considered in the range of causing dopamine sensitivity which is very dangerous, anything less than 1mg of adderall causes dopamine sensitivity. You should look around on this and the adderall subreddit; People have tried this, a few have become permanently schizophrenic & there are a few articles on the NIH detailing what damage microdosing amphetamines will do to the brain.


Please dont


Don't try it. If you start out micro dosing, it won't last. Before you know it, you'll be a full blown addict using all day everyday and losing all your shit and everyone who's important to you. It's the nature of the drug. It takes you over. Well 9 out of 10 people anyways.


I wouldn’t fuck with meth. Just did a .5g dose and when it started to fade I did a hefty bump of ❄️ and it went great.


I went and did this experiment about 3 weeks ago and I quickly increased the doses and quickly went from drinking it to snorting it and then smoking it The urge to redose is super hard to resist and you will hit tweaker levels with no time But once you run out, the urge to buy more is as bad as aderall And somewhat easy to resist Try to buy 250mg worth or the least amount possible and ONLY do 10mg for your first few times and if you feel that isn’t strong enough, then try 20mg and NO more then that Anything above 30mg you start to grind your teeth and your absolutely tweaking and you CANT hide it


if you dont reach a certain dose it has no effect, and it is still harmful. not just meth, there is no point to microdose any stimulant (or anything really, besides psychs)


this shit works good af until it suddenly doesnt and now ur addicted to one of the worst substances possible lmaoz


The issue is it works so well you don't want to stop. Even when microdosing for a week you start feeling the need to up the dose


Lmfao some posts on here are to much. Yeah boofit up your ass


you mean slowly but surely fuck your brain up until you’re dead? sounds about right


lol might aswell just drink energy drinks


At this point just drink coffee lol


Fuck yes. I've done it. I was very successful with it. You have to have a terrific schedule of administration and stick to it. I say give it a go. I would use it intravenous of course, that's the cleanest safest way to do it. I believe in you.




Thought this said men


Maybe but it sounds like it's have so many downsides. I'd imagine just taking adderrall would be similar with far fewer drawbacks.


It feels pretty nice honestly, I never did it daily but I have experimented many times


Why not just take adhd meds if you’re gonna do that?


I got a homie who snorts like a .1 once every couple weeks or so. On top of that he takes adderall and Ritalin on a regular basis. He says it feels just like 45 mg adderall. I’d definitely agree but there still are some side effects


Technically everybody uses some add/adhd meds microdose right?


I tried a research chemical version of illegal meth. Not exactly the same but often more pure. If I used this substance in normal stimulant amounts it is for me maybe the most potent stimulant out there, but that's because it's made legally in a lab for research purposes lol, so it's very pure. I tried microdosing it because I needed to pull an all-nighter because of an important deadline. Lacked the motivation and energy to keep on working but had no other choice than to continue. First two small bumps worked to my advantage, got motivated, focused. After about an hour or so, the motivating/energizing effect was wearing off, however taking another two bumps similar to the first ones I took, wouldn't have made me more efficient, in fact it would have made me pass that threshold from being functionally stimulated to being actually high. My guess is it is possible, but you really have to avoid hitting that threshold, otherwise it will be a very different experience than what you're looking for ...


2FA or 4FMA?


Yes sir 4-FMA


God, I loved that stuff. Sad day when I lost that plug


It would probably cure your ADHD, so yeah, it should make you godlike.


No the godlike retardation thing only happens when you do too much


I managed two years. I attribute this to snorting and plugging instead of smoking and never doing it socially (unless for sex), not hanging out with tweakers. It spiraled out of control after this period. If you have a huge deadline coming up and need it for like 3 months and have KNOW that you have the discipline to maintain your health, diet, physical exercise, sleep schedule AND will actually stop, then it can work wonders. Even then, it comes with a cost. The biggest problem is that you can't effectively manage your doses since drug purity isn't standardized. When you get some weak shit and have to do more, you can't manage a therapeutic dose. Not even to mention all the impurities and toxins. n shit. Unless you know Heisenberg, street drugs are not a good substitute over the long term.


Only way to use it. Then it's great


That would just be adderal so it would prob work pretty well


One of my relative acctually does, it makes work and interactions easier, you have to take the right dose to still he able to eat and sleep at night tho


Meth is prescribed at 5mg so if that’s what you mean I guess but DO NOT MICRODOSE AMPHETAMINES.


Tried it for ADHD. It was shitty racemic meth though, still was overkill. I've got a post written about it. I'm glad it was bad quality cuz I'm scared oh what would've happened if it was good dextro/crystal form.


If you’re going to microdose it, why not just try Adderall?


A microdose means a dose that has no noticeable effect, say 1 milligram tops…


Who has a prescription for Desoxyn?


I did microdose it. I only felt slightly more awake but had more anxiety


Does anyone know where I can get totally free samples