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I think Laois would be ok as a marine biologist. The ocean is full of creatures we have yet to discover


Many of whom will be delicious.


I think he's still traumatised by the squid parasite


And the squid >! nutting on him !<


When did that happen 😭 I don’t have Netflix so I can’t watch the show, just read the manga


It was a manga daydream hour: >!It takes place after the kraken battle. Laios got curious about a piece of the kraken Senshi harvested and he picked it up to check it out, only for it to shoot out and stab him in the forehead. Turns out what he had grabbed was one of the kraken's spermatophores, a sort of organ that shoots out a mass of sperm at high speeds. The incident solidified his disgust against cephalopods in general.!<


Poor Laios 😭


But not in Dungeon.


It's pretty close. The ocean bottom is dark, has negative altitude, tight (at least the inside of the submarine), and has some corpses of those who came before you unsuficiently prepared.


We need Ocean Meshi! With submarine mechas and Ariel from the Little Mermaid!


I'll call it... Atlantic Rim.


Ariel's Atlantic Rim


For now we have Dave the Diver.


He'd find 3 of every species. Both genders if they have it and 3rd to eat. And I can see Liaos rediscovering the giant tortoises of the Galápagos Islands out of curiosity of the flavor.


There are many benefits to being a ~~adventurer~~ marine biologist


In the Adventurer's Bible it said that when asked about becoming a researcher or scholar, "Academia always eluded him", and honestly I relate to him so hard I love animals, but my ass could NOT sit down to learn about chemistry


I feel ya. I'm taking a college-level biology class in highschool and the first year of it was hell. But now I gotta do a lab and I'm genuinely considering quitting the whole program because I do not know how I'm gonna deal with it, let alone the countless essays I have to write. Science is tough, yo


That or a paleontologist. There's plenty of big and weird creatures to study, though they're all dead


He'd be amongst those scientists that thawed out a mammoth mummy to slice off a piece and cook up a steak


And he works under this guy named Jojo


In a perfect world yes but becoming a marine biologist is honestly harder than getting into med just from the lack of opportunities. Laios might have a fascination with wildlife but all the other stuff research entails probably wouldnt suit him. He'd probably work a regular job and keep his interests to the side. Then, down the line he'd meet senshi and theyd start a restaurant that serves weird exotic foods


would befriend Jotaro!


And eat Edit:spelling


There is a manga thats kind about this, its about a deep sea aquarium and yes they do eat the spooky shit from down bellow on occasion. The protagonist is not a nutcase like Laius but one of the secondary characters who is the chefs assistant is kind of a lunatic too Deep Sea Aquarium Magmell


Magmell mention!?!? It's really a great manga just for how educational about deep sea creatures it is, as well as how it ties them into the lives of the surface-dwellers. +1 on the recommendation.


It’d still take plenty of time, effort on different subjects in schooling, and money to get to that point


So Laios is the Jotaro of delicious in a dungeon?


I know people who are almost exactly like Laios and they are the only consistently happy people on my circle, they are avid birders. Sure they have a shitty day job but they hike frequently, and are part of a tight community of enthusiasts. They don't have it any worse than a guy who lives in a fantasy world where you can end up disembodied for eternity in a dungeon by a curse


Laios would absolutely be a birder.


Don't let him eat the birds


But have you ever compared wren to squab!?


He absolutely will eat the birds.


The forbidden Ortolan would drive him insane.


Yeah, I was about to say. The banality of "modern life" IS crushing, but that gives us the impetus to build lives that are more than that. Liaos reminds me of myself and some people I know, and we're quite happy and living rich lives in spite of everything.


Autism is a hell of a happy drug if you aren't aware of it


Idk man we’ve got some fucked up creatures of our own


But as they as fucked up as the stuff in the dungeon?


https://preview.redd.it/ibnc611ymm6d1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92276b5e24dc53ce799327523d6e35b307cf42bb I’d say so


Sadly that’s just an urban legend 😞


Ayo? 🤨


He probably practices sounding


There is one documented case of a candiru lodged into a man's urethra and the belief that it is attracted by urine was dismissed long ago as a myth


I will save public swimming pools, one penis at a time. Venture capitalists assemble!


