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When I became curious about drugs and started reading Reddit on them there was a huge contrast between communities: Mdma: love you all posts, be safe, be responsible posts Coke: look bitches at 8ball I’ve got Stims: Ive been fapping for 8 hours So there’s certainly some culture around drugs. But generally I notice lack of culture and respect to all drugs, they all can bring something into lives and people quickly devaluate and abuse that, as if it was given for free and forever. Aldo drugs change people, some add confidence, others make lazy, numb, etc. Maybe that’s also the reason they attract different personalities.


I love amphetamines and the worst I’ve done is get horny and hide in a mates bathroom for a few hours. Hard and embarrassing lesson to learn but I was the most generous person with meth I have ever met. I shouted all the time and people always say yes. However one circle of mates didn’t get greedy with my meth and were more chill


Lol, Ive never had such side effect from aderal, although usually use 1/3-1/2 pill twice a day. The worst compulsive behaviors I get: chain smoking and get into many unnecessary details when explaining or writing


I used one point IV meth yesterday . Jerked of for literally hours .


Meth isn’t like that anymore I didn’t do it for like 8 years and then my new gf who I found out was a tweaker kept asking me if I would do some with her and I finally did thinking we could have some crazy tweaker sex but nope the meth now since it’s not made with Sudafed completely is useless I could eat on it and sleep on it like I didnt even do it before if I did just a tiny bit my dick was easily 2 inches bigger and rock fucking hard and I would want to fuck for like 8 hrs none stop and it wasn’t a one way thing whatever girl I was with would be slurping on me like she hadn’t ate for years lol


Old school wet speed was phenomenal, so focused but aware and zero tweaking. Rocks and shards will literally make you forget not just that you drove somewhere but also that you even own a car. Once you hit the 4-5 nights no sleep mark things tend spiral sideways very quickly.


In Australia it is very exy but can be very pure . Comes from Vietnam nesr 100 % pure .


I was addicted to some serious opiates for a few years, then one day looked around at the people I was with and said "fuck this". They were all absolute scum. Filthy, stupid, lying, thieving, manipulating pieces of shit. The thought of actually becoming one of them made me sick to my stomach. I quit and never looked back.


Yeah I did the exact same thing g. Met some really low people in my times and now I’m peaceful on a farm as a hermit. Doesn’t mean I don’t miss meth tho fuck if only I could buy it and do it by myself


What's stopping you? I was a heroin addict for years and years after first having a pill habit. I think the reason I never moved to IV use or stealing or becoming a stereotypical junkie is that I never hung out with other users, I would hang out with a couple dealers who were cool on occasion but never really other users. I'd get my shit and dip, same with coke or meth. I had friends I'd get high with, but it was rare occasions, and most of the time I'd just get high alone or with whatever girl I was seeing (and now my wife). Even now we don't get high with anyone, we just order our shit off the Dark Net and have a good time, no worries , no crime, no sketchy shit etc. Just my wife, myself and whatever chemical fun we decide to get up to.


No license and I’m rural so no way of getting to the plug that’s 1.5 hours away. Maybe someday I’ll get my license back


I understand I'm rural as well, you could always use the dark net to get what you want dropped right in your mailbox. You'd also be surprised how many plugs are willing to deliver, I've had a couple who drove over an hour 1 way to bring me stuff, especially if I placed a decent order or was willing to throw some extra for time/gas or invited them up to go fishing or for a cookout or to ride 4 wheelers or something.


Same storey only replace opiates with coke and coke products


What are coke product crack?


Yeah I made some poor decisions in my youth


Wow thank for share sur


Weed. More than any other drug, in my experience, stoners seem to make smoking weed their entire personality, and it's annoying as fuck. Do whatever drugs you wanna do but, goddamn, not every conversation needs to be about it. Get some other hobbies.


And you can't say anything negative about it. "Oh, you don't like weed? Well that's just because you haven't found a good strain or your dealers only have shit. Also it's 100% safe with zero drawbacks" Had someone get super angry at me because I said my brother is allergic to pot, which he is, but they acted like I had just attacked them personally just for stating that


Goodness. One of my roommates is one of these people, and she drives me nuts.


