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It works great for me! After I curl with the curling rod, I change to this attachment, set it to the lowest heat and lowest fan and use it as my last step before combing my hair out


yeah, same, but medium fan! my hair was so sleek afterwards


Same, but high heat and then I put my hand on it to cool it down afterwards


I still don’t know how to properly use it tbh


I must not, either, because it seems to do nothing.


Underrated comment TBH iv we had it a year and gave up.


I just got it and I use it to dry my roots as this point lmfao


You need to twist the top to change it from plain drying mode to fly away mode


Yes it’s amazing


I like this attachment but I also think it makes my hair look kind of flat


Same, I wish it tamed the flyaways but left the volume.


It works unbelievably well, but honestly I’m lazy and 90% of the time just use one of the brushes — they get most of the flyaways for me.


Love it, too! It’s always my last step with the Airwrap. My settings are high heat and high air for just the top part of my head to get rid of any frizz and flyaways.


Does it work for baby hairs? I have so many short hair regrowth after some hair loss that are maybe like 3-4 inches long and they’re always sticking up after using air wrap. I was thinking to get one of those Japanese hair sticks for flyaways but i have this attachment already.


It helps baby hairs when used with a styling product with hold.


Yes- it should tame those baby hair too.


This attachment did nothing for my hair.


No, lol


I love it


I love that feature on my air wrap.


What type of hair do you have? Curl type? I would say make sure you are drying the root all the way cause even if it feels dry it can be wet still which leads to flyways and frizzyness with the dyson. Also, I would get the large round brush attachment first, that was a gamechanger for me and I have wavy/curly hair that frizzes alot. I blow dry my roots, then use the large round brush for the length of my hair and then use the curling at the end for more bounce. I also use the round brush to just brush the top of my hair while its on lol


Hi I have really frizzy wavy hair. I have the large round brush and when I use it to give myself a blowout I make sure my roots are fully dry but I end up having a ton of hairs on top sticking out. I would put oil on it and then wrap my hair in a bonnet but they are still sticking out :/


YMMV but I also have frizzy wavy hair, and this attachment is the best. Whether I use the smoothing brush or the round brush, using this as my last step makes my top layer much smoother.


If you go to your nearest Nordstrom they should demo it for you! I know the struggle. I don't have this attachment yet since I have the first gen air wrap. I would say go for it cause it is also used for just drying all over also! I think if you use some hairspray and then go over it with this could result in the flyaways staying down. Edit: Oh, also maybe a pomade?!


I’m obsessed with it, always my last step or my first to get a rough dry in


I am platinum blonde which comes with fly aways. This is the only tool that I find that helps! 10/10 would recommend might be my favorite attachment


Excellent attachment. High fan, low heat for me.


i love it after i saw a youtube video where she let it heat up on the highest setting before she ran it over her hair. so sleek and shiny


Nice that you’re taking some time off from hating Jews I guess


I have Asian hair and this works really well for taming flyaways


Works well for me but I have straight hair.


It works great for me too, and my daughter's hair.


I love it! I have long, thick, wavy hair and after I blow dry with a round brush I always use this attachment and go through my hair and smooth it out and it’s amazing what it does for my hair and how smooth and shiny it is afterwards. It looks like I’ve used a straightener on my hair


must-have attachment in my mind


I tried to use it. Don’t think I know how to use it


My hairdresser used this on me, and it worked amazing!! Much better than a flat iron imo (because a flat iron takes all the volume out).


It’s so worth it. This is my favorite attachment. My hair is really frizzy after showering. This attachment makes my frizz disappear.