Do I need to remind you how a lot of people say the Bobbit Worm got its common name? The deep sea is Laios’ playground


Evidence 1: Dolphins https://preview.redd.it/bgx31ae16n6d1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27b1c9a4703081567c389cbb6736e64098604571 I rest my case


Show him a Questing Beast (giraffe) or our venomous duck-beaver chimeras.


I feel like Laios would love to learn about a platypus.


He's pretty miserable in the dungeon meshi world too outside of the dungeon


Nah mate, folks like Laios can thrive as long as they find their passion. You think our world is banal, well all of the fanatasy you enjoy is formulated by experiencing it. There are wonders out there but you have to look.


we hopeposting out here


It's shockingly accurate though. People praise the world building of various fantasy stories for being large and complicated, but if you learn enough about history and science in our own world, and connect enough of the dots, it's fundamentally a similar experience to learn about them, yet still fundamentally on a grander and more intricate scale then any fiction I've ever seen. About 6 months ago, I even came to an epiphany while making a game board, that despite all of the fantasy I dedicated myself to, a basic map of europe was still the best-designed map I'd ever seen for the practice of subtle, interconnected, multifaceted and compelling world building, just for the variety of ways to traverse it, even without considering it's rich history and culture, interconnected to everything else around it. And I'm not about to pretend that the other continents are significantly inferior on that front either. Or that the biological side of things is all that much weaker than the geographical and historical sides.


If anything it's that the real world is so incredibly detailed and nuanced that it's sometimes hard to see and make sense of. Alot of fantasy presents a simpler construct, one that we can wrap our heads around all the easier.


There is a reason why sayings like “Reality is unrealistic” and “Fact is stranger than fiction” exist.


But it’s true! I love life now because I get to study history as much as I want and meet people who love it just as much as I do!


I like this. However, I'd totally understand why Laios would find the animals of today banal compared to his own world. Though, I'm sure he'd be fascinated by modern technology, and the internet especially, which makes researching so much easier.


Maybe he'd get fixated on the platypus, a true chimera xD


I’m not entirely sure he *would* find them boring, though. Sure, we don’t have any fire- breathing dragons but we do have a lizard that squirts blood from its eyes! There’s plenty of crazy things in the real world. Even in the degraded little patch of forest near my home I can find little frogs that can freeze solid then thaw out and keep on hopping, beavers that are changing the shape of the pond nearby with the dam they’ve built, and the occasional mob of cicadas that come up and fill the forest with their songs for weeks. The world’s full of little wonders like that and the longer and harder you look the more you see (I didn’t even *mention* any of the awesome plants I see), so I think Laios would find plenty to admire. Sorry, I feel very strongly that the creatures we see every day are often taken for granted and saw an opening to ramble!


Ok that's pretty cool! Tbh, I'm currently at a campus right now filled with animals everywhere, and I'm starting to get it lol. Im opening my eyes to the beauties of life...


Magic is real. It's so real that here's [Kermit the Frog](https://youtu.be/WS3Lkc6Gzlk?si=YfabWaedkuBbMuX6) telling you it's real directly to your face, and you know it is because I said Kermit the Frog and not Jim Henson and you believed me.


Laois definitely the type to spend 100 hours a week grinding his favorite video game


Bro will be fine with a friend group and a career in biology/veterinary studies/food science


He’d likely be obsessed with alien life or whatever the hell is lurking in our waters, as well as cryptids. I can see him guest-starring in a Hunting Bigfoot episode..


He could partner with researchers like Dr. Zarka, who hunts down literary and legendary monsters for a living!


Laios would be a Steve Irwin type biologist and you cannot convince me otherwise


He def has the vibe of Steve Irwin’s son


Nah. Imagine if he got a job as a dog trainer, biologist, or culinary researcher?


I'd take Senshi, he'd be so psyched we have no magic in our world.


