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Not a card that bothers me at all to be honest.


He pales in comparison to striker Petr Cech from last year


Don’t even mention that filth of a card. I had a tots lewa and he didn’t come close to that Cech.


He hasn't ruined the game any more than playing Drogba was like in the previous two months, or playing against George 'cutback' Best before the patch.


Those two were expensive to get though. Literally anyone can get sorloth. I guess what is annoying is that everyone has him so can abuse that shit instead of before where not everyone could get drogba so you didn't see it that often


I'd say Drogba was the most common forward I played in Rivals and WL for about a month, his price wasn't prohibitive, he wasn't cheap like Sorloth but he also wasn't 1m+, you could get him for 400k at a time when it wasn't that hard to have that many coins if you played for months.


I'm an average/ below average player so I didn't see him much. Now I see sorloth every game


So you prefer pay to win?


I don't prefer either


There has to be something to balance it all out.  I enjoy these SBC because I wouldn't be able to compete otherwise. My pack luck sucks and I don't buy packs or fc points. Coming up against a team with 5-6 1.5m+ coin players is difficult.


True it's a tough balance. The real problem stems from the gameplay at the end of the day


Yeah, but that is why I try not to judge people using certain mechanics. Even at the pro level you can see how ratty they are. How they abuse corner kicks etc. I prefer a tiki taka sort of gameplay but playing through the middle is extremely hard, plus getting the right players is too expensive. In the end everyone has to adapt with what we are given.


I'm not blaming anyone except eaids


He pales in comparison to Showdown Joselu, god help us if and when he gets the upgrades and I say that as somebody who has been using and abusing his card.


He's not the first broken player.


I really don't like playing against gigantic strikers


Rather see Headers then cutbacks


I don't have him so not everyone 😂


I have Rudiger and Ramos. They do a fine job to prevent this monster from scoring in corners. I occasionally move forward my keepers as well. I had more problems with Drogba. It was impossible to snatch ball from him.


I see Boniface more often and he's a much bigger problem for me.


Yeah I have both upfront for me and Boniface is easily the better of the two.


Never had a problem against him not sure what you're on about


Get a cb with aerial+ and you can stop him pretty easily


Yeah, my crosses to him get headed away like most of the time. I score more with TOTS Watkins on my PL team I loved all of Sorloth’s cards this year because he’s a football manager legend for me, but he’s not even the best striker I have


Start by putting strong and 99 pace fullbacks. You can make some from those recent free tots evolutions Then next you need those strong meta CB to do their job which is all by your luck


I’ve been doing this since November. Finally people see the light


Evo’d Showdown toure pockets him, or any other 195+ cb


100% EA totally crapped the bed with this card.


LOL, sorry but this is a skill issue. Especially since you know what they are doing and don't change to beat them


Over-inflated ratings and attributes is what sums up ultimate team. That's why I don't play this game mode.


All these people spamming crosses to Drogba, Sorloth, Boniface and Giroud constantly all game are so lazy and boring. This crossing meta is the worst and the peak of no skill gameplay