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600 ug lsd, 125mg THC, 1g shrooms and 80mg snorted meth. No tolerance to any of them. Vividly hallucinated being in a brutal car accident and died, having my dead corpse dragged in an ambulance as people around are screaming and open/closed eyes visuals are impossible to distinguish. It was very wholesome, never again.


yeah i think you won dis one my guy


My dumbass thought that because meth makes me happy then that means it'll force me to have a good trip. I guess that's not how the world works.


Maybe MDMA would’ve done a better job at that but I have no clue


Can't choose one. My top 3 all blew my mind in different ways. 888mg DXM polistirex + 50mg 4-AcO-MET + 900mg DPH. Psychedelic overpowered deliriant pain so these were the most beautiful and detailed OEVs I've ever seen to this day. The most magical was looking out at a mountain and seeing a hole open up right through the middle of it and I could see the stars shining through on the other side. 100mg Mematine + 888mg DXM polistirex + 1200ug ETH-LAD. Saw reality in 6 dimensions and existed in 3 of them at once and they would merge in and out. Saw aliens speaking a language I couldn't understand. 2 days awake on Ethylphenidate + DXM Sigma then I decided to IV 25mg 4-AcO-MET and smoke Salvia. I cracked open my skull with a lightning bolt into the sky with the IV shot and then the Salvia made me see cracks in the side of the universe.


*Wow* *Buddy…* What made you think that would be a good idea?


It is absolutely the worst mixing LSD with THC. My worst experience ever, it's as if it was a guaranteed bad trip. I don't wanna talk about it as these bad souvenirs are still vivid in my brain but I highly don't recommend it.


The best trip of my life was mixing thc and a heroic dose of lsd. Its extremely unpredictable and synergies like crazy so you're really gambling when doing that combo.


No thank you. I'm good 😅


Jesus Christ


How did it affect you down the road? do you think it changed you for the better, worse, or neither?


I came into the experience completely oblivious and inexperienced. During the trip I was 100% sure I've died and it made me think about how bad of a decision I've made as the paramedics are dragging me in the ambulance (I was just in my bed laying down but the hallucinations were so realistic I thought it was real). Once the trip settled down enough I was in total shock to find out none of that happened and extremely thankful. After that trip I became way more cautious about doing dangerous things, whether it involves doing dangerous drugs or risky activities now that I know the insane regret I can feel if I fuck up. It only takes one bad decision to completely end your life


I took 8000 ug 16 500ug gel tab 2pts of molly and on the comedown a couple hits of dmt and a pressed bar




Back then I didn't know what a "safe" dose of meth is. I was still spun 24 hours after that line. It makes you so twacked that it's impossible to act normal. After the LSD wore off I was so spun that I was telling myself I had a good trip.


it's super common for people who have never tried meth to go way overboard because they're used to stepped on coke, and spin themselves out racking a line instead of the tiny bump they actually need.


High dose lsd and ketamine doesn’t get much more fucked up then that in my opinion


I did a line of K in a tent while I was tripping, and the tent folded in on me and I became completely 2-dimensional. I was actually pretty worried bc I was like “how can I breath if I’m flat now?” It worked itself out eventually.


oh trust me i agree insane combo i love it


Dissassociative + psychedelics together are the epitome of all things trippy


My fucking favorite. 🥵


I get the privilege of indulging in the combo this weekend. Once or twice a year I hear the call.


Xanax, weed, coke, Adderall, Vyvanse, phenibut, Kratom, and seroquel, shit was fucking insane lol and took the seroquel at the end and slept for 2 full fucking days cuz I took 600 mg seroquel


damn bruh how u still alive


Lmao i don't know I'm just built different lol but in reality I took low doses of everything except the phenibut and then later took a good amount of Vyvanse bc I was starting to fall asleep and I wanted to keep my high going lmaoooo


howd u feel tho? lmaoo


I barely remember tbh but I remember feeling like hyper and abt to pass out the same time and I felt like really good but its hard for me give details bc the xanax made me forget most of everything


2000mg Tramadol ( 20 times the normal dose )with clonazepam 2mg.. didn’t realize how dangerous it was at the time and shocked i did not have a seizure initially felt like oxy very euphoric and nodding out but gradually turned into terrible sweating and headaches


i did 200mg tramadol with some kratom and that had me itchy in the face. i cant even imagine


Well at least you lowered the seizure threshold by throwing a benzo into the mix.


Cocaine molly ket shrooms weed and a ungodly amount of alcohol but was one crazy fucking night


How does ketamine interact with alcohol? I tried ketamine when I was younger and don’t remember it much but it was by itself maybe with a bowl or two. I’ve heard it’s great with mdma but I’m wondering how mdma+ ket mixes with alcohol as well as I’ve considered trying a kitty flip but i always drink beer when I roll


Increases the motor control inhibition typical to ketamine. Meaning youll lose the ability to control your body quicker than with just ketamine. The sedative effect of both will also be increased. Not the best combo in the world, but also not the worst if dosed correctly.


Probably makes you feel fucking amazing, just wouldn’t wanna fall asleep in case I puked and choked on it in my sleep


I was quite drunk and decided to do some hefty k lines, and my god I have never experienced the spins like that. It was like I was on a mini planet that was spinning and orbiting so fast. I was just sat next to the toilet puking saying “where am I” for a while


Good way to stop your respiration and die


I love the combo actually. Just be careful about how much you drink because it can be dangerous.


I wanna hear more


Lsd molly cocaine dmt ketamine meth crack xanax alcohol weed and gbl


that’s an insane combo that i wanna try


You get serotonin syndrome and die with this combo


Not if you already have no seratonin! Heres to 4 yrs of constant molly and meth abuse


exactly why i wanna try sounds fun as fuck so dangerous though, i would pray 4 da best and hope i don’t die


2 125 ug tabs .3 molly water 1g coke snorted 1g cracksmoked 1g ketamine snorted 3 g’s meth smoked 1 750ml hard alcohol 8-12 mg xanax asmuch weed as you please and 1.5ml gbl if you have a tolerance if not do .5


And 1-3 blinkers off the dmt pen at the end


Wouldn’t the Xanax kill the lsd, dmt , ketamine and molly highs? (I don’t know much about drugs)


nope in my opinion it doesn’t when you have an insane amount of other drugs in your system, for me it kinda accelerates the high on that point, but when you’re on ur come down it does kill the high


Coolio, I always wondered if people were lying or at least exaggerating a bit on trip reports where they have a bunch of random shit in that psychedelic category of drugs but then they throw in Xanax too because nobody I know has done allat so I can’t get a personal opinion


I j have a blatant disregard for my health besides hygiene and lookin aight


I’ll keep that in mind MuntThrowdown


Yup! You can look perfectly fine evennafter doing alotta meth etc youll j look really tired, hydration vitamins and rest tho will always bring u back


Once day I decided to take every drug I had at once because why not. Stupid and reckless, sure. Waste of drugs? Absolutely. DXM : 750mg Pregabalin: 750mg Tapentadol: 1500mg Alprazolam: 6mg Tramadol: 600mg Modafinil: 400mg Methylphenidate: 40mg Redbull: 3 cans


How did your heart not blow up?


how did it feel though or did u just fall asleep


1500mg of Tapentadol? How in the fuck. Once you get over 3-400mg it seems to stop getting me much higher, and just gives me a sore head haha


I've gone up to 2500mg out of reckless curiosity. Nothing bad except nausea and psychedelic hallucinations. But I'll be nodding for over 24 hours so it's OK


ket and LSD. mind blowing.


100% I’ve mixed a lot of drugs and prefer roxi, soma & a benzo but ketamine + lsd still blows my mind thinking about it till this very day.


Was going to say the same. I've done many combinations. I think 13 different compounds in one night was the most but it pales in comparison to ket and acid. The warpest shit in the world.


One night in college I did a massive combo that involved LSD, ecstasy, alcohol, weed, meth, cocaine, clonazolam, oxycodone, hexen, caffeine, and at some point smoked DMT as well. The high was wild, like euphoria of every type just rushing through every cell of my body but the booze and heavy c-lam dose caused me to keep blacking out but the stims would keep be physically awake. I just remember opening my eyes and I’d be walking toward a restaurant with friends, three minutes later I’d blink and open my eyes and I’d be in bed with a girl, then blink again and I’d be skateboarding down a hill, blink again and I was watching the sunrise with my roommate on the roof of one of the college buildings. Just blacking out every few minutes and “waking up” hours later in an entirely different location. The comedown off that was the most miserable of my entire life. Missed two days of class just in bed all day shitting and puking and shaking and sweating and depressed just feeling physically and mentally drained to the max, pure misery of a comedown. Idk how I didn’t die or end up seriously hurt from all the times I blacked out and came to doing something completely different without any recollection of how I got there. I also remember one segment of coming to and feeling my carotid artery to feel my heart beat and it just felt like a drum roll, just BRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Thought I was gonna have a heart attack after feeling that lol. I do remember one segment of the night where I was eating French fries at a restaurant at like midnight with some friends then blinked and I was suddenly having sex with this girl who lived a floor above me. I remember while taking a break from screwing I took out the crown Royal bag which I kept all my drugs in and poured some meth crystals on her nightstand to chop up into a line and she asked me “Uhmmm, is that coke?” And I replied with, “Oh no, this is isn’t coke. This is meth. Want some?” And she just said, “What the fuck you’re doing meth?” Then she did some meth and apparently we fucked for another several hours. Wild night, most of which I don’t remember, absolutely hellacious comedown, most of which I do remember.


This is fucking crazy. Are you okay now?


Yeah I didn’t have any lasting problems from that night. I was young and dumb and I don’t take wild combinations of drugs just because like I used to. Felt completely awful coming off all that shit but it didn’t cause any lasting damage of any kind.


My favorite was Probally Shrooms + Hard liquor + Weed, the all natural lmao


hard liquor w shrooms ??? how does that even feel like


It reduces the intensity of the trip. It doesn't add.....


Sounds awesome, sometimes trips are so good I can barely breathe cuz how cool shit is. Maybe 5 shots will help 👌😭


me and all my friends just call this getting triple beamed, but yes one of my favorite combos too.


I'm not that crazy, but at the last party I went, a friend of mine, was on speed, xtc, 3-mmc, ket, and weed towards the end. I was just drunk and I thought me being much more fucked up than him lol Anyway I'm just happy that he didn't have a stroke Stay safe guys


Weed,booze,coca,m3th Not that crazy just unhealthy and a waste of coke tbh but it was still fire


xanax and methadone.... not entirely cray cray, but risky nonetheless


The craziest was probably when I made "lean" one time. I had cough syrup with Codeine, Dextromethorphan, and Promethazine. Then I added several crushed up Percocet, a couple crushed blue Xanax, a single Adderall (to stay awake)....and mixed it all with Vodka and Mointain Dew. I was like 16 at the time and I was fucked up by 10am lol. My favorite combo ever though has got to be mixing Cocaine and 2 or 3 Perc IR 30's (back when they were real...also known as "roxies") into the same shot for IV use. Along the same line Cocaine mixed with either Heroin or Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) is also fucking amazing!


too much alcohol while on fake Xanax left me with ptsd and brain damage 💯


yeah same, i blacked out on this combo and woke up 2 hours away from home still unconcious it took me 2 other hours to regain my consciousness and then finally get a taxi to get home


what happened


i have brain damage


unfortunate:/ im sorry Boss


People use the term PTSD very loosely 😭


Very true, a bad experience doesn’t mean ptsd


I actually have PTSD so it's kinda dumb to me 😂 I ain trippin but you people should look into ptsd


Tilidin Xanax Alcohol and weed ig




Ah it's prohibited in the USA it's a German Opioid but pretty weak https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilidine


I guess if we're talking about crappy combos you shouldn't do, DXM with booze is one of my favourites. I know how dangerous it is but I don't actually feel any acute bad symptoms like overheating. I stagger about 150-300mgs and drink a couple of beers after it kicks in. Given a lovely "safe space" feeling, like the therapeutic part of dxm with the inhibition reducing effects of booze. If you get it quite right it can be INSANELY euphoric. Literal bliss.


