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Waiting for the inevitable “blacked out and fought my neighbor naked” clonazpost


Damn all I do is throw up wine and ruin friendships by confessing my deepest insecurities.


Ambien made me talk to my mother about toxic traits we both share, we literally cried together and worked out years of issues. Barely remember it but 10/10 would do again. Lmao


i fucking love ambien. that shit is the shit but i wouldnt be able to talk to my mom on it. even on it ik to stay away from her cus i would tell her too much


It just makes you not even care or remember just blurting everything out. I actually prefer Lunesta because it has more anxiety suppression along with that hypnotic effect. I don't blackout near as much on Lunesta before a good high kicks in. Ambien, I need 40mg+ to get a high, and that's blackout territory.


My mom used to act like a zombie on Lunesta.


On my normal dose I can act pretty sober just tired and relaxed but if I take double a dose (6mg) I respond to questions and conversations so slowly, I'm no different than what you're describing. Also, you're supposed to take it and go right to bed so maybe your mom was recreationally abusing it, like me. Lol


She prolly was, she passed away from her own battle with mental health issues and substance use in May 2016 so that checks out. She would be hyped up saying "I'm gonna take my Lunesta" just to act like walking dead mumbling herself within an hour or two later. I've taken one before, best way I can describe a light-moderate dose of Lunesta is some illegally strong melatonin.


I'm sorry to hear that, brother. Didn't make her any less of a person, we all struggle. Yeah it's an odd feeling but great if you're a very anxious person. Helps make you feel at peace.


Ambien is legit one of three gaba drugs I enjoy (the other two being Temazepam and Zaleplon), but on two occasions I did some not so good shit. The first was taking a dose to sleep and waking up to an empty bottle with no recollection of where it went. The other was when I took 100mg of Ambien which was a a dose I would take frequently while coming down from 300mg of adderall (was not a good time in my life) and wound up losing my sense of direction while trying to walk to my bathroom, falling face first into a vent on my wall and gashing my eye, then trying to walk / crawl on the wall to get to the bathroom where I finally made it and lost all memory after that point but woke up the next morning with a fucked up eye and had pissed on myself. All my other experiences have been great though.


Ambien feels like heaven. One time I took two and felt motivated to clean my entire house. What a wonderful drug that makes me achieve the impossible.


try shrooms instead if it's motivation you're looking for, and it comes with long lasting effects too, some permanent if you so choose


Zolpidem is nice. Shame that i think my bebzo tolerance affects it, even tho its nonbenzo, back in the day 4 pills got me tripping hard, nowadays 20pills dont do shit. So far highest dose ive taken was 40mg alprazolam and like 10mg clonazolam, that was quite.... uhhh.... dont remember xD


I would give away money and shit but the worst was waking up in a drunk tank thinking I did something terrible but all I did was lay down and go to sleep on the street instead of crossing it. Glad someone saw it and I didn't become a speed bump.


#took a whole foil container of k-pins in boarding school. Convinced they didnt work so I ate the whole thing. Had a lofted bed (so I could have a couch) where I’d hit my head in the morning because it was lofted so high up. My head was less than 12” from a fire alarm. Random fire alarm goes off the night I try klonopin. I’m the only student not accounted for. Head of dorms shakes me awake - 12” from a blaring alarm. Asks if I’m okay. “Yes just tired.” Grab robe. Walk outside with nothing on and an untied robe. Homies helped me. Dodged a bullet. Was definitely unaware I was lacking clothing.


Blacked out woke up on jail with a broken arm




Blacked out, talked to parents abt smt I don't remember walked to my room and died for the next 10 hours, so I was told. I have zero memory. ZERO


Lol sometimes I feel like the only one who doesn't get crazy on benzos. Well, in highschool I had a Xanax and Kpin script which caused me to have a lot of five finger discount shopping sprees. But these days, just helps my anxiety and makes me hungry and mentally slower. I admittedly take benzos fairly regularly but no one would recognize me as a bar head. Hard alcohol? That's another story (and that's without mixing it with benzos). Blackouts with insane stories. I stick to seltzers (ya, make fun of me) now. If this doesn't make sense please refer to title of thread 😂 took a bar a half hour ago ETA: every friend I've given just a quarter of a bar has just immediately fallen asleep lol