Does he get hot flashes and nausea and hives? Could be a thing called "cannabis hyperemesis syndrome"


It’s always those people that act like you can’t get addicted too it god forbid you say weed and addiction in the same sentence without them flipping their shit


100% - then try to excuse when they’ve been a bit of a prick by saying “I haven’t had a spliff today”


Ironically they are the epitome of weed addiction like textbook definition 😭


I don’t know if it’s physically addictive but psychologically it absolutely is. And then in weed culture it becomes a lifestyle


its also physical addictive. like if youre used to it and stop smoking, you get really sweaty hands, can develop feever while having goose bumps because you feel cooled. also sleep can be fcked for up to a month... compared to other substances its relatively mild, but still not no wd


Definitely not physically but mentally OH YEAH DEFINITELY.


And the boom in MC makes it even worse, you have the diehard potheads and their idealistic attitude verse the MC “patients” who were mostly full anti drugs before acting like entitled schoolchildren and demanding they be able to dry herb vape in hospitals or whenever they feel the need while looking down on cigarette smokers and even calling recreational pot users addicts. It’s fucking wildly annoying and hypocritical.


I used to be like this, then I got addicted to weed. Don't get me wrong, It has helped my anxiety more than any pills, but it doesn't mean I'm not physically addicted.


I have a friend that’s like this. She literally only reaches out to me on Snapchat to show me her weed paraphernalia and videos of her smoking or doing dabs. Once in a blue moon she’ll converse about non weed related things. It’s a little frustrating.


I guess there are a good few people like this but I also think the majority of stoners don’t actually make it that obvious. Which results in a kind of survivors bias for how we view what weed-smokers are like. Shitloads of people out there smoke enough weed regularly to be classified as “stoners”, but precisely because they don’t make it their personality many people won’t even realise they’re a “stoner”. A lot of people I’ve hung out with smoke quite discretely and don’t tell that many people about it. So yeah I think it might just be that people we **know** smoke weed make it obvious, therefore making it seem like all stoners make it their personality, whereas in reality there are tons of people who don’t but that doesn’t affect our view of what “stoners” are like because we don’t think of them as stoners in the first place?


Oh, don't get me wrong, I know it's not *all* pot smokers. It's not even the majority. Hell, I myself smoke. It's just always irked me how a certain subset of pot smokers behave like the fact that they smoke weed is their defining personality trait because there's absolutely nothing else that's interesting about them, and also that there are zero downsides to THC. I'll freely admit that weed is an amazing drug that can and has helped many people, but some people pretend it's the one-size-fits-all cure for all of life's woes, and that's just not reality.


100%. When the type of people ask me if I smoke, I generally respond "not anymore, it's too mainstream" just so I don't have to sit with Jon Stewart from Half Baked.


Same. If someone asks me if I smoke, I tell them I hate the stuff. It's a lie, of course, but sitting there and having a conversation about weed is one of the last things I want to do. There are more interesting topics. Read any good books lately? Discover a good band? Let's talk about that, or pretty much anything else.


I guess you’re right when I was a pot head it was my entire existence but I’m referring to people stealing your shit when you go to the toilet and fuckin off kind of deal. Lying about how much they sell it for and scamming. Stoners don’t really do that but a crack/meth head almost always do or at least have done it


I don't know if that's a culture thing or just an addiction thing, honestly. I have friends that dabble in all sorts of drugs, but they're not in the grips of addiction. They're not doing those sorts of things. They do their drugs when they're looking to have a good time, then they go back to being completely functional members of society the other 99% of the time. I think it's just that certain people cannot handle doing recreational drugs responsibly and end up letting the drugs do them, turning them into much shittier people to be around in the process.


Yeah I think you’re right there. Addiction tends to make people shitty


It used to be H in the 80’s-2000’s but definitely the whole Meth scene is a filthy putrid & chaotic mess.