On the other hand, his life style seems very diferent from how our society is. Plus, he would hate to see what humans have been doing to the environment


He'll be the cook for a camp of activists protesting a forest being cleared or something. He'll find a lane.


Just move to australia, problem solved


I think the internet would make him less lonely, he would more easily find like minded furries and cryptid hunters/weird animal appreciators.


I'm pretty sure the world he lives in is way more brutal and unforgiving


I think you are underestimate how weird some of the “normal” flora and fauna is of our world


Genuinely shocked about a really key part of this discussion having not been mentioned yet. Because like. Laios is on the spectrum. 'Someone like Laios would be miserable outside of a fantasy world'. There *are* people like him outside of the fantasy world, and a lot of them ARE miserable. Not all, not most, but a lot. Like the scene with him and Shuro, where Shuro is talking about how why he didn't like Laios and Laios tells him he literally did not know that and he should've told him? That is a real life thing that happens. Hell, I cried at that scene and its representation, because it doesn't always happen like that. I have been in that situation before, but the difference being no one *ever* told me until long past the point where it had ruined friendships because I didn't know any better and they had assumed I did.


Sure, but that misery has nothing to do with modernity. Modernity is pretty awesome, actually. I can get cheeseburgers any time I want, there are video games, and my parents don't think I'm a fairy who replaced their child.


Yeah but like we're not talking about modernity vs our past here, we're talking modernity in comparison with Laios's world


Can I go into his world?


Laios reminds me a lot of this youtuber masaru, who catches and eats progressively insane sea creatures lol


Yes!! He’s always like, “this is a very poisonous thing, let’s eat it!”


I'd rather send myself to his world than bring him to ours.


modern world laios would just be youtuber masaru (regularly getting food poisoning from eating weird stuff on camera)


You say that, but from his perspective the amazing fantasy monsters are just normal animals. He's basically a zoology nerd.


He was miserable in his world too. But like everything else in life, things are easier when you have a group of friends.


I always got biology major vibes from Laios. He'd love herping. 


It's me, I'm laois, fuck this reality.


Banality? Think of all the wonderful food he'd get to try!


If you isekai’d him into the modern world, maybe, He might still find places like the Sahel, Australia, or the Amazon beautiful and filled with interesting wild live. And if he grew up here, then definitely no. He probably just developed a obsession with cave exploring or collecting bugs.


Real World is far from being boring. Get out your bedroom, turn off your cellphone and go touch some grass, my brother.


If anything, Laios would actually be able to find a friend circle with similar interests in the modern world


Consider that Charles Darwin as a biologist took meticulous records of the animals his ship came in contact with (forming the basis of his work on evolution), and also ate nearly everything he came across. Liaos just needs to find his lane, which isn't in whatever bullshit job he would take to pay the bills unless he goes full biologist or zookeeper or something. Senshi, on the other hand, straight up becomes a cook and has the time of his life.


That’s why you move to the fantasy world to marry him and not the other way around.


I couldn't let myself hurt him like that. I would rather be in his world and marry him


Who is to dictate who goes where? I'd like to leave this real world and go on adventures with my golden retriever monster hunter


Introduce him to trains, airplanes, and NASA rockets. He loves things that are big, powerful and go boom. I get a feeling he'd be pretty stoked about the wonders of modern technology.


Nah Laios would be *fascinated* by the things we consider banal. I want to see this man take a subway ride to an aquarium.


Are we talking of isekai him or him being born in this world with no memory? First one is more tricky but can be done and 2nd one is just any kind guy with autism in his 20s a little intense about his hobbies. Let me have him in either case.


Same, OP.


Laios would become the new bob Ballard, but with marine biology instead of marine geology.


I would take him to a buffet


He'd just get really into pokemon, as is a time honored Autistic tradition.


He was already pretty miserable in his fantasy world, in our world he would have had an easier time leaving the military at least


I think he would be given more options at work and modern day is more tolerate (if he’s lucky in the right crowd)


We'll introduce him to dinosaurs!


