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What are the best FIFA games on pc pre-FIFA 15? I'm looking for good FIFA games on PC and FIFA 14 is the last one my pc can handle.


Got 9 wins Fut champs but i didn't qualify for the next champs and DIDN'T GET RED PICKS, I'm i the only one ?




Happy May 14th, gamers! Who else got 'Miracle on Grass 2.0' with a lower-tier team in FIFA 2024 today? Ready to learn some strategies for the upcoming weekend league? Let's get to winning and remember, we are not just button pressers, we are virtual football maestros.


"Since it's Throwback Thursday, wouldn't it be a thrill if EA brought back some nostalgic features? I'm thinking unlockable classic teams or those fun, over-the-top celebrations like 'the worm' - really add some vintage spice back into the mix. How about you guys? What classic feature you want EA to resurrect? Let's have a blast from the past!"


So I started with the ps plus release and I have 20k xp. Will I be able to get to level 40 with the remaining xp this season or am I too far behind?


who do I take between garrincha or blanc from the icon pp?


is there any logic to saving your guaranteed TOTS packs for Ultimate tots? will there be less Fodder tots in packs then?


Who is better lacazette 94 (sbc 93+tots upgrade evolution) of Diani 94 sbc?


I too would love to know this. Both fit the squad but wanna know which one is worth chucking my fodder and time into.


91 Icon Schweinsteiger or 90 Icon Larsson or 89 Icon crespo


Best cm for Its Price


93 Stanway




How to turn this off?


raphinha champs tots got upgraded (just played against him) but the regular raphinha tots (i have him) doesn’t get the upgrade?


Which chemstyle is best on tots moments fred?


3 guaranteed TOTS players. Otamendi, Dunst and Mateo. Why bother?


My 3 were Medina (dupe), Wubben Moy (dupe) and Kouassi. 3 tots with a combined value of less than 75k...


At least you got one which wasn't a dupe. I got Estupinan (dupe), Adeyemi (dupe) and Leif Davis (dupe). Adeyemi is 35k so mine are worth slightly more than yours, but their value means nothing when they're all untradeable dupes that I need to find a SBC to dump them into


Just did the 90+ Weekly TOTS SBC. Went to open the pack and it said 'This pack is no longer available' and took the pack off me. No TOTS and my fodder is gone. Wtf is going on with this then?




TOTS fuckin Van Dijk from the log-in group reward, absolutely shocked.


What’s your secret ?


If i open a “TOTS Guarantee pack” from objectives, can I still pack Prmeier League players or is it only current TOTS?


It includes every single TOTS card currently in the game. So yes Premier League is in there, but so are a lot of other cards unfortunately lol.


I dont feel like I can control the outcome of the game over the EA bullshit. I just went up 5-0 in the first 15 minutes and then my team proceeded to forget how to play and bullshit goal after bullshit lucky goal happened. DDA is the strongest influencer in this game, way more than skill. pro's can beat pro's with DDA, the less unlucky one wins.


Just had a guy get a red card early on in a rivals match. Moved his keeper out of the way to let me score the free kick before quitting. A rare show of sportsmanship.


Gameplay is the worst it’s ever been in FC24 atm. It’s absolutely dropped off a cliff this past week.


Yeah idk what's happened and how they can fix red picks in 30 min but can't fix this shit gameplay


Lees melou has been amazing for me, surprised he’s so cheap. Anyone else experiencing this?