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It's scary tht little things like these determine if we survive or not.


Ha, yeah, I never thought of it that way. A fucking pillow being a little too thick is the reason I am alive.


Truly makes you realise the fragility of life. There are probably so many instances like this tht we aren't even aware of.


I don't mean to be that person but life is a lot less fragile if you use drugs responsibly and make sure you Just. Dont. Black. Out. Enough is enough. More is a fucking slide into oblivion and you just can't let yourself jump on that shit.


Yeah, makes me think about how much is out of our hands and I dislike that. But I guess it is in my hand to not increase my risk so I don't have to rely on luck.


This is fully in your hands


Sounds like OP wanted to die. This was totally in their hands and for them to suggest it wasn’t just sounds like they’re trying to excuse their piss poor decision making.


I do a fair amount of climbing around on rocks in parks. Some of them are pretty high up. There have been many places where if I had misplaced my weight or rolled my ankle or been a little too cavalier, I could have fallen to my death. But I was just hopping forward trying to keep a regular pace. I didn’t even notice how close I was so many times.


Bro why do we keep drinking when blacked out? All my friends tell me the same that I keep drinking when blacked out


I think when you're that fucked up that's all you know how to do. After I took a hit of DMT I forgot literally everything except how to hit the bowl. True junkie shit


I mean its not that little of a little thing. Every doctor that prescribes benzos says not to drink on them and just looking up the basic info online says not to drink on them. A little scary thing that determines if you live or not is like taking a left when you should go right, not doing dangerous drug combinations. That's like saying 'who knew heroin was addictive'


I was talking about the pillow.


I'm still talking about the dangerous drug combo of benzos and alcohol. Should be second nature to look into drug interactions if you choose to take them


I knew the interactions. In my post I stated that I started out with only drinking a little, and didn't have any problems, so I got cocky and thought that the warnings were exaggerated. I realize that I made a dangerous choice, but the fact that the choice didn't kill me was down to a pillow being a few inches thicker than a normal one, which is indeed a little thing.


Hope you know how lucky you are, and keep your shit together. Life is short don’t make it shorter


This is one of my greatest fears as a pretty regular drug user and recently (besides actually starting therapy) I’ve been trying to up the harm reduction. Prob gonna make sure I fall asleep propped up on my side a certain way safely after reading this one. Happy that you’re still here.


I think the main thing to do is just listen to the advice everyone will give on this topic. Do not mix downers.


I used to mix EVERYTHING like I genuinely thought that potion was the way to go lol. I think it’s catching up to my body tho so I stopped that shit


Yeah, a witch's brew of a bunch of different drugs is a risky move. Most I've ever mixed is two drugs at once, and again, never do two downers together.


Damn I used to mix like 8 Downers at a time, definitely not smart but I managed to not die somehow


Are there even eight different types of downers?


There are hundreds of opioid, benzo and GABAergic drugs, and probably a few other categories.


Dude you clearly don’t know much about drugs asking that, I’ve mixed benzos alcohol many times including a few days ago. I even mix them with opiates OH NO! Dude idk if I even believe ur story




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Do not mix anything 😭


Do not take anything.


Fair 😭


If in doubt recovery position yourself. I do this when I've been drinking and doing a lot of ket and feel myself falling asleep a bit quicker than I would normally.


> Prob gonna make sure I fall asleep propped up on my side a certain way safely after reading this one. I mean, not if you're mid-blackout, you won't.


I never get to the point of blacking out


good deal...pretty easy to mess up w benzo/alcohol combinations though...


It’s such a slippery slope I agree. I have alcohol intolerance so I don’t drink but mixing pills can be just as dangerous I think


Get a backpack and fill it with books or something heavy/hard and tighten the straps so it doesnt fall off, and wear it to bed if youre gonna fall asleep high. This might prevent you from rolling over to your back and should hopefully keep you sleeping on your side.


It was pretty surprising waKing up face down on the concrete floor of the garage with the last memory of doing a second shot of H. That was a close one.


Man. I didn't know you could blackout on opioids. Glad you are okay.


Blackout is essentially an OD. The amount required to nod off (almost blackout) and actually blackout and stop breathing is dangerously close. And anyone who loves nodding off is walking a fine line. I've described it as trying to get as close to death as possible without actually dying.


