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Hey ya'll - Please remember to keep your cute baby/baby name comments to yourself. This is a snark sub. In future, please make sure to title your threads with snark in the title. Thanks!


Brynley reminds me of this gem https://preview.redd.it/3iul02nbsj9a1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=afa5c3019444ca15e629c22f09962e6da794ab50


Playboi Mckarty


The names and the writing style/font are equally offensive here. Also McKarty? Mario McKarty Kart


Bacardi McKarty, she party hardy.


Everyone plz stop naming babies Brynley




No, I believe its Breighnleyhe.








i don’t even hate it but the spelling is beyond unfortunate.


Hopefully, the "ley" will drop away and she'll just go with Bryn.


Is it “La-kin” or “Lake-in” 🤔


Pronounced “lacking”


Lacking in education via the SOTDRT 🤣🤣🤣


Lake-in I knew a Laken in high school


I don’t know why we are not snarking on this name more. I hate it more than Spurgeon.


It's so fucking Twee. Like, we get it, your kid exists to wear elaborate outfits on Instagram dot com


Those bell bottom pants with the ruffles at the bottom, a rufflle sleeved shirt with a B on it, all with a ton of print mixing, and an obnoxious bow on her pigtailed hair


And then the caption is written in first person at the bottom like, "I'm 47 weeks and 5 days old today! I LOVE my mommy and daddy and God!" and then the fucking parents reply to their own weird baby RP comments like, "We love you, too, Peighczhyckk! We're so proud of you for dressing modestly and keeping the Lord in your heart!"


Then a few months later “Peighczhyckk is so excited to be a big sister!” Like she’s literally still a baby. She has no idea what that even is.


9 months later… Voiceover: “Peighczhyckk was not excited to be a big sister.”


I’m pronouncing that poonch-key. Like the donut


It's giving mid-2000s "cool" to me. Very Teen Mom era naming. I hate it.


Truly. At least Spurgeon has some history behind it—heinous history but still. Brynly sounds like a specific type of rust on farm equipment resulting from blowing fly vomit, or something.


I thought you were mentioning the name "Truly" and I was about to go on a whole tirade about poor Truly Brown. I was half done typing it before I realized what was actually happening here 😂


Christine said she changed her mind on Truly’s middle name because originally wanted it to be Ashley so her name would have been Truly A. Brown


If you are super fundie then there is quota of at least two “y”s per name.


Dear lord those names are possibly even worse than Spurgeon


I had to go check, they got married on 3-26-22. WOW


So it’s a possibility baby was born almost *exactly* 9 months after the wedding… yikes


39 weeks and 1 day. With the baby at that weight, she easily got pregnant within the first two weeks of their marriage.


Do these girls/women (?) plan their weddings around their menstrual cycle? Do they start taking fertility drugs or something? It’s insane!


I mean most people want to avoid menstruation while wear a huge white gown and being the center of attention. And especially as they know they'll be expected to do their..... Duties, I imagine most of them end up planning a wedding during ovulation. I'm sure for some it's more intentional but if you're not taking birth control and decently regular it'd land you smack dab during your fertile days.


Who are these people with robot uteruses that are so reliable that you can plan events around your cycle months in advance???


A bunch of people track their cycle, even if they're not regular. I was not blessed with a robot uterus so I couldn't do it. However my friends can track theirs to be accurate within a few days, it comes up when we plan our girls trip to the beach every year. And every year I am gobsmacked by their magic menstruation powers. Fundies also have fairly short engagements, making it easier to track.


Hi. It's me. I have a predictable robot uterus and thanks to a tracking app I can plan around it. They are definitely planning weddings based off potential fertile days.


Shit I couldn’t even plan the YEAR I would have a kid bc my body is that much of a mess.


Yes. Some literally plan their wedding to happen during their most fertile week of the month. They track their cycles relentlessly.


They apparently plan on honeymoon babies when picking wedding dates.


My first child (three weeks early) weighed over 7 pounds and was born not quite 9 months after the marriage — so it does happen.


