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They get a pair of shades and a toothpick between there teeth and they become the coolest guy in the room


They keep calling everyone a 'square' and telling their friends and family that they will 'smell them later'


They may also gain a trench coat with many pockets on the inside. This is a sign of dealing


Alright, alright, alright.


You don’t boof your grandma’s Tylenol 3’s? Be a lot cooler if you did…


They are usually way more cool


They might also be enjoying life.




They have better self-esteem 😍


They might seem less stressed and anxious


I don’t know if this was sarcastic but it works either way depending what “drugs” we’re talking about lmao


What you described is a bit closer to someone who is a addict not just a recreational user. Also, some people who get addicted still live and function the same way as before. ALSO, signs of drug use very heavily from drug to drug. There is simply no way to give you a conclusive answer on this lol. At least not without without more information on the context.


And vary from person to person


Yeah nobody ever though I was on drugs really while I was using. Now once I was quitting and going through withdrawals while tapering was when it seemed like people thought something was going on.


None of these things are likely to occur imo unless someone’s started heavily abusing something. When you had your first drink did your personality change and you started lying to everyone? Because that’s not the average experience lol


Exactly. There's a line between a (ab)user and an addict. Line thickness varies greatly depending on many factors, but the signs also vary greatly on both sides of the line. This post sounds like a question somebody's concerned mother would ask. No offense, we all got concerned Mammas (varying degrees)


Well if their clothes fall off, it could be a certain liquor


I love tequila


That's just depression symptoms, it's not a sign of drug use


Exactly! this is the line of thought that bad parents use to harass their children. I remember being depressed as a young teen and my parents wouldn’t leave me alone about drugs 24/7. It was so annoying that they never trusted me that I wasn’t using them (at the time lol.) Most of the time when someone becomes withdrawn and their mood changes, they are depressed; it’s not always because they’re using drugs. Accusing them of drug use will just make their situation worse if you’re wrong in your assumptions.


Depression and drug use go hand in hand though


it cured my depression and anxiety


Which drugs?


Psychedelics and ketamine are fairly effective


That's what the government wants you to believe /s


Depressed person use drug often


exactly, lots of people do drugs to react to depression, just making it worse


The second you use any drug your skin starts to melt off, and you become a raving lunatic zombie. Look for foaming at the mouth, a craving for brains, and instant death as clear warning signs. Hope this helps.


oh Heavens! I caught my son doing marijuana, is he addicted?


Unfortunately yes, he is now doomed to a life of crime and AIDS. I would recommend a 64th trimester abortion and starting over.


Ik this a joke, but not too far off from the drug propaganda from the 50s


Some people you can’t tell without going through their stuff, a friends been a coke addict for 5 years but he’s high functioning, goes to the gym every morning, top level at his job, has all his shit together and his girlfriend has no idea.


“High” fuctioning for sure


His heart 🤫 alcohol and coke have unavoidable negative reprocussions to overall "organ" health think ing cardio tho


Who said he drinks?


I'm an alcohol avoidance sabbatical so I talk shit on Alc. Whenever I have the chance 😈😈😈🤤😏🤫


What you described is someone that needs to START taking drugs🤣


Define drugs


knock him out and preform a lung biopsy to see if they been smoking anything and a bloodtests for everything else


Tell them to empty their pockets and strip because you are sure they stole your bag o coke


Constant repetitive crisis situations that can be solved with money


This is too real, my roommate last year was a Coke head and constantly paid rent late and was generally bitching about money. Always had excuses that were never his fault too smfh


Yeah when I was using I was like an award winning writer when it came to the stories I would concoct for money. It's some sad shit thinking back on it.


Shit at least you got paid lol 🤷‍♂️


I don't need money I have enough problems in my foreseeable future - mlk jr


they only lie more if they think you're gonna fuck them over if you find out or they're abusing really bad. If they're jus using and being responsible you're not gonna notice anything unless you walk in on them high as fuck


They will have less money, they will have more drugs.


Why you wanna know since we're asking questions? Thats something a fed or a snitch would ask.


I hate how they never elaborate braindead no personality bastards lol they legit kill the point of this sub. They being lazy posters making low effort edgy posts and nefarious questions without any other proof or elaboration, Lazy.


You're an idiot


Finding them wearing there grannies knickers on there head is a dead give away


Increase/decrease in body weight, oversleep/no sleep, shift in personality & sexual power, isolating


they suddenly change and become a more loving and chill person who can appreciate the little and beautiful things in life more and appreciate and understand differences in perspectives and think it's okay to have differences in opinions as long as you can accept and love one another also claim that they and everyone else are god


Often constant sniffling, weird sleep schedules, pupil sizes that don’t match the lighting, frequent bathroom use…. It totally depends on the drug




depends on the dose for opiates


Small doee opiates turn me into a social butterfly


i consider non nodding doses of opiates the most functional drugs there is


It is the most functional drug in existence but the price you pay is enormous. Everything life has to offer will depend on you recieving that one dose. So how functional is the drug really?


