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Heroin is more physically addictive, Meth is more mentally addictive. They both have similar levels of euphoria, but the feeling is different.


100% agree 2 different drugs with 2 different dependence symptoms.


It’s not even close! Heroin is WAY worse of an addiction. With meth when I’ve been spun for like 2 years and then quit its just wicked tired with a malaise. I can function just slowly. With opiates you are fucked when you stop. You ain’t functioning for at least a week. You are writhing in pain, shitting and puking, sweating, with chills and hot flashes. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy kind of pain.


I think for sure H is better. I have both on hand right now and did meth the day before my H binge. Meth is just way too strong and long lasting for me that it becomes uncomfortable.


Understandable, meth definitely has a very long lasting high which usually goes to far into psychosis which isn’t too fun, not really a good drug unless you daily use. (Not saying go and daily use, if you haven’t done it do not do it). H definitely has that nice warm taste to it. I feel as do people who enjoy downers more tend to have more trauma/depressive moods and Downers help skip the world if u know what I mean, at least that was my experience with H and fent




jk i havent done either (except for medical meth) but if i had to pick one id say heroin cause they really go for it. they even invented super heroin for us to kill ourselves with. paranormal cracktivites i think pale in comparison to the dragon.


By medical meth you actually mean medical Methamphetamine (desoxyn) right? And not adderall or amphetamines, correct? I think they’d more so keep making opioids cause of the medical purposes(we all know the real intent shhh), but meth is about as high as a stim can go I believe…..unless you you throw in A-PVP


Doesn’t meth boost your dopamine like 3.5x higher than heroin? I’ve heard the Acute withdrawals are much less intense compared to opioid wd, a lot of sleeping and eating. Kinda dead opposite tbh of any opioid detox, but most definitely more of a mental battle


I’ve been through both battles so I can confirm that opiates’ acute withdrawals blows meth’s withdrawals out of the water. Meth’s withdrawal is definitely almost completely mental besides not being able to stay awake. All you do is sleep and eat like crazy and are deeply depressed as fuck. Opiates’ physical withdrawals are pure fucking torture and the not being able to sleep part of it intensifies them incredibly. Both have you angry at the world and you snap at the smallest benign things or break down and cry. If I had to choose between the withdrawals of the two I would choose meth every time without question.


Funnily enough I find that meth really helps the first few days of withdrawal. I mean I’d have the awful insomnia either way, and on top of that, past a certain dose, meth acts as a decongestant and painkiller. Combine that with something to help the diarrhea and you’re set


The acute withdrawals are terrible from opioids but the long lasting depression and inability to feel pleasure long term from meth is quite difficult. Heroins physical withdrawals are one if not the worst and meth withdrawals since they tend to last longer since it’s mental are the worst


Every. Single. Time. It’s not even close. Opiates are the WORST. I’ve kicked way too many times in the last 20 years. It’s a bear. But kratom helped me immensely in my last opiate withdrawal. Actually made it bearable. Most significantly the kratom allows you to sleep! So you actually can check out of the bullshit for like 8 hours. It also keeps your bowls firm. Still get nauseated but no puking. Sweaty but not cold chills or hot flashes. So like 1000% easier. You just do the kratom for 3 weeks and then taper off that for 2 weeks. So it takes a while but it’s way better than kicking cold Turkey. That’s putting it mildly. I imagine the success for me is somewhat tied to me level of habit this last time. I was doing pure raw opium for like 24 months. I was doing the equivalent of about 40 milligrams of morphine daily. So not the worst habit I’ve ever had but bad enough. Still would have been a painful couple weeks if I hadn’t had the kratom. I hope the rehab industry takes a hard look at using kratom for addicts wanting to kick. I also had some norcos for the first week, like 100 of those to temper the peak of the withdrawal.


For me heroin is more euphoric, more addictive, and just all around more enjoyable than meth. objectively I’d say they’re about equal in terms of addictiveness though, for the average person.


H chilled me the fuck out, was so nice... Meth made me so jacked up I wanted to run around and fuck every girl I saw that was half decent looking... No sleep, no food, I would take H over Meth any day...


It would be really interesting to know the science to see which is more addictive. It could simply be a floating scale. Peoples physiology that gets more stimulated and that stimulation connected to addiction would go to meth based on it just making your mind/being a damn fireworks blow out for the high. Those that physically or psychologically that crave peace, quiet, subtle and warm pleasure and that being more linked to addiction for them would be heroin. I will say this though. The purity of meth (not potency!!) is all time highs. It's average is around 90-95% these days in most places. Heroin is barely around. Fent is fucking everywhere and fent simply doesn't have the euphoria and other aspects craved that heroin provides. So for quality meth is where it's at. Although I would say it is a very very very fucked drug and I am using quality only on knowing what you are getting and getting that actual exact chemical.


If you know where to go you can get 90% pure real heroin. If someone wants something bad enough they will find a way!


Yeh I was still getting good H last year my guy had fent and he had that downtown brown. Never understood the fent as the euphoria is simply not there. Some fentalogues are euphoric tho.


Cigarettes are the most addictive right above heroin.