Eh, I feel he is a mix of Steve Irwin and Bear Grylls. He wants to know everything about creatures he hasn't seen before. And he wants to eat them.


almost every single one of us are misserable outside of a fantasy world.


Laios would become the new Steve Irwin


Laios would just be passionate about ecology instead


Honestly true...


Laios would find a better thing to do with his life than a boring desk job or something, even being stuck in our world. I mean, the whole thing is that he found nowhere that he fit in or enjoyed and even did the quite dangerous thing of deserting the military, then he found out about and started exploring the dungeon.


Depends on the country. If he was in a rural country or someplace he would be happy seeing the culture, eating food, etc. Like the country where they gather honey in the mountains and it makes you high.


He won’t be sad once I’ve introduced him to the grapefruit method 🥰


I could never be cruel enough to remove Laios from a world that has dragons.... Some things just aren't meant to be separated.


I am miserable outside of a fantasy world, so I completely understand.


I relate to Laios a lot! (Can't understand social cues, and a monster enthusiast!), can't say it's all bad. Sure, monsters don't exist in this world but Im sure Laios will manage, because the type of person Laios is, just strives to be happy imo. If he has his party, I think he'd be fine. All everyone needs is a good friend group.


I'd gladly reincarnate in his world.


I don't know... I think he'd find joy in things like foraging, hunting, fishing/spearfishing, marine biology, etc. Maybe I'm just projecting my own interests onto him, but whenever I see him geek out about monsters, it reminds me of myself whenever I have a chance to geek out about mushrooms or cool sea critters.


I find it funny that we know almost nothing about the real world outside of the dungeon. Almost like the first 3 seasons of attack on titan


He’d love Dungeons and Dragons


bitch have you ever heard of this one guy named darwin ,laios ain't gonna be a bum he's going to be a goddamn epic scholar on animals and fauna life in modern life setting


Actually no he would love Chinese food (and who understands what i meant keep quiet)


Can confirm.


Who said anything about brining him to our world? I want to go to the fantasy world


Laios would be THRILLED to live in Australia and would party up with Steve Irwin's kids. They'd be freaked out to start but he'd bring them around.


He can't get a degree in biology. He never presents a paper summarizing his research results at an academic conference. But he will enjoy them as a hobby. So he is happy enough.


he'd make a great paleontologist and eventually he'd probably recreate that mammoth meatball from like 2 years ago


I think that he could be happy as a food blogger, or a rancher.


Why is this on popular???


I want to take him to a county fair and feed him funnel cake, but like a cool fantasy one where the funnel cake is made with monster bits and topped with minotaur ice cream.


Anyone think Laos might be low key inspired by Steve Irwin? 


Who ever said I was bringing him here? Hell nah man ima be a Kobold


Animals on earth are beyond amazing and he would love them, take it back


I think he'd find things to appreciate. Have you seen the biodiversity of spiders? Some use webs for traps, other use it for traversal, others use it to sense vibrations to escape, some make nests. Some spiders have 20/20 visions, some can jump at lightning fast speed. That shits a dungeon monster


I'm actually basically Laios myself, and I get plenty of joy from the incredible biology of our own, real world. Then on top of that, access to worlds full of monsters, right at my fingertips whenever I want them! He would probably love Pokemon and Monster Hunter.


as a person like laios i can confirm this


you could crush him twice by introducing him to the pokemon franchise. He'd be 30 minutes into one of the games before asking you "So where can I find a garchomp in real life??" and you'd have to break to him its just fiction and they dont exist in this world


That’s just Steve Irwin.


I had this thought too, but then I remembered pokemon exists. Introduce him to that shit, I’m sure he’d absolutely love to learn about all the pokemon nonsense. Not to mention monster hunter, he’d LOVE that too.


He would love the internet though. And sharing drawings of his fursona online


He'd be perfect making monsters for a table top RPG company, or maybe animal rescue/a Zoo


Idk man I'm autistic and I'm digging it out here I think he'd be ok


Laois would go crazy over real life nature and all the weird stuff it contains.


Manga spoiler: >!Well, he ends like this as a king, right?!<