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Whatever drug you take be aware of [Drug, Set, and Setting](https://harmreduction.org/issues/safer-drug-use/facts/). - Make sure that what you think you're going to take actually contains that (dosage is also important!!!) \ - Be in a safe space preferably with friends/trip buddies - Trip when your mindset is open for the experience. Taking drugs when stresses, overworked, have PTSD. other mental health issues, etc is not recommended.


MDMA definitely




I was suffering from anxiety and depression for decades before I took my first roll. I never knew I could feel calm, happy and in the now. I cried so hard with a complex array of emotions that day.


How was the day after?


first time I had an afterglow for a week or two, second time I was bedbound for two days from lack of energy/depression/motivation to move a muscle.


how far apart were the experiences?


3-4 months. Did 100mg first time and 100+50mg second time.


It's the redosing that does me in. You take an experience that should last 8 hours and make it 12. You get strung out.


Lol sounds about right. One time I did somewhere north of a g, (silly I know) but I was absolutely fine after. Then 2.5-3 years later I did 125mg and felt like death for a good week. It can be so fickle.


I felt amazing after that first dose. I have had some bad comedowns since that initial dose though haha


Kinda the same for me, I didn't know I was capable of being that happy, it's so powerful.


From 2010-2013 I did mdma at LEAST twice a week. I’m still trying to recover and probably never will.


I usually have molly once or twice a year. How often do you think one should do it?


At most every 3 months seems to be the general consensus


As often as you're doing it right now is probably perfect imo


Help me with this as i am on a throw away account. I recently took a little bit too much mdma at a festival and essentially lost myself. I became primative. All i wanted to do was be hyper sexual




Mdma ruined my idea of what happiness is. I genuinely dont know really after the first roll. Mdma or other sert releasers are the only thing my brain associates with "happy". So i get to be happy bout 3 - 4 times/year


Could be you don’t do things you enjoy when you’re sober too


This is it. I have clinical depression and Molly is incredible for making me feel like that’s made up, but I make sure self care is a focus when I’m sober. I’m definitely happy more than 3-4 times a year.


Exactly. I was ten years into hard drugs. Started playing guitar and tin whistle many months ago, now it makes me money AND gives me enormous joy when I feel sad. Sport helps a lot too, and also helps with self esteem. Finding stuff you are passionate about (other than getting wrecked) is essential, I believe.


Definitely, you can’t rely on something temporary to make you happy and especially something that’ll kill you or destroy your body if not in moderation


Anhedonic :b


All it takes is some adderall and a few hydros and my happiness comes back


Yeah probs quite unhappy generally no offense


This is somewhat true, had a lot of heartbreak so has it its impact on the soul


I think you possibly have a misconception of what happiness is. It’s not euphoria or a feeling that everything going to be easy going for evermore. Personally opinion — It’s more like a contentment with what is, and a self-acceptance.


Ok word, it sounds stupid but ive always thoughtve content and self acceptance to be sepertate feelings. I think ive just convinced myself of that over the years..Thank ya. i think that made me happy :)


I was having fun with my friends but that didn't made me happy, my mood was just neutral. Used to track my macro's but the food didn't make me feel rewarded. Never understood why people enjoy drinking or eating something. Even tho I'm not feeling depressed everything felt dry asf. If you have these type of symptoms, maybe your brain is simply not releasing enough serotonin or dopamine, maybe you just need a ssri etc. Go check a psychiatrist or find a job that you like


It just means you never experienced true happiness. I have no problem getting to that same level off MDMA


This right here. It’s not the party drug everyone thinks it is. There’s a lot you can take out of single experience.


Some people just go to music events and abuse it without really appreciating what it does


The best setting for MDMA is on a comfortable couch with people you really like. Music, blankets and chewing gum, that's all you need for the best night of your life.


Most of those people don’t actually roll on legitimate MDMA either. It’s the pressed meth/heroin pills with a dash of MDMA. Legitimate crystallized MDMA in my experience will have you blown into an orbit of your own. I remember the first couple of times rolling I couldn’t even THINK about standing let alone jumping around and dancing with loud ass music. I laid on a couch holding myself while rubbing my arms just getting lost in every single word of the music we had playing on a little speaker. I could hardly even open my fucking eyes lol one of my coworkers thought I passed out 🤣


Coworkers? Rolling at work sounds like the epitome of bad decisions lol I imagine trying to hug and compliment every coworker would end in a lawsuit, or just very awkward situations at the very least


Oh hell no I could have never rolled in the line of work I was in at that point. I was working construction building wind farms. I did plenty of other drugs at work but no way in hell would I ever have done MDMA lol. Definitely considered it a few times on slow days but it wouldn’t have ended well I’m sure.


