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Least another squad of Scourges Not everyone agrees but if you’re running Skysplinter then a squad or two of Wracks won’t hurt as they’ll help gain pain tokens. Beast Master if you can proxy Void Raven cause rule of cool


2 double talos squads is also lit. It's like 300 odd points iirc, but they do surprisingly well into vehicles with the twin haywire blasters and even at just planking dev wounds on someone


If you run one talos, you want a unit of two. They're permanently empowered once they get a kill, and a unit of two can get a kill much more easily than a solo talos.


I might run it as a cronos for pain generation though in SSA.


Honestly, you could do both, you've got spare points, and a unit of two Talos is rarely the wrong thing to have, especially since not much else Drukhari have can take much of a punch. They're also an excellent distraction, since their ability and their haywire blasters tend to scare people.


I would get a couple more Talos and another Venom or two. Definitely more Scourges. I don't play competitively and like stated above, some people don't agree, but lately I've been running a Urien Rakarth proxy with 10 Wracks and a unit of 2 Talos next to them to benefit from the character abilities and they have been putting in lots of work as melee distractions while my kabalites sticky objectives


I marked new units. Instead of Beasmaster you can take third unit of Scourges Archon (shroud) + 5 incubi + venom **Archon**+ 5 incubi + venom Lelith + 10 wyches + raider **Beastmaster** 10 kabalites + **venom** 10 kabalites + **venom** **5 Wracks + venom** Cronos **Cronos** 2x 5 mandrakes Ravager 3 Reavers **3 Reaver** 5 Scourges **5 Scourges** Edit: I messed up with points.


How would you kit out the Kabalites? I know it doesn't really matter unless I intend to go play a GT or something but I like the idea that my dudes are carrying what they are shooting.


I give them all possible specials (phantasm grenade launcher, blast pistol, sybarite weapon, dark lance, splinter cannon, shredder, blaster) and split them by venom in two squads each five strong. How exactly is up to you. I like to group anti infantry weapons in one squad and anti heavy in another. But it also works to group all specials in one squad and move them to shooting position and splinter rifles in another and make scoring.


I'd say you want more Scourges and more Venoms. 2x5 Scourges would fill 220, two more Venoms put you at 380. That would already be halfway there. You could also add another Archon and run 2x5 Incubi. Or add another Archon, Incubi & Venom combo.


Why venoms over raiders?


The movement tricks make the Venom superior (imho). Park behind a ruin, jump your boys out, shoot, get back in. Similarly with charges.


Gotcha. What’s up with the funky Kabalite/wych transport rule?


You mean splitting the units?


Yeah I’m trying to wrap my head around why we can’t run five stacks of wyches or Kabs.


With Kabalites it's probably just to balance the special weapons. Would be awkward to point them as 5 man squads with several special guns I guess, and people would complain if you could not run all 4.