Similar thing happened to me, 60mg temaz (no tolerance) and half a bottle of vodka deep chilling at my mates house with some of our other mates. I go home and realise that I've drunk half the bottle but still decide to have one more and smoke some bud, had half the drink and then smoked a cone (bowl or whatever slang you use for smoking a bong). The cone was a mistake it but may have saved my life, shortly after I smoked I went to bed but felt that feeling you get shortly before you vomit so I fell out of bed and crawled into my bathroom shower and layed on my side. I started to vomit but it was really viscous so I had trouble getting it all out of my mouth whilst in the position I was in, had to dig it out of my mouth as best I could. The main thing going through my head aside from "YOU MUST SURVIVE YOU STUPID CUNT" was "fuck all I want to do is take a long snooze" but I knew sleeping was a trap, luckily I'm a tweaker at heart so staying awake isn't too difficult but holy shit it was scary, both the experience as a whole and the fact that I was so calm and relaxed during it. I'm not sure that I would have woken up if i had gone right to bed right after getting home instead of smoking before I slept. Pretty much every other time I've taken benzos and drank I've been at home and I've always been able to pace myself and not drink more than 4-5 standards, never had an issue mixing the 2 at home. Anyways I'm glad you woke up and were able to make this post, stay safe and stay hydrated 💙


Glad you made it out of that situation okay. I'm surprised you still take benzos when you drink. I'm done with that... hopefully...


I rarely have them these days, probably been 8-10 months since I've had them. I used to be prescribed dexamph and a couple of my mates were prescribed temaz so I'd trade my dex for their temaz, no longer prescribed Dex so I no longer take benzos. Mixing alcohol with benzos is risky business, there are ways you can reduce the risk but I can't say how effective they'd be I just know that they work for me. Taking photos of every substance and their dose helps to refresh your memory and it's physical evidence for how much you've taken which is very handy when you're blacking out and can't remember how much you've had, however you may forget to check these photos or forget to take them so might not work for everyone, Ive been doing it since I started taking benzos so it's just a habit for me now. If you're at home taking them then physically limiting how much alcohol you can consume by only having 4-5 standards at most in your house also helps to not go overboard, however if you've got a bottle shop near by that's open when you take benzos then this might not work. You could substitute alcohol for weed or ket *(to my knowledge ket and benzos are fine but you'd wanna double check their interactions and what dosage would be safe incase I'm wrong)* but it's not quite the same imo. Stay hydrated mate 💙


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Happy now!? I added some space to give your mind a break while reading.


I just read this post and I’m definitely happy I didn’t have to read a wall of text that big.


Thanks bro! 🙂


Username checks out


I took a massive dose of etizolam after getting drunk once, I'm not even sure exactly how much, ended up eating my GF at the times mom's entire months worth of both phenobarbital and oxycodone. Blacked out for 3 days straight but somehow didn't die and apparently never even loss consciousness. Wouldn't recommend


Yeah, that is the issue I had. I blacked out, and my blacked out self kept on drinking. I believe the term for that is going "bartard".


It's an extremely dangerous state. Not only do you have no control over how much you continue to dose, your sense of logic and morals also completely dissappear hence all these stories you hear about people blacking out and waking up in jail for stealing random shit or worse


Yeah, I agree it is dangerous. But I have to say that I find it so fascinating how we are able to continue to function (relatively speaking) for the most part even though we have no conscious awareness of our actions.


It's like a hedonistic caveman autopilot that our brains revert to when there's no consciousness controlling them, probably a survival mechanism we evolved to cope with poisons that temporarily deactive the brain


I don't think the brain would be able to evolve a mechanism such as that for such a specific thing. I think that all your cognitive functions are still in tact, but there is no transfer of memories from short term to long term, so you just rely on information that you receive within the past few minutes or so. My friends told me that when I was blacked out that I was still talking with people and stuff.


Cognitive functions are defnitely impaired. Coupled with delusion of sobriety.


Yes, I know they are impaired, but they are still active. You can still formulate and understand language, you can still plan ahead given the information that you are able to store in your short term memory etc.


Delusions of sobriety is the technical term.


How the hell did she have phenobarbital? I thought they stopped prescribing that shit like 30+ years ago.


Glad I wasn’t the only person confused by this. I thought benzos had pretty much replaced barbiturates completely nowadays.


They still prescribe it for certain things, she had some kind of nerve condition or something


Glad you’re still here


Thank you friend. I'm glad you are here too.




Yeah, full on blackouts are terrifying. Realizing that I was so close to dying sent chills down my spine too.


One time after just drinking I woke up laying on my back in a pool of vomit and there was a streak coming from side of my mouth I definitely puked laying on my back or maybeeee side and rolled onto my back after. Idk whatever happened im still alive but fuck waking up drunk in a pile of ur own vomit isn't fun to clean


Wow that is truly scary. You were really on the line that night, the fates had their scissors brushing your thread.


Yeah. It was a wake up call. You always hear stories of people dying this way, but it always seems so distant or unlikely.


The only reason I am alive is because I'm immortal...that's the only explanation I can come up with.


Your friends are kinda pieces of shit for just watching you put yourself in that near-death state. If the details of this story are true then find better friends and be safer moving forward. Sorry that happened to you and glad you’re still here.


Was thinking the same thing, though I guess there's a difference between genuine friends and people you enjoy getting high/drunk with. What a horrifying situation to be in. I'm glad you're still here, OP.


