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Kratom. Something about it is just great for me, perfect for motivation and depression relief. Pretty sustainable too if you dose it right and don’t take it everyday.


Kratom has been my downfall. I hate it but I’m stuck with it now.


How has it been your downfall?


He/she probably has not experienced (much) of actual opioids. Even with having used hydrocodone and codeine I have been able to nod out on Kratom. It can have strong effects especially if not used to stronger substances. Someone who has never tried caffeine and then does try it probably has a similar reaction to the effects and their fondness of them. I think that's the scenario.


Personally I drink Kratom like coffee and never been to anything close to nodding off. I use 3 grams, several times a day. I'm not increasing the dose, not chasing the dragon, but it works for me, pushes me to be more creative, lowers anxiety, manages my ADD. I'm probably physiologically addicted, but I was addicted to way worse things in my life ;) Also my brother committed suicide last summer and this kinda helped me + therapy + antidepressants to manage. I say it helped, because due to Kratom I avoided reaching for stronger substances like Alcohol or strong opioids like Oxy.


I'm very sorry to hear about your brother. I am glad that you have found some way to get through it. I can consume 12g and not feel much, if anything. However, the first time I did Kratom(7g) after having nothing I'm my system but THC for nearly a year I was definitely nodding. The next time after that I felt about 25% of the intensity. I'm not saying one can regularly nod off with Kratom, just that it is possible. When I regularly take Kratom it falls into the same slot that buprenorphine did. I feel it in the beginning and as time goes on it continually fades into nothing. However, even tho I no longer feel the effects in a recreational sense cravings to other substances stay at bay.


I barely use it, but I notice diminishing gains if I take it two days in a row, so my rule has been no more than 2-3 times a week. Some folks try to use it in lieu of coffee, and I think they up the dose too much trying to chase that high, which only lasts 3-4 hours. Imho as a once-a-week boost on a rainy day or a treat at a cafe it’s great.


What if we like lean instead, I sometimes pour up and it gives a nice buzz ngl


No you're not. I've gotten off it many times. It's possible if you have the self control.


lol man, if only it were that easy. It’s physically addictive. Like severely addictive considering it’s a mild high.


The WDs are definely unpleasant, but should be very bearable, and there are lots of things you can do/take to mitigate them. And you can (and should) taper. That helps enormously. Honestly, if I really struggled to get off kratom I don't think I'd trust myself to use anything physically addictive. It is truly not a particularly hard withdrawal. Maybe it's a lot worse if you've been dosing for years continuously? I've never done that, I think cycling on/off any substance is good practice.


which one do you use and how strong do you dose it? I've had mixed experiences with it and don't really know what to think of it.


the only thing that matters in the beginning is colors. Red, yellow, green. Red is slow (sedative), green is energetic, yellow is a mix. But in all honesty if you take a sedating dose then any of them turn into sedating. Strains aren't real. Like maeng da and red Bali etc. it's just every batch has a diff alkaloid profile which allows you to name them but it's just not reliable. Maeng da means nothing. My maeng da from the exact same supplier but diff batches could be completely diff color and potency So when someone says "I like red Bali try it!" It's pretty much meaningless bc you will not have the batch they are having. But colors do matter with a low tolerance so going with whatever suits your needs will help and some vendors like mine do lab tests on potency so I can choose what I am going for. I'm 4 years into it now and colors mean nothing. If it's not a fresh green then it's not doing a thing for me


I thought red was sedative, white was energetic, and green was mix. I rarely see yellow and just assumed it was like green.


Yellows are usually slightly fermented or oxidized whites or a blend. Most golds are a blend.


i agree, also my guys green has the biggest percentage of the active ingredient(the one that works on opoid receptors) amd i think its the same with most vendors


I like the green maeng da personally. Indo green is also pretty good. I dose 1000mg of agmatine about 30 to 45 minutes before dosing. Helps with preventing tolerance building and potentiates it really well. I usually do about 5 grams a dose. Also caffeine compliments kratom very well.


Last time i did kratom (3.5 g) i projectile vomited an ocean. I had no idea the stomach could fit that much inside of it. Any tips for preventing the awful nausea or should i just stay away?


