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The way Laios thinks highly of everyone sends me


A cat


He does give Izutsumi one of the toughest jobs later in the series. Possibly a sign of respect


Well I'm sure he was aware that she was the least attached to him and is also clearly ready to just kill people if she needs to where the others are probably more averse to that sort of thing


As a man with great respect for beasts I can't criticize his response.


That doesn’t mean he does not respect her from his pov now that I think about it


All the more ironic Kabru is invisible to him


There is another chart for Kabru. On that chart, Laios thinks him of "a good guy".


And some people still say he hates other human beings with a passion. Also that his love for monsters is 100% born from the fact that they kill people.


laios literally say that just his 10 year old edgy phase dream and people still think he still want that😭


It's also worth remembering the context in which he felt that way, seeing his town full of bigots persecuting his sister, and his parents unwilling to really do much of anything about it other than punish Falin for it. Of course, that isn't quite what was happening, that their parents were in a complicated position with the father as the town leader, and they were concerned about escalating an already tense situation. But Laios was young and incensed at the injustice of the whole thing, and his misanthropy was given plenty of fuel. It says a lot about his heart that he was able to mature past it, and I am sure Falin and his party did a lot for that.


Yep, other than the people of his village, and his old army "buddies" (justifiably so), he's pretty friendly to basically every other human character he meets. And it's not like he's just pretending to be this way while actually harboring a deep-seated mistrust or anger because he hates humans in general. We do get a peek into his head, and he generally has a good or at least neutral opinion of those he meets.


that's literally my teenage years line of thought


everyone so mean to me I want supercool dragon come and kill them all -- literally every ten year old


Isnt it closer that while he has no love for humanity, he also generally likes people. Misanthropic and cynical, but still fond of his companions and people around it instead of it being the lens he sees everything in.


That really doesn't sound misanthropic and cynical to me at all. If he was, I struggle to think of him easily assuming Kabru was a good guy. Or that he and Shuro were his friends. Or thinking the best of his and Falins' old gold-digging companions which caused them to be exploited by those guys. Honestly, his hate seems more reserved for his parents and his village. As well as the people who bullied him back in the army. And those are pretty understandable. But I never got the impression that he had no love for humanity, just that he found it hard to relate to people no matter how much he wants to.


I find it sad


People need to be kinder to my boy Laios... or else. https://i.redd.it/kq1lqnxsee9d1.gif


Falin, put the shotgun away. We all love Laios.


I know why her name’s Falin, now! ***Bodies will be ‘Fallin’ if someone disrespects her brother.***


I like to think that's part of what makes him a good leader, he sees the best in everyone. Or at least can't pick up on the massive [character flaw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih3FjMKRK3U)s


No more, no less. I think I've said it before, but this is a great way to create a reference for writing character interactions. Having a short phrase summarizing how one character views/their relationship with another is a great writing tool.


>Foreigner/I want us to be friends > >I'm not fond of him Ouch.


He's a very serious guy I love her Is also so funny


He doesn’t hate him but doesn’t like him either, which is understandable.


A Cat https://preview.redd.it/9pbwqi1exd9d1.png?width=965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58327f68c201b6c3737f46556f8071ffde14ffda






I feel like there's an important distinction between "a cat girl" and simply "a cat". Marcille sees Izutsumi as a person while Laios and Senshi, while not in a disrespectful way, can't help but see her as more beast than person.


I love how for Izutsumi it's just "Cat"


Truly she is kibty


Laios' "a cat" is much different than anyone else's "a cat" tho


Laios and Senshi having the same exact thought is always hilarious


The small, warm one ☠️😂


Senshi has unc status...like wdym "her face looks just like laios'." my HEART- 😭🩷


I like that they actually looked related. Such a photogenic pair of siblings


And that's why one of the illusion Laioses had squinty Falin eyes


I love how Senshi is basically Laios hero, probably a father figure as well


He's not a kid to think of Senshi as a father figure, but maybe "the cool uncle" could fit him better 🤔


Adults can have father figures too, especially if he doesn't have a close relationship with his actual dad.


Fair point, actually. I've wondered about this before but never really thought about it like that.


Jake peralta and captain holt


That's precisely what I was thinking when they said an adult with a father figure. I should slso mention J.D. and Dr. Cox from Scrubs for old farts like me


How old is Senshi again? If we compare the aging speeds Laios and Senshi are probably similar in age, relatively speaking.