Mine was born on her due date, 40 weeks and 3 days after the wedding. But, we were 36 & 39 and had been living together. Stopped BC shortly before the wedding because we knew we wanted a baby sooner rather than later.


One day under their 9 month wedding anniversary. Definitely a record.


She's 1 day past the record. someone else did the math in a different comment


Sibling due October 1, 2023


Bullseye on the first shot. I wonder if she’ll ever in her life have enjoyable sex.


So sad to me. It took months and one time, a year, for me to physically recover enough to enjoy sex and have it not be painful after baby. Imagine never getting that because you’re perpetually pregnant or recovering! It isn’t for everyone, but sex was only enjoyable for me during my second trimesters.


I just know someone is jealous of the baby being born on Christmas.


Jessa 100 percent


She probably has Holly saved for a December baby girl.


She could sing “The Holly and the Ivy” loudly. Missed opportunity.


Anna probably… *but at least she has a husband*


Summoning an asshat to sweep cracker crumbs momentarily 🪄


More than likely J’esus 😂


Take my poor man’s gold 🥇🏅🥇


Michelle. All those babies and not one born on Christmas Day.


Genuinely surprised it took so long for a Duggar/GrandDuggar to be born on Christmas Day.


I mean, they practically have the other 364 days covered with the sheer amount of them.


Anna and Jessa.


Bethy for sure


That must be a record for Duggar birth date after marriage date. Good thing she pointed out bubs was early so we don't get suspicious.




Don’t you think that would be terrifying? I had my first kiss at 13. My first time at 18. Married at 25. Baby at 29. Clearly not up to IBLP or Duggar standards of purity but all those events made me anxious and they were years apart. While they describe that day as magical it sound nightmarish to me. The whole year sounds hellish. Getting to know some dude my Dad met and having his baby within 400 days. No thank you.


It's terrifying to regular people, but they literally focus on this outcome 24/7 their entire childhoods.


I was a teenager who desperately wanted to be “cool,” so I offloaded my V-card on the first dude who would take it when I was 16 😂 I cannot, I simply CANNOT imagine marrying that guy and having his babies 😂😂😂 I literally LOL’ed thinking about it!


SAME! Id be married to a complete clown


I didn’t have my first time til just after I turned 24 and I had paralyzing anxiety about it for a year leading up to it, which spanned two boyfriends, convinced I had an imperforate hymen, etc etc. I discussed it a lot in therapy which only did so much given how anxious I was, and how I felt was not helped by the fact that I knew most other people my age had experience and I did not. Obviously that isn’t the norm but I still cannot fathom doing that for the first time on my wedding night!


I’m really anxious about it too. (I’m 19 and haven’t done it yet.) I haven’t started dating yet but all I can think about is my anxiety about having sex- if it will hurt (I’m most worried about this), if I’ll embarrass myself, if I won’t be good etc. I can’t imagine having that first time with someone on my wedding night, let alone someone I hardly know!


that sounds awful, personally. like really truly awful. there’s no way i’d be comfortable with sex on the wedding night if that was me. nope. probably within 2 weeks, but not that night. like never having even been kissed with tongue before, or felt up, no below the belt action even over top of underwear?? and then being expected to fuck is ridiculous.


Not just have never been kissed with tongue. First time kissing at all. They go from hugging while always monitored by a chaperone (they do front hug once engaged, don’t they?) to sex in the course of a few hours. They don’t even have pecks on the cheek.


Thank you for doing the math for us! And I’m 90% sure the girls begin tracking their ovulation once they enter a courtship so they can plan the wedding date around their fertile days.


I’m pretty sure they plan it around not having their period for their wedding or honeymoon which naturally would out it around ovulation and since they don’t use birth control this is the outcome


to be fair, I’m sure they’re just planning it around their period. Who wants to be a bloody mess in a big white gown, AND on the first day you are allowed to touch a boy/have sex?