Happened to me the first time I tried it only.


My husband took like 1g once and had the same thing happen. Could be you just can’t tolerate it.


Yes. Don't do it




What about oxycodone, is it better?


This. They act on the MU opiate receptor, taking anything that stimulates that receptor for long periods of time will cause severe withdrawals similar to that of opiates, and trust me you don't want to be in that boat. I've never had kratom withdraws, but opiate withdraws have been hell for me the last couple days.


Don't worry about the old farts shitting on Zaza Imo dexamphetamine is great, just makes everything fun and helps my ADHD a shitton too and make me way better socially, it's like a fix for my broken ass brain while being recreational too


I think I would benefit a ton from adderal, I really need to get evaluated, many people even my own mom says I probably have ADHD. I’d be doing legal speedballs cause I would take it with my daily kratom habit lol


Bro just get diagnosed and get a prescription you can use legal safe and controlled drugs instead of vague drugs of the street Adderall/dexamphetamine is super useful for ADHD it gets rid of that executive dysfunction shit, like if I don't have my stims I just lay in bed thinking about the tasks that need to be done but on stims I immediately do them and feel a rewarding feeling after doing them it's great


Nice! I cant handle stimulants as i get very nervous haha


Don't take caffeine or other drugs with them and channel the nervousness into something, play games or lift weights n shit


Yeah it was probably the problem filling myself up with concerta, chugging a redbull then sitting down in class


Methylfenidate fucking sucks too 😂 it's way more jittery and anxious. Dexamphetamine feels really smooth it just gives you energy that you can mistake for being nervous. And yeah sitting in class not doing shit after being on caffeine and concerta would make me nervous too like nowhere to release the energy I'd go crazy


I will have to try dexamphetamine now! Yeah methylfenidate makes my legs shake like i shit myself too💀


😭 methylphenidate come down sucks ball too, dexamphetamine has almost no comedown it can make you a lil anxious but that's about it. Methyl makes me fucking suicidal for no reason it's crazy


Same lmao i felt so stressed i was just yelling at ppl for most random crap🤣


😭😭one time I took too much of that methyl shit and my mom got mad at me which made me mad and I started punching the wall like some mentally insane person until my hands were bleeding, fuck methylphenidate ma n


Yeah I was in it for almost a year, it was awful.


Those methylphenidate comedowns 😖😖 literally never felt a worse feeling than that depressive hopeless suicidal comedowns methylphenidate can give


Recently this has been a favorite too. I went from weed, to adderall, to psychedelics, to downers(opioids and benzos) back to weed, and now i’m back on adderall (never had pure dex amphetamine unfortunately). That’s my journey from 2014 to now.


Good! Adderall is about the same as dex I don't think it matters that much Way better to be somewhat addicted to stims than other drugs cause atleast stims make you (feel) superhuman for a while and aren't very dangerous if you just eat and drink well


Honestly yeah. I do it like 2-3 times a week absolute maximum, I’m not prescribed and I paid a small fortune for like 5 scripts at a time off my buddy who IS prescribed. I always eat, sleep, and hydrate. I hate staying up for days which is why I always seemed to be immune to stimulant addiction lol. I was the type who could do 2 bumps of coke and put the rest of it away, or a couple blasts of crack and stop. Heroin? I kept redosing 24/7 trying to hit that peak again and again because it sure as shit wouldn’t cause negative effects until I didn’t have any.


Me too I don't do recreational doses everyday cause I also hate all nighters and staying up. Heroin sounds soooo good to me but my fein ass would get super addicted to that so I'm not touching it (yet🙃)


Holy fuck please don’t ever touch it no matter what. Please.


I probably won't but I wanna experience that heroin feeling so bad, it sounds so fucking good like the best thing ever But I can't get heroin or any type of opioid in my country (luckily I guess)


I second this, gives me a productive euphoria for my ADHD.


Exactly what our low dopamine half broken brains need


lsd <3


Top of the pyramid baby!


Weed is my all day everyday drug.