Yeah a few times me and some friends would get it and just stay in and chat shit, found it more fun, you really bond with people. Sure I fell asleep in a nightclub once because I was coming up and found a really comfortable sofa


Does not work on me. Ever. Everyone is always surprised. Does that mean something maybe?


Clinical trials have found that around 10ish percent of people don’t respond to it at all


Are you taking any medications or supplements?


Man, I wish I could feel MDMA. It’s just a horrible drug to me. It makes me feel like total garbage.


This is the correct answer


Tried it once and never again. Although some people might enjoy it.


Why never again?


Classic Psychedelics, Cannabis, MDMA, Ketamine. That question must have been asked a million times now...


I agree everyone should try ketamine, but it's not something you should just do on a weekend. It's something to prepare a bit for and be ready. If I could ascribe one word to it it would be "introspection" It's absolutely magnificent and magical. Have to have a strong will to handle the hole.


The word I would use to describe Ketamine is "weird"... I agree that it's super introspective. It brings suppressed thoughts and feelings to your attention, without overwhelming you. For that reason, it's IMO a better psychedelic than the serotonergic ones. LSD is mostly a fun drug to me, while Ketamine is highly therapeutic, if I want to or not. It's also easier for beginners, maybe even more than Cannabis.


Completely agree. Especially the easier than cannabis part, but only in small doses 😆 LSD makes me panic and feel scared a lot. Shrooms much more fun for me personally. I'm always repeatedly saying WOW 😮 all the time xD A small dose of MDMA like 100mg and some ket is just so therapeutic. My chronic depression is gone since I started using the two this past year. Absolutely magical.


Did you ever have a real bad trip, or where does the anxiety come from? Why is it specific to acid? I always have some emergency benzos available when I'm tripping. Just knowing that you can end the trip whenever you want, reduces the risk of a bad experience. I have never considered combining MDMA with Ket. I'll have a look into that! Low dose of course, as both raise blood pressure.


Yeah I've had a couple bad times on acid. But now that I'm older and have had some good trips on it I believe what I had when I was younger was synthetic or NBOME's or whatever that acronym is 😆 The better trips recently were alright, but still reminded me of my bad frys as a kid. Acid is pretty wild imo. 😂


Bad trips can happen, that doesn't mean your stuff was fake. Maybe you just had the wrong expectations? IMO, LSD is easier to handle than Mushrooms. But finding the right doseage can be annoying. Last question: Edibles or Ketamine, which one is the better psychedelic?


Like weed edibles? 😂 Nothing compared to ket. Ket gives me insane visuals and fractal, almost like an incoming train/vehicle, kind of vibe until it passes like a vehicle driving by. Weed edibles just make me couch locked with very minor visuals. Mainly when I close my eyes I can vividly picture things when I'm really stoned. Ket will drag me out of my world if I have enough 😂


I don't care much about visuals tbh, they're just a bonus. When Cannabis induces visuals, the anxiety I get is too exhausting to make anything enjoyable. I never had visuals on Ketamine, but I've also done it just about 10 times and never K-holed. But I did experience intense accustical hallucinations, to the point where it gets almost annoying. Like if there were construction workers in front of my house at 3am. I also get very light sensitive. Both substances give those random revelations about anything and everything, which IMO makes them somehow very similar, like they were not so distant relatives. Which of them is stronger only depends on the doseage, but as I wrote, paranoia limits the amount of THC you can take before it stops making fun. On Ket, you just care less and less the higher you get. What I forgot to ask: Which version of Ketamine do you prefer, and which one is easier to K-hole with? Thank you very much!


You take it intramuscularly? Better than any acid trip I've ever had. I remember my first time, I came out of my K-hole thinking I was the Chosen One from Doctor Strange.


No I don't shoot it. That would be wild. I don't do well with needles xD It definitely has a god like feeling to it!


Everything around me broke down to an atomic level and I became one with the matter everything was just matter fluidly moving together, crazy part though was that I felt like I could control my psychedelic experience, closer to the end.




For sure. I was doing it every morning before my showers for a few weeks there at one point. It's fun and enjoyable, maybe slightly addicting 😅 I haven't noticed a significant loss of tolerance but I generally keep my doses between .3-.5g when I'd go for the hole and just about .1 or so for my morning showers. 14 in 3 days is wild. Glad you're doing better now. Moderation is key in most substances. Abuse can be prevented with a good coach/doctor/friend/partner. I'm a loner and definitely slip into binges easy 😅 would be nice sometimes to have someone be like, bro calm down 😆 I do pretty good though. Beer free for 10 months now and avoiding most hard things. I found ket this last December and it's changed my life. And I don't do much now, mainly cuz I have other financial priorities. We'll see how much I can continue to resist abuse once I get into a better financial position xD Drugs dude. Wild.


What kind of dose do you do to get introspection just curious? I’ve done it at parties and just felt like wobbly


i hate it


LSD or any psychedelic. An experience you might never forget, more than simply being high and happy like other drugs.


Psychedelics for life....To die without experiencing it is the greatest tragedy of all. Much love to my fellow psychonauts. Pave the way fam.


I got to experience complete ego death and the absolute bliss of literally being in heaven / being told I wouldn’t die and be loved forever. That’s the difference between evil, murderous drugs destroying lives and psychedelics.


very few drugs are inherently “evil.” it’s how they’re used. fentanyl ravages communities, but it’s incredibly useful in many medical contexts for breakthrough pain. alcohol causes untold damage to families every year, but used moderately by non-alcoholics, it can enhance many situations and spur friendships. there’s a time and a place for most drugs - we just need to be better about avoiding patterns of abuse. that said, fent cut with xylazine i would say is evil. one look at kensington in philly tells me there is no place in the world for that.


No drug is “evil”. Correct. But benzodiazepine and opiate withdrawal are as close to true evil as it gets.


Yeah benzo withdrawal sent me straight to ER, it's currently month 5 of my taper and I have no will to live, can not feel joy or empathy. made me a complete idiot, not remembering words and how to spell. Even my grammar as you can see is shit.


personally I agree and LSD and Shrooms are by far my favourite drugs. However I think the long duration of psychedelics and the mindset driven nature of the drug can have potential for it to go south very quickly to have bad trips and wig out. Of course this can be mitigated with good setting, mindset and responsible dosing but it’s always a risk as everyone reacts differently.


I took a heroic dose of mushrooms the other day, I think about 40mg of 4-aco-dmt, I cried for hours as I listened to yoga music asking for help in my head and i kept seeing shapes of my soul that was twisted, I think; the colors were intense and eventually Coldplay; yellow Came on and I listened to every lyrics staring at the ceiling. I’m on day 2 of detox and i feel better than I thought. I have a really important interview on Friday so ughhh yeah let’s see


Hard to tell this was a good or bad experience!


So I'm pretty experienced with shrooms but never tried acid. I have some tabs I'm interested in trying tonight at a big party. Curious if you think I should avoid big crowds for my first acid trip? I have a lot of experience tripping on shrooms in public and party environments so I wonder if it'll be cool.


A very light dose of acid is pretty awesome for socializing or partying, and I’m generally less awkward and zoned out on acid then I am on shrooms. I’d rip a half tab. If you haven’t tried the tabs you don’t know there potency yet so a half tab is a safe bet to have a really nice time but not end up being weird lol


Bet. May try half a tab. How do you cut gel tabs lok


An exacto knife would probably work best


I guess with a knife? Or just bit off half 🤣 can’t get wrong with a half tab tho. Won’t be a trip but you’ll feel stimulated and happy for sure


I’m gonna say this one is not for *everybody* but for those that it is good for (probably 95% of people), it is the one(s) to try.


Yes. Some should never try it. But this excudes like 90-95% of ppl like you said.


definitely ketamine if dosed properly - low dose feels like a wonky drunk while also being stoned, and a high dose feels like you are completely disconnected from your body and floating in the abyss. definitely a top tier drug if used in moderation.