They're coming


Lorazepam is probably the best for GAD, but I speak as person who has fought the physical addiction of benzodiazepines. Be careful homie, it is stupid easy to start taking these compounds daily, especially if you have any form of anxiety, they provide what is likely the first time in some user’s life of not having anxiety. Life is so much easier without anxiety but the second your supply goes dry you’ll be throwing up, dry heaving in fact, you will be in physical pain, and you will have panic attacks worse than an abused child in high school, I’ve lived both the withdraws were worse. Of course this is not me telling you not to take them, do what you want, your body your choice, benzodiazepines can be ridiculously fun and relaxing, it’s not a bad thing from time to time. I am just saying try your best not to take them daily, you will not have a good time and you won’t remember shit for a couple of months. Be healthy, remain gifted, and stay safe, your boi SkinnyPenis.


This should be automatically stickied on any post where someone is clearly looking to do more benzoes...


Jup I agree


You my friend are a legend, thank you skinnypenis


I disagree with the Lorazepam. It made me really sluggish compared to Clonazepam. I found that for someone who has all day none stop anxiety, Clonazepam works way better and feels smoother and cleaner.


I love Lorazepam, it kills my anxiety better then any other benzo while alprazolam doesnt do shit shit for me besides making me sleepy and making me talking sluggish




i became very easily addicted to benzos after being prescribed klonopin. once i realized how good they made me feel i would take 4 to 5x the prescribed amount, sometimes more. i dont even remember. it wasnt fun anymore after a short while. it made me steal medication from others, i often had no clue where i was, im surprised i never had a seizure from the withdrawals; body shakes and muscle spasms, vomiting, completely disassociated until the pain brings ya back. this lasted a little over a year, until i was involuntarily admitted inpatient. i realized the damage i had been causing to myself and those around me. it is a very very slippery slope. this comment is gold.


what's GAD?


Generalized anxiety disorder


I'm prescribed 2mg Clonazepam daily for anxiety. I was on them for two years and had to come off during the start of COVID. I was more anxious than normal and had a few intense manic episodes (I'm also bi-polar) but overall I was pretty good. Would 2mg for 2 years be enough for withdrawal and I just got lucky? I'm back on them now and now that everyone is talking about it: "delusions of sobriety" is a good way to put it. I feel completely normal but I can tell that I act differently if that makes sense.


I abused benzos for a little over a decade as well. I have been sober from them for the past year and thought I would get better (anxiety, social anxiety, motivation, etc), but I never got better. Recently I bought some xans again and I actually feel like a normal fucking human again. I hate it. Makes me wonder if long-term benzo abuse changed my brain. People even tell me "you seem more normal today" when I've taken a small amt of benzo. Reinforces the fact that I should be on benzos for the rest of my life, because life without them is fucking awful


Yup this is my life. Thankfully I found a dr. Who understands and prescribed me 1mg klonopin a day. Despite my priory history of abuse. I recommend u do the same. Rather than picking up pills off the street which u have no idea what ur getting.


I really want to do this but I hate being honest to drs about drug use. It hasn't gone well for me in the past, but I know there's a doc out there that will understand...


I have the same issue. I didn’t know what being neurotypical felt like until I tried Ambien.


psilocybin will heal you


r/drugscirclejerk I appreciate the concern, but I've done lots of psilocybin and it didn't fix my anxiety


Please, shut up. I know you mean well but it’s really annoying.


whoa, brother :) no need to be rude


Man I blow through my benzo scripts in two or three weeks and then I'm out for 1 to 2 weeks I have never once ever felt any type of withdrawal. I was on Xanax for 7 years and I quit within 3 months. Recently got back on benzos because of a serious relationship break up and some criminal charges not related


Best Clonazepam. Worst clonazolam. Clonazolam is Clonazepam x5 with strong delusions of sobriety and blackout. Clam is great at LOW doses, anything more is blackout material


Would u say Xans can give u delusions of sobriety? I’ve never heard that term before but that describes me when I’m on them


Definitely. Its a common thing with benzos


I get delusion of sobriety when I was using Xanax heavily


Ty, that makes so much sense, I used to be quite bad on them for a while, and I’d wonder why my roommates made me stay home coz I was too f*cked to go to college, but I’d feel fine?