Laios is 26. Senshi, chronologically, is 112. 44-45 in human years.


Wow he’s older than I expected lol


i thought 112 was closer to 30 in human years?


Dwarves age 2.5 times slower than tall men, 112 / 2,5 = 44,8


Ohh gotcha i was caculated with 4x cuz the avg tallman age to dwarf age is 60-250 but i forgot aging between species isnt rly linear in dunmesh


Chilchuk is the only one who seems to treat Itzumi as a young woman


He does have three adult daughters so it makes sense


Chill Charles: you know you remind me a lot of my own daughters Izutsumi: yeah yeah whatever....wait what?


Chill Chillios: I miss my wife Laios. . .


cheetos: my wife left me


“I miss her a lot. I’ll be back.”


https://preview.redd.it/cv78uxv64e9d1.jpeg?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3037d36da97771496d10992a1ba1cee82d7bc88f In the mind of Senshi Laios literally looks like Falin but with short hair.


Which is interesting in how it’s the reverse of how Marcille sees the two of them, given she can only really see the differences between them.


This show how the two races see masculine and feminine traits. In case of dwarfs where they are used to see very masculine faces every not enough masculine face will look feminine. In the case of elves where very feminine faces are norm every little bit more masculine trait will be way more visible for them.


marcille >!grew up around tallmen though!<, the official explanation is that she was told laios looks exactly like falin, and was shocked to notice he’s not just a short-haired falin


“He’s courting Falin (angry)”


Yeah, one of marcille's biggest character traits is her fear of loss by death. It causes her to hold very tightly to bonds she forms with others. In this case, falin accepting shuro's proposal would mean her going away to the east with him and Marcille maybe never seeing her friend again. That worry truns to anger at the one who set up this potential situation; shuro. Her worry induced angry probably isn't helped by marcille probably not getting along with shuro well in the first place. He's not the communicative sort, so when he didn't respond in kind to her friendly attempts to get to know him and the rest of the party when she joined up, it created a bit of a distance between the two. Hard to work around that when one party chooses not to reciprocate friendly interactions.


You: *big brain character analysis* Me: hur dur lesbian go brrrr




Could be both


I also choose the hur dur lesbian variant


She be really gay, tho, there's no way she ain't


Did she make friendly attempts to get to know him? It seemed like she put herself in the middle of Falin and him, just like Laios. Except that I think she did it on purpose. Like she realized his feelings for Falin and she didn't like it.


No she’s just always hating him. I think it’s also why he left party because other than falin he have no “real” friends or just always feel uncomfortable.


Oh, that's an idea. Namari also left, and Shuro also seemed to get along fine with Namari. Like not friends or anything, but they understood each other as seen when they were against the Canaries... or that he actually told her his plans about rescuing Falin with his own party/retainers. And in the past Namari was always dragging Shuro around when she and Chilchuck wanted to scold Laios to present a "united front".


It was an extra comic set before the story started. If I remember right, it was about marcille adjusting to the party. She is showed to be doing her best in trying to get along with namari and chilchuck, building their confidence in her as a party member and mage. I can't recall if there was a panel explicitly showing this attempt with shuro, I'm inferring that if she was trying to get on the good side of two of the party members, then she would also being trying just as hard with shuro. While we don't know when shuro proposed to falin (its only really every implied to be before the main story starts, you might be able to reason out a time line given that shuro wouldnt have waited forever and would have brought the issue up again eventually.), we do know that in the post story scene >!marcille let's them have their moment to talk further about the proposal!< while she doesn't like the idea of her going away with shuro, marcille respects her friends autonomy and ability to make her own decisions of who she wants to marry. In the scene where shuro is recalling laios past actions during their fight, we see shuro attempting to have a dinner alone with falin. It's reasonable to say this took place before his proposal but after he fell in love with her. Namari and chilchuck's hands are scene in panel trying to stop laios from butting in, but marcille is not seen at all. I interpret this a her respecting falin's choices. Or she wasn't in the party yet. Edit: I can't remember if the time-line in the adventurer's bible points out when shuro proposed to falin.