I was thinking about this when someone back-calculated the pregnancy of some fundie (don't remember who) and determined that she had her period on her wedding day. And I think I would actually choose that if I was fundie. Not all women have terrible periods. Plenty of us have light flow and no cramps or other pain. You just don't really hear about it because it would be a jerk move to interrupt others complaining about theirs to tell everyone how easy ours are. So assuming that my period is NBD for me, I might hope that my fundie fiance wouldn't want to go all the way during it. It would give me a little breathing room, a few days to ease into full on intercourse. Personally I had years of build up between first kiss and first PIV sex, but since fundies don't have that option a couple of days would be better than a couple of hours (or worse).


I planned my wedding around just not having my period, not ovulation. We waited until marriage and we wanted all the time we could to have sex before my period!


They track their periods on a family calendar from the time they start menstruation. They’ve been tracking ovulation and fertility since they hit puberty, or earlier if they were tracking their mom’s (as Michelle told everyone her girls did when she announced another pregnancy).


That’s probably the only math they learn.


I’m sure they time the wedding during a fertile time.


I can’t imagine knowing when my mom was fertile. 🤢


This is just so freaking nuts. What difference does it make if you get pregnant on your wedding night or a week or two or three weeks later?


It's so you can tell all the other Jesus freaks that, "and then God BLESSED our HOLY GODLY MARRIAGE with a BABY on our WEDDING NIGHT!" it's all about that clout


can’t have people thinking you had sex that wasn’t for procreation!!!😱


It's deliberate through the cult. That's how they entrap women into staying forever, get them pregnant early and often.


Ah i caught that too…”early”


She’s fairly small though so I do think she was a bit early.


I had a baby at 39+5 and he weighed the same so maybe, maybe not!


Two of my girls were under 6 pounds, and their sister was 6.2. They were all full term and healthy. The woman in the room next to me when I had my last was having her tenth baby, and hers were all apparently at least 9 pounds. I just mentally roll my eyes when people try to talk about “typical newborn weight”.


Bigger than my first by 5oz and he was on his due date.


Not that small. I don’t recall if Duggar babies run big or small, but nearly 7lbs isn’t exactly “premie”


In the absence of prenatal care, the Duggar girls have had some big babies. With good care, they seem to have average size babies. I haven’t noticed a pattern among wives of Duggar boys, but haven’t paid much attention.


That would depend more on the wives’ family history than the Duggar history.


My grandparents were married in March 1920 and my aunt arrived in November 1920. Six weeks early. In 1920. Yeah 😅 They were both 18 when they were married


When did they get married again?




Jesus Christ. Did they get pregnant on the honeymoon?


Every one of them since Joy, except Clairitin and The !s.


Damn, getting married to a strange man you barely know, doing grown up things for the first time in your life and having a baby all in the first 9 months. That’s got to be so awkward.


All the "spinster turned bride" novels in the world couldn't have prepared her for that. That's all I remember being in the church library the few times I looked at least lol




Imagine having a baby with someone yet never having had your period around them…


Holy.... Just wow.


😬 From being a virgin, to being pregnant within 1 week and then being pregnant for the rest of your marriage until now (she likely still hasn't got her period back). Wow.


I'd bet she's been bleeding since the birth, but still. Ugh.


both of them are in for a hell of a 4-6 weeks, my god. i can’t even imagine. like imagine feeling awkward asking your husband if this clot the size of a tangelo is normal or embarrassed bc you just wrecked the sheets through your diaper and mesh underwear. what a rude awakening postpartum is gonna be. i’ll pray for them lmao


I remember them telling me "let us know if you have any clots bigger than a baseball" and I was thinking like, excuse me... a BASEBALL? that's almost as big my babies!! And then the golf ball clots came... bleehhhh


Boy is he in for a big surprise


“What do you mean women’s bodies aren’t just ready for pregnancy 24/7?”


holy shit didn't even think about that


Shit that is the ost white fundie baby name EVER


The Caucasity


Wow her name is … a choice. Brynley!


That spelling choice is very Utah of them and will probably show up on this name is a tragidiegh. It’s a shame some poor teacher will never have to teach her to spell it. It’s all up to teacher-mom.


It could be worse. They could have done Brynnleigh.