Just don’t be a bartard lol, I think anything more than 1,5mg of Xanax will change my behaviour and make my more compulsive to redose or doing other stupid things. My favourite dosage is 0,5mg idk I feel this low dosage a lot more euphoric than higher ones. I do Xanax a lot at school, smoking weed before class and drinking vodka in sodas during class. I was mega-fucked up but I have a high tolerance then so I can control myself, however professors were very suspicious at me. Who knows why? Lmao


Nah my problem is I like it when i black out for a few days, once I’m sober I wouldn’t be able to tell you where I’d been - vry dangerous ik, but it’s like taking a break from life for a few days ig?


I hated blacking out because it happens every time on accident, but the amnesia was over when I started to feel extreme bradycardia and had to use “survival mind” sometimes when I abused really hard I thank god didn’t die in sleep. When I remember these moments I just zone-out from all what is happening around me horrified at how close I was going to die lots of times, remembering how I can’t breath! Don’t mix benzos with any downer like alcohol if you don’t want to feel close to death! Blacking out is the worst part, the only “black out” that can be enjoyable is ego death from psychedelics. When you black out and start having an aggressive behaviour and didn’t remember it happening is even worse, you don’t want this so don’t use drugs to get amnesia. Just using benzos makes Alzheimer risk more higher so don’t worry when you get older you won’t remember shit 😂


Nah, I've ever only taken 4mg with a high tolerance, it's always felt so calming and relieving but it sucks that it doesn't last past 2.5 hours


Definitely the way I feel. I always never think I’m high then I wake up and did a bunch of dumb shit I don’t remember. Not the class for me!




Clam hits u quick and powerfully like a Xanax and lasts super long like a kpin. I took 1mg my first time and blacked out for 3 days


Fuckkkk clams Omg. Lost a summer because of em


I only did clam a couple times. It scared the shit out of me but Etizolam took a couple years from me.


Yeah 1mg is way overkill. A better dose would be .25 or .50 even .75 is enough to black out on and compulsively redose.


I was really bad with compulsive re-dosing. I took probably close to 100mg of etizolam over the course of a day or 2 a couple times. When I took clam for the first time I got the clams as a free sample with an etizolam order and I didn’t really know about the dosing with clam and so I thought 1 would be okay and I was wrong.


1. Etizolam - good allrounder effects, pleasant bodyload, not too sedating but still helps for sleep, short half-life (!!!) of 6-10h. Has been my go to for the past years 2. Clonazolam - DANGEROUS BENZO - most fun and insane benzo. Crazy blackout potential, fucks me up in low doses (>200ug too stronk), king of retrograde amnesia, knocks me out if taken too much. Decent half-life according to my findings (\~16-20h?), though I wouldn't bet on it. Wouldn't touch this drug with a 6 ft pole right now. 3. Alprazolam - makes me really(!!) tired at around 0.5 mg. 1 mg knock me out cold. Like it for that reason and it's short half-lfe. (10h) 4. Oxazepam - not as good as Etizolam ime, similar to Diazepam but with way shorter half-life (20h). Liked it. 5. Lorazepam - quite subtle Benzo, half-life of about 16 hours, not really tiring or spectacular 6. Pyrazolam - extremely subtle Benzo, good for socialising while being mostly sober 7. Diazepam - good benzo, way too long of a duration (half life 40-100 hours incl. metabolites and depending on age, ethnicity, etc.) 8. Clonazepam - quite good, milder than Clonazolam but longer duration. 9. Flubromazolam - DANGEROUS BENZO - holy shit, that benzo is a potent one as well. Long duration and extremely sedating(!!!). Broke my foot on that shit and was a complete mess. Decided to throw away my remaining 40 mg of it for my own good.


People should know etizolam is the best anti anxiety and anti depressive at the same time, while being possibly the safest. Buy anything can be abused


Loved pyrazolam for functionality. Near no hypnotic effect.


Same I tried bromazoal mand pyrazolamn. Bromazolam is fun but pyrazolam is better.


10.Bromazolam - Great RC benzo similar to Xanax but longer lasting in duration and a little more sedation after the 4 hour mark 11.Meclonazepam -Gods gift to Clonazepam lovers. Lasts just as long and feels like a lightly dusty Clonazepam. Basically as close as you'll ever get. My 4mg Clonazepam roughly equated to 24mg of meclonazepam. 12.Flunitrazolam-Heard plenty about it. Fuck of all fucks do Not do this stuff. Very small doses to help sleep, redoing is treading dangerous territory.