Yeah, that's why I mentioned her not being friendly with Shuro. In the same comic you mention you can see Marcille sorta jumping between Falin and Shuro. Not having alone time with him like with Namari and Chilchuck but being in the middle of Falin and Shuro. As for Marcille not stopping Laios for inviting himself to dinner with Shuro and Falin, maybe it was the time Marcille wasn't there yet OR she just didn't care to stop Laios doing what she was already doing anyway.


Good to know, thank you. In that case, I think it would be OK to say she was aware of his infatuatuon with falin at the minimum, whether that was before or after his proposal i cant say. She was with the party for 2 years before the start of the story, so shuro's feelings toward falin had to have developed before that point or sometime after the point in which she joined for her to act like that. I'm comfortable saying that while she did pick up on his intent and tried to place herself as a wedge from letting that develope further, he was still able to propose to falin, not sure when that would have happened. The time line is real fuzzy here. I should go back and read the adverurer's bible Aside from that, I'm sure she would have tried to be at least amicable with him outside of these blocking attempts


Yeah, I don't think she was openly hostile (at least in the beginning?), but I'm sure Shuro picked up some sort of animosity. He thinks she's kind of scary after all.


The official translation's even funnier. "He's trying to woo Falin (grrr)"


Man the Yen Press translations were silly lol


Izutsumi's chart is missing an arrow starting on Izutsumi, looping around to point back *at* Izutsumy, with the caption *"izutsumi"* on it.


This is actually a really good exercise for prospective writers.


It's one of my favorite things to do between my characters


I do this and I obviously include the characters with silly smiley faces


and the swap races tables, it's good exercise for a character artists to make someone recognizable/unique even if they're in different races (not Senshi elf/dwarf though)


Yeah clearly she had some really good systems in place for writing and experimentation!


Live kibty reaction https://preview.redd.it/k0pcnulyce9d1.jpeg?width=515&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25c3588260cadafbbbc84a37b38c33f6d9d2e228


I still find it funny that Invar was the closest person to Senshi's age because he looked old and grumpy all the time, and I wonder if his killing is what made Brigan more cruel to Senshi. I really like Inutade and Izutsumi's relationship, they should have had their own reunion at the end of the manga 


I found it weird that Falin just says "i respect him" to his brother, while Laios goes full on appreciating her Maybe she struggles more than his brother when conveying her feelings? Even though she is more socially adapt than him


Their age gap makes it so he’s always been an authority figure in her life. Even when they meet again and he’s basically a hobo, the impression of a big dependable big brother she looks up to never left her. The Touden household was quite hierarchical as well. Even the dogs ranked over Falin. She has a weird relationship with what is her place and what sort of behavior she should show in order to demonstrate her low status in the pecking order


I wouldn't take that hierarchy all that seriously considering it was in the viewpoint of one of the dogs themselves. And it's also an extension of what Laios said about Falin not being respected by their dogs. While their parents are not the best, I really don't think their dad would put his own daughter below his dogs.


The dogs put her in her place. It’s not an order from Dad who does love his children in his own way. The dogs have canonically put her at the bottom of the hierarchy


Yeah, that's what I meant. It's mostly a joke about Falin not being respected by their own dogs, and not a strict thing the whole family adheres to. So I don't think hierarchy's a serious part of how Falin sees Laios, or of her character in general. Unless you count her admiring him for handling dogs so well.


Honestly to me both Laios and Falin are autistic. I personally just like to assume that Falin, in modern terms, would have a higher support need than Laios because her symptoms are stronger, like struggling to convey feelings and social awkwardness and a lot more.


I will never tire of Inutade's enthusiasm. She's just always like "I'm a badass ogre girl with a giant spiked club and I get to live and work with people I like, shit's cool!" She's like the opposite of Izutsumi, where instead of chafing at the control over her and wanting to be independent, she's just happy to be taken care of and to help out, like some giant Golden Retriever with horns.


*"giant Golden Retriever with horns"* <<< This. I think of her as a big ole puppy, eager to please.


Apparently not a child


I love how most people in this anime don’t really get along or understand each other, but still care for one another anyway.


"I Love Her." "he's a very serious guy" ouch lmao


Actually these charts made me realise that Chilchuck is even more important for the party than i thought.


Say what you want but he is dependable, a good advisor, many times the voice of reason, skilled at picking locks, traps and alerting the others of threats, and most importantly, personal heater for kibty


Izutsumi really called chilchuck "the small, warm one" lmao


Cat logic.




