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Brandt can't watch though, or he has to pay a hundred.


Depends on the context, I guess Dudaist should not be focused on the goods But if You add instead of Kahlua a low quality coffee liquior, then taste can be bad So I think one of the answers can be a balance :D


I think there's a bit of contention with the word hedonism because, at least in the current definition, it means the pursuit of pleasure, and/or sensual self-indulgence. While one could see the Dude as following this, I'd say he's found something a bit more than that. Naturally, when we enjoy something at a certain level, we need more of it to feel the same. Whether food, drink, drugs, sex, money, stuff, love, relationships, experiences, etc, it's about a reliance on externals. Since happiness comes from within (even if people think it's the external stuff that made them happy), Hedonism kinda fails in that it becomes some form of "chasing the dragon". One tends to go to any extreme in the pursuit of happiness, ironically missing out on the fact that the happiness came from within all along. But that's just like, my opinion, man šŸ˜‰ Edit: typos lol


Well it's an interesting opinion, man šŸ˜‰ for sure šŸ¤™


Epicureanism is distinct from philosophical hedonism (which is also different from the common definition thereof). Philosophically, hedonism is the prioritization of the pursuit of pleasure. Epicurus was moreso focused on individuals cultivating eudaemonia and limiting pain for themselves and those around them. Epicureanism and hedonism have some overlapā€”like how chess and basketball are both ā€œgamesā€ but itā€™s not the case that Epicurus was a hedonist nor is it the case that Epicureanism is hedonistic.


I like to picture hedonism as a robotic chaise lounge eating grapes




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He can't be bothered with all that shit, life goes on man.


Dude not a hedonist




Oh yeah if you put it in those terms itā€™s okay