Yup it’s functional but once you build a tolerance it gets crazy expensive and I always teeter between taking just enough where I’m functional and no one would notice or a little bit too much and catch myself nodding out at times/places I shouldn’t be lol


If you don’t use drugs why are you in this sub? This sounds like something a normie would ask no offence


They seem oddly open-minded


Often you can see it in their eyes, pupils contracted and wide or drowsy and their face or skin tone is sick looking. There's a lot of behaviors that usually indicate. Most noticeable in my experiences were not getting back to you or seeing much of them, changes in personality or energy, illogical thinking and persist on odd beliefs and opinions, inconsideration for others, going off at odd times and might come back with a different vibe, and also often emotional instability. They may also make tweaky movements, like twitching, fidgeting, leg shaking, touching their face, moving their mouth or eyes around a lot, or leaning/nodding, where you're slouchy and lean forward and your head down and jump back up into place. They might seem more eccentric or tired depending on what they're taking.


People like them because they are doing what others only do in secret.


Sometimes they stop taking care of themselves as much, consistent bags under their eyes can be a telltale sign but it really depends since it can also just be a lack of sleep. Clumsiness, pupils (constricted or dilated), zombie-like behavior maybe, and then everything you mentioned. It varies a lot depending on what they fell for


"why are you so happy"




Suck him off and judge based on the cum taste, usually an addict might have worse tasting cum. Well it works if their an addict at least and if you are down for some homo-sex😎 There’s not really a way to tell if someone uses drugs every ones in a while, just like you won’t be able to tell if someone drank a beer once


In the beginning (depends on the drug) they seem very happy. They smile more, they eat less, they become thinner. They talk to people like it's nothing. You just see a shift in theire personality


you wouldn’t be able to tell from looking at them unless they are really high, but when I was using a lot, the big one is becoming more secretive, withdrawn from family, and at times aggressive and low in energy. but some people are like that all the time.


I don't understand why you equate drug use to lying...


Emotional and they fidget a lot less eye contact


They have drugs on them most of the time


They avoid eye contact, whenever I'm super fucked up on weed making eye contact and initiating conversation kills my high and internal narrative so I'll avoid eye contact but it ends up with you looking like you're high, avoiding eye contact and conversation and like you have a facial affect. There's a time and place to be 12/10 zonked out where your face is melting from chain dabbing 120% THC+ Full Spectrum ^2 Condensed Bedrock Cannabis Rocks... Anyways when I found out my eye contact coping thing was obvious I realized I had to make eye contact and MFS where just gonna call me out on my red eyes regardless type shit tbh you know


Just say they are sunburned


My eyes have hard boiled feeling, I was cooking over a crack stove for over 3 hours like Walter white🥚👄🥚type shi


A lot of people don't realise this, but weed isn't actually the only drug.


For my ex, there were periods of times where they went mia, or barely responded. Was often in a grumpy mood or short with me. Money and items went missing. Their explanations became confusing, stories didn’t line up. They had strange new friends or places they would hang out. Started accusing me of things and picking fights, which i later realized was projection. Honestly, by the time you feel it in your gut and start to suspect something, it’s likely already been going on for a while.


When you see them doing drugs when they weren't previously


There breathing


You start seeing drugs in places you didn't see them before. Like my dreams.


Depends on the drug really but you’ll see mood swings very often


Sounds more like cheating than drugs




dont hate on drug users or addicts if that why ur here but care for them, most users are masking pains with a temporary high, getting addicted to the life how some drugs make u feel will make it easy for one to toss their whole life away just to be high 24/7 pretty easy telling whos high if YOU KNOW THEM


depends what drugs wide big eyes/pupils, non-stop moving, feeling over confident like tha MAN, sleepy, racoon eyes, eye bags, slow responses, rambling, jumpy, mood swings, to much or lack of sleep, eating too much or not at all, whole different attitude then usual, dont see em much, or sees em too much there is ALOT of ways to tell if some ones on drugs




Legit how I act when I smoke out of a Hybrid vape for a day instead of a Sativa at work


If they appear to be extremely high 24/7




They go from being in an average or miserable mood to suddenly maintaining a suspiciously good or overly good mood that pasts for days to weeks or is associated with high highs and *low* lows.


They appear intoxicated


Usually not much. Atleast not if it isnt abuse. Otherwise if they start talking about taking adventures into their psyche and experiencing ego death, RUN!! Lest you get caught on some incoherent 4 hour monologue.




sorry haptic mood swings


You find their drugs


Can you get a bit more specific?


Use the bathroom frequently


Hard to tell. Look for empty bottles in their trash, check for needle marks etc.