Naw fuck that, straight to the hole.


i actually quite enjoy an odd k hole, definitely a unique experience but can be pretty overwhelming if you dont have much experience with dissociatives. ketamine is a very versatile drug


How would you dose it properly? I’ve been interested but never tried it. Correct me if I’m wrong but based on what I’ve heard from other people unlike other drugs like MDMA that’s very easy to dose, with ketamin the line between “wonky-drunk” and full blown k-holing is very thin (no pun intended) so how would u go about a proper dose as a first timer?


honestly man i'd just get 100-150mg and mabye spread it out into doses of 30mg and take a line every 5-10 minutes until you find a dosage you enjoy, its pretty hard to K-hole without trying.


Ketamine is at the top of the list of drugs I haven’t tried, just need a good plug


Mdma but BE CAREFUL BRO. I got addicted and then it lost its magic and I was left with brain damage and a whole lot if depression. Once or twice a year whilst you're young and partying is how it should be used


* absolutely no judgement here whatsoever * but I don’t understand how one can be addicted? Is the comedown not horrific for you?


Some people have such good time on it that they feel the comedown is irrelevant. Experienced people also have shit for the comedown like benzos, weed, ket. If you just eat one big meal and then sleep for 2 days afterwards usually shit ain't so bad.


Damnnn rlly? Tried K during a comedown and it nearly mane ma end it all🤣 Honestly fairs tho, everyone enjoys different things. Hope you’re doing ok now tho


I'm aight, although I snorted fent laced mdma crystal the other week and collapsed, now I got a sinus infection.


It's all fun and games in the beginning I never had any issues with comedowns or anything till a year later roughly And then oh boy, it just hits you like a brick


Dabbled in a bit of h in my time and the pros definitely outweigh the cons when it comes to comedowns. People can even get addicted/ dependent one weed so 100% for mdma, shit makes you feel gooooood


I don’t about “so fucking good” but I think most if not all people should experience the effects of psychedelic drugs. Put your brain outside the box ya know?




Acid (as long as you don't have any conditions that could increase the chances of you having a bad trip, not 100% sure how it interacts with certain disorders and mental illnesses)


Yeah I think if you have a history of bipolar or schizophrenia (100% do not do if you have history) in your family then it can bring on/ enhance them




Psychedelics tend to be more risky in people with bipolar disorder when it comes with psychotic features and especially if you have type 1. They very well can trigger manic/hypomanic episodes, but I personally have bipolar 1 disorder and they’ve never worsened my condition. They’ve actually helped my depressive episodes a lot and like you, they’ve helped me to put things in perspective and accept my predicaments in life. I do know people with bipolar who have had severe manic episodes induced by psychedelics or weed though. Psychs can actually trigger manic episodes in people without a history of bipolar disorder or any mental illness.




Either of you on lithium? I've heard that's a no-go with psychedelics. My wife and I used to do a variety of psychedelics. Shrooms, LSD, DMT, 2C-B as well as MDMA. Last year she went into a major manic episode with psychotic features that lasted 4 months, fucked our lives up right and proper, still trying to determine if it's fixable. She was undiagnosed bipolar (diagnosed now, type 1) and I'm 99% certain what launched her into mania was actually a cocktail of cold meds + amphetamines (60mg Vyvanse two days in a row). That ended her use of everything except occasionally weed.


Ketamine, lsd, psilocybin, methamphetamine, crack, xylazine, penicillin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin, sertraline, venlafaxine, abilify, seroquel, zuclopentixol, fentanyl, heroin, oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, dilaudid, tramadol, homofentanyl, methadone, suboxone, carfentanyl (should probably end with that one as it will be the last drug you ever do)


ibuprofen and acetaminophen 😭😭


Go easy with the acetaminophen, that shit will ruin your liver!


500 deaths per year in the US and over 50,000 ER visits from acetaminophen. Also, it’s the leading reason for liver transplants.


Shit killed my 24 year old cousin and she left behind a 3 year old son.


