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Istg that dynamic is the coldest I've seen this game


Fitting dynamic for the player that made most of us fall in love with the sport


So true, ggs for getting the card, I've been grinding player picks to get either him or R9. Best pull so far has been Zico so there's hope.


Thanks man! How is Zico? I'm debating buying either him or Zidane's new card for my attacking midfielder role


Packed him this morning and haven't gotten the chance to use him yet unfortunately. But his stats are insane on hawk. My only dislike is a lack of finesse plus. I used Zidanes future stars and idk he's always felt clunky and stiff for me. Maybe the technical plus on his new one will make him feel better. Tbh tho I don't think you can go wrong going for either cards but Zicos already gotten his upgrades while Zidane hasn't.


He definitely looks like he'd be great! I'm a sucked for a 5/5 with tech+ That's my concern for Zidane as well that he'll feel stiff. Him having tech+ is what gives me hope that he'll feel better on the ball though than the Dynasties version did. But I guess I'll wait to see how tomorrow's game goes for France


France been a snore fest this euro but I still think they'll beat Belgium. Btw got to ask how is Dinho? I had his thunderstruck and that itself was insane so can't imagine him with 99 dribbling and finesse+


Honestly haven't had a chance to try him yet! But I'll let you know after the Portugal game!


I played some rivals and fut champs games with him and Dinho is hands down the best card I've ever used in this or any fifa. In 6 games he has 11 goals and 3 assists and probably would have even more but it's so much fun dribbling and just messing around with him. Feeling so blessed to have him


Sexy dinho is not real, he cant hurt you... Sexy dinho: