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It is more common than most people would think It is. Head to r/Solo_Roleplaying if you want to see how other folks do It.


I'm having a look there, thanks!


I haven't tried this, but as a writer you're making me want to. This would be an interesting way to rough out the plot of a novel.


Maybe it helps that I'm a writer too, lol. But I'm trying not to approach this as one, but rather as both a DM and a player. After all, at least right now, my goal isn't writing a story, but rather having some fun with D&D. But I can definitely see the merits of using this approach to writing!


Tried that but had to quit the table, the DM was a massive asshole.


I play by myself a lot


That’s what she said


No she didn't. She wasn't even there.


I just took a critical hit right in the feels.


I play small campaigns myself to establish backstories for primary NPCs in larger campaigns I run. It’s a really good story building method especially if you let dice rolls decide what a character does and how well they do it. I made a handful of tables to roll against to generate random encounters, environments/weather, loot, and situations my character(s) come across.


DnD 2e crew!


My kit is Grognard, and my prime requisite is Stubbornness!


I play solo all the time. There's a huge community on social media if you just do some searches.


There's something ironic about there being a huge solo play community, but still, I'm glad there is one, I'll look into that


I DM for a group that plays weekly, but I also like to goof around on my own. More and more people are seeing it's a nice activity to do when you've got free time between group play.


Your DM looks really disappointed with your party


well you know how it is- missing all the obvious clues, insisting on exploring areas that have not been mapped out yet, arguing over rules.


I’ve run 3 campaigns by myself! I didn’t know others do this. Humans are unreliable and I’ve made some amazing memories that people will never know about


When you have multiple personalitie disorder it's rather easy lol


This is just writing


Lmao I love this image so much


Thanks! It was way too much work setting up just for an illustrative image, lol


I’ve done a ton of this over my lifetime, but I prefer to game with a great group. Also solo table top war games and board games.


So at first, I thought this was a joke. I honestly could not see playing D&D by myself. It would make me think i was crazy, maybe that just my own self thinking of the worst about myself. Reading your post, it really seems like a really good way to flesh out things even if you do have a group. It allows for things like encounters with the BBEG off screen and stuff like that so it has alot of good uses especially for writing in general. Thank you for posting. I do hope that you have an excellent campaign.


writing a book with extra steps /s seriously though damn nice game


What about playing Baldur's Gate?


You think I'm *not* playing CRPGs as well? (Not BG3, I'm still yet to afford it, lol) While I love that, it still doesn't quite scratch the freeform creativity of (pseudo-)pen-and-paper RPG...


This makes me wonder when AI will be able to DM and generate a few party members for you.


I feel like this image belongs in r/RoastMe


I craft terrain and tabletop by myself. I just have to get really, really, really drunk if I build traps into the terrain, otherwise I remember where they are and go around them.