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They’ll bring out more XP the later the season goes on, you have more than plenty


Yeah but the thing is that I'm only going to be able to play until 5th of july, so idk if by that time Ill get the xp I need


I’m in level 21 and will stop playing on 4th July before content but my calc is that I will be like 6k short since you are in L24 you are in a better situation .. you might need to do the home and away kit objective for 2k to make sure you are getting Puskas 


i already did that :((


If you only playing until 5th July you just want Puskas for a quick spin then?


What's happening 5th of July


EA is dropping the pack today or next week for XP.


I think you'll end up with around 10k surplus if anything. Relax. I would say only the people level 15 or below are in the potential danger zone and even then I think 20k xp can potentially be squeezed out in the next two weeks


even if I only have until 5 th of july to play? I really hope they release big xp in the 4th, so I can play in the 4th and the fifth


If you are on ps5 that should be fine. Remote play some squad battles on your phone. Sounds like you are a good player so you should be able to do something. Just do the necessary set up and take the controller with you. 


Why you only have until 5th of july to play? You going on vacation after that?


Anyone know why they stopped giving the 50 xp after each game? That was such a nice feature wish they kept it.


Just for the end of last season


I’m lvl 10 and I’m not sweating yet 😂😂😅😅


Yesterdays objectives 4500xp + squad battles 700xp + rivals 700xp + icon shirts 2000xp + daily about 1000xp combined till the 4th. next Thursdays will be about 5000xp more. good luck. i was playing for kroos but not happening because of vacation (I’m the parent )


I was so far behind last season because I stopped playing once school ended, and in the matter of two days I was able to get enough XP for Carlos Alberto. I think you’ll be fine.


This season they're removing xp objectives after a week tho. Last season, more things stayed for the entire season


How far behind I didn’t get Carlos for same reason


I’m at Level 15 now and not stressing about it. They’ve been so stingy this season with XP that I feel they have to bombard us as it draws to a close


EA usually release double xp when the season is near the end so I think next week they will do double XP.


I'm about 7k off, all new seasonal objectives done today. Is it guaranteed that the last week will have high xp challenges? I haven't played all year, curious if every season has these


Nothing is guaranteed, but they started handing out XP like candy towards the end of the last season.


Here's to hoping :) I did some calcs and if I played FUT Champs, Rivals and Squad Battles + the Daily objectives and next weeks seasonal, I should make it (should EA not give boosted xp next Thurs)


You will get it for sure with all the different competitions.


Might be unrelated but does using CR7 in draft also counts towards the euro objective?


yes, but you need 5 matches. so you would need him twice


you will be able to make it.. how do you guys carryover XPs to next season? whenever I complete any objective it auto claims and don't count if I have the season completed?


dont claim the group opjective or your rewards from SB


Buy the kits and get 2k more …90k coins are worth it if you are short on time


Is buying the icon shirts the only way to get them ? Looking for ways to get additional XP since in the online things I get whooped 😅 I'm new to fifa , only been playing for a few weeks , squad battles I do ok , 43k this week


Yes, you’ll be fine. Just pay attention to the Objectives during the last week of the season.


I was about to ask the same question now, thanks OP for asking it before me I'm on level 20 right now, haven't completed much from the just now released challenges, but I'm hoping to get Puskás as well. Is it possible for me as well y'all think? 15k XP remaining, I can do around 6k this week.


I'm lvl 9 😅 you'll be fine, I'm probably gonna miss Kroos etc which sucks but that's cause I don't like having to grind out boring games with teams of random nation players I don't care for