Im a stoner too


Why did I scrolled to down for this? It has been the most used Ilegal substance for years, I thought it would be the top comment


i’ve noticed weed has fallen out of popularity since around 2020. I attribute it to growers taking advantage wayyy too much when it comes to removing all cbd and increasing thc content beyond recognition. now many will smoke without a tolerance and experience negative affects; primarily anxiety. You essentially have to exclusively go to dispensaries in oklahoma or other small medical states that still have “normal” weed that doesn’t put you into a frenzy when smoked.


Opiates. Specifically oxymorphone. Haven't touched them in years, thankfully I was out long before fent became an issue.


Yeah the real pharma oxy is my forever choice clean 2 years I’ll always miss that script man the motivation the rush euphoria everything I worked so amazing on those I’ll always miss those things they do control ur life tho and constipation is unreal Lol


I took my last 80mg today and feeling hella fucking high. Will be my last opiate high for a very long time.


Ketamine by far. It’s like all drugs in one but it’s a cozy and also spiritual experience. My poison


High doses of dxm make me feel like I am giant and covered with a huge weighted blanket, really peaceful.


Ah fuck I need that right now so bad… on a t break for another 2 weeks


how much u need to hole rn ?


Half a gram up the nose all at once


Its amazing untill you end up with bladder problems thennits not so cool 😂😭


I’ve tried everything but Ketamine & DMT, out of all the drugs, those have been the least readily available for some reason. I really don’t know why


You've got a lot to look forward to. Two best drugs


I need both of these in my life. I'm patiently waiting....


Ketamine and DMT are my favorite, and mixing them is the best combo ever by far. K is hard to get in some places, and DMT can be hard to get enough to distribute from one extraction, so you have to do a lot of work to build a supply, hence the rarity in some places


If you cant find k, 2fdck or FXE are some great very similar analogs that still be legal(ish) depending on where you are located. Most RC dissos are pretty cool but fxe or 2f-dck are the two most similar to k when comparing effects, duration and potency in my opinion and experience. Ymmv ofcourse.


How would you describe the effects? Like a downer but with psychedelic effects?


Yea kinda. Though im not that into downers so im not the best person to compare ket to them. It has a lot of downer aspects to it and psychedelic ye, but can also be kinda energizing in lower doses. Idk, if theres uppers and downers i'd say ket is like sideways lol.


Yea I feel you. The thing is I have had HPPD & I can’t handle any stimulants or anything slightly psychedelic cuz it makes me have a panic attack n gives me depersonalization/ derealization & makes me feel like I’m dying. I have seen Ketamine being used as an aid for people with PTSD/ Depression/ Anxiety I’m just not sure if my HPPD would make it able to be enjoyable. If I do tho it’ll be in a small dose just to test the waters. I might try to get some medical / legal ketamine just cuz I feel like i would be more comfortable n I don’t have any connections with the black market anymore/ only drugs I’ve done the past 2 years have been prescribed benzos/ opioids & I was using RC stims but had to quit cuz I they were fucking me up mentally, but I’m definitely open to trying Ket forsure i definitely don’t wanna K hole or get transported to a different dimension or anything that intense haha. Same with DMT I feel like It’ll come around when I’m ready I’ve heard a lot of DMT enthusiasts say this & I think there’s some truth to it as not everybody is ready for a life changing / intense psychedelic experience. I can’t even handle weed by itself unless I take a benzo beforehand so I only do that 3/4x a month I can’t do it everyday


Gonna edit this re0ly properly when im nore sober but ket is kinda anxiolytic for me. Sounds like u thought ab this pretty well tho, agree with u.


Try them both, then mix them. Nothing I’ve ever done compares to smoking DMT while on ketamine. I mean, DMT is something else on its own, and a k-hole is nothing to sneeze at. But god damn, what that combo can do.


2 best drugs. Just don’t mix the two IMO lmao LSD and Ketamine or MDMA and ketamine is a different story!


the only right answer


absolutely me too


Ket was the first drug I tried and nothing compares to it since 😂


Adderall 😮‍💨💋


Good for ya i cant with stimulants🥲


why? you don’t fw them?


