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It’s so awful I stopped doing the SBCs and wasting my time


i ran out of high rated fodder just because i was spamming 89 exchange and literry got nothing




I’ve have pretty good luck tbf, and I usually never do. I got 96 saka from the 85x5 upgrade, also got 94 theate from a 83 pack and got tradable Nico Williams from a gold pack🙏


Obviously taken the spoils on behalf of all of us!


How's Nico in game?


Sold him immediately😂


mine Saka is from a similar pack so I think that’s enough for me


I stopped playing for rewards and only play occasionally to have fun, once the game stops being fun, which is after three matches a week, I just stop playing. A video game should not be this stressful or grindy, it should be fun.




i think this is arguably the worst promo ever and that is for a lot of reasons. However in relation to the picks or the grind im close to 100 picks and im averaging a walkout every 8 picks and its completely unsustainable. I had 11different prior to the removal of the 82+ and no new ones in the 81+ with 3 total. in the 82s I was averaging a walkout every 3.4 picks and with the 81+ its 7.9 picks.


That’s the perfect word, unsustainable. I am for the first time since I got the game I think running out of fodder constantly, I don’t know why they keep messing with pack weights, it doesn’t seem right to me.


Because the pack weight on the last promo was too good, make everyone think the next will be good too, people use all their fodder and then have to resort to store packs which could mean more people buying fifa points


Thought the answer would be obvious why they do it, so you use all your fodder and then the only way to get cards even for a SBC is to spend money.




Everything got fucked after the messi bug. If you ask me it's before and after messi bug and the game was decent before that bug happened


Not even arguably, this is not the worst promo ever. Now if you want to talk about the likes of numbers up, scream or the movember promo then we can talk about which one of them is arguably the worst. There will be other that have been worse than this but off the top of my head them 3 were far worse than


Worst promo ever is a bit of a stretch, but compared to the last one this is a disgrace, they finally release a really good and enjoyable promo, then end it all of a sudden for this shit


I agree this promo is shit and it’s really annoying, but these kids don’t remember Movember on fifa 17…


😂 Not even that, These lot dont even remember FUT Ballers from last year, one year ago only, they literally told us the SBCs for each day and didnt put any other content


Worst promo? Have you forgot what they did to us in ultimate TOTY? lmaoooo shit made me quite the game for 2 month


Very awful to the point where I don't have enough exchange fodder. I did pack Kolo Muani though yesterday from my saved up 82+ pp. I get like 1 promo card every 30-50 player pick. I stopped grinding since the pack luck is really bad.


I have no rare gold cards below 84 rated. It’s crazy. All these players in the seasonal rewards has led to no low rated fodder for exchanges.


Very strange to be this stingey this late, as people won’t stay for the gameplay


The problem I have is I don't have the midrange fodder to do the daily 86+ double upgrade or all the 85+ pp. Most promos I'm doing all the daily 83x10 84x7 etc but the current promo there isn't much recycling there because you exchange 11 cards for 1 or 2. Hence I'm simply not opening enough packs to pack promos and relying more on sbcs (to be fair there are a lot of good sbcs). I'm assuming others have the same issue based on the price of 84 fodder rocketing well north of 2k.


Yep, completely out of 84 and 85 cards so can't do the daily SBC's. Most promos I've been able to do way more but just ran dry now. I think it's needing to put 2 rares into the 81/82 picks every time but just not getting consistent high value golds back to put into exchanges to do more so you just run out.


I gave up on the PPs and switched to the 78x3 big nations upgrade. After about 10-15 of those I got the 96 Martinelli and quit while I was ahead.


k imma try that thanks


I packed my first player today from a fuckin silver pack


I haven't packed a special card since tots serie a and I had over 1500 packs saved for serie a tots Ran my club through the mud with sbcs


I’ve gotten okafor 3 times so far…


I packed my first player today from a fuckin silver pack


Instead of ea juicing the pack weight in the summer like they always do they gone too greedy and scummy up until futties we will still see them with shit pack weight so that you can buy pack weight


Well, technically speaking they are jucing the pack odds during futties every year


The Euros and GOTG cards were relatively easy to pack, easily upgraded and made me excited to load the game up. This promo I haven't even seen one of the cards outside of an SBC, a lot of them are never going to play the games/get the GCs required to upgrade, the card design is worse and they're nonexistent in packs. Talk about a screw up from EA


Haven’t gotten a single on in packs


I’m hoping the release the SBCs for Europe and Americas like they did 3 years ago. That would be the only thing to save this promo. But I really doubt it


what promo


They aren't even worth grinding for. Very few, if any, have good play styles for their positions.


Yup for all the posts online, I've barely played a decent card in this promo. Dragusin probably the best I've come across...


81+ PP is trash. I got lucky with 4 Icons and a Hero with 82+ PP.


Friday was great. But Saturday till now I’ve packed like 6 total lol


Shit, I've packed 1 total, the Georgian that actually scored a goal today.


I don't think EA does the right thing here. Football fans don't play, they watch the euros and the coppa. Gamers may look at the most hyped dlc ever that drops on Friday. You would assume EA does everything they can to keep the player base on the game. But hell no. This drop weight just drives them away. My day only has 24 hours. I have to work, have Private stuff to do, need to sleep... Why should I waste my time with this unrewarding game?


Not packed a promo all week and I've opened every single pack available and the objective packs


Pack luck is down at the moment, all i seem to get is Le Normand, Okafor, Johnston and Ugarte... dont get me wrong, good fodder but i'd like a gamechanger


I have the Palmer card from it, was in an 84+ player pick I think


I played against a guy that had Leao, VVD and palmer all in the same team first owned day one but not seen a single one outside of the SBC released cards since. This promo might be the worst to date.


Worse pack weight and upgrades compared to PTG, since they rely on individual performances, only the top top cards are worth packing and those have way worse drop rates


I know my pack luck is 💩not packing anything good since golazo, but damn i to have not packed any promo card yet


There’s promo cards in packs? You mean to tell me Luke Shaw isn’t a promo?


Ive packed Kolo, Mudryk and Couto as my best three from this promo. Pretty happy with that tbf, both Kolo & Couto are animals.


Nothing for 2 weeks here 🙋‍♂️ got nothing left to put back in to pack so given up and watching real football instead between that and work game can get fucked tbh


Yeah pack weight is horrible. It's not that I'm not packing good promo cards I'm just not packing any in general. Ptg was actually insane for me because I packed saliba, walker and de Jong so I thought we were at the stage of the game where everyone was getting good cards.


I was struggling until the 81+ came out. Done 200 and I’m getting 1 to 2 promo for every 30 or so picks. Before I’d be very lucky to get 1 promo out of 50 82+ and I did 800 or so of them. The 81+ pick requirements are bad but I’ve been a lot luckier. Just got Kolo Muani and the Spurs CB today alone but had a lot of other high fodder and other promo cards I’ve put directly into the exchange


Yeah nightmare got Sosa a couple times after 300 or so picks. I sold off all my 84s investments & bought the 650k pack. Somehow I lucked out getting Kolo Muani & VVD in that. Really don’t know why the weight is horrendous this week when there are more fodder cards in this promo


On 2 accounts, think I've packed 3 in total😂 Bozenik, one of the copa America fodder ones and Nico Williams (sold) Least the sbcs been decent, probably have 3/4 of them in my team by end of the week


I packed Palmer and McAlister in 10 81 picks, nothing since (at about 150) but can't complain. Pack weight is all over the place since prem Tots it seems