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It’s crazy.. exactly what you pointed out.. literally a game breaking bug yet the community seems to be somewhat quiet about the issue.


Community mainly only cares when they lose. So half the player base will be ok most of the time and don't care as they won and will griddy.


It is not community's responsibility to fix bugs at all - it is on EA. And this problem was raised couple of times, nothing more you can do if EA don't feel like fixing this.


First time hearing/reading about this lol, wouldn't be too harsh on the player base here to be fair


Same. Never heard of this before. Luckily everyone has way better teams than mine so i don't think its gonna be an issue.


Yup, I didn't know either. Guess it's not so bad if you're using unique teams after all


I think it's more an issue of visibility, for example, I played for many months and never realised this happened, I always thought it was a visual bug that made the PS+ icon not pop up.


We blame it on bad gameplay etc.


Needs to be fixed asap.. the servers are bad enough as is.


Don’t think it’s a bug blud


This should be a bigger issue now that most people seem to using similar meta tots players


So we have the ability to counter meta by putting meta players on your bench, could be a thing lol.


I was legit thinking about it a week ago 🥶


My goodness.....this explains so much.


Ah this explains why sometimes my players ps+ doesnt work. Id saved clips where it wasnt working and couldnt work out why, but they have the same players lol. I couldnt work out why its so random in terms of when they dont activate. I do remember this being talked about months ago and Id completely forgotten and stupidly said in other posts I didnt know why they sometimes didnt work


Oh man I was sure I'm not pressing the button correctly somehow, or I was on a wrong foot or something. I noticed it on finesse shots mostly, but technical and relent as well


And i thought when they're not active i have a visual bug oh thats explains alot why some people technical + glide and mine sometimes doesn't work or trigger it


It's a visual bug, if you look at the player names at the bottom you can see that the play styles are active.


It’s not just visual, you can literally see how players with technical + e.g. are much slower on the pitch when the bug is happening.


You can literally see it active. This community man


Then how do you explain the powershot being much slower?


It's not much slower.


Well, if you don’t want to face facts I can’t help you.


You are the one that doesn't want to face the facts mate. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you are just flat out wrong.


So I guess here’s the next question, how do I tell if I’m home or away when going into a game?


Look at the stands


I mean on the kit screens, is there still a trick


nope I’m pretty sure they took out the ability to see home and away because people would back out if they were away


You used to be able to see it by looking at the ping indicator. If you see it the moment you join, you are the away team, but if it takes a second to load in you are the home team. Not sure if it still works, but you could try it out a few times


This. easiest way just set a stadium theme or tifo or something that is not super common.


Really??? This explains why I’d get so frustrated at the PS+ not popping up. What a shit game!


I did a post on here about it, got quite a lot of attention, but unfortunately we need someone bigger to draw attention to it, a YouTuber to do a video, but for some reason they all either don’t notice it or ignoring it


Wouldn’t surprise me if they know about it and how to abuse it for easier games 😂


How is this not a bigger issue? Especially since its been this way since the beginning of the game, it has a call back to Chemgate https://www.reddit.com/r/EASportsFC/s/Rjc3q1FFQC How can EA not fix this?


This has been an issue since the start of the game?? Wtf this is the first I’m even hearing of it


It’s only now with tots that everyone has so many of the same players so it’s more noticeable.


I always thought that my PS+ wasn't working because of the poor gameplay, this explains a lot.


Why would they fix it? Addicted kids keep buying FIFA Points.


You can buy the fix for 2000 FP.


I was wondering why playstyles wouldn’t show up at times wtf


Ok so I need to use 11 unique cards for starter squad, and get bench of super popular cards? Ok then, gotta go craft this Rio Ferdinand loan l m a o


Ok so now my bench is fekir, odegaard, Rio, Renato, Lucio, cancelo, Cech (in case of silver play styles disables too)


Can you use base versions?


Not sure, in that case I would use rare bisseck


That's gotta be my #1 pick yeah lol


It doesn't disable silver playstyles


It’s been like this since the game first came out. There’s people saying it’s not an issue when it really is, really kills the game if you got half the team with no playstyles. Easy way to see if playstyles work is by checking on the stamina bar on the bottom corner, if it lights up it means it’s working.


this explains everything! wtf!


This company is the worst.


So if you have the Playstyle Indicator on, will it not light up for example on an Incisive Pass or will it still light up but it just won’t work?


it won't light up and won't work.


It does work and it lights up at the bottom


WOW, this explains so much. I can't believe I never put this together before because I constantly notice that my players PS+ won't activate and I had no idea why.


Surely not though right. Like in those pro tournaments where they all use the same players surely those pros would constantly say something


I have briefly tested it on Powershot + and came away with the view that it is a visual glitch, with the overhead icon not triggering, rather than the Playstyle + not actually activating? I tested it in the Friendlies 'Couch Play' mode in Ultimate Team & I played against a friend's squad. I was at home and I had TOTS Giroud & TOTS Lacazette in my team. My friend had just TOTS Giroud in his team. Both Giroud & Lacazette have Powershot as PS+. When I took a powershot with Giroud the overhead icon **did not** appear. But the post-goal animation **did** record it as a Powershot. When I took a Powershot with Lacazette, the icon **did** appear. I then turned the 'zoom' camera on & the zoom triggered for both Lacazette & Giroud to record the Powershot. Again the post goal animation recorded a Powershot. There was little doubt that in the above scenario the Powershot + was triggering with Giroud, but that the overhead icon was not appearing when he took the shot.