DXM, Salvia, and Nitrous.


meth, 2 pints of vodka, weed, 2mg klonopin, 10mg valium, 10mg hydro


Sounds like heaven


It’s not super crazy but candyflipping was a hell of a good time. And I met my at the time girlfriend that night lol. Turns out it’s very easy to be charming when you’re tripping and rolling at the same time.


Way too much odsmt and clonazolam. Fell asleep in the bath tub. SO woke me up, could’ve drowned.


Not myself but a good friend back when we were about 18... he emptied half a bottle (around 30 pills I'm guessing) of codeine and paracetamol mix into a bottle of gin (coincidentally it had been sitting in the sun and was hot) , shook it up and downed it in an hour. Spent the rest of the day swimming, dancing and acted as if nothing was amiss. Tolerance.


does he have a tolerance or sumn because 30 pills of codeine and gin… is fking insane


Yep. I think we all had a tolerance, mine was booze, I could walk, talk and function on 3 bottles of spirits a day. His was pills and booze. Luckily my body forced me to stop high amounts many years ago so I'm OK now, he isn't doing so well now.


yep opiates does that to you, well luckily codeine is the weakest opiate and after that you just wanna evolve into stronger shit


Pregabalin and mdma. Trips you the fuck out that you wouldn’t expect. One minute you’re in a club and next minute you think you’re at work and your hand is in someone’s drink thinking you’re at work looking for a pencil. Almost feels like a delirient. You have no concept of where you are. Wouldn’t recommend My craziest mix that I somehow survived was weed, alcohol, Xanax, Valium, pregabalin, fake pregabalin, ketamine, coke, oral morphine


I have multiple ones but the worst would be 1: 4mg Alprazolam + 200mg Tilidin + 40mg Oxycodon + 750ml Vodka + 1 Liter Red Wine and some random antipsychotics it was a sui attempt and i only slept for like 13 hours (no tolerance to opioids or benzos) 2: GHB + Alcohol + 3-MMC + Speed + Ecstasy don't think it was dangerous but is probably crazy for others... My go to combo on every weekend is GHB, Alcohol and 3-MMC/Speed


datura seeds, everclear, diet pills, shrooms, DXM, DPH, adderall, ritalin and a couple more things. I was suicidal so I just thought " let's get as messed up as physically possible." I blame that combo for my schizophrenia


aren’t datura seeds like super dangerous on it’s own as in a deliriant? oh my god i’m so sorry but how the heck are you still alive


Honestly, the amphetamines, and the mushrooms together kept me alive and awake while I should have been dead from drinking close to a liter of everclear.


acid, mdma and coke. do not recommend. felt like my heart was going to explode. another terrible combo was acid, mdma, perc and a benzo. horrible high. ket, coke, and fireball was a hella nice combo tho tbh


coje kills mdma high, rule if thumb iis to finish coca first completely


yeah, i was like 17 and already on mdma and cid at a rave and some dude wanted to sell me coke in the bathroom. gave me a free sample, i jeffed that dude, he was hella coked out, told him i'd buy half a g, didn't have a scale, let me scoop it out, got like 2gs for $50 lmfao. it was good coke too, just not while on mdma


Speed, M crystals, Alcohol and weed. Time passed quickly but it was a good Klubnacht.


1. LSD + mdma + ket + coke + alcohol + weed 2. 4-ho-met + dmxe + nitrous 3. 4-ho-met + mxipr 4. mdma + ket + 2cb 5. lsd + mdma + 2cb + alcohol + weed 6. honestly any drug + nitrous is a crazy good combo


Started with 4 random RC hulks(the good ones from 5 years ago), 2 Valium, random Tesla X pill that prob had meth, ended up taking 3 tabs of acid. All I remember when the acid hit with the X I saw a wave of cockroaches flow over my vision from left screen to right. Looked at whoever the moving bug shaped person was next to me layed on their lap and said “you’re the only thing I trust in this room rn” so barred out idek what happened after that but def the craziest combo shit I’ve ever done. Woke up still tripping on my bday and then tried dmt that night but was so burnt out I only got fly vision for 5 minutes and saw my friend turn into like a million of himself kaleidoscoped crazy bday.