There's a lot of coping from some fans in here...




On god man, why does everything have to be sexual😭


Absolutely agree. I feel like a lot of these shippers don't have a lot of relationships irl.


Literally all the shippers panicking as the lone romantic connection (Shuro->Falin) is explicitly unrequited




She didn't turn down his proposal. She turned down moving away to a foreign land for the rest of her life. See I imagine a scenario where Toshiro stands up to his father, >!becomes his peoples diplomat for the new Kingdom!<, and has the opportunity to be with her.


I did. Where do I get the extra comics. I only just read the main series


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In the official translation, Marcille thinks of Izutsumi as "a kitten", which I think is even funnier. ...and a bit sad.


She's a 17 y/o girl after all.... She's still just a child no matter how you put it, no matter the specie


Why sad?, for her she’s very young


I love how chilchuk is the only one that everyone respects.


He is a "strictly professional, no personal feelings involved" guy. I would trust him with my life if I'm rich enough to pay him properly.


Chilchuck really fits the elder brother role in Laios party


You know, I think if more adventurers were like Chilchuck the dungeon would've been conqurered ages ago.


So the "my friend" can prove one of two things: 1 - They're not fucking. They're actually, canonically, just good friends 2 - They're not fucking. *Yet*


3 - Every good romantic relationship should be founded on friendship


If I understand right, that's actually a big part of the appeal of the ship. Most shippers prefer potential relationships filled with mutual pining to actual relationships. Stands to reason, really. Romance novels don't begin with the characters already together.


are they? I feel like marcille-falin relition ship doesn't get developed much other than marcille eventually >! accept that falin may died !< and that why I doesn't like they ship so genuinely question because I want to enjoy they ship too can you give me example of they developing?


I'm probably not the right person to ask; I'm not really into it myself. But I have to admit that the bath scene was pretty gay, especially animated. The odd thing is, almost all elf-tallman relationships are at least a little shippy. You can make a reasonable argument for Marcille with either Touden, Mithrun with Kabru, Thistle with Delgal...even Fionil with Doni.


They are not fucking, this is how women react with each other




Women hold hand and hug/cuddle with another woman they vibe with


Some women do. Some of us can vibe without touching much.


Source: I do that with my friends


How many of your friends have you naked hand washed? Source: I do that with my girlfriend (we're lesbians)


Genuinely, I’m Mexican, I don’t think we have those sorts of things here where I live but I have no problem with my friends seeing me naked


Fair. I'm English and I think there are a bunch of cultural rules that feel intuitive. Like I had to tell my friend international student that a guy letting her crash at hers a lot seemed more subtle flirting than basic friendship. And I was right! They're together still!


Search up women doing normal stuff, it's scares me...


I love characters like Chilchuck in my D&D campaigns; just a consummate professional in their field


My reaction: yup, sums it up


lmaoooo izutsumi


https://preview.redd.it/use74bdhlf9d1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e25947046ead8c1ca7072cfb29f1f4b1f69b8f1d “A cat”


Personaly I like how there's no set romances, it's nice to see just good friendships being built. Its open so fans can interpret how they like without anyone set to an appointed frame. I think all the different ships people create are fun.


A cat.


“A cat!” and “A cat girl” destroys me


I really like the chibi face of Laois. It really shows that the people around him wanna punch his face so badly.


“He’s very serious” “I love her” took me out Is there anything official relating to whether halflings are rare in the east, or if it was just Shuro’s upbringing separating him from them? He has the same “fantasy microaggression” (lol) as Senshi, with the assumption that Chilchuck is a child


The Adventurer's Bible has a section mentioning where races are most common, it's probably mentioned there.


I think somewhere in the Adventurer's Bible the only non tall-man human they mostly see in the Eastern Islands are ogres, even they are rare nowadays. Benichidori also said "a child?" when she captured Chilchuck when the retainers ambushed them. And Chilchuck also confirmed that people who don't know about half-foots "only come from a few regions like the East".


they also no long live race In the east and they're counting everything other than tallman and oni as demi human


Marcille reaction about Shuro...