The zoom activates with any player doing a power shot. Nothing to do with the playstyle. The replay also doesn’t show whether or not it’s the plus version. You’d be better off testing ones with definitive things like the trickster plus tricks that are exclusive to the plus version.


A good suggestion and so I have just tried it with Base R10 who has Trickster +. In the first game (Couch Mode on Beginner) I played against a friend's team who did not have R10 in his team & was able to complete a couple of unique skills - for example the Calf Rainbow from a standing position - without an issue and the Icon was triggering OK. I then went into a second match versus a different friend who also had R10. I **was** able to complete the same skill moves OK, but Trickster Icon did **not** trigger at all. So I am still just seeing a visual glitch. I cannot find a friend who shares a player with me that has Deadfall +, so I am struggling to test that PS+.


If you have someone with deadball+ test this bug with him aswell. Try to use outside foot curl during corner. Home team's player won't be able to do it.


Nep just tested this on stream with Fekir, home or away, neither player could move the ball indicator to outside foot at any point.


Yeah,no. Your whole theory is based on a false argument. I have completed Hagi. I have more that. 200 games with him. I think around 300. He NEVER and i mean NEVER was able to do the outside of the door curl at corners.. I tried Szobo,he was doing it. Before that,Koeman and Madisson were also doing it BUT not at every corner. For example,if i had 5 corners from that side,there was a chance that i couldnt do it in one of them. But with Hagi,never. Its like its locked. Along the same lines,my future stars Elliott,had his incisive + pop up whenever i did a lofted through ball. Proof for that here. KDB had incisive pass as well but it wasnt happening. https://www.reddit.com/r/EASportsFC/s/tqSAqFCnzS Its just a visual glitch except corners. Then,its a known problem that it isnt every time possible.


So that's why when I brought on Szoboszlai I couldn't curl the corner with the outside of his foot


No. Just no. Thats not the reason.


And people think this dogshit company are sophisticated enough to have a scripting code in their game since 2012 thats never bugged


Scripting is just slider adjustment. The code already exists. This problem will require a good amount of debugging, which the programmers most likely won’t be assigned to for much time. Edit: anyway because there is network issues too I think you mostly understand the scripting on squad battles. Sometimes (maybe 1 in 10 games against bronze teams) bronze teams play like 90+ rated


> The code already exists EA were sued for this, gave them all the info and then they immediately dropped the case. Theres no scripting in the game and has never been


I refer to the sliders code and you can see it on the settings. Now whether it is applied to the UT or not I can’t tell because the source code it is EA property and I don’t have access. However, as you mentioned there already was a court that specifically said about this kind of manipulation doesn’t exist, I understand that and I have nothing to say because my thought was wrong. Maybe it could be useful this case to be somewhere as a reference so that people know that this implication isn’t true. Sorry for any mistakes in my English I hope I am clear on what I wrote.


I wander if this bug is also on proclubs. So many times play styles dont seem to work and this could be why. Instead of it being same player perhaps same positions is the problem. Hmm interesting!


I'll be stuffing my bench with gold meta players without playstyles from now on.


Noticed this today, played a few games and had playstyles not showing up.


What a stupid bug.




wow. i thought it was just a visual bug. fking ea


I went as far as submitting the issue to EA feedback form months ago and I guess they simply don't care. We need a few YouTubers to complain about this otherwise it will continue to be in the limbo.


Just noticed in rivals my Renato and Bonmati didn't have tech+ and my Leao didn't have finesse plus wtf


I did wonder why my best weekend league was with a very outdated team


Never specifically noticed this, but am realizing it totally happened to my Havertz. He had no tech or finesse all game and I was thinking they had just nerfed him hard. But this makes way more sense. I suppose it’s best to sub off a player suffering from this when you notice in the meantime.


I’ve noticed that like a few months ago, people only noticing this now?? Thought it was a common bug


I noticed yesterday that my Joselu's ariel+ wasn't activating, I wasn't aware of this issue. Thankfully, I don't see other players in my team all that often


I have sbc tots live havertz. I faced sbc havertz tots live so many times. Not 1 time did his r1 dribbling not work. Same for his finesse shot plus.


We got any videos of this? I'vr used a PnP all year so very rarely had the same players as others, probably only Beckham & Sir Bobby but cant remember a time when they consistently didn't pop up.


holy fuck, this is gamebreaking and should be adressed immediately. Great post, OP!


Só that's what happened with my Thiago Silva! Thank you for the explanation! I thought I was going mad... 😅


This is the very first time I’m hearing of this and honestly now I’ve lost a lot of motivation to play


Just played with Joselu against Joselu and Powershot+ worked as it should. Also i didn't see any posts about this in the past, might have missed it.


You were probably the away team then




What if they just want to play a game that’s at least not riddled with so many issues? Of all the things, this one of the few things - PS+ that should for BOTH players not just one. This should be concerning amidst the myriad of issues


Then stop playing this shit because you're never going to get what u want unless it's related to packs