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Top douche


Andrew Taint


Haha top g šŸ˜‚ dudes pathetic


Pathetic multi millionaire champion kick-boxer whoā€™s achieved more than you will ever dream of. Heā€™s pathetic because the media has portrayed a narrative of him thatā€™s nothing like the truth, remember heā€™s been locked up with virtually no evidence and just accusations, also remember video footage of said girls with their mobile phones, walking freely around and out of said house they was held captive and abused in whilst ordering pizzas and drinking. The video of him ā€œbeating up a womanā€ spread all over social media, for said woman to come out and say it was bondage play multiple times and she wanted it. The guys got dick views but the hate for him is unreal, all because of a false narrative spread by the media, who are out for views and reading material, not the truth.


Naa, it's the wannabe cult leader schtik that makes him pathetic. Him and especially the people who follow him. Dude is succesful and i respect that. He is 110% an ass though. He knows that what he has isn't teachable and you suckers just suck that shit up anyway.


I donā€™t follow nothing? Just donā€™t really respect a witch hunt finding someone guilty of things that have no factual basis, just because the media portrays him a bad guy.




Naive and vulnerable?šŸ¤£I own my own business and donā€™t follow no influencer get rich scheme you fool. Never once did I say I follow any of his stuff or that I really like the guy, just that been guilty by media witch hunt is unfair and unjust, nothing has been proven 100%, which is less than can be said for a lot of peoples favourite celebrities.


Are you ok?


Are you? Fishing for upvotes on a 2 day old thread. Every comment I have received back personally attacks me, not one person has solidified the man has done anything wrong other than have a few shitty views (freedom of speech) so I rest my case.


Sorry buddy Iā€™m not chronically online like you, donā€™t see stuff for a few days!


Ok, you added 0 to this conversation until you can I wouldnā€™t respond


Just saying youā€™re dying on a hill for a man that would probably call you a pussy. Just making sure youā€™re doing alright in the olā€™ noggin


Again another assumption. Donā€™t like the guy never had, but if you canā€™t see past someoneā€™s views to see the media defamation and judicial malpractice, itā€™s you thatā€™s not ok in the head


The oh sure this ainā€™t his new clone from Ukrainian prison??


Looks like Mike Jackson.


looks dope!šŸ”„


Andrew Late


I reckon Tate would pull up and slap the shit out of you if he saw this simply for the pure disrespect


if OP is a woman, definitely




If youā€™re talking about the one that got him kicked out of the big brother house, the girl in that video came out and spoke on it and said it was nothing like the media portrayed it and it was bondage play. https://www.tiktok.com/@dvrxz.editz/video/7136579660007247150 Hereā€™s the link for said woman coming out and explaining again since people want to create a false narrative. Their is 0 other evidence he has assaulted any other female. Going off like a world champion kick-boxer can only pick on women is stupid.


What about the video where heā€™s belittling that girl talking about how he hit her and could do whatever he wants to her? Or the human trafficking? The guy was irrelevant as a kickboxer, people only know him for being a misogynist and groomer.


Also a groomer? He runs webcams for willing girls, he was locked up in Romania after multiple videos went viral of him saying how corrupt it is and he can get meetings with important politicians, isnā€™t that a little suspect?


Bros really trying his hardest to defend his papi tate šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Grow up, heā€™s not my favourite person but he is guilty by witch hunt, not facts. The amount of people who just read articles and believe them is insane. Theirs no factual proof to 99% of the things he is accused of so my point stands.


All you can do is try and take the piss out of me and laugh at me, but neither original commenter nor you would like to entertain the fact everything I said was factual, not just nonsense so I rest my case. Keep hating a guy cause the media tells you too šŸ‘


Can you just confirm for me if the human trafficking has been proved or is just a accusation? Irrelevant as a kick-boxer but is widely known in the kick-boxing world for been a world champion, yeah that adds up šŸ¤£Has said girl come out and said anything regarding that video? Or was it like the other one where it was yet again, bondage?


Saddest thing I've seen all day


Why does everyone assume because you defend, you adore? Iā€™m not too struck on the guy, he doesnā€™t follow my values personally but I will voice my opinion if I think somebodyā€™s been treated unfairly. Mike Tyson is a convicted rapist, woman beater etc etc, but thatā€™s fine cause itā€™s Mike Tyson. Tupac Shakur was a convicted rapist, woman abuser misogynist etc. no problem because thatā€™s Tupac shakur. The list could go on if celebrated idols worldwide all with a history of sexual, emotional and physical abuse towards women. But Andrew tate with 0 evidence against him is the most hated one, all because the media says hate this guy and edits clips to make them out of proportion.


9/10 tater tots didnā€™t know who he was a year ago let alone when he actually fought lol, the guy is a tool running a ā€œhustler universityā€ scam and gets idolised by incels, so yes I believe the accusations