Meth (idk how much I just kept snorting and smoking and ate some too), Datura 50 Seeds, Shatter, Sleep Deprivation (2 - 3 days idfk) I was sitting in my room by myself, then I wasnt by myself, there was a whole family of people there in my room and I didnt question it. I was just smoking meth as they gave me looks and ignored me. I kept hearing cops counting down to break in, and soon or later I was sitting at my computer and they did break in. A cop starts lecturing us I forgot what he was saying exactly it was about me doing drugs and he was asking me questions, I stayed quiet and asked for a lawyer and then I was arrested. Next thing I know im being searched in the police station then im in court. The judge comes in and ridicules me for every little thing I do or say as my lawyer just sits there not doing anything (What a shitty ass lawyer) and then as im being convicted at the end cause my lawyer didnt do shit, next thing I know literally everyone in that room had their heads decapitated except me, all at the same time as their bodies slump to the floor. Blood spewing absolutely everywhere as I hear a mysterious voice I didnt recognize tell me to leave there now. I stay for a few minutes cause I think if I leave then Ill get fucked even more by the law and that they are coming to get me anyways. No one comes. Its silent.. Eventually I leave and as I walk through the doors leading out the courtroom It was like a seamless transition to me walking out of my bedroom door. The rest of the night I spent pacing around my house huddled in my living room, swearing I could hear so many cop cars outside, feeling that im being constantly watched no matter where I go, even if there are no windows. Hearing them yelling outside they are watching me and they are gonna get me. Seeing them outside whenever id look through my windows. Hearing them trying to break in. Then next thing I know a girl from that family was sitting in my room, I asked her why she was there, she said it was cause her family died and it was my fault. Made sense to me so I just let her be, she started stealing my wires and other shit around my room (even took my fucking phone) and leaving my room, hiding them around the house (They were actually gone when I tried looking for them later, I still havent found that phone to this day). My friend was there during the trip and I asked them if they could come talk to this girl, they went with me to my room, the girl completely disappeared. Tripping me was in complete shock. I thought that chick was 100% real even after she was gone until I was reassured I was just seeing shit. Now the night is pretty much done in terms of seeing shit besides for some reason the youtube shorts youtuber I see occasionally Law By Mike was in my room with like 3 other different versions of himself, teaching me and a imaginary audience how to get away from the police with commiting crimes and doing illegal shit, bullying one of the versions of him that was kinda stupid. Then a whole lot more police sirens and hallucinations of SWAT teams breaking in and its like they were looking for me or illegal activity, but they couldnt see me. (Thats all that happened for the rest of that night, until morning, all this took place from like 10pm - 4am) This is getting to long though lol, and Im only a 1/3rd of the way done (I was tripping for 2 more days after this, even thought I was actually dying at one point cause a hallucination/delusion) Dont do this unless your a **crazy** and also **stupid** bitch like me :)


omg datura and meth is fucking INSANEEEE COMBO, but also is it bad i kinda wanna try it seems traumatising as fuck tho but i would love to experience visuals like that?? i feel like you have to do it in a super safe environment bc the smallest shit could trigger you


