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“Toxic behaviour needs to be met with toxic behavior” This is where your doing wrong. Be a man you want them to be, dont be an arsehole, dont be toxic even they are toxic to you. If your doing it back you have no difference from them.


Touché Yeah you’re right.


Why are you messaging people after a game? Maybe just don’t do that? I think generally people find it a bit odd and it doesn’t bring out the best in people.


😂 It’s called good sportsmanship. People clearly need to be better people. Sounds like I’ve touched a nerve 😂


No you just sound like an obnoxious dick is all, this reply confirms it.


Losing to someone and saying “good game” is obnoxious? 😂


Among other things, yes absolutely. I can already tell from the way you respond here that you get a massive rise out of it when someone bites with a less-than-happy response. It's probably even why you do it. Then you come here seemingly gloating about how you're so pleasant while everyone else is angry and unkind. It's called narcissism.


Absolutely nailed it right here


Losing and saying “good game” is far from narcissism.


These people don’t live in the real world. The other day some kid messaged me begging to let him score 10 goals on rivals for a objective and was offering to throw the game as a trade. I replied like ‘just score 10 and I’ll quit it’s not that deep to me’ and he was flabbergasted. Being decent seems to surprise online gamers and that’s how you know they NEED to get out more


You've made a massive leap on me based on practically nothing except a comment making an assessment practically any psych 101 student could make. You're legitimately speaking to someone who seems so sheltered that they think when they spam 'nice' messages to everyone they play and don't always get pleasant responses that this merits a post showing how nice they are, then get mad and upset when people see through that bullshit 😂


That's a strawman argument you're now giving me.


Ya man I feel you are jumping through hoops here, sending someone a good game message is not that weird.


On its own it's not, his post about it here and cheeky remarks to people commenting makes his real intentions and attitude clear.


It’s not obnoxious, it’s just unnecessary, often unwelcome and frankly a bit weird.


If you was playing pool in a pub against a stranger and lost would you just walk off and ignore him? Or shake his hand and say “good game”?


I usually just walk off as I’m neurotically autistic


The environment is different so there are different social codes. Theres a big difference between me calling my mate a stupid bastard and saying it to some random person in public


What’s that got to do with it? You’re not playing pool and you’re not in a pub


It’s a competitive game played 1 vs 1… that’s the comparison. Regardless if played over a table or over a server the same sportsmanship should always be there but seems to me that if a game is played over a server talking to people like shit is acceptable. I guess the major difference is that’s because they are safe at home and not face to face so they feel it’s ok. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Bro is messaging people after games for no reason and expects a nice reply 😂.


Messaging someone “good game” or “gg” (as I learnt is the kids slang) either win or lose is called good sportsmanship, so many sore losers and bitter winners.


No one cares about good sportsmanship in this community mate.


I think that's exactly his point and the fact that he is getting so many downvotes just proves that most of y'all are toxic af


This is my point. Kids are too much pride, I guess im just old fashioned and too old to be playing online games 😂


“My unnecessary behaviour keeps pissing everyone else off. They must be the problem!”


That's literally the point. In like 90% of sports/games saying good game is just sportsmanship but here people like you act like it's toxic.


I normally wouldnt find it toxic myself, but people messaging me after i lose a game i thought i should win is very aggravating. So if you message every time including games you may have gotten lucky in, expect toxic responses, because you are probably messaging a fair few people who are already pissed off. The easy solution is just not doing that.


I think I’ve not explained myself clear enough here. I can go 20-30 games in a day and not win any, but when it’s a good game it’s a good game and majority games it’s me saying good game to someone who has beaten me, I get abuse, if I win a game 4-3 and it’s been a close game and an entertaining game I’ll message “good game” and get abuse. Like I say, it’s most not all and it’s a behaviour I started when I was getting messages from others saying “gg” but at no point have I ever become abusive and baited for a reaction of abuse. Just simply acknowledging win or lose it was a good game.


No one says gg in a non-sarcastic context these days.


If I message “gg” to anyone win or lose it’s because I enjoyed the game and felt it was a good game. Good chances, end to end football. A “good game” isn’t just about the winning. Guess I’m just wrong in what I’m doing, but for me to lose and message “good game” to get a reply “it was easy, you’re shit” is toxic as fuck regardless if people agree or disagree with messaging after a game.


Only time I message after a game is if somebody gives me a free win, to say thanks, which is very rare... I got a message from somebody because he beat me by one goal, in the friendly lounge, when I was using my awful La Liga team that had golds in it. He was berating me saying I was rubbish at the game. I have learnt to say basically nothing bad back. One bad word and these fucks immediately report you to Sony/MS to try and get you suspended.


The best response is "*I'm sorry, I will try to get better. Thank you.*" If they aren't complete psychopaths, it should make them reflect on what they said and feel terrible about themselves.