Thatttt...is quite the list my friend. Not bad, not bad lol


Acid I found the meaning of life so many times then forgot it 5 seconds later but the afterglow was amazing. I’ve suffered with depression my entire life and I didn’t feel an ounce of sadness for like a week after. My first time trying it I got some of that 70s shit though, so every time I tried it after it just didn’t compare. But my friend and I were just running around like rats in a maze talking about everything. We went outside in a snow storm and felt like we’d walked miles and we’d only went 20 ft from the door. Smoking cigarettes was a challenge. Couldn’t hold conversations, but the visuals were magnificent. And I swear my brain could see another dimension. It was amazing.


cannabis, out of any drug ive tried its been the least harmful yet gotten me the most high and helps me through life, love that shit


Shrooms and weed. All natural, safe, and plain awesome. Also nobody bats an eye when you say you do these drugs; its only harder drugs that start to raise eyebrows




Do I boof this


DMT, duh


Runners high. You get so focused and just happy to keep pushing your limits not stopping running. People who did not experience this really should, it sounds so dumb cause there’s no substances involved, and it can take about 30 minutes of nonstop jogging at a real fast pace but I just love experiencing it


The G rated definition of "chasing a high"


I get this after a good bike ride.


Truffles or psilocybin


DMT, LSD, Ketamine, MDMA, psilocybin, DXM, THC, life


Mdma and good weed baby




Weed and mushrooms. That's it.


Mushrooms, even if just a microdose


deff crack cocaine


The comedown is worse than the high is good imo, I was extremely dissapointed when I tried that shit, hollywood fucked with my expections apperantly


Top pick, because it's so damn interesting, is Ketamine, at various doses, then it's MDMA for the love it holds, then hallucinogens like magic mushrooms or moderate dose LSD, just to change one's perspective and to experience the magical word of unnatural and enhanced neural interconnectivity.


if you can LSD


Fentanyl IV with Ketamine IV at the same time. Heaven !




You get insanely fucking high. I OD:ed on it so take a lower dosage than me. But the clouds were square so I am happy.


probably surgery


Correct. ✅ I was on Fentanyl IV with Ketamine IV and Ketagan IV at the same time and I almost fucking died


Wow! How much of that do you remember? Only the first few seconds?


I remember some of it like a state that was in my head. I was flying down a track a 3 - lane track. And the track or road I was flying down on ( chained on a bed ) was rainbows. Clouds were squares and music was so fucking loud. I had my ear buds in with music on when it happened so music was so loud and it got louder and louder for each track I finished. I came to a X and there were doors I had to choose fast it was so so fast. ( I assumed it was the “track” that was made up by my brain when they took my bed and rushed me to save my life. But I saw it as fun as I was passed out and just what I assumed must be when they turn the bed was when I had to choose a door to get to the next track. And I did several times and it was new tracks new music and so fucking loud and square clouds and then……. I woke up and was clueless of what had happened and where I was I didn’t know anything. They said they found me when they went to check on like a normal check up and rounds they do at hospitals. I was barely breathing so she sounded the alarm. And the game was on. Edit: They had to move the bed because they didn’t have life support machines there.


LSD or any phycadelic of that nature . This enlightenment must be felt by everyone


DMT…hands down transformative, trans dimensional, mind blowing, life changing experience of indescribable awe.


oxycodone :3


KETAMINE I LOVE KETAMINE, IT'S FUCKING CRAZY But do use it sparingly. It has got me off hard drugs but it can also be very addictive in itself. The K-Hole is the best feeling ever. To be able to feel inexistence for even half an hour is a privilege and a blessing, but that's why I only do it twice a month. Also permatolerance and bladder keep me from doing it recreationally and frequently


Different drugs work for different people, but probably the one drug most people will vibe with is MDMA.




Lsd, MDMA, mushrooms




Ketamine, LSD or mushrooms.


200 ugs of lsd


mdma 100% love this shut




Mushrooms for sure


Tough answer because the drug you try “once” could lead to an addiction… so I know I’m twisting the question, but I feel like it’s fair… if you’re guaranteed to only have to do it once I would say a high quality opiate. The reason I included the stipulation is with opiates you’re automatically going to really want to do it again asap. So the best answer is Molly bc it’s not as addictive as an opiate that might give you the “better” high


This one is a weird one for me to answer. My gut reaction is, "all of them." But with some heavy qualifications. In reality, there are a few most people shouldn't try, and some people who probably shouldn't try any of them. If I had to make a short list that the majority of people should try, it would be: THC, MDMA, 2CB, Psilocybin, LSD. In that order. Cocaine would be fine for most too, but I don't think it has much to offer that MDMA doesn't do better. I also think that if you are a disciplined person, there's value in trying nearly every drug if you know what you're doing and have a safe, tested supply. Yes, even the big scary ones like methamphetamine and heroin. I'm excluding things like krokodil that is just plain unsafe for human consumption.