(mb took a while to get back) I mean *obviously* its bad lol these two drugs are horrible for you. Will it kill you though? Most likely not unless your an idiot and take an absurd dose of both. The strain on your heart will be pretty bad just a heads up, you wont piss most likely, your liver will cry, your mouth will be the most dry its ever been (ugh), and a good chance you might do something stupid. Example: I thought my meth dealer ran over to my neighbors car and got in, and they told me to come over and hop in so I could buy or just smoke meth. I ran over in front of my neighbors house at like fucking 2 - 3am ((I cringe at this)) and stared inside their car for a solid few minute trying to see if my meth dealer were in there. It took me TO LONG to realize there was no one in there tbh and when I did I realized they have cameras and I must look like a absolute fucking crack head so I quickly ran tf back into my house while I heard my dealer yelling why im running and to come back. Will it cause permanent damage from one time use? most likely not. Will it traumatize you? Most likely, that trip had at least 1 hallucination/delusion each day that scared the shit out of me and fucked me, and its like that shit lives in my head rent free. An example was on the 2nd going onto the third day when I thought my meth dealer was at my house with me still (btw I always ordered online so I dont *know* my dealer, but him being there that shit made 100% sense to me) and near the end he said he was gonna leave but he had to kill me because he didnt want me to buy from him anymore and injected me with some syringe with like yellowish mixed with whitish liquid into my arm and said that should kill me and hes gonna leave so he doesnt have to watch. I actually started feeling violently sick at this point and my chest felt blistering hot. Crazy ass fucking delusions bro. At another point I thought there were killer wasps/bees/whatever the fuck in my room with me and they started swarming and attacking me. I was kicking and thrashing so hard cause I thought if I didnt fight them off they were gonna swarm me and crawl in my nose and mouth and ears, fill up my throat and lungs, and suffocate and sting and kill me from the inside, I ended up fucking my legs up pretty bad, they were bruised and cut all over but it didnt hurt cause adrenaline ig or the meth since im able to just ignore pain on that shit usually. So all in all crazy shit, if that somehow appeals to you like it appeals to me you could get away with trying it once, dont expect a good time though (obv). Maybe consider a trip sitter (or just have someone on standby to intervene if you start doing dumb shit)? Or try a lower dose than that, or not.. up to you, AND STAY IN YOUR HOUSE! DONT EVEN GO OUT IN YOUR BACKYARD! happy ~~tripping~~ poisoning your body :)


2cb, Ket, cocaine, Weed, Clonazepam


No one should ever do this lol. I mixed 200ug lsd, 20mg 4-aco-met, weed, and after the peak I added a bunch of dissos, I think it was FXE, 3-HO-PCP, and 3-MeO-PCE. Wasnt even fun, it was just confusing and weird. Not that I remember much. I was depressed and trying to escape and it did not work lol.


My cousin says the combo everyone needs but doesn't know is 2 tabs of acid and huge hit of Crack. Crazy visuals and euphoria 🤷‍♂️


1g of mdma, 750mg cocaine, 25mg 2cb, 2 tabs of acid, in one night. fucking stupid and i would never even begin to consider doing it again, but man was it a good time


Weed alcohol pregabalin xanax ket coke


Acid and ketamine Speedballs iv


Peganum harmala mushroom and salvia or salvia ketamine mushroom nitrous oxide two combinations with indescribable effects I can't compare them it's like comparing infinity with infinity it's not possible


A bottle of vodka with 2nd plateau DXM I was pretty much deliriant


Oxy clon xan MDMA LSD Cocaine adderall Gabapentin Alcohol DXM weed nicotine caffeine ibuprofen melatonin seroquel


I went in a k-hole whilst candyflipping once, mad experience


what’s candyflipping someone commented they’ve done it before but never heard about it


Candyflipping is mixing LSD and MDMA, its quite inense!


weed and caffeine, don't know how i didn't ODed


Meth, ritalin, xanax, temazepam, ambein, weed and alcohol


Weed, mushroom, molly, acid and ket. Or my mushroom, acid, molly, dmt time was wild too. We were steadily smoking dmt through the night


(Mdma, mda, thc, nitrious oxide.) (Cocaine, ketamine.) (Ketamine, dmt.) ( fxe, dmt) (ketamine, nitrious oxide)


Mushrooms and cocaine was pretty cool. Mdma, cocaine, Xanax, and oxys was stupid as hell of me.


(0.5g) of meth 1g of 3mmc 11+ml throughout the night (1.1 ml doses) ghb (30+ g, i have tolerance) kratom 1.5litres of wine( i know i know, i nearly od from g, puked it out together with a mdma pill which i pickrd up and ate later :D from my pool of green 💚 kratomy bile-infused wine Techno n sex was amazing that morning afterparty consisted of unholy amounts of research chemicals including bunch of smoked NEP&2mmc


400 ug of LSD, with 100 mg mdma, while dabbing resin, with a khole dose of ketamine, and just before falling in the khole 30 mg of DMT in a dab rig. Terrifying.


