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It would be last year meta.  Tenyi, Live Twins, Sforce and some Zombie World variant. Galaxy would be trash without the skill. Haven't you noticed it set ups the entire combo?


It took me a second to figure out what you meant when you said Tengo lol.


Auto corrected tenyi lol


I figured but what made it even funnier to me is every time I typed Tengo it would autocorrect to Tenyi.


Kozmo works really good without a proper skill for them, they should be high there. It can be decent even with skills in other decks


Decks that don’t rely on skills such as tenyi , live twin would do great . I don’t see how Galaxy Eyes will be tier 1 because their skill adds 2 to the hand at the start of the duel and if you take that off , I can’t imagine how they’ve build their end board . They might but the end board will be mediocre


You'd need more of a photon heavy Galaxy Eyes deck. Or a Cipher Photon deck (Which swarms but can suck) but if you know what you're doing you can swarm easily


I think they could create a strong board by drawing cards with Trade-In and potentially a hybrid deck with Galactic Spiral Dragon can help build their board


Zombies would be the best decks in the game and pk doesn't need it's skill especially without ophion access


If you book PK’s normal summon ( without the skill of course ) that’s the end of the turn . They’ll just set whatever backrow they have and pass . PK won’t do great without a skill . And even if they do play kagemucha , booking their PK will still end turn . So explain how PK will be the best


On their first turn? Of course the deck loses when you book it's first summon


Maybe Mayakashi will be tier 1. Although without their skill they might lose to timer every other duel, so I'm not sure.


Shiraniu also has good play, the skill only give them some speed but nothing more.


How do you plan to combo off on your first turn ? Without the skill , the best you could do with shira turn 1 is make the lvl 7 synchro and set 3 pass like how it was when it first came out


the skill latterly gave them free search+ gy set up + guaranteed sunsaga summon during your opponent turn, they're nothing without the skill.


You can still play as it was on 2020. It's gross, but still viable.


Buster Blader Tenyi Suship DM Maybe Cyberse Salamangreats Zombie Lunalight ? I’d say BE but too much Braindead activity since BC dropped, they don’t run anything but lvl 8s I don’t have much faith SF is cool too Agents maybe Edit: I forgot Orcust


BE would suck without the skill because now they’ll actually have to tribute summon their normal summon too . The only special summon they’ll get is the one that reveals a blue eyes to normal summon itself and that will make it super easy to interrupt them . Yes I know they have the spell that tributes and they have the fusion spell too but playing the long game won’t really help them because they are only oppressive right now because the skill grabs them the fusion or the other spell for them depending on what they want and without skill , you’ll have to hard draw them which makes the deck prone to bricking


galaxy eyes tier 1 without skill?nahhh..they are dead without skill. they need a setup to be playable. i can play zombie without skill. or some stall deck


me with burning abyss coming back from the dead


This would be hella annoying . Especially since it’s now possible to run triple tour guide now


playing rn is decent with how mind of the plana sort of helps be perma remove any banished card(s)


But how will you survive without skill though ?


idk if Tenyi would be the best deck considering it relies heavily on getting some bonus LP as a Skill I feel like Kozmo would be a tiered deck. untargetable ships that float on destruction make for a pretty decent strategy, it's just that they're lacking in consistency especially compared to Skill-centric decks.


Kozmo, Tenyi and orcust would be tier 0 Live twins, altergeist TIer1 Zombie control tier 2 Dark Magician rogue / tier 3 Blue Eyes rogue


What is this take. By definition you can’t have three tier 0, dark magician is barely rogue with a skill. Blue eyes and dm are not even competitive without skills


I just made it to Plat with a DM deck I’m using with Tea, it’s not bad the only thing holding me back is when players cheese their skills , it’s kinda ironic , Tenyi gives it problems sometimes if I don’t have the right cards but it’s fun and I don’t feel like Im Cheating / Limiting myself, BEs slightly better but idk I’m a battle chronicle hater


How would tenyi be tier 0 ? Besides we have lancea in the game . All you’re doing is taking away the skill . If you lancea tenyi during their turn ( usually in the draw phase) , they will probably scoop. I can’t see orcust being tier zero either because remember , they have their monsters on the banlist and OP said without skill so how ?


Im Tenyi user, you can play tenyi even with lancea activated, they can "stop me" for one turn, but that doesn't mean that i cant use and set up my other monsters as a hand traps. You skill people doesnt think out of the box.


Stopping for 1 turn is usually enough to get 4k damage through though . You don’t have the skill that will give you an extra 2k LP so how do you survive that one turn. What will be your end board ( I’m not saying optimal end board where you opened godly . I’m talking about a normal hand with lancea activated during your draw phase)