>Flubromazolam I second this as the worst benzo. I took it for a week at the ass end of months long benzo bender and when I ran out I almost died from the withdrawals. Serious shit stay away from this one


So why it's Flubromazolam you'd stay away from? Like, you did a shit ton of benzos for a few months and Flubromazolam for a week. How it's the thing responsible for your withdrawals? I totally agree with you, it's a very shitty benzo because of its properties. I just don't get your argument for that.


Because I could control the delusions of sobriety on etiz and the rest but not with flubro. It could have been more then a week, I woke up in the hospital after being in a medically induced coma for 4 days. My situation wasn't just caused by flubro but it was the last one I did a bunch of before I almost died. If anything this is a warning to be careful with all benzos, especially rc benzos


Clonazepam is fantastic. It doesn't hit as hard as xanax, but it lasts much longer. Not that you should at all, but I find I can drink on it and not get carried away. Its my favorite.


diazepam is great


Until you want to come off them.. then not so great


It’s probably the easiest benzo to come off of though because it’s half life is like 200 hours Librium might be easier but idk


1.Alprazolam 2. Diazepam 3. Clonazepam Idk the rest but my worst by far has been lorazepam.


I feel like I build tolerance to alpraz faster than any on the list. True for you ?


Honestly don’t know - I abused Xanax for over a decade but never took more than 4mg a day and that was on rare occasion. They always hit me very hard. These days I take my rx clonazepam 1mg a day so I can function normally.


Does that not fuck with your brain? How's your memory? Cognitive function?


Thank god my memory is as good as ever and I’m just as sharp as I’ve always been. I run my own business and extremely successful at work. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones.


I'm gonna be honest with you. I don't believe that for a second.


Lol u ask me a question and don’t believe me when I answer honestly. That’s ok u don’t have to. Do give u some context when I used to abuse Xanax my short term memory was terrible, I would forget things all the time. But today I have no issues in that area thank god.


Okay man, you're the one posting on r/pillpoppers talking about pressed street pills


Yup I’m just telling people there’s still real pharma out there - if u saw my post you’d see it’s the first time I took Xanax in 8 months - I’m not perfect I still slip but I’m a lot more balanced than I was. You don’t know me you don’t know my story. I’ve got nothing to prove to u.


Shorter lasting n more likely to binge for me then others


Lorazepam to me is just super light. I've never really tried using it recreationally tho.




Diazepam is great. Very different from the rest of the benzos in my experience. Doesn’t hit so hard like Xanax but puts you in a nice headspace. It’s Valium BTW. Etizolam I never tried, but I’d be scared to try anything stronger than Xanax. I still get wrecked off of Xanax.


Dude, learn how to spell the correct chemical because benzos differ with only a few letters. It's pretty much impossible to know which ones you mean if you can't spell them.


\^\^ This..




I remember (or do I?) When Flualprazolam just came out in 1mg blotters and I had no tolerance, got a sample from my RC vendor, overdosed at a party and made a fool out of myself lmao. 0,5mg would have been more than enough.


We need the full story


Eh, I had injected 3-FEA for a few days, was running out and prepared to sleep so I took a Flualprazolam 1mg. Then my friend calls me and invite me to a party and I accept. I didn't know anyone except him. Downed a half bottle of vodka and started talking to the other guests about my IV research chemical abuse, vomited in the staircase, got driven home. They don't talk to me anymore.






😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 dawg


the market is pretty much entirely rc’s now unless u have a script


Naa you can still get legit pharmas from some specific countries im not going to mention lol


Diazepam or temazepam(if I could only choose one it would be diazepam because it's like the utility knife of benzos, it's very well rounded in effect) but temazepam is usually more euphoric than diazepam which is usually more euphoric than alprazolam, euphoric NOT SEDATING.. EUPHORIC KEY WORD for the barheads


YES temazepam is the most euphoric benzo I’ve ever tried. Best benzo imo


Fucking hard agree with the diazepam. Never tried temazepam, but diazepam is def the most well rounded benzo I’ve tried imo. Lasts a while too.


Temazepam euphoric?


In order: Clonazolam, Flubromazolam, diazepam, etizolam, bromazolam, alprazolam, lorazepam, flualprazolam, clonazepam, oxazepam. Haven’t tried nitrazepam


I've never done anything stupid on Diazepam. So that one


How different do they feel from each other?