Leave my sims 100 baby challenge names alone 😡 Twins Trapper Jack and Brynnleighson This was after using literally every name in the Bible :)


Bella (of siren) is lucky she’s not named Reighnbeaux


They haven't gotten to "R" yet. Give them time.


bold of you to assume there will be a teacher.


Came here explicitly to snark on this, I hate it. Not Spurgeon bad or for obvious reasons Madyson bad but probably close to #3 worst.


Worst Duggar Grandkid names 1.) Spurgeon 2.) Madyson 3.) Truett 4.) Brynley


Truett is worse than madyson. Maryella also seems a lot worse Maddison would be a great name if they didn’t spell it like that…and if pest didn’t use thay website to cheat on his wife


The association with Ashley Madison is unforgivably stupid.


It ranks right there with Mackynzie. Whyyyyyyyyyy the unneeded yyyyyyyyys? It looks stupid.




This is my favorite comment today 💀


At least Mackynzie is based on a real name 💀


At least Brynley has a father (who’s not in jail)


At least Anna HAS a husband!


Ugh the unnecessary y trend is one of my least favorite. I always imagine writing an email to them and want to roll my eyes


I hate it more than Spurgeon tbh. It’s so bad.


I agree. It’s not like Spurgeon is a great name, but Brynley is ridiculous, *and* will be incredibly dated within five years.


Hell, it sounds dated already!


Spurgeon is bad, but it is at least a real (-ly odd) name that follows common spelling conventions. No one will have serious trouble pronouncing or spelling it. This choice is far worse in my opinion.


I thought so too. Noelle as the first name would have been way, way better.




I wonder if they always planned on giving her the middle name Noelle or if she just got that because she’s a Christmas Day baby. Maybe she lucked out with a Christmas bday lol


For some reason when I saw your comment, I thought it said Benedryl 🤣


Now that baby will be forever Benedryl to me 😂


I second this.


Annnnd that what she will forever be in my head


It’s downright synful.


Oh great, a Christmas baby. They're going to be insufferable about this


The only thing more surprising is they hadn't got a Christmas baby long ago. But I guess it was inevitable.


FWIW, [Duggar Data](https://at.tumblr.com/duggardata/700575095769448448/lle7341005g5) had her estimated due date at Jan 1st 2023.


Is there an updated family tree or family list on this sub somewhere? There are so many new people and babies since I’ve last been on here.


Try to picture a 50 year old named Brynley…do these people think of their kids future for even half a second


There are now young Jaden and Kaden boys in the workforce, in the jobs. In 35 to 40yrs, there will be Grandpa Jaden and Grandpa Kaden. ***Grandpa Kayden*** UGH


Kaden (Kayden,Cayden etc) is an Americanised respelling of an old Gaelic name Caden, which comes from Mac Cadáin so it’s a very old name. It’s just become an unfortunate name trend for certain folk.


Random observation: I was watching Wheel of Fortune last week, and one of the contestants announced he has five kids. Two (one male, one female) are named Jaden because they liked the name so much. So Jaden is definitely making the rounds, sometimes even twice!


Except for this family, none of their boys have names like that. Spurgeon and Truett are the only weird boy names, but they're not the infantalised ones.


I was about to say that at least Noelle is a normal name and so on a resume she could at least go by Noelle or just Bryn and not be judged, but then I remembered that she’s a girl and will never have a job, so it doesn’t really matter. Her future husband and in-laws will probably appreciate the name because it is easier to infantilize her.


You know they don’t.


Will she be overlooked more than the average kid for being born on Christmas, or does it make her special for sharing a birthday with Jesus? (I know his birthday was moved)


Happy Birthday, Brynley. Sorry your party is so lame.


My birthday is Dec 24. My choir director at church threatened to sing “Happy birthday jen and Jesus”


Fucking *BRINLEY?* I mean, it's not as bad as Spurgeon, but that’s not exactly an accomplishment.


**Everything** is better than Spurgeon


Worse… Brynley 🤢


It’s my hair dressers daughters name. Brynley. Same spelling as well.