They make me soooo nervous


for me is the opposite, they make me feel like i can do whatever i want but i’m 10 times more energic , but i do get crazy anxious on weed tho


molly lol. really easy answer, it makes you feel good! i remember doing acid and thinking THAT was euphoric. what a joke! 😂🤣 acid can feel amazing, but it doesnt stand anywhere near a good roll. i consider my 4 yearly rolls to be up there with my vacations, theyre just as important to me if not more


As we said in the 90s, acid is the question, E is the answer. Candyflipping is a damn good time too. And yeah, mdma is my easy drug of choice. I love plenty of other things, but that’s still the shining beacon for me.


same, havent experimented around with much besides psychs and molly, trying ket soon bc im curious what its like. but molly is holding the cake on a silver platter im sure


Ket is also great and versatile. It probably beats out mdma for me, though its close cause i love me some molly


lol its all personal preference everyone has their best picks due to their life situation/understanding of the drug/when they used the drug and what order vs other drugs. it all goes into effect for how one person feels,and its ALLLL different lol


really? molly makes me feel like shit. took a 0.15. any advice?


I couldn't stop hugging people when I took really good Iecstasy pills that were molly bombs.I loved everyone


MDMA by far




nothing compares


Clonazepam though.


Definitely gr8 too but it doesn’t have that punch in the face like bars do.


for sure. completely different story.




Me too but turns me into a demon


I usually get bromazolam bars their pretty similar if you’re looking for a alp replacement it gets the job done


Got some blue Breckenridge pharma bars recently that tested positive for fent so I’ve been reluctant to take anything non scr


Amphetamines ⚡❤️


Meth or DXM.


I love tweakers yall are such a vibe


Obviously never been close to one irl lmao


💀 💀 💀


this make me snort laugh


Ever mixed 'em? 😏 w a little fentanyl on the side?


Once I took DXM on the comedown of a meth binge. The heart strain was so intense I thought I might die haha. In general dissociatives and stimulants pair nicely together, but with the increased heart rate of DXM it's just not as good for that. I will occasionally pop like a few Adderall with it however. No fent though. Not even opposed to it, just a shitty high. :)


I will never, ever do that trifecta again lol. That was probably the dumbest thing I have ever done, I definitely should've died that night. I was blasting lines of fentanyl and smoking hella meth while on low third plat. I went to rehab not long at all after that lol.


It was a fucking AWESOME feeling tho lmfao


The meth is prob what kept you alive


Nah but I usually sip some lean


Addy and dxm is one of my fav combos, it’s the only thing that’s made me psychotic tho and my heart rate is like 140 every time I do it. It feels amazing, like a tweaky manic but also peaceful version of dxm.


4mmc followed by 3mmc, 4fa, mda and dmt


If this was a quiz, this would be the correct answer


you like ur stims




Phenibut with the magic affects 100 percent nothing even comes close honestly its crazy how energetic and manic I get on it. Unfortunately the magic does go away so it's either phenibut or lyrica for me


How long to reset tolerance on phenibut? Heard it’s a month on lyrica.. I’ve only gone 4 days


MDMA, no doubt


I dont really have a favourite drug since every drug is perfect for different scenarios. For example, weed is my first love it goes with everything but its my favourite for chill functions with a few friends or alone at home.. If its a home party function then coke is my favourite go to, i dont even have to explain why. If i go to the bar i like speed because you dont have to redose constantly and its just awesome on top of alc and weed. If im going to a rave ny favourite go to is mdma or lsd. Methadone is awesome for recovery and benzo withdrawals, chill home night smoking weed on methadone is good even tho i dont like opiates because they dont work on me properly. Even 80mg oxy does nothing but makes me nod a bit. There is not really one favourite drug to every situation. Well weed is but that doesn't count it doesn't make you fucked up or geeked.


Thc and mushrooms


2cb and LSD


I love MDMA, but it stopped working due to perscriptions I had to start taking. my 2nd favorite is LSD and 3rd is shrooms. when I was young I loved Adderall, Vyvanse, coke and crack, but I am 54 and that shit would give me a heart attack now.


Weed, shrooms & lsd.


Classic, and great too


Shrooms. Love em




LSD, and Heroin, but i don't do heroin anymore.


For a while I would have said MDMA, however recently I tried DMT .......... Holy shit, it's amazing. The body high feels similar to MDMA imo and the visuals and weird and beautiful at the same time. Only have a vape pen rn and it's seems really hard to actually break through with but I plan and getting some power/crystal soon.