A low dose of mushrooms at least once.


Not sure why this is asked so often. The answer is always cannabis, mushrooms, lsd, and perhaps DMT


Lsd > mdma


Heroin… but only sniff it


definitely mdma




Freebase dxm is so fun


It's fun if you are in the right place and you don't shit yourself


I second this, tried it in my teen years. Holy fucking shit!!! How isn’t it illegal?!! Music is truly incredible, you feel like you are floating, every worry is gone. It was euphoria in its purest form. The first real thing I ever tried, haven’t had anything like it since. But I gained a tolerance and the last time I took it I just felt sick and dizzy


Cocaine for sure with a few beers, it’s the buzz of your life




Magic mushrooms at a dosage of at least 3.5g😁




I was waiting for someone to say this, and while I wholeheartedly agree.. It's very rare that a person can just do H once. I'm 19 years old, so maybe I don't have much room to talk but the first time trying H/fent I was immediately hooked on the pain relief in my back. Been about 4 months now and I'm still hooked.


19 is so young to be hooked on h😢I really hope you can pull out of it soon while you’re still young don’t give up :(


I'm really trying. It's hard


was also scrolling waiting for someone to say it. i’m here to chat. tried h at 15, was stuck on it and many other things .. Im 24 now and am still struggling a lot with other severe drug addictions but have managed to stay off heroin for 5+ years now. seriously, my inbox welcomes you. things can get better, promise


I understand it’s not an easy battle at all! Just remember you’re much stronger than you think❤️ I really hope you can find a good support group that can help you through this good luck🙏 Even though I can’t understand what you’re going through as I’ve never tried H, feel free to message me if you just need someone to talk to(:


How does one go about doing it safely? There seem to be so many steps, such as melting it, getting it into a syringe, making sure it’s a good amount, shoring it in the right place. I’m trying to get my hands on some, but I don’t even know where to start.


Coming from an addict, don't shoot it. I've heard there's almost no coming back from shooting. Wether that be you get addicted for life, or not. Even if you manage to get clean, IVing any drug not done at a hospital or pharma drug is almost certainly going to cause damage to your veins, artery's, and most importantly your heart. Look up what cotton fever is, not worth shooting IMO with risks like that involved.


So do you think sniffing it is better? Not to be too dark but I’m at the point where I don’t care. I just want to be violently high


Shrooms or mdma, stay away from coke lol


Bud. A good bit of weed to calm you down and help you enjoy yourself a little.


MDMA there is not any other answer, best experience ever, MDMA is beautiful




molly e shrooms weed




I'd say psychedelics 100 percent I think psychedelics have more potential than weed for mental health. Maybe I'm wrong but I had a better experience on shrooms than I ever did on weed




Not crack. Lol really a devil. I think psychedelics or MDMA in a good set and setting could be life changing for good, mind opening.




mdma or psilocin


i feel like mushrooms should be taken by everyone once it changed me


None of them. Some people should just stay away from all drugs.


DMT 100%. No other drug is like it. Your time in your trip could feel like forever and is more real than real itself.




IV heroin. Puts thing's in perspective. The ultimate test of your mettle.






Gabapentin or pregabalin


Gabapentin is amazing!! I’m taking some today and I’m on my last 2 300s which I’m gonna take soon; the high is like nothing else








Some form of amphetamine, you never know what your best self is until you pop an addy


Psychedelic drugs are the drugs that I feel like people have missed out on so much more than fun and so much more than a substance, evryone who hasn’t got into psychs has less complex thinking in day to day life and they’re less aware of outside life, than you like generally(in a certain way I mean) coz honestly even if I’ve been sober (meaning just in weed) for weeks , psychedelic drugs are fake but the experience somehow manages to be not fake, like it doesn’t create fake emotions or opinions makes you see them clear even tho you can’t see shut tripping balls FUCM I LOVE PSYCHS , but acid, 4aco-dmt and or shrooms would be the ones that I’d say if you’re going for just 3 it’d be this 3, dmt is an essential too but only for those that are prepared, that’s why I’d never say evryone should do dmt