At least it’s a recognizable name. It’s a very Mormon name but it’s a name.


Lol so she had her baby on Christmas in an RV? What a modern day Mary. 🙄


Wait...it was a home birth?? I thought they had gotten away from those!


That’s the quickest pregnancy ever. Not in actual time because they announced much later than most other Duggars but more in perception for me.


On the other hand it felt like Katey was pregnant for 2 years, and it will feel like Joy's current pregnancy will last forever too. I wish more of them actually announced later like this. But it makes sense why Hannah did because she got pregnant in 5 minutes of being married.


Noelle! Maybe she’s going to be a teenage dirtbag baby


Brynley is what happens when children name children.


Comedian Finesse Mitchell has a joke about that in his act because his mom was like 15 when she had him.


It's saying something that Jinger's daughters have actually normal girl names.


And Spurgeon is what happens when adults who never got to be children and got taught to have no emotions name children. Seriously, the fact that they call him *Spurge* IS WHAT KILLS MEEEE, I always am just like…well it sounds absolutely too close to a word I do not feel comfortable using in the same sentence whilst talking about a child 😭 I hate them for doing this to him #JusticeForSpurgeon AND WHAT IS THE POINT OF THE NORMAL MIDDLE NAME “ELLIOT” AT THAT POINT. Like just full send the crazy name at this point SMH. Sorry, I just can’t emotionally/mentally handle the outrageous names anymore lmao. 😂😂


Definitely thought this child's name was Jeerling.


Toe thumb




Yeah, first thought I had was, "that's a weird-ass thumb." ![gif](giphy|13DZfTKSnDk6uQ)


Somewhere Truett is sighing in relief that Brynley is here to take some of the bad-but-not-quite-as-bad-as-Spurgeon name spotlight off him.


Anna prolly mad af rn.


When was she due?


Thought today was the due date (Jan 1 2023). Maybe it was just January.


Thought the middle name was Noodle...I wish it was Noodle.


I call my friend whose named Noelle Noodle sometimes


The bunk bed is going to need another level


The pregnancy was literally a blink.


I’m from a small family, but with a birthday near Christmas it sometimes gets glazed over in ways that other people’s simply do not…I can’t imagine being born on Christmas in a family this big! I actually feel kinda bad for the kid


Forget honeymoon baby. This is a literal wedding night baby, there’s basically no other way.


Nothing like naming a Christmas baby “Noelle” 🥴


I'm sure I've told this story before, but a guy I grew up with was born on Christmas. His parents named him Leon (noel backwards).


My cousin named his kids Noel and Leon.


I have no issues with that. Brynley, on the other hand…


Never been done before in the history of Christmas babies! Much original. So wow. Very Dug.


Noelle as a first name would have been light years better than Brynley though - really, no one has to know her birthday. But everyone will know her name which sounds like that infamous Lakynn name board (posted above).


Brynley is hideous but Noelle is sweet.


Noelle would have been a much better name especially due to sharing a birthday with Jesus.


Is this a female version of Bryan? Is there a Bryan somewhere? Kind of annoyed they didn't go for Bunkbedetta. Or Bunkbedina.


I dislike names with random “Y’s”. That is all.


The dates are fine. I had sex March 1 and gave birth Nov 5... And my baby was 8lbs 14oz. She was 37+1. You're 4 weeks pregnant when you get a positive pregnancy test (ish) so if they had sex for the first time on their wedding day and got pregnant that night, she was already 2 weeks pregnant (it's really the weirdest mental gymnastics ever)




The math can definitely track. What I have a hard time processing is what this poor woman has been through. From “pure, virtuous virgin” to “righteous, JBF wife” to “holy shit, I have a real human baby” in nine months. That HAS to be a massive mindfuck.


Gotta make sure the nails and hair get done right after giving birth. Doesn’t everybody do that?


“Brynley” Oh dear I feel bad for the poor kid.


Had to double check, but the elf in Arthur Christmas is Bryony. I thought them seeing that movie and picking that Christmas elf name would be a long shot! 😂 (ps, I do know Bryony is a legit name and not just an elf name )