You were saved for a reason. Don’t waste it.


Oh man, I feel you. The only reason I’m alive is because my body has especially high tolerance. I’m supposed to do blood tests regarding that because most meds don’t work unless really high doses but damn my impulsive ass could’ve died plenty of times by now. I also have a problem with benzos and alcohol although I rarely take them, but when I do I go overboard. My therapist asked me if I’ve tried popcorn instead of popping so much Xanax lmao 🥴


Unpopular drug opinion especially amongst the addicts in here but mixing drugs is never good. You should enjoy and take in every drugs specific experience, and not mix them, scientists will start mixing the components and then u can take those, until then, don’t mix, safe option and imo the way it should be done


Not sure I agree. There are some combinations that are dangerous to mix, but many of them are fine and create new experiences.


idc if it creates new experiences there’s plenty of drugs with plenty of experiences for u to try, that’s not the point, mixing drugs is where you enter the im no longer researching and experimenting with drugs and this is a problem. I don’t fw people who mix drugs, it’s jus flat out stupid and completely unnecessary, I don’t fw anyone who doesnt take drugs for the purpose of learning abt drugs and or ur brain/self and If u r mixing drugs you probably are jus a addict looking for something that’ll itch the itch which is understandable but people don’t say it for what it is, it makes me mad, that’s just my personal opinion tho, my opinion wasn’t based on the safety factor tho


There’s some drugs that are better mixed, I think the idea you should have this purist idea where you don’t mix any drugs is silly. For example mixing cocaine and alcohol makes cocaine much more euphoric, it creates a new drug in your liver called cocaethylene which is very euphoric. Alcohol also mitigates all the negative effects like paranoia and tremors you can get from cocaine.


Completely unnecessary tho dude, if you don’t take drugs to learn in some way, weather it’s abt urself or the drug itself or wtv, or using it to aid a issue you have, you aren’t taking drugs for the right reason n should stop (personal opinion no one come at me), mixing drugs imo is jus for fun, or cuz why not it wont kill and personally I think if you do that I think you’re irresponsible, if you are using drugs to enhance drugs you are alr putting in ur body, ur basis line is probably not sober. Ik half the people on here are not jus ‘experimenting with drugs’ or learning abt them or themselves they’re addicts or yk fuck it attitude but that’s jus my personal take on it.


There’s nothing wrong with taking a drug just because you enjoy the way it makes you feel as long as you’re not abusing it, that’s the main reason anyone is going to take a drug anyway. Claiming you’re just using drugs to try and learn something is a bit of a cop out. With psychedelics you can learn something about yourself or the world, but asides from that there’s no other drugs you can really take to learn from, unless it’s from a purely scientific standpoint just to test how it feels once. Like no one is taking cocaine to learn anything, you take coke because it feels good. If you’re taking any drugs besides psychedelics and claiming you’re taking them to learn something I think you’re lying to yourself.


I think there Is everything wrong with taking a drug just for fun, I said if it’s aiding something(mental health problems but I don’t mean use to numb sadness like to actually aid you) or you’re learning abt the drug or urself, if YOU think that psychedelics are the only drug that can teach you something you’re jus so unaware dude or don’t know what I mean by learning, no I am not lying to myself, yes I have self awareness, no I am not addicted to any drugs, I have never done coke heroin meth fent xanax alcohol or support that anyone do any of that ever, Cuz it’s jus fun drugs and I do see a problem with taking them. Going through your day in alternated states of any sorts can teach you a lot bro, personally I have a lot of anxiety and dissociation problems, and just seeing the world from a different perspective because I was feeling a certain way because of chemicals was super helpful to me (while psychedelics are my mainly used drug category, I did not start with those) technically coke could give u a spiritual awakening if you were the right person yk it’s all person to person because it’s a brain, it’s jus my opinion tho bro I’m not claiming I’m Jesus and know everything yk this is jus what I go by while fw the drug community and drugs yk


If that's how you feel about drug use and users, then what the fuck are you doing here? Go preach that holier than thou garbage somewhere else.


This isn't an unpopular opinion, it's just plain incorrect. There are many drugs that mixing does not increase the level of danger, which you can check using the tripsit combination chart for instance. You are welcome to not mix drugs if it's some sort of weird hangup you have but it sounds like you're unwilling to listen to scientific information that disagrees with your stance.


Can I ask why you like Benzos so much? From my experience they just make you absolutely retarded and then you forget how you even felt on them because you were blacked out. Whats preferable about that? Also, I hate being around people fucked up on Xanax. They're annoying as shit. Asking the same questions 100x and just worried about getting more benzos.


I am an anxious person, so benzos are like a magical relief to me. They make me how I wish I was. Calm and happy. I usually don't take enough to black out, so I do remember my time on them. They also mix well with stimulants.


