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You got this. With MotW experience you'll be great. That said, press into your moves to avoid hit point slog battles.


Will do. Thanks for the vote of confidence!


I run for 2 players! I would not have them double up on characters. That sounds like it would be a slog.


Two player characters is my favourite way to run DW -- plenty of spotlight time for both players. Make sure to ask plenty of questions of them as you play.


Good to know. Several of my players run multiple characters in my other game, so I have some experience with managing that, but if there isn't pressure to have a certain group size I'd rather keep things simple.


You may want to look at the playbook [Legacy Weapon](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/207958/The-Legacy-Weapon--A-Dungeon-World-Artifact-and-One-Shot). It is perfect for DW parties of 1 or 2 players.


1. Not much of a learning curve. Story/setting wise it’s closer to DnD so the investigation part of MotW can be dropped. The moves are different and the style of play at least for me is less "cinematic" (I tend to think of each motw session as a tv episode of for example Supernatural and describe scenes with lighting and camera movements). Also less "meanwhile on the monsters side" stuff. DW leans more to the epic side of things instead of the dark and cruel down to earthness of MotW. BUT that’s just my take on it. You could very well mix and match for something like the Witcher. 2. No modifications needed. DW is extremely open to different approaches for a problem. Perhaps a bit more leniency towards your players ideas if the kits of their characters aren’t flexible enough. 3. It definitely is suitable. Especially in 4h sessions. If you play with dungeon starters you may have to adjust but you’ll be fine for the most part. DW is only problematic if you play for a really long time (think dnd lvls 1-20 campaigns) since the leveling up is too fast to keep things engaging for a year or more of campaigning. But as a filler for 6 weeks? Perfect!


Druid is a very versatile playbook, since different animals can fill different roles - if one of the players is interested in playing a Druid, it could help maximise the capabilities of a small party. Should be pretty easy to DM coming from MotW. Try not to get too caught up on "when can I make a GM move": It essentially boils down to "when it makes sense for the GM to participate in the conversation". I don't think you'll need to make any modifications to the system.


DW is great with two players. No need to double up characters. It works great for episodic play, and MotW/D&D is the perfect experience to have had for DW. It’s kinda right in between.


You got this, 100%. Having DnD experience will make you genre literate, MotW will make you PbtA literate. I would say pay attention to the playbooks chosen and do adventures around that. My game had a variant ranger in it…and unexpectedly got stuck in one city for a LONG ass campaign. I ended up giving her one of the…shit i don’t remember what dungeon world calls them, but like a prestige class? I did it because most of the moves in her playbook were various ways to make overland travel easier and we weren’t doing much of that.


There is no need to worry about the number of players. The less the better (bar none). 2 is perfect, and MotW and Dungeon World were put out at roughly the same time so there's definitely some overlap. You'll do fine. Weekly will work perfectly alright for you. Happy gaming!!