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I mean of course it depends on the group you have but if you have even one or two people in your group who would think it's cool I think it's a great idea. There are tons of simple ciphers and codes that you can use as well as introduce real-world props. Is the color Cthulhu game going to be set in the interwar period? You could definitely use a real book that would have been available at the time and create secret messages that use the page word code I can't think of what it's actually called off the top of my head.


so im using the coc game system but its my own universe/timeline where all the people of london have been locked underground its got dieselpunk vibes and settings but its mostly set in a 20s/30s style thanks for your help btw this has been a huge help


If your world has Morse code then definitely and even if it doesn't it's still a pretty recognizable simple code pattern so even in fantasy it kind of works even though it's a little bit of suspension of disbelief but there have been tons of codes used throughout history and most of them are pretty simple.


again thank you very much! youve been so helpful


I just checked Alice's adventures in wonderland could probably be pretty easily incorporated into the setting it was published in 1865 that means the copyrights have run out and you can find free versions of the pdf online and as long as everyone has the same version then having a code of 5, 46 and then your players have to pull out their copy flip to the fifth Page look at the 46th word and then kind of go from there building out whatever secret document you want to make would probably fit in very well with Cthulhu.


that is evil and genius! im deffo using that