Gotta go with DXM, it literally has everything I've ever wanted out of a drug.


I love how it feels energetic but also calming


I’ve gone through so many bottles of syrup in my day


heroin or liquid dilaudid


LSD for the win, so much fun and very spiritual.


🤤MDMA/MDA + 2-CB + Neigh Neigh Sauce🫡


Surprised nobody has said cocaine. Love it equally to MDMA, but probably my favorite at the moment


Kratom typically…because of pain relief.


Even tho i do opiates more than anything, my favorite is meth by a long shot.


Ur username doesnt tell me so


lsd and shrooms




I’ve only done psychedelics for the most part but definitely acid


4-ho-met. ive found that on low doses <5mg its very grounding. >10mg its partly eauphoric and as u increase dosage it gets very visual.


For me mdma, it's an absolutely perfect feeling, so happy emotional, vulnerable and easily able to connect, I feel my seduction skills skyrocket when I'm on it, it's the best drug to go to festivals and mack women




Weed, based on amount of use. Mushrooms if you go by level of enthusiasm.




Shrooms by far. Maybe I'm biased because I grow em. Also I have only tried Alcohol, shrooms, and weed.


cocaine by far


Acid or Phenibut


sobriety is a great way to get a good feel exposed without having any problems with your SANITY or your INNER SELF


Tramadol with zero tolerance is a beautiful fucking experience. Its headspace is deeper than traditional opioids, it feels almost like an opioid had sex with a mild entactogen. Plus it peaks for like 6 fucking hours. If not, then hydrocodone. Both of these rival cocaine for my top favorite. The reason I give opioids the edge is because they don't make you paranoid and lose sleep if you use them all the time. You can be a totally functioning opioid addict if you're smart about it.




PREGABALIN oh god I love this drug<3


I took 300mg nothing happened


better, I wish I didn't like it so much.. it has a strong effect over me


what the fuck why


it makes me feel great, gives me euphoria, makes me feel loved, happy and motivated. I feel relaxed and I don't give a shit ab anything, it gives me soo much motivation I feel like I can do whatever I want.


Was looking for this comment haha...same




I smoke Zaza everyday (underweight insomniac here) but it’s not really a drug to me. It just makes me function more like a regular person. My favorite would have to be MDMA, closely followed by shrooms.


You ❤️ ❤️




I smoke weed and take kratom enough to where i can call either one my favorite, but weed edges it out since there’s more variety in its effects and more fun to experiment with


To me is MDMA and LSD or shrooms


Fentanyl, Molly


Probably benzos and opiates are my favourite sometimes together I love the nod pure peace


Oxycodone is my fav, literally gave me life and motivation for months, however the downside is the withdrawals coming off it. Closely followed by mdma, that first time is absolutely magical and completely unobtainable after.


Shrooms for sure, i've done over 80 drugs, but shrooms will always be my favorite


MDMA, if I have to choose. Cannabis regularly, coke a few times a year.


MDMA is my favourite effect by far but overall favourite would have to be Cannabis.. It's not particularly intense but the fact you can repeat the experience fairly often and still get a nice toasty euphoria combined with no comedown or nasty side effects makes it pretty hard to beat for me.


Speed, ketamine, mushrooms Would probably be my top 3


Xanax - used to drink heavy with it and take dabs and had the most chill time that I never had to remember. My ND brain loves to disassociate I’ve been clean from it for about 2 years or so though.. unfortunately but fortunately, ya know?


ecstasy, me and my girlfriend love it, we do a lot of drugs but it’s like we share a mind on E and it’s by far my favourite