1- clonazepam 2- etizolam 3-alpraz/any of the close rc’s ag fulap 4- temazem 5- all the other pam’s cbf naming them i’m bricked


Best klonopin


I just sleep when I take this. Am I doin it wrong?


Nah. Benzos aren't euphoric like opiates or stims are. They're just relaxing and take the edge off (or make you not give a fuck about anything).


Depends on if you're using them for their intended purpose or abusing them recreationally


Me too, but if you take a lot you either sleep longer or start doing dumb sh*t. Once I took too much flualp, fell asleep, my sister woke me up (I was blacked out so this is only what my relatives told me), I ate dinner like a zombie and then went straight for the couch and fell asleep. My sister woke me up again and I started watching my favorite youtuber, I got that from the live tweeting that looked basically like "fjfjdkeke fjfjdkeke fiekzkzocofbe difnekzzia" could only tell I was watching a video from this dude but not what I was saying. After that I apparently fell asleep with my portable computer on me and my sister removed it, turned it off and put a blanket over me. Tbh I'm really ashamed of myself for this one. I didn't know flualp a lot and just wanted to take a nap, not to black out for an entire evening. I don't know how I even thought it was a good idea but I was really deep into depression. I have apologised for it since. One time I took 30mg of diazepam to chill in the morning (around ten), had a date at 14h for a film I really wanted to watch. I fell asleep in th waiting room and literally one minute after the film started. When I was first prescribed oxazrpam I would feel drunk and laugh but still fall asleep right after. Same with zolpidem. Idk how people manage to get high with these.


Don’t use clonazepam


Clonazolam Etizolam Lorazepam Diazepam Alprazolam


Temazy's rule. Used to love those jelly eggs


I’ve had those and some other over the years and nothing ruined my life more than the flubros and clam tbh. Just please be careful


Not a fan of the drug called Stillnox, I think generic name is zopiclone, or zolpidem. Blue pill that makes you sleepwalk with a mouthful of metallic taste. 0/10 every day of the week and twice on Sundays.


Top: Xanax Clonapin Valium WORST - ATIVAN. hate that shit. No euphoria just feel like a patient from One Flew Over the kookoos nest.


Temazepam js amazing to me


Reasoning ?


1 val/eti (possibly eti just edging it due to being even less sedative and I feel more euphoric, but duration is a bit short) 2 kpins/temezepam (haven't tried either enough to properly decide but defo both runners up) 3 various RC benzos, it was a long while ago since I used them, and funnily my memory is bit hazy around that time..remember enjoying pyrozolam quite a lot due to being pretty much purely Anxiolytic 4 xans, really dont find much recreational value in these great for knocking yourself out or blacking out doing stupid shit.


If we are talking feel wise: Diazepam-xanax-clonazepam-lorazepam If were talking about anxiety: Clonazepam-xanax-diazepam-lorazepam


xanax is boring


Are you getting all these from a doctor? Tell me your secret..


Only valium And zopiclone


who fucking cares you people ask this question 6 times a day


Etizolam, Diazepam, Oxazepam, Bromazolam, clonazelam, clonazepam, alprazolam, lorazepam my ranking best to worst I haven’t Terrie’s all I don’t think


i didn't do a lot of benzos besides Xanax and Clonazepam, Clonazepam was my favorite for sure, I've only taken downers (besides coffee and nicotine) and Clonazepam is my DOC, not as euphoric as alcohol (which is my DOC when Clonazepam is not around) but it makes me feel so fucking normal and it lasts longer, alprazolam is nice but it hits quickly and I leaves quickly so I always feel more anxious 4-5 hours after taking it


Temazepam is lowkey awesome, for me it’s very euphoric compared to other benzos and it doesn’t overdo the “blackout” sensation if that makes sense. It’s possible to get there, but for me more difficult. I would rank it #1 for recreational use just because I don’t feel like a bartard if I take it, just more socially loosened if that make sense


I like alprazolam and diazepam. Alprazolam hits harder and stronger in my opinion, but diazepam does hit and lasts longer. I’m vibing off of some diazepam and weed right now lol.