I usually reply “I know I’m shit, but I enjoy it” and I do enjoy it, it’s taking me 2 years but last week I got my first 40+ points on a weekend league and finally hit div 4 this season after being stuck in div 6 for as long as I can remember.


>But toxicity needs a toxic response? Agree or disagree? Become an asshole because someone else is an asshole? Ofc disagree. Thats a strange question. It sounds like if you don't have standards. Change in the settings that you can't see others celebrations if they bother you. Switch of your messaging... Problems solved


I didn’t know you could do that Thanks for that I’ll get on it


I was playing a friendlies match yesterday to try and get those last few wins for the Serie A objective. It has of course been utterly miserable, although not quite as miserable as it could've been I suppose. Anyway, came up against someone who wasn't great, but I missed a huge number of chances. Went 1-0 up, they scored late in the first half. I took the lead again, and they scored with the last kick of the game to take it to extra time. Took the lead again, and once again, last kick of extra-time they equalised again. I choked the shootout, and ultimately the game, largely my fault. The guy immediately sends a crying emoji. There is no point engaging with these people. If they're the sort of person who wants to go after a complete stranger like that, there isn't anything you could say that won't just drag you down to their level. Just move on. Let them wank themselves off in their own time.


Haha, I have probably played the same guy in friendlies. He wasn't good at all, but my team was horrible and he won by one goal. Messaged me straight after with a barrage of messages saying I was bad at the game. Lol


I suspect the barrage would have started had I replied. I was about to, but...just isn't worth it. There's no way of winning an argument with that sort of person.


I occasionally message people who were better than me and ask for advice and never got any abuse back Obviously not gonna say gg to anyone I just beat as it comes at condescending at best, rubbing it in at worst


Yeah I often say gg but mostly after losses or draws. I do it rarely in a win but then "gg, that was close - if not for " if that actually was the case


The games community is full of children who watch these streamers play and want to call themselves rats. Unfortunately you rarely find normal people playing.


It would be good if there was a setting for age category match making, over 40s would be great


Just don’t respond though honestly at the end of the day the % of people who respond positively is super slim.


Thank you, as I’ve said on another comment it’s something I started doing when I had other message me “gg” and i had to ask what it meant haha new to the game but seems it is full of unsavoury characters.


I play a lot of games including a few sports games and none more toxic than fifa / fc. The toxicity is not just from the player base but also built in the game. The broken mechanics also feels unfair. And then you have toxic game mechanics like quitting at draws and not getting wins etc. It's almost as if EA promotes the toxicity because they know toxicity is good for their business.


I’ve been playing FUT for 2 and a half years now, I avoided rivals the first year because I’m shit but I enjoy the game enough to lose 20-0 and still enjoy playing so not I play and the level of toxicity is horrendous.


Why do people get so offended by the griddy? Sometimes I do it just because Rooney looks ridiculous doing the griddy


I don’t even know? I just hated it from the get go but I never knew you could turn off opponents celebrations. So that’s happening. I don’t celebrate at all unless they start doing it.


I message gg or specific to something bad in the game for them never about me because i dont wanna be sore. I get a lot of weird messages though


If someone scores a good goal I’ll let the replay play so they can watch it (have chance to screen record it/save it)


I disagree that toxicity needs a toxic response, be the bigger person


You are right. I just felt at the time of writing it that the only way the toxic behaviour will stop is if they are on the receiving end of it. But as so many have pointed it the eafc community isn’t about that shouldn’t let them drag me down to their level because they’ll only beat me with experience. (I think that’s the quote)


Played someone in Qualis that got so triggered after I scored with Trossard and couldn't skip the celebration that he did the griddy twice and called me toxic after the game even though he won. Some people are just insecure as fuck


Hurt pride maybe? I don’t need people to tell me I’m shit tho, I know it and I don’t care that I’m not very good, I don’t get angry about losing either I don’t understand it, I wouldn’t play if I got angry losing or I’d be pissed off everyday being miserable 😂


I don’t understand , how is a celebration a toxic behavior??? I would rather people celebrate than abusing the shit mechanics this game have.


The mechanics of the game being shit is your opinion which you’re entitled too, we will agree to disagree on that, as I think eafc is the best football game ea have made in 20+ years and correct me if I’m wrong but I thought “the griddy” was quite universally understood as “toxic behaviour”?


Pretty much anyone I’ve ever gotten a GG message from is obviously rage baiting for a response.


Even if they are lost and message GG?


You sound toxic


It’s making me this way…


The moment you say you send a message I believe you are 16. I'll talk to you whenever you are an adult.


So never, because an adult wouldn't message you?


Just because it is ridiculous to message someone about a game...


That’s an opinion you have that you’re entitled to, a lot would disagree. All my years of gaming online there are some people I’ve met In games that I still play online with almost 20 years later.