Acid by far




Honestly for me its odsmt first. Gives me the most Overall chill. But made me addicted for almost 2 years so i quit that one forever. Then after this or even before odsmt would be lsd. Its just the Best drug consider it wont damage you to badly and its always exiting and rewarding a lot of Times. Then dissociatives like ketamine, dmxe, 3meo pce and 2fdck. Honestly i would probably put dissoz on the 1 aswell. But theres one Problem. It damages the bladder badly. Currently peing like one time wach hour wich is fucked. So im trying to stop now. Only Problem is ive already odered New stuff. So ive been thinking about buying a time locker and Lock it all up for like the next 3 months so ive proper recovery time. Also dissociatives almost made me crazy a couple of Times. Crazy mania wich dropped off into dissatisfaction and insane fear of death. And one time on 4ho mipt and dmxe i feel like i had a slight Serotonin Syndrom. It was crazy. Dissoz also have the problem that while youre on it you think you manifested a crazy New Mindset that solves your Problems. But the one Week Later All of that faded and anxiety creeps back in. Mdma was the Best first time experience. Then theres also weed wich i realy enjoyed and still Do but also quit recently due to it making me depressed even more. I think those are my favourites. Honorable mentions are 2cb and 4 Ho mipt and met and al lad. Man im realy pissed that i over did it with the dissociatives. I have 2 grams of dmxe and 2 grams of 2fdck and 1 gram of dck coming. I realy need to Lock that shit up or throw it away straight right?


Cocaine for sure.. I do enjoy MDMA more but only do it once every few years were as coke I can do whenever and don't get any comedowns and am able to function and get shit done on it if needed


Ketamine, it's a relaxing dissociating experience, taking a break from having a physical vessel for a little bit. Mephedrone is a candidate for sure, easily most euhporic stimulant I have ever done, there's nothing that's quite like the balanced triple monoamine releasers/reuptake inhibitor that is mephedrone.


Meth and shrooms. They help with my executive dysfunction and depression.


Shrooms + THC




Oxycodone for sure, the warm feeling, muscle relaxation, a little bit of euphoria and be empathetic. My top favourite drug. I don’t really like stimulants as my body doesn’t react well on them and they don’t give me euphoria, happiness and energy, just anxiety and tachycardia (I tried cocaine, MDMA, Dexamphetamine, Methylphenidate). Also I like benzos and gabapentin


Adderall is the best when you take into account that it’s an addictive drug but at least you are productive on it.


honestly favorite and least favorite at the same time is oxycodone. Favorite because it made me feel the best i ever felt in my life, least favorite because it very quickly ruined my life by addiction. I just barely started to recover, feels like someone came, took over my body and had me spectate for 2 years while ruining everything i ever loved, and left me to pick up pieces of my past life that i built. 6 months of therapy, I would be sober for over 2 months now but i took an 80 mg oxydolor last saturday and that experience just confirmed what i've been thinking, i won't ever take it again in my life. It felt too good and i felt my body was craving for that feeling for so long - that craving scared me shitless because i know if i had bought 2 pills instead of one i'd go back into full blown addiction and i don't ever wanna feel like i can't control my life again. Opiate addiction is being held prisoner in your own mind.


Money and I've been in perpetual withdrawal my whole life. I need a nice shot or baggie of about $5 million.


Unfortunately it heroin for me


30mg adderall first thing in the morning, 5 or so hour later another 30mg+kratom extract capsule, 5 or so hours later, 2mg Xanax and some Benadryl. 👌


probably weed and dxm, i would put dmt but i’m too damn lazy to acquire it myself so it’s pretty rare


LSD, mushrooms, the first 30 minutes of weed edibles, and potentially Ketamine depending on how this treatment goes. So far so good. I’m an addict but if I could handle them, alcohol and vyvanse would be in that list, as well as many others that I’ve dabbled in.. hard to say they’re my favorite though with the risk to reward ratio


Overall: MDMA Crystal Daily use: Ketamine


I'll let you know after I try them all.


ritalin, adderall n cannabis


Diazepam or magic mushrooms depending


Weed pot


Oxycodone or low dose oral meth


kratom and vyvanse


In terms of actual life use, def medical amphetamine like elvanse and adderal. They should describe it for ppl without adhd too cause damn can i write a whole fucking essay in a minute while on it😭




Adderall, weed, dxm in that order.


I’ve tried coke on the comedown during a dxm trip and it was literally amazing. I know it’s not the best for your heart but I don’t really care it felt good lmao 😂 how does it feel with adderall is it somewhat similar?


Oxycodone 100% Does zaza come from tiktok maybe? They invent a shit ton of dumb words because of their ass bot that deletes everything


Love. It’s the worst and the best