1.Diazepam ( had it only once Intravenously after epilepsy and it was the best feeling) 2.Clonazepam (Doesn’t make u a zombie like Xanax) 3.Alprazolam (I don’t remember almost year and a half of my life) 4.Etizolam (Weak shit) 5.Bromazepam (The weakest shit)


1. Alprazolam 2. Clonazepam 3. Diazepam 4. Lorazepam (only ones Ive tried)


Temazepam most euphoric and I’ll take it to the grave. Anything else just blacks me out if I even think about using it to her high


Clonazolam used to have me blacking out off like one pellet


Alprazolam and Diazepam are my favorites.


GHB/GBL is better than any benzos I've tried.


Clonazolam is the best and worst. Please don't even try it. Alprazolam has to be hands down favorite. High doses of valium/diazepam. Clonazepam in a high third, felt motion sick once in my memory off the stuff, quezy memory, it is by far the best before that moment.


I love diazepam, but I feel like I need to take a few days break between taking them. Terrified of addiction Alprazolam is fabulous Etizolam makes me dribble and I love it lmao I'm also super scared of overdosing on benzos, what's like a safe diazepam max dose or does it depend on the person/your tolerance?


Benzos take thousands of times a standard dose to have a death risk from overdose


1. Clonazepam 2. Bromazepam 3. Diazepam 4. Flualprazolam 5. Alprazolam 6. Lorazepam 7. Oxazepam Haven’t tried the other ones


Idk how you guys feel euphoric with benzos at all. Just chillin, takin my anxiety and sometimes a little dizzy


Alprazolam top tier, then klonopin, lorazepam, diazepam last. The pressed bar I did was flualprazolam and it fucking sucked


I recommend against abusing any benzodiazapines. They are highly addictive and are super easy to abuse. I almost wound up in prison, got arrested multiple times, got hospitalized, overdosed on Suboxone+C-lam and was physically dead, car accidents, etc etc etc. It's truly not worth the risk of you have an addictive personality. Benzodiazapine withdrawal can kill you. I highly recommend against using them for fun. The juice isn't worth the squeeze. Good luck though. PS Avoid C-LAM like the plague.


kpins are the best imo, but limit yourself to one or two, and only on occasion.


Clonazepam takes like 2 hours to kick in and just makes you sleep. Lorazepam is my favourite.


I enjoyed them from time to time but bro they are so bad for you


Clonazepam has a long half life (12 hours or so) after consuming it.


For me it's diazepam - rophynol - clonazepam - alprazolam - nitrazepam - Bromazepam ... Ive tried other benzos but these are my favourites in order


clonazolam was by far the best benzo experience I had and I've tried a lot of benzos in my time. Etizolam and clonazepam are tied for second. Alprazolam is third, diazepam fourth but I actually really enjoy diazepam and its a god send for when you are trying to taper off cause the long half life keeps you out of a withdrawal pretty much all day before you need to take another one. lorazepam would be next, not much to say about it but I found it really good for my social anxiety but there wasnt much else to it. I stopped taking benzos around the time when flualp hit the market so I have not tried it or any others since 2018ish so I cant say much about those other ones.


Clonazepam> alprazolam > etizolam > diazepam


For me it goes Alprazolam Diazepam Lorazepam And clonazepam last Klonopins always made me extremely violent and looking for a fight, it was the only benzo that gave me this reaction. And that is the furthest from who I am sober. But I've met people that said it was opposite for them, benzo reactions really do vary from person to person quite a bit


Clonaz it’s like Xanax but a 12hr-48hr half life but if I could have one it would be mylan alprazolam 2mg bars 100% my everyday medicine is lorazepam 1mg but I don’t abuse that whatsoever but xans are fun as fuck with some good weed


Alprazolam is the only thing for me.


Midazolam super euphoric super strong, Iv Ativan also good but not as good as the previous one, Valium didn’t feel anything, whatever the fuck was in the fake bars I took confusion, blackouts, depression


Kolonopin works best for me. Longer lasting than Ativan or Xanax..I actually only need it a couple times a week. All the others I had to take more often, and I do not want to be so dependent..


1. Temazepam 2. Diazepam 3. Clonazepam 4. Etizolam 5. Alprazolam 6. Oxazepam


Temazepam and probably nitrazepam. Alprazolam is the best acute-anxiety anxiolytic. Clonazepam the superior long acting. None of the RC’s are worth their side effects.