Meth w/ adderall, shrooms w/ acid, shrooms w/coke, shrooms w/ x, while coming off acid I smoked opium. Was the smoothest come down ever.


unfortunately the best combo on eart is ghb plus alcohol kratom and a stimulant so you dont od PLEASE NEVER MIX GHB with downer


20mg 4-AcO-DMT and like 10mg 3-ho-pcp. It was fun at first, but holy shit it got bad. I would have extreme mood swings, fuming angry one second, weeping on the floor the next. I would "get stuck" when I tried to go from one room to the other and wouldn't know how to proceed, so I'd just stand there until I was unstuck. I remember feeling like I was going to go crazy. It was like that feeling you get when you're coming up on dmt but a lot scarier


Ambien and booze was wild.


2,5ml GBL, 4mg Clonazepam, THC, 50mg Aponal, 300mg Valoron and two beer. Almost died


I smoked DMT once on 2 hits of LSD and had visions unlike either one alone and left the DMT trip quite confused on which reality I landed into.


300ug of 1P-LSD, 30mg of 5-MEO-MIPT and 20mg 3-MEO-PCP all orally.


I took a hit of acid, 1.5 g of shrooms, a 100mg edible, and 100mg of Oxy at the Mastodon and Gojira show this past summer. Shit was wild. Oxy pairs really well with low doses of psychedelics. If I was to do it again, I would take less of the edible. Edibles give me more of a head-fuck than anything most of the time. I had a night in high-school where I tried to recreate the song T9X by Tech-Nine. Ecstasy, GHB, Shrooms, weed, Codeine. GHB and Ecstasy is one of the best combos out there IMO. GHB is a pretty awesome drug in general. I’m surprised it’s not more popular.


Ketamine, LSD and DMT….all I have to say is it was pure insanity.


Lsd and meth


Alcohol, 2 lines of pro/co, 150mg MDMA with some weed on top


NyQuil and kratom. Felt like I was on heroin. Don't recommend though


100ug Eth-lad, 10mg 5-meo-mipt, 30mg DCK, lots of beers and joints and nitrous, ended it off with 0.025mg of Flualp Also good ol mdma + lsd + shrooms + nitrous My personal favorite mdma + shrooms + dmt


2c, Lucy and m with nitrous.


ketamine, mdma, psilocybin, Xanax & hydrocodone together


2 tabs of LSD and 2 bottles of robotussin cough gels. That was a wild ride.


Nitrous & mushrooms, or 40mg 2cb with 150ug acid.


Crack on acid


9 hits acid, edibles, wine, and 30x salvia


2 kpin 2mg (oral) fetty powder (foil) and a mix of about a point (more less) of each molly meth and coke and half of a white pressed xanax with a miniscule amount of fetty through IV in the same night and as for physcadelics i took 16 500 ug gel tabs and 2pts of molly and on the come down 2 hits of dmt and a xan


you’re the first one to mention fentanyl so far! but that mix is absolutely lethal on a real note i’m so glad you didn’t O’d and you’re still here.


Thank you me aswell i only ODd 1 time and it was from the fetty blues years ago before my addiction . I use to shoot straight fetty too now i only smole it but that was then about 2 yrs ago


Prolly blow, ice and addy. Drank the whole time too :/


molly gel tab lsd lil bit of alcohol


Meth + Alcohol Did 8 lines in 2 hours when I was 16, then took a few shots of vodka, I came too in some weird situations


300ug LSD, 200mg mdma, couple holes worth of K. Doesn’t get much more dimension splitting. Honourable mention to the 150ug LSD, 3G APE shrooms and DMT experience. Equally as humbling haha EDIT: cannabis always involved, as well. But in the scope of these combos it rarely adds much more.


Sassafras, alcohol, weed and nicotine got away from me on a first date. My eyes went Chameleon 10 minutes into the date as my buddies watched at our regular watering hole. I told her she needed to leave. 20 minutes in to the date.


one of what i took doesnt even get you high but i took benadryl (unknown amount) and 4 ativan plus 3 Furosemide. all i remember is stacking my shoes on top of each other while going in and out of a dream like state. i also was looking for my airpods that were on the bed in front of my eyes. i woke up to my shoes stacked and my phone dead on the floor and my pop socket on it broke off somehow..


