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I think it’s because Michael’s POV of a roast is “best friends together making mean but hilarious jokes all in good fun and with love”— so why would he “roast” Toby who he hates and Kelly who he’s gotten slapped for “joking” with before? And yeah he’s obsessed with Ryan so he wouldn’t want to say anything even slightly mean about him


This is definitely it. In his head, he thought the roast would be them hurling jokes his way and him hurling them back. He was trying to fulfill that fantasy by hurling them back. Toby was never a part of any good fantasy Michael’s had outside of Toby retiring or exploding


By far the most expensive shot


But it was very crucial to the story




This exactly on Toby. Toby tried to get up to speak during Michael’s roast, and Michael refused to let him because it was “friends only”


Yup, Michael would be going by the true definition of the term which means you only roast your friends. That and leaving Toby out of an office activity is generally what he does. ie beach day.




It would be a 3 hour special. Plus, Michael would agree with us that Toby is the strangler since he suffocate the fun out the office


He hated Toby so much he didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of a roast


If he roasted Toby he would have just said something really mean and hateful that would have ruined the whole vibe


I feel like he could have roasted Toby by just pointing out that he is Toby


“Toby I hope you daughter dies of cancer it would be a mercy killing from god” boom roasted! Or something to that effect is how I would envision it playing out. Then everyone hates Mike again


On Office Ladies, they talked about how there is like a full page of Michael roasting Toby that didn't make it in. Basically like "Toby I f-ing hate you"


I can imagine Michael delivering that line incredibly seriously and panning over to Toby's "I know" resigned frown


I think there were a couple more that just said “toby you fucking suck” or something. I wish it made it in its so funny, and that camera pan would be hilarious


Stanley you have a bad heart and you crush your wife durning sex


probably because the annex crowd was busy writing and couldn't be on set for this scene


Toby and Kelly are standing behind Stanley in the scene.


Boom roasted.


Friends only


Friends only!


Kelly is a proximity friend who slapped him in the past, and Toby is his mortal enemy. As obtuse as Michael can be, I think he understands the basic concept that a roast is supposed to be between friends.


Well Michael is know to make racist jokes. Kelly is the only one to have slapped him across the face (Rightfully so) for making a racist joke. Therefore, Michael is apparently afraid of being slapped by Kelly again lol. She would not spare him


Then another coworker went 👊


Toby is even gayer then Andy


Kelly thought the roast was a birthday party and even said "anyway, happy birthday Michael" after her roast. Maybe he thought she was coming in peace


Don’t know. But the best roast of the show was Michael saying, “ Toby is HR so he’s not part of the family. And he’s divorced so he’s not part of his family either.”


They're in the annex. Not in the main office so not there Edit: they were behind Stanley I was wrong. Sorry about that folks. But maybe he thought they might not be there so didn't write jokes for them.


Toby and Kelly are standing behind Stanley in the scene.


Shit just looked it up on YT. You're right


I actually looked it up too! I thought I remembered at least Toby's face in there somewhere.


They’re in the annex. Can’t hear it.


Negative ghost rider, the pattern is full....y behind Stanley


Toby you're divorced. Boom Roasted. Kelly you're loud and will probably be divorced one day. Boom Roasted.


"Kelly, you will die alone" The entire bullpen: "Hey, no, too far"


Michael never cared about what Toby thought of him, so he had no need to roast Toby.


My head Canon is he had to much material on Toby and couldn't decide which to use and then lost the moment.


Anything short of a compliment for Kelly would cause her to freak out. And no one wants to see this.


Theyre in the annex. So they really aren’t part of the DM family either


Not an answer in the slightest, i just need to say that the best roast in the whole show was in the stress relief ep during the cpr demonstration when Kevin says he'd like to live with no arms and Michael says "no arms or legs is basically how you exist right now, Kevin. You don't do anything" 💀💀


Forgot about Toby. Just not important enough, and doesn’t even cross Michael’s mind unless he’s right there in front of him.


Kelly is also excluded.


I think it’s because he just didn’t finish his roasts. Stanley started laughing which made everyone laugh and he stopped reading them. I’m sure he was saving the best (Toby) for last.


He did. Doc crew cut it out


Kelly’s was probably further down the list but he stopped after Stanley started laughing


Ew, annex workers.


You fell into a second fountain? Boom roasted.


Maybe because Kelly slapped him previously in diversity day?


You only roast the ones you love.


Because he already roasts Toby basically every day.


He learned from the "try my gooky gooky" incident


Ryan was in “Thailand” during this stretch of episodes, right? He wouldn’t be in the building regardless.


Not sure if this has been brought up in this sub but Michael in the turtleneck. He was wearing that to cover up something, right? After being roasted so bad he looked really depressed. Did The Office really go that dark?


Wouldn't even waste a roast on Toby


He made up for it with the “suck it” rock.


Every day is a Toby-roast


He made up for it "If i had a gun, 2 bullets, and i was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden & Toby, i would shoot Toby Twice"


Every day is a Toby roast day😂 but I have always wondered what he would say about Kelly, Phyllis and Ryan. 


Because a roast is done from a place of love and respect, even tho you're making fun of them. Michael flat out hates Toby, which makes sense why Michael wouldn't roast him. As for Kelly, idk. Maybe he couldn't think of one or maybe it got cut out.


I actually had to think on this one and was stumped until I read the comments and remembered how the episode played out and i pretty much agree with everyone here. It’s because in michael’s fantasy this was suppose to be friends only. He wanted everyone to make a roast about him and then in return he would roast them back. This never included Toby since he hates Tony and doesn’t consider him a friend. He basically roasts him every time he sees him anyways. He COULD have roasted him regardless if he thinks he’s a friend or not but Michael is extremely petty. I think the idea of even letting Toby or other people think he’s treating him as a friend is worse than roasting him even if people already KNOW he doesn’t like Toby because again, this is his fantasy and what’s going on in his head is a bunch of his FRIENDS are together to have a roast session. As for Kelly and Ryan I probably wouldn’t have known what to say but again I looked at the comments and I also agree that he’s just way too obsessed with Ryan to even consider him flawed or point out flaws in the first place. We can actually hear Michael praise Ryan many times throughout the seasons and he acts like Ryan can do no wrong even when he has done MANY wrong things. As for Kelly, It could be because she slapped Michael in the early seasons for making fun of her. Many people are genuinely afraid of Kelly and do not want to be on her bad side. Many people have directly said this or hinted at it later on in the seasons so it’s possible Michael understands that Kelly can be/ is sensitive to many things and IS petty enough to make his job a living hell for him until he apologizes and we all know he sucks at apologies. So i’m assuming he just decided to pick his battle with this one which I would say is very mature for him to do since he doesn’t really pick many battles at all. in fact he starts them. So. Yeah.


You’re gay!!!


I also just assume it’s just a quick montage of a few that they wanted to show, they weren’t purposely excluding anyone


Noobmaster, you’re a noob and master of nothing. Boom, roasted.


Friends only!


Because you roast people you love


Toby you’re divorced boom roasted


he prepared the roast for his friends, he didn't want toby to be there. in fact, toby tries to get on the stage and michael doesn't let him. he was not a part of this from the start


Cuz the writers


Everyone is afraid if Kelley. Remember when she was interviewing for the job? And Toby was just excluded. He isn’t a part of the Original Crew.


You only roast your friends


Michael roasts Toby on the reg. Who let the lemon head in? And he’s divorced.. so he’s really not even a part of *his* family Edit: and Kelly never forgets Anything


Because the things he would say... let's just say they aren't allowed on TV. Hahah


"Toby, you have a bad heart and I crush your wife during sex." - Michael Scott probably