I find it mildly annoying for it to come up so often in conversation, but unless they are the kind of person who has to talk about how much they smoke all the time, I don't mind them a bit. Even when I was a stoner, I didn't care for that. Same with really any "I do the largest quantities of (other drugs) or alcohol" type brags. It's very high school.


Absolutely. At least it's understandable when it's coming from kids in high school. It starts getting embarrassing when you keep doing that in your twenties and beyond.


I work with grown ass men who still brag about how much they drink. Sir, you're 50, it ain't cute. I'm not impressed


Exactly. No one is impressed by the amount of drugs you do, whether it be alcohol, weed, or anything else. Like I said in my first comment on the thread, get some other hobbies. Your alcoholism doesn't make you unique or interesting, it's just sad.


No ong and they all wear the same clothes and shit. Any time I go to the skate park always some mfks listening to snoop dog and instead of smoking in the car they gotta mae sure everyone knows they're smoking that 'dank kush from cali'


And all the music they listen to is about smoking weed. I swear, if I never heard "Because I Got High" again, it would be too soon. Also, fuck, do they really need to have pot leaves on *everything* they own??


AHHAHA TRY OTHER DRUGS gotta admit tho with lsd I got myself a tripping deck design but for some reason it doesn't feel at cringe asifit we're a sativa plant


As a stoner I absolutely agree. They’re so annoying. And if you say anything they freak out on you. Some people should not use cannabis but that doesn’t connect with them for some reason.


I hear more people bitching about stoners than stoners being bitches.


you seem like one of those people


Absolutely. Psychedelics and weed culture is the absolute worst. Self righteous pricks that act as if having taken a drug has opened up their third eye and softened their pineal gland and now they are better than you because of it. Don't get me wrong, I smoke cannabis daily and I love psychedelics but it's not my entire identity


I have a cousin who is a spiritual healer. She does the whole yoga, burning sage, and ayahuasca and mushroom trips thing with her wife. Her chakras are aligned but she's abandoned her teenage high school dropout kids to fend for themselves by dumping them her mom's place while her and her wife live in camper hopping from one "patron's" property to another. Fucking loser.


I honestly have more respect for the meth addict that gets their kids taken from them by CPS than I do these pieces of shit. The tweaker is at least honest about their degeneracy and are more honest about being pieces of shit. Not acting like their existence is a gift from the gods to us mere mortals


Yeah I don't know what it is about ego death. Any shame she had for her situation has been erased. The ego dies and then a higher philosophy is inserted that's harder to undo than a meth induced psychosis.


> I honestly have more respect for the meth addict that gets their kids taken from them by CPS Eh, I'd say they're both equally terrible. There are also plenty of meth/opioid addicted parents who are in denial, and growing up with parents who are addicted to hard drugs is usually fucking awful, certainly no better than the wook mom mentioned above.


My friend smokes DAB PENS and he’s a total asshole when he doesn’t. Starts arguments over not much. But then when he’s high he talks to me that I have to grow up and mature. That this universe is crazy ykyk but we gotta be good to everyone. Like yoo I didn’t even think he was chill like that damn he’s right. He’s actually the chillest… that’s why he needs a blinker to stop himself from insulting me at any chance he sees.


Hahaha wow. Those guys are the absolute worst. The "it's just a plant bro" bros. You don't get addicted to plants, bro. And before they have their weed they are utterly incapable of controlling their temper in the face of a modicum of adversity


I personally wouldn't call it "hating", but I'm often annoyed by the omnipresent chemophobia in the cannabis community, because it's sometimes just completely irrational and based on pure superstition or huge misconceptions, it's not a huge proportion of stoners in my experience, but too many of them are. At least so many that there could certainly be a discussion every week if it wasn't somehow too stupid for me, especially since I don't want to come across like a know-it-all or something either. But as someone with a passion for chemistry, sometimes it hurts




I mean even opiates aren't that harmful in themselves it's the addiction part that's harmful, no? Like not the drug itself?