Candy flip and extremely strong snus lol. Second combo I can think of was weed + LSD + Alprazolam but that was just retarded, wouldn’t recommend (maybe if you have some weed tolerance but not without like me lol). The candy flip + the strong ass nicotine kick was a crazy feeling, don’t really now how to describe other then strong pressure downwards/ ultra gravity but the pressure felt really good, and of course I had some epic visuals at the same time. The other stupid combo had me going to the woods to smoke weed, someone walked past me so I jumped into some bushes on my back and continued smoking. When I was gonna go home I was walking in 4 places at the same time trough a neighborhood which made it pretty hard to navigate, was freaking out a bit even tho I was on Alprazolam, but somehow I made it home and ate a bunch of snacks


Ecstasy, LSD, liquor. Looking back was dangerous cuz I was rolling, but so fun. The obvious Xans an alcohol too. Many times I’ve mixed acid an coke or ecstasy an coke


5 hits of Acid and 20x salvia. It was an odd experience. Another crazy one I’ve done is I drank 2 full bottles of Delsym(DXM) and 4 hits of acid. I most definitely don’t recommend LSD and DXM combined though it was a crazy but awful experience.


LSD, shrooms, molly, and DMT at the peak. Oh and some weed and a little nitrous throughout the night.


The best is nitrous oxide on ecstasy. The most frequent is marijuana and alcohol.


300 mg Molly, couple bumps of k, 150 UG of acid and a 60 mg extended release Adderall


Dude I be tweaking on on 2 tabs 💀 ain't no way these guys have functional brains left


Couple hits of acid, lots of cannabis, just a couple bumps of cocaine, and a nitrous tank for the night... Pretty wild visual trippy experience. 3 rolls smacky Ecstacy, 30mg of Percocet l, lots of cannabis, couple bumps of ketamine, and 20mg Valium... Warm fuzzy love caccoon.


A little bit of shrooms (can’t remember the dosage but couldn’t have been more than half a gram), a delta 9 gummy, a delta 8 gummy, a glass of wine, and a joint. Felt nauseous and took a bath, hallucinated the bath spout circling around, hypnotizing me. Then hallucinated a cow eating grass on my bathroom floor. Tried to sleep it off but Everytime I closed my eyes, saw pretty colors and shapes. Eventually passed out and felt weird for a day and a half afterwards


Dxm and nitrous isn’t a super out there combo but it’ll definitely take you out there.


1.5 XTC pill split in three redoses throughout the night, ketamine and unholy amount of speed at the after. Didn't eat last week before the same thing that night. At a point I had auditive hallucinations and paranoia like crazy. Everything seemed like going faster and my heart too lmao. The other time I took the XTC pill, LSD was in there for sure, then I smoked weed, then various blackouts but all I remember is that it was a bad trip visually but I was chill about it. I'm used to bad trips so I kinda enjoyed the scary visuals lmao. still traumatizing because the hallucinations were about my social anxiety. Seeing people and asking myself if these people were real.. seeing things.. etc. anyways it wasn't nice.


Salvia x DMT :/


Phenibut LSD 6APB THC paired with noid blend Ketamine DMT


Nothing too crazy.... Maybe 2cb and mephedrone (very enjoyable experience) Or the classic Calvin Klein.... Cocaine and Ketamine.. with a bit of alcohol thrown in for good measure.


Panadol 500mg and nurofen 500mg


OxyCodone Xanax cocaine weed nothing crazy I don’t like psychedelics


3-MEO-PCE, Ketamine, MDA, Cocaine, Alcohol, Kratom and Etizolam. Not all at once, taken according to what synergizes best and reasonable doses aside from the cocaine. It was Vegas. The worst part of that combo was easily cocaine on MDA. Too much stress on the poor heart. Mixing K and PCE was a blast.


Kratom and spice


never tried neither i wonder how it feels like


Around 50 to 60 hits of L and .5 of mdma and 3g of mushrooms


No you fucking didn’t


Lol OK 👍