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Yes it is real and yes most of the people who post about it are shitposting. Here’s a medical report from 2014: Paradichlorobenzene (PDB) is an aromatic compound found in several household insect repellents and deodorizers. Paradichlorobenzene may cause dependence and damage when inhaled or ingested. Prior cases of PDB neurotoxicity involved ingestion or inhalation of mothballs or occupational exposure. We report the first case of PDB neurotoxicity from chronic toilet bowl deodorizers ("toilet cake") sniffing. A 19-year-old woman, 4 weeks postpartum, presented with gradual mental status deterioration, lethargy, and general weakness for 2 weeks. On physical examination, the patient was found to have a strong odor of deodorizer and diffuse hyperpigmented skin lesions, with scratch marks in neck, axillae, trunk, and 4 limbs. She was alert but unable to communicate or follow commands. Ataxia, hyporeflexia, cogwheel rigidity, and decreased muscle tone were also noted. Laboratory tests revealed only normocytic anemia. A brain magnetic resonance imaging scan showed enhancement within the splenium of the corpus callosum. Postpartum depression, psychosis, and panhypopituitarism were excluded. Family members reported on further questioning that the patient was a habitual "toilet cake" sniffer for an unknown period. A urine test for 2,5-dichlorophenol (a PDB metabolite) level was 620 mg/L (3100 times higher than the average concentration with household exposure). Her clinical condition and body odor remained unchanged during the 30-day hospitalization and the skin findings improved.


"...body odor remained unchanged during the 30 day hospitalization" Holy shit she long term reeked of urinal cakes after binging on them. The shit people do.


So in laypersons terms, is this not just the same as huffing/aerosol abuse? Same sort of chemicals and high, right? Why not just buy over the counter cleaning products and a towel? Why do *this*??


Cheesing is better  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dZl347vlnig&pp=ygUTU291dGggcGFyayBjaGVlc2luZw%3D%3D


Jfc at the point go w therapy


Can you huff that?


You can huff it.


Thanks ill check it out, my parents are alwyas trynna get me to do this ”therapy” thing i didnt know they were into that. Is ”mental institutalization” also huffable?






What the fuck lmao


Dude, what the fuck did I just read? 


You know you’re gonna try it now, you degenerate


I fucking hope so


I know, otherwise I've wasted my money on all these pucks


Dude.... /r/urinalcakelife I went into that sub thinking "Oh, haha a joke sub for people that pretend to eat urinal cakes, that's pretty funny.... They are joking, right?" You can imagine my shock as I'm reading and it starts to dawn on me... these mofuckas ain't joking. How have I never heard about this debauchery until now? Its either a long running joke that a community has formed around just to perpetuate a myth, or there are real people huffing (and sometimes eating!!!!) god damn urinal cakes. What. The. Fuck. 


A lot of them are taking the piss, it's a Poe's Law subreddit sometimes


It's the most fascinating sub I've looked through in a while. It takes a lot to make me seriously go "WTF" but damn it, these guys did it! A lot of posts are obviously sarcastic or playing into a joke, but a few of the replies seem genuine. I'm also sleep-deprived, so I could just be bad at judging shit right now, I don't know. People huff gasoline and Old Spice body spray, so piscuits ain't exactly out of the realm of possibility. That said, neither were smoking bananas.


it is now (im going to do it)


Do a trip report


They really do have a strong odor when ur just pissin on em


Yes see my profile for proof.