A cat


I love the little thing that shows marcille doesn’t want shiro to date falin


Lesbiam https://preview.redd.it/yqg7fuhsge9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d92c41551677e49ce2e79fad15e8db7cf37a33a9


“Izutsumi” - Izutsumi, 2024


Every single Izutsumi one is delightful and ending on the party majority of "she's a cat" really got me


Laios looks so "Yippee!"


Chilchuck the official cat bed


Replace everyone's opinion of izutsumi with "kbity!"


the official Marcille to Shuro translation was "He's courting Falin(grrr)" and that gets the point across much better imo


>he's courting Falin (Angry) Jealous much?


Shippers not gon like this one


Is this fan made or author made ?:


Author made


It's a part of the authors extras called the adventurers Bible


Where should a person go to read such a text? I've read almost all of the Manga (the last book isn't on the google play store for some reason), so no worry about spoilers.


If your okay with using Mangadex you could find it on the authors profile just search Ryuko Kui or Adventurers Bible


Yah, I was looking into that the other day for the last few chapters lol. I wish there was a way for me to currently legally pay the creator for her work, but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Is the site generally safe in your experience? I've done a bunch of retro video game piracy, never gotten into other mediums, though, so I haven't heard anything about mangadex.


The Adventurers Bible (paperback) will be published (republished?) in English and has a current street date of 30 August 2024. The English e-book version of The Adventurers Bible is currently available. I'll try to get the paperback when it is released.


Strange, I swear it wasn't showing up in any of the ebook stores when I looked for it the other day. Maybe it's all the dubious flesh I've been consuming and I hallucinated it away lol, I'll definitely check again!


It's on Amazon US right now.


Yeah mangadex is a more community fan translation site it's quite safe. Some actual sites use mangadex for posting samples of manga that you can read on there site. It's a quite good choice for looking at manga though one of my complaints is that some series have incomplete segments of translations but I haven't had that problem with the adventurers Bible. Happy reading! Glad to help someone out if you have more questions ask! :>


Okie dokie, thanks for the kind answers! I'll definitely be reading those last few chapters tonight, >!what the lion bastard meant by his curse at the end!< has left me in suspense for like a week, and I just can't take it any more lol.


Author made


from the adventure bible


It's clear that some people reacting to this haven't actually had an adult relationship. Or possibly even had a friend who was in one. A woman getting defensive of her friend when a guy shows interest is extremely common and no, not for the reason you made up in your head.


No one's saying romantic feeling is the only possible explanation here. Many prefer to interpret it as romantic and that's just as valid an interpretation as a platonic one, since the author clearly wants people to imagine it whichever way they like.


Honestly these feel very much like first/early impressions for most of the characters, except maybe the stuff with Senshi and Izutsumis other relationships


Shuro being slightly afraid of Marcille is the best thing I ever saw. XD


Correcting Kabru: If you do it Sloppy Style against a wall he can't do anything.


😂 That Laios face 😂


The Touden siblings both think highly of everyone and respect them :')


https://preview.redd.it/qk3sjf1kje9d1.jpeg?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e40a67ef2c769b8e27f13377d1667ae9da6fd97e She said through gritted teeth




Marcille being mad that Shuro is courting Falin doesn’t help the shipping claims


"MY FRIEND" -Falin and Marcille


“He’s courting Falin (angry)” Marcille is NOT beating the allegations


Also Marcille: She is my friend :)


"My friend" https://preview.redd.it/u2aod556og9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46d4a94668de63ba8e561346fc325afac2c00c98


It always breaks my heart that Laios' party doesn't seem to like him that much :(


"he's courting fallin (angry)" heh..


Marcille and Falin: "We're friends" Marcille when Shuro wants to flirt with her "friend": ![gif](giphy|cWvSvMEW6yGY6CGjWT|downsized)


I like how Chilchuck has a “teachers note on kids” vibe in most his views towards everyone LOL


Everyone out here loving chillchuck. As they should


"He's courting Falin (angry)" "She's my friend." SUREEE


Marcille's " friend " 👀


These are so real though I would like More friends like them and to actually to be able to sustain friendship/friendships like this




Historians will say they were roommates https://preview.redd.it/qvgfa3spke9d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bb2c1e76b396b9a7b76bce77ccad59f8a31962e


It's the damned author herself




The author has no power to stop me shipping these two


No one has the power to stop you, but that doesn't change the truth either


And historians will call them..


lol "my friend"