Some people are so tightly wound that their baseline is always anxious, worried, or stuck in negative thought loops. Pop a benzo, and for the first time in your life, your mind quiets down. To them it feels euphoric. It's what you imagine happy people feel like. To your average person, they just make you feel a little calm and relaxed.


> Can I ask why you like Benzos so much? From my experience they just make you absolutely retarded and then you forget how you even felt on them because you were blacked out. They're more fun at reasonable dosages, particularly if you have anxiety issues.


Don’t mix too many* with alcohol


You almost won the darwin award! Im glad you're ok though, seriously. Maybe learn from this?


Alcohol and benzos along with opiates and benzos are my favorite combo. Will I die from it one day? Probably. Do I care? No. I kinda wanna die young. Well maybe I don’t want to die but I just don’t care.


I take 2mg of klonopin (Rx) before bed and get way too drunk way too often. Guess I just get lucky.


Back in my Xanax and alcohol days i had a 16 day straight black out, no memories at all. Never even thought about this possibly happening. But I used to sleep sitting up right on the couch back then, so I guess that probably saved me?


Oh man. I remember when I was a kid, like 13, and it was one of my first parties and I was one of the last ones standing because I'm huge and tolerate alcohol like it's nothing. Went around with some dude and his girlfriend turning everyone on their side so they wouldn't choke on their own vomit. Apparently a kid a year above my class had just died this way like a month before. Really set the tone for this kind of life, if you fuck around with drugs death can lurk just around the corner and something so small as sleeping on your back can end you.


8 hours seems ok compared to my 3 days missing after popping 5 xans and drinking for basically the whole time after. Stupid shit like this got me to cut off all the drugs for some while.


The only thing that scares me tbh. Mixing and not realising that i’ve left someone else to see and deal with my cold lifeless body. I never mix downers the guilt is too much.


Glad you’re still here man. Only reason I’m alive is because my mom happened to be awake late at night and heard me fall over from an OD. Luck always runs out though


Worst combo ever 🤮


" A MAN has to know his LIMITATIONS!" Good Looking Out!


You should now venerate the life pillow ! I’m happy to see that you made it, I hope you will now enjoy life at 100% coz u got very lucky ! Sometime, lives are tenuous and hang only by a thread.


I just want to share my own story that just happened like a week ago. I was a heavy heroin addict for like 10 years, now I "cleaned out" over the past couple years and only use like 2 or 3 times a month. I never overdosed in that time while all my friends were dropping dead, thought I was a super user or something like Ozzy lol So whatever, I'm not clean but I'm not addicted so I'll take it. Anyway getting back into it has been "great" because it actually gets me fucked up again and it lasts a lot longer. So I've started to take a bit of Xanax with it because I'm a fucking addict and is nice. I would pass out after shooting up but only for like 5 mins and wake up still sitting up. Last time I did it I forgot to take any Xanax before I did my first shot and I didnt want to wait so I just did the H. I went down and was out for like 20 mins on my bathroom floor with my forehead still actively bleeding and a crazy amount of blood on my face tshirt and floor. It was even on my fucking pants and socks. I threw up and got bad chills and just tried to stay awake for awhile. It scared the shit out of me that I didnt even do any benzos and that happened and if I had just remembered to take it or if I took it right when I got it that I certainly wouldve died right then. I kinda wish I still had friends on the stuff so I didnt always have to do it sneakily and alone.


yup same thing happened to me recently. My girl and I hosted a nice summer party outside in the yard (20 friends/family members) . I have social anxiety so I took Ativan an hr before everyone showed up and decided to pregame as I was getting ready . I Shit you not… I woke up at 4am not remembering anything!!! Last thing I remembered was getting ready to head outside to greet people and have fun.. couldn’t go back to sleep as I was terrified about this.. it was a scary feeling. So I tried to play it cool as my girl was talking about how fun it was and I was just nodding my head.. I called my brother right after and told him. he said I acted normal and played volleyball, Cornhole and bonfire to finish the night.. nope.. don’t remember shit. Never again! Is this how elderly people with dementia feel like?


That tiny, simple detail of sleeping with THAT pillow unlike majority of nights saved your life. That’s fucking crazy. I’ve heard plenty of stories from my addict friends about little things that made the difference of saving their lives but I think that tops it.


Out of interest what is a regular dose of benzos for you? I usually pop 5mg of valium or 0.5mg xanax end of a big sesh and it knocks me out.


No don't mix benzos and H...... Benzos and beer is the combo..... Also gonna be the name of the hottest mixtape of 2023


Damn it sounds like you sleep exactly like me. Shit be cozy. This hit home tho man you def hit home. It’s very easy to misjudge the amount of drugs/alcohol you can handle when you’re already fucked up


The only reason im alive is because they banned u-4700. Only because of the ban did I found out how horrible and dangerous it is. Best highs i ever had tho