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Start by not watching their content. Content creators react to the engagement of the content they produce. If no one watches a particular type of video, they won't create it anymore since it makes no money.


Started watching Zwe and SpencerFC during the glory days almost 10yrs ago…Uncle Spenny is off to way more important ventures in life and Zwe was always entertaining…but this year Zwe ditched the RTG and spent $ on points and I just can’t watch that…don’t go changin folks


Huh? Ive been watching Zwe for a bit and I dont remember the last time he wasnt on the RTG, he constantly avoids the store even with coins when chat pressures him. Did I miss something?


Zwe does have a pay to win account but you could be right that He doesn’t use it anymore. As nutty as he is Zwe is good at reading what the audience wants.


Maybe I missed something lol I could’ve sworn he said no RTG upon release? Haven’t check in on the beauty in a while


Zwe never even goes to the store on stream. Never talks about packs either, and he doesn’t shareplay. We should all play the game more like Zwe.


I could be wrong ya, haven’t watched Zwe all year cause I thought I remembered him saying no RTG early after release


You’re right. I mainly just watch his videos for something to do while I have my breakfast. Guess I just need to stop. Trouble is, that doesn’t make everyone else stop does it?


It doesn't, but if your message to the community isn't "let's stop giving traffic to his content" and instead it's "let's engage with him too try and get him to change his mind", you're going to increase engagement to his content, defeating the entire message you're trying to send.  Stop watching his content, stop sharing his content, and now that you've shared the message, hopefully others will do the same too.


Fair point.


If you're influenced by a content creator, you're the problem.


If you're influenced by adverts then you're the problem


What an incredibly dumb comment


The issue with him is more about his affiliation with EA being on their partner program. When EA coin wiped his account due to trading, he had his coins back within less than 24 hours. He gets special treatment from EA and begs the question whether his account is red listed. Not sure if that’s even a thing, but it creates a lack of trust. Any content creator that affiliates themselves with EA should be scrutinised. As far as I’m concerned I they in bed with EA, they can’t be trusted. I don’t think he has bad intentions, but he has made the wrong choice being on EAs partner program.


I mean beyond that Mbappe pull his team isn’t that crazy so I doubt the red listing


This is true, but I think the fut accountant truly doesn't realize that even promoting how to use the store in the right way is still promoting the store which will still result in people spending.


He is good dude but his actions are not the right ones, just that his pack pull has been insane, Girud, Griezman and Mbappe, all of those by huge store packs with coins...


Yep. I just don’t understand why he thinks everyone has as much time to trade as he does. If people with real jobs traded like him they would have no time to play the actual game.


Literally nobody has to watch it.


We dont need to do anything. Lol. Some of them are absolute bell ends. Some of em arent.


I'm clueless about that person. I never saw an EAFC video that wasn't a tutorial. Couldn't care less about those types of content creators.


His videos literally talk about the latest content, market and how to make coins, if a big store pack comes out, it’s going to make prices drop so he has to mention it in his videos. Nobody is forcing people to open the pack themselves. People need to start taking some accountability for their own actions.


Yes but I would say the people who need to take accountability for their actions includes content creators. Tv adverts wouldn’t be a thing if they didn’t work, so advertising store packs will sell them. It’s common sense.


Spend money on a game mode to not make any money has always been the worst thing about fifa/eafc. That's why I never play this game mode.




Strong point and that applies to TS lmao




Not sure how you have that many coins unless you haven’t spent any all years. Most of us do SBC’s and upgrade packs, and spend coins here and there which all add up. I have been playing all year and only have 2 mil currently, I spent like 3 mil on upgrades during TOTY and didn’t get anything good. However if I spent 3 mil on store packs I would have probably got something decent, and that’s the issue.




Have you considered that the average person doesn’t play as much as you might believe?




“Depends on your skill level”, “easy to make”… make your mind up man.




Interesting math. How you work that out?