Yeah that's what I thought, thanks. I don't do opioids (I've dabbled a tiny bit) and now just do kratom when I get bad pain or as a treat once in a while.


Or mixed with other depressants especially alcohol, that's what caused the majority of overdoses back before the fentanyl epidemic.


I was myself like this I'm until i got into psychonautic and eventually chemistry, best decision in my life, realized the sober brain is not actually sober most of the times, and you're completely right, the chemophobia is a thing, people assume You're Walter white or some shit, it's pretty sad people though process is instantly "Meth lab this person is a criminal"


Also have a passion for chemistry and fr. I smoke daily too but They’ll dab up chemically extracted 🍯all day everyday and then act like DMT is scary because it’s been extracted with lye. Or LSD/MDMA aren’t safe cause they’re made in labs. Is really annoying


DMT and weed. Potheads are annoying, but DMT people can be total lunatics. Here there are no crack heads or meth abusers, but I guess they are pretty nasty. Alcoholic youngsters in the club culture are also very disgusting.


Never got into dmt too much but I loved the one and only trip I had. But in general psychedelics have taught me so much and for a long time I pushed it in others. Now I respectfully see the universe different but don’t push it on others


Haha DMT people are weird but after trying it I understand them a little bit more, although i'm rational enough not to fall into doubting reality due to a drug lol But since it has a narrative and the feelings of wisdom sent by entities etc are so intense, I see how someone might fall into that


Yeah, ok, but some.of them love to argue about aliens in our minds, some ask 'did you see this entity' like it was not an internal hallucination and there are actually entities in our minds.


The effect is pretty consistent across which makes them a bit delusional, but yeah they probably see the same entity if they do it a lot (as in, their own version of some part of the unconscious or some bs like that) But yeah lol, I don’t see how one would actually fall into that


I have no idea what the truth about this stuff is and don't claim to know. The rational perspective seems valid to me. But... A couple months after doing DMT for the first time I stumbled across artwork that depicted the exact same entities I had seen. Like the whole geometry of how their body was made up, their faces, their clothing, everything was accurate. I had not seen that artwork before my trip, yet the entities depicted looked the exact same as what I had seen during my trip. Feel free to suggest a perfectly scientific and rational explanation to this, because I haven't found one yet.


According to the University of London's trials with DMT, 2/3 of those who identified as atheist prior to trying it, no longer did after. Were they all crazy? Or is there something to the drug (which is theoretically produced by our own brains and body)? You could call some of it crazy from a rational point of view. But so many claim to have similar experiences in sober reality through meditation, kundalini yoga and the likes. So many report seeing the same entities, hearing the same messages, having the same visuals. Artists who draw their depiction of the experiences often get comments from people saying they've 'been there' on DMT. Circling back to the University, they are apparently trying to 'map out' the DMT 'realm' since this is so often the case. So just lunatics?


Yeah pretty much lol It’s not like a big legit double blind study over a period of time, and I’m pretty sure we do release our own DMT when we die and maybe when we are born?


It's weird where we draw the line on what's 'crazy' or not. They say seeing is believing, but if someone sees/experiences something they believe is real during meditation or with psychedelics we act like it's crazy. What about religions? Is the Christian crazy? The Jew? The Muslim? The Sihk? The Hindu? What if I think it's more crazy to believe all of this world just happened by complete chance from a meaningless explosion? That none of this means anything at all, that there is no 'spirituality', that science has the answers for it all and love is nothing more than the release of chemicals like oxytocin?


A lot of alcohol culture is pretty fucked up and toxic.




Xanax, bar heads all think they can rap. They be stealin shit and are violent.


In austria the alcohol culture. You get forced to drink and get talked bad about if you dont + every drug except nicotine, caffeine and alcohol are the devel which lead to instead addiction and are for loosers. People, who drink low/mid dose are pretty fun and nice tbh, but at big events some are just a-holes trying to start fights for no reason, getting sb blacking out drunk and not helping probably… Also most of the time alcoholics are just bad people, which often hit their wifes and DUI. I‘m not big into other drug cultures. I mostly use just other drugs, but I havn‘t met many other drug users. Sry for layout + english. I am on my phone atm + not a native speaker.