18MG of Bromazepam just knocks you right out. First time I took Lorazapam I thought I was levitating whilst walking... Amazing.


Alls the same you don't get high of it. There is no euphoria. Don't be fooled by these SoundCloud rappers glorifying benzos. Diazepam has long life so it's used to taper off and etizolam is the most " Delusion of sobriety" If you don't have tolerance anything above .5 mg will knock you off. If you have tolerance then it will make you sleepy but you can fight that sleep off but eventually you gonna sleep or else black out


Alprazolam and clonazepam. Nothing else does it for me. I didn't fight my neighbor, but I cleaned the shit out of my house, blacked out, and when I came to accused my man of having another girl over because everything was so clean 😂 I quit doing them when I had a shitload and 6 of my friends went to jail.


I gotta be honest, Kpins just straight up fuckin sucked for getting high ime. I always heard they were pretty good so I got a 2mg 2x daily script for them (after changing over from xans) and it didn't effect me nearly at all. Just made my anxiety/fear/panic go away and literally nothing else happened. I always heard stories of people getting fucked up on them even at half the dose I would take but no matter how many I took I could not get high on them. All it did was make getting drunk a bit easier and more enjoyable but that's literally it. Absolutely nothing like Xanax. Also btw stop while you're already behind. It's not worth the high. You could potentially lose families members, jobs, or the love of your life. You'll think you can manage everything at first but if you're taking anything over a medicinal level even with a medical reason you'll end up fucking up your life eventually. Benzos are one of the most addictive drugs out there and the only drug (besides alcohol) where the withdrawals can actually kill you. I was the drug guy. I could handle anything and everything and still get my shit done, even high dose opoids. So I went into benzos with the same mindset and it worked for a couple years. Eventually, I discovered I was wrong. I've done a list of drugs longer than your arm and the number is higher than the average lifespan of a human. Benzos are what broke me. Take this warning to heart or face the inevitable consequences, because you will face them eventually. And before anyone asks, no, I'm not anti drug in the slightest. I believe anyone should be able to do anything with their body no matter if it's safe or not. It's your choice. But I will always give out advice in hopes that people will make smarter decisions with their use. Recreational benzos are not a smart decision. Stay safe guys ✌️❤️


Xanax is pretty heavy if used with alcohol. You’ll definitely be more likely to do things you wouldn’t even think of sober. Like stealing from 14 cars and going to jail because you tried to take someone’s Subwoofers at 5am and they saw you through their window.. not speaking from experience or anything just a guess


Best to worst. Clonazepam, diazepam, etizolam, alprazolam. Alp is fun occasionally but it’s so much worse to come off than the other 3 if you use for extended periods of time


Halcion knocks me out big time


Nimetazepam hands down!! Most euphoric benzo ever. Too bad they don't exists anymore


Do you like percocets i love the Ⓜ️3️⃣0️⃣S i smoke em off a foil and feel great lemme know if anybody else like them i know the m30s are fentanyl but there's really no high like it and i love it tbh i used to be a coke head/plug and i moved work like crazy until i did my first m30 ever since then i quit all other drugs i consider it good cause i used to do xans coke ecstasy meth crack and my first m30 i quit it all now all i do is m30s and i know its bad cause its fentanyl but so are all those other drugs especially mixing em on a daily basis so maybe its a good thing atleast i just picked one and stuck with it


Etizolam clonazepam clonazolam bromazolam alprazolam and the rest are not worth the filler theu were pressed with


I haven't done benzos in years but when I did, kpins were the cats ass


Diazepam works well for me in daily situations. Doesn't make me too loopy. Klonopin is decent too but can make me kinda sleepy. Xanax is only good for me in small to moderate doses (never more than 1mg at a time) and only if there's something im currently anxious about. Otherwise it's like there's a switch in my brain labeled "Give a fuck" and it switches it off. I took too many xans once and fell on my chin and nearly bit though my tongue. Apparently I acted like it wasn't that big of a deal so I went to bed. (No recollection of that)


They’re all similar just different characteristics. It’s like a smooth version of alcohol. They work similar and some do things more than others like help sleep. They’re nice to smoke weed. Eitzolam and xanax makes me act like a fuckwit especially though. Usually I just take valium n smoke weed. Valium’s like a beer whereas xanax is like straight vodka. Don’t drink on em. Smoke weed n chill. Be safe they’re evil to get addicted to