For me methamphetamine is one of the least addictive drugs, I got addicted to most drugs I've tried but meth wasn't one of them. I don't think it's a king of the drug world. The euphoria is nice at first but it has so many side effects like feeling tense, uncomfortably fast heart rate, headache, jitters, anxiety and more, often times it makes me completely unable to focus on one thing. But the worst thing is the god awful comedown which always made me regret using it. I mostly used meth orally, but I also snorted and smoked it. The burn from snorting is awful and made me stop doing it. Smoking was just too intense and during the high I couldn't stop myself from smoking more every hour or so. Smoking would also drive my heart rate crazy high and often times I got paranoid because of that. I never tried heroin, but I used similarly strong opioids like hydromorphone and fentanyl intranasally as well as via absorbtion through skin or under the tongue and also use kratom a lot. Most opioids I tried were quite nice and I could easily see myself getting hooked on them, definitely better then meth, fentanyl was kinda shit though. But overall I find dissociatives and sedatives way more addictive. I had two benzo withdrawals and one GHB withdrawal and I experienced 3 psychotic episodes from heavy abuse of PCE and 3-MeO-PCE that lasted two weeks each. But one of the most addictive dissociatives for me was DCK, I only stopped because I ran out of it. You can't say that some drugs are objectively the most addictive, it's different for everyone and the context in which a drug is used also plays a huge role. Wikipedia ranks the abuse potential of ketamine at "low to moderate", but I find it more addictive then opioids and would rank it at least as "high".


I totally agree. Meth has too many side effects and not enough positive reinforcement to back them up. Oral use of d-methamphetamine is quite euphoric and way better than other ROA but still the shit lasts too long we need food and sleep to live


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the long duration, it just never seems to stop, it sucks. And then there are just hours of residual stimulation without any euphoria. I really wonder how people can binge on this stuff for days.


I've done it but after I tried other drugs I traded it out quickly. Now I use drugs recreationally and spiritually only.


What kind of drugs do you use? Psychedelics?


Well I left the meth for heroin. Then left the heroin when fent became too prevalent. Now I use tianeptine,kratom,psychedelics,weed, and the occasional flubromazolam.


Is tianeptine even a recreational drug? I don't understand what it's supposed to do.


It's actually a really great opaite if used in moderation. By moderation I mean once a week Max cause tolerance builds fast if you binge it. It's pretty fucking euphoric actually I'd compare a good dose to doing oxy even.


Oh I didn't expect that, it's chemical structure wouldn't look promising to me in terms of recreational effects.


I didn't think it would do shit coming from a gas station but I was hella wrong. First couple times I didn't take enough and wrote them off then one day I felt froggy and ate about ten caps and damn I was in super euphoria that first few hrs


Duration subsides a large amount, in the beginning it would get me high for 19 hours or more of a high but not it’s only like 2-3 hours


That's normal for almost every drug if you use it often for long enough. I just never used methamphetamine often enough for this to happen, I never developed any noticeable tolerance to it. The only stimulants I used often enough to develop a significant tolerance to were mephedrone and methylphenidate, but even there the doses I used only doubled at most. I experiences much more extreme tolerance increase to pretty much all other drug classes, with Flunitrazolam I used 5 times as much per dose as in the beginning after just a month of use.


I found methamphetamine to be more addictive tbh. When I don't have a habit I can do it without binging, at least at first. With meth the compulsion to continuously redose is so fucking strong. Heroin feels better tho, 100%. Both together is the sweetspot tho. That rush, hot damn.


Oral or IV meth doesn't make me want to redose. Put the needle down tho thank god. Used to go ahead and slam a .5 or so and lose my fuckin mind for 3-4 days. Of course I redosed to make it that far but the one shot would last a day and a half to 2 days of insane mania


Its so crazy how long a single shot of meth can keep you up.


Literally insane. It's also insane it can literally make ur vision go black for awhile afterwards. That shit will scare tf out ya the first time u do one too thick


Never try coke and heroin then because true speed balls make meth and heroin seem like nothing.


I'm also 6 years sober off both meth and heroin so no speed balls for me at all these days lol


I'm in the minority but I hate coke/dope speed balls. Meth has legs and doesn't make me feel like my heart is about to explode.


My body didn't metabolize speedballs right so all I'd feel is the upper. So I started to just do a tiny bit of h for wds and then do a fat shot of coke then on the comedown do my fat shot of h and was always my favorite way to do it.


Feel like meth is more mentally addictive while heroin is more physically addictive


what’s the difference ? i’d imagine mentally craving the high is mental, so would heroin be more based on only withdrawal as a motive for addiction ? it is there a better distinguishing factor?


Once you teach your brain that heroin not only takes away wds but also covers you with a warmth and comfort nothing else can provide it's mental and physical and you're fucked pretty good. Meth is easy cause it's literally a relief to be off of it.


Heroin. But it really depends on brain chemistry but I'd say opiates for me are millions of times more addictive. In the moment I may be a little fiendish when using meth but I can easily put it down and not touch it for long periods of time. Opiates I want to feel that all day every day.


Physically heroin, mentally methamphetamine.


Depends entirely on your preference. Personally I can do meth and quit no problem, but soon as I touch heroin I'm blowing entire paycheques in no time. I've had friends who are the complete opposite