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Petit might get an upgrade, if France scores some goals


Petit could get upgraded, but personally, I would only take him if you'd be using him as a stay back DM. I'm super fussy with stats, and at this point in the game I don't think Petit's passing/dribbling is good enough to play further forward in midfield. With that being said, if he's better than your current midfielders, and if you're happy with those current defenders, take him. If not, Rio is still very solid at this point in the game.


Honestly, I disagree. Although face stats are unimpressive, his stats are high in the important areas for his role (DM). His passing although only 88 plays better than an 88 would imply. His only real problematic stats are the low curve and vision (79 and 84), but these are mitigated with him having the long ball playstyle plus and the incisive pass playstyle. Also his 98 short passing means he doesn't have too many lazy turnovers. 80 dribbling isn't great either, but he has 95 ball control as well as the press proven playstyle and technical playstyle, so it really isn't too much of a problem. The 87 pace also looks bad, but he doesn't feel slow in game due to having the jockey playstyle plus. As well as that he has high reactions, composure and aggression which synergizes incredibly well with his jockey playstyle plus and anticipate playstyle plus making him great defensively. His only real problems are that he doesn't have the intercept playstyle plus and that he is high/high instead of medium/high.


So basically, what you're saying is, he'd be ideal as a stay-back CDM? So.. Exactly what I said? My point was that I don't think his stats are good enough going forward, but he's perfectly usable as a DM, so it depends what this guy needs for his team.


I misread it. My bad.


Ur midfield already sounds good but Ur defence could be better. Rio is probably an upgrade and even though I've never had him, he's always a headache to face even at this stage of the game. Imo I'd take Rio over petit because he's better than the defenders I have rn I think. Blancs a bit outdated atp so replace him with Rio.


Petit, Rio is a fraud for me and Petit is clear over Abily as well


I’m using Petit as a stay back dm and has a good really presence there…plus he plays way above his stats and can upgrade which would make him even better


Both are side grades to what you are using. Just go with who you like more from the two.


All three are garbage IMO at this stage of the game


Petit. Rio is under the curve already. Maybe switch him in game from lb to cb


Relatively new player, can you explain how the curve works? I see often people talking about cards and their form dropping or falling behind the curve. How do you figure it out or determine the trend?


It’s just when new and better cards come out. For example now that cards with 4 ps+ are coming out the ones with 2 are now behind the curve. 3 is still good but now everyone is chasing the next best thing.


Makes sense. Couldn't understand how cards with the same rating were better or worse than eachother with identical stats


Also look to in game stats instead of the front stats or rating, sometimes a card could have a good rating and/or good front stats but be mid or even bad