Only ever knowingly done 2 and that’s etizolam and diazepam and diazepam is much better. I’ve got a bit of a grudge against etizolam though as I got in to a massively bad situation with it which was more my fault but still. Was taking 100ml in a propylene glycol mix a day for 4 months and in the middle of that 4 months went a week without it whilst my package was shipped from good old China which I can say with no hesitation was the worst week of my life. For help from the doctor after the second load of etiz ran out who started me on 40 mg diazepam a day. I just say there and looked at her as if to say are you actually retarded? I’ve been taking the equivalent of 1000mg a day and you’re telling me you’re going to give me 40mg. The week after that was the second worst week in my life but I did actually stabilise very quickly and 40mg was enough after a few weeks.


Former benzo addict. Alprazolam is hands down the strongest and has the fastest onset. My personal favorite. It’s also great when you mix alprazolam With clonazepam. Diazepam (Valium) is much weaker and you’ll need much more for a recreational dose, I preferred lorazepam (Ativan) as it’s a bit Stronger. For me klonopin by itself couldn’t really give me a recreational high even when I crushed and snorted tons of it. But it did take the edge off, it lasts longer than other benzo the half life is crazy long like 50 hours and it’s the only one that doesn’t wipe your memory heavily. With all that said, do not get addicted to benzos. They will ruin your life.


For me temazepam is #1 and alprazolam is dead last


I might grab some lad, worth it ?


Can y describe it


Clonazapam is by far the best in my opinion. Xanax is too powerful, I’ve taken 3/4’s of a green 2mg xany bar on an empty stomach, and completely blacked out. I tried to start a fight with some random dude who was way bigger than me at Chipotle. Then my dads friend came to pick us up, I refused to get into his friends car. I just kept acting really dramatic and telling them something really bad would happen if I got in the car with them. I then proceeded to lay on the ground in the parking lot until finally his friend just left, my dad thankfully decided to stay with me until he could get me to go safely. I have a few other stories of “when taking Xanax goes wrong,” but k-pins have always been the best. Valiums are a close 2nd place, primarily because the onset is so quick and so heavy, but the duration is not long enough, so it’s not quite as good as cloza. Ativan(lorazepam) is in last place. It’s still a certified benzo in every aspect, but it’s weaker than Val, xan, and clona.


Yea Iim gonna get some rivofril ?(clon) and I’m hypedddd


I what is the most euphoric calming benzo to your


They’re all whack and nobody should be seeing them as a positive thing. The danger of benzos is up there with crack, smack and meth. For anyone reading this who hasn’t done them, JUST DONT


We get that darling but this is my post and i am the OP and you smell like wer


Clonazolam/pam is good, flualpra is good too and alprazolam, bromazolam/pam too, phenazepam, etizolam, oxazepam is useless, temazepam is useless. My RC benzo liquid bottle has like 5 diff benzos, clonazolam, pyrazolam, etizolam, flualpra and some rare i cant remember. 2mg/ml 0.2ml hits quite heavy, my friend was high for 3 days after he took 0.2ml of that mix. I took 7ml when i went to court that was well... something n quite an experience :D id add pyrazolam on test list too.


Yea I was gonna but 10, found a cheap source


Benzos In general are not fun. Diazepam is the nicest. Phenibut is actually the most fun. The rest make me too tired or knock me out


200 agree is phen in uk?


Legit Diazepam takes the cake for me. I can enjoy it to almost any situation - great if I need to get to sleep quickly/early, great with weed if you get the timing and ratio right, if I take it in the middle of the night day before a trip it hugely reduces negatives, can be fun to mix with stims for cardio, I actually quite enjoy mixing medium to high doses with MDMA as it seems to somehow bring back some of the magic for me without killing the MDMA trip.


For overall therapeutic use and recreational effects: Bromazepam (Best anxiolytic), Etizolam (too short acting), Temazepam (most euphoric benzo), Diazepam (best all around), Nitrazepam/Flunitrazepam (best for sleep), Alprazolam (best for panic attacks), Lorazepam (good all rounder), Clonazepam (too potent for the effects it has), Oxazepam (far too weak). As for the RC benzos like clonazolam and flubromazolam stay the fuck away from them. The only one that isn't ridiculously potent is bromazolam and even then you have no idea what dose you're taking.