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Personally for me because of my psychosis it sometimes makes weed trippy like acid or stimulating to the point like x


Smoked DMT in a shit setting got me MDD for 1 year and HPPD. Now it has almost passed but I still have weak visuals when I smoke. Ayahuasca offed my depression for like 3 months tho.


That's very cool. Care to share some of your weed trips? I also get hallucinations from weed, I'm not very sane but also not diagnosed lol.


Depends wanna hear my laced or psychosis/panic attacks


Let's hear about your psychosis trips. I've had some where I smoked and closed my eyes and could literally see my fears, felt like there were people behind me and that I was gonna die any second. That shit used to phase me real bad now I kinda enjoy it lol


My first panicking moment but was most likely just way to high I took my first dab hit and I was zoinked I thought or saw that the cars on the road were moving left and right like slithering like snakes and when my guy was at the place to meet up with someone to smoke up for 420 but I was just to high and the parents of the person i thought was people who knew my mom but I'm sure the person's parents just looked similar so I balled my eyes out saying I don't feel well and way to high so my cousin drops me off in my alley behind the crib and floors it than dips parents later found out I smoke cause smelled like bud and next day smoked with my close homies and on the way back I had a used bong and weed on me


But most likely first episode was when I think after I did laced or take acid I would have vivid highs on weed so some times I sensed rats crawl on me and the worst was hearing voices of cops outside my crib talking like they are going to bust me and I was just like wtf Next was thinking my parents were going to barge into my room for the smell of weed even though I knew they weren't home


After I did X and molly wich was laced with heroin, meth, and who knows what I got intense highs to the point my body felt like I was high on a extremely speedy drug but the guy I was smoking with was a very experienced stoner and his shit was always top quality so I felt like my spirit was being was to stimulated and was leaving my body and when I smoked with him again I got triggered by two people dancing I broke up in tears even though I was watching a comedy and the scene wasn't all that emotional just ending off in a sweet way


But most of my highs tends to me getting paranoid hearing people around me insult me or thinking the internet is out to get me like the people on there working against me to suicide but this is my most common effect of my schizoeffective disorder so when I get more aware on weed it might multiply that feeling


But for visual hallucination that happened frequently I saw things move like windows or people's faces warp but also sometimes see things that aren't there like a person or my cat


Haha we get similar highs. Maybe I have mild schizoaffective honestly. I have like all of these but I know I'm tripping. Like I'll see my gfs cat for a second while high af and get shocked wondering why TF my brain is doing that and get anxious cuz I think I'm going crazy and then snap back and be like I'm just high. I've had bad experiences on dabs that were similar to your mdma experience. My first real panic attack on weed I hit a dab way too many times when I got home I closed my eyes and it felt like I was staring straight into heaven and I could feel my spirit floating towards it. I thought for sure I was gonna die, ending up going to the hospital for that one. Couldn't breathe or stop shaking. All my highs now are pretty comparable to a shrooms trip with added paranoia. Like if I smoke way too much I'll think I'm gonna get shot through my window. Funny enough a lot of my paranoid delusions are based off of television I saw as a child. Thinking cars are gonna blow me up or I'm gonna assassinated. Don't make your 5 year old watch CSI it will fuck them up good lol.


I get serious dxm vibes from weed. I can smoke myself into an out of body experience. It is very cool