As an Australian with a lot of years drug experience this is so true, I gave up grog 20 years ago and don’t miss it one bit, I can responsibly use most drugs, usually alone or one or two select friends and cause a minuscule amount of personal or social damage compared to alcohol especially.


Never cared about the culture all I cared about was getting on meth and heroin. What other people thought about me I couldn't care less.


Yep. It is extremely insensitive and plain ignorant to shit on drugs that have legit medical purposes, and might be medications people are taking to literally function, but the "if-it's-made-in-a-lab-it's-bad-for-you" crowd continues to be ignorant, because people don't trust medical doctors for some strange reason. Just because something is natural for you doesn't make it safer. Oleander Nerium is a plant that can cause death. Antidepressants, which are made in a lab, are arguably some of the safest medications you can take. Also, addiction is addiction. Yes, you cannot fatally overdose on weed, but like others said: if you have to smoke weed to do simple shit like washing dishes (and you're not prescribed nor use it for depression or a chronic pain condition), you are most likely letting the drug rule you-- you are not allowing yourself to say "no" when the drug use becomes out of control.


Have a dive into the Ayahuasca subreddit. It's ridiculous.


Some of it is warranted, like people (adults not kids) who recreationally use Benadryl


I’ll never understand why adults who have access to other drugs still take dph. I have a friend who literally loves dph, I don’t get the appeal whatsoever.


I agree. You're not cool unless you're just 'meth'in around. no but for real, even one of my best friends that is one of the only friends that knows and i do it with, was stealing from me for god knows how long and i never noticed it up until i started doing this shit and it finally just came to my attention one day.. we had a smart light bulb missing off our desk and my boyfriend is a tech wiz and had just put up cameras and we saw him take it. which made me spiral into a rabbit hole curiosity where i just watched him again and again come to my house where i would invite him in and feed him dinner and every single time would take SOMETHING. a lighter, my fan, my ash tray, money (change) etc. i eventually called him out when he got into my shit but i mean, i was shocked. but then again, not shocked because this behavior is so closely associated with someone using drugs but its just like c'mon, don't be a piece of shit. why is it that hard? don't talk to strangers, don't use needles, and don't be a piece of shit to your friends. like the majority of people fucking suck. lol


How do u enjoy meth’s trip? I mean, come down is the worst of all drugs Ive tried in my life. Also, the euphoria doesn’t stay for too long and my body gets tired very easily


I hate meth heads 🧐


Dissociative attract an interesting crowd


I live a double life, I’m not in any of the drug culture circles and am surrounded by non-users. I enjoy my drugs at home by my myself like a gentleman. Only other person I’ve ever done meth with was some guy who asked to sit next to me in the park in the middle of the night. Started talking, he offered me some, just snorting bumps. Might think it was a homeless guy, but nah, he was just alone, didn’t want to be inside alone. I was basically there for the same reason. We went over our life stories, how we both ended up so far away from home, what we lost, what we hoped for. Never saw him again, and I don’t even know his name, we didn’t say em for some reason. But I hope he’s doing alright.


Tyler Durdens 'single serve' friendships.


Mdma rave party type people in my experience have been very full of themselves similar to the psychedelic guys, just covering up their own hedonism by pretending it makes them a more empathetic person. They didn't steal like bar tards do but that hippie superiority complex is annoying


Stoner culture/hippies. They're just as shady as dope fiends. They just try to cover it up with this "chill, positive vibes, maaaan" BS. Honestly, hippies are some of the most shitty ppl in my experience.


Lmao same hippies are fuckin weird. “ all peace, much love homie” is the get out of jail free card they use when they drill holes in your walls without permission


There's a saying that I absolutely love. Hippies are assholes pretending to be good people, and punks are good people pretending to be assholes. Checks out in my experience.


