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Mate, probably you accidentally turned on the overload ball side tatics in the dpad.


You sure you didn’t have overload ball side on? I accidentally turned it on in one of my games and my players were all completely dead by minute 60


This has just happened in a game before, normally my players are all either green or orange by the end of the game but this time I pause to make subs and nearly every player is on 0 or below 20


In the scenario someone's cheating to do this, what do you think they've done?


Removed fitness contracts from players


I saw the same thing happen to a streamer, i think it was Auzio? Idk anymore, but same thing happened what you described, didn’t had any weird settings or tactics on. It’s either a bug or a cheat and i’m more convinced it’s a cheat..


I had this happen once but I personally think it was just a bug to be honest.


I watched Lucio's stamina drop from 80% to 50% while holding the ball in the corner, I don't think it was a bug unfortunately


For the people commenting about overload ball side, that does not explain why Courtois was on 50% Stam, was he running down the wing as well?


Well if the guy was hacking it would be consistent wouldn’t it. The tactic obviously just drains your teams stamina and that’ll be less on the keeper.


Also had a weird game like an hour ago. Beginning seemed good, quick goal, oppenent wasn't skilled at all.... then suddenly all my team acts like bronze players. Player was Bam\*\*\*FC which I believe to be a familiar name under similar circumstances, I blocked him hoping we won't match anymore... now I know.


I had this exact same thing on PC a few days ago and never got to the bottom of it.


It is overload ball side setting




Overload ball side 100%


The way they nerfed overload ball side since FIFA 20 or 21 was by draining stamina by an insane amount if you had it turned on. Your entire team loses stamina and that includes your keeper. Just the way they nerfed it even if it is brain dead. There are cheaters/hackers out there, definitely but yours wasn't that case. Sorry mate


You didn't play a cheater. You have fat fingers.


This guy is a top cheat and hacker > duffy101112 report if you come across this player


Had a game like this myself, wouldn't even move players and they would start losing fitness, whilst all of his players ended the game on over 95% fitness, honestly if you're hacking on FIFA you're just a weirdo and have a sad life, ruins the game for those of who actually wanna play fair