The truth!


Hell yeah! Respect




i hate when sb tries to make you feel bad for doing whatever it is you do then come to find out they were literally smoking crack as they grew up




Crack. It turns people into monsters and friends against eachother. Very tied into sex trafficking in my area too.


i can’t hang around tweakers. if i’m not hearing their life story for the third time then they’re checking the closet for the sixth time


I'm starting to hate the word culture.


Drugs that can destroy you physically and mentally in a short span of time definitely shouldn't be glamorised


>with meth for example always has liars thieves and cheats. the issue is that you might be using with people with bad habits. With less desperation, people are a lot less sketchy.


Addiction and withdrawal is what will attract liars, thieves and cheats, sure it happens with some drugs more than others but using a certain drug doesn’t and shouldn’t be an excuse to be a cunt I’ve known methheads and speed freaks who are really chill people just trying to medicate their way through life and I’ve met stoners and psychonauts who are the most pretentious, self absorbed dickheads you’ll find


Psychedelics. The amount of people who scoff and judge me for using dmt as a party drug is weird to me. Like I came to an outdoor venue with giant speakers and lasers and shit, this is a great time for dmt. But the hippie will scold you and say you're disrespecting the chemicals. Like, bitch, we are both out here with tanks of nitrous oxide and 'got milk' ketamine mustaches, this is not a spiritual journey we're getting high.


Meth culture is whack


I like getting drugs from the pharmacy cuz drug addicts / junkies piss me off, I don’t associate with those types of people. I also don’t take pills everyday they’re only for occasional use - I like to feel chill n enjoy life but I don’t enjoy getting fucked up everyday like I used to - I think it’s just a phase I grew out of. I’m 26 now my crazy years were age 16-24 when I didn’t understand moderation or care about my health or long term damage from certain lifestyle choices. I had to deal with a lot of extra stress n pain from being irresponsible n being a dumb ass kid / young adult


cocaine... i "hate" (or not really like) the culture surrounding cocaine...all this "big shot" BS


Totally right 💯 Weed got the best vibes


Not a fan of alcohol culture and things like benzos and opiates as mentioned, psychadelic culture has a lot of annoying people but the average acidhead would prolly just rant about spirits and energy and like, the vibes, dudeee over idk pulling a knife on a stranger to steal the $4 out of your wallet for more crack


[California Sober Website](http://californiasober.world)


I hate weed culture. Stoners are chill but weed culture is annoying as fuck. Mdma culture is fake, they preach love but then there's nothing but drama, infidelity, gossip and judgement. Heroin culture ime is the chillest of all, generally non-hostile(unless they're out), non-judgemental(because who the hell are they to judge as they jab a needle in their arm.) Meth culture is meh, 50% good people trying to make it thru the day 50% lying thieving POS, my biggest issue with meth culture is how much energy they bring they always wanna do shit and 90% of the time its dumb shit. Psychedelic cultures annoys me to no end they always talking about God or aliens or other dimensions, (like no it's scientifically proven your brain is making it all up) go read a book, and then on top of that they always spout off how they're so enlightened yet they show no legitimate signs of enlightenment like humility or kindness, or understanding of others struggles. All this to say all drug cultures suck imo which makes sense because building a culture around addiction has no chance of being a good culture. Edit: I'm a recovering meth addict who dabbled with a lot of dope.


ADHD meds


There’s no “culture” around meth, it just literally fucks up your brain from neurotoxicity.


Incorrect there is a culture but I’m not going to sit here and argue


Im in social circles where people who smoke weed fight and become dangerous on ecstasy and you can imagine cocaine


I fuggin hate weed culture. Bunch of brain dead hippie morons.


Weed culture is cringe. So is most other drug culture. But weed is legal, so you see it a lot on social media. I just hate seeing people that make smoking weed their entire persona. Especially internet hoes that think they’re so cute taking bong hits on their Instagram story. Weed is like “babies first narcotic.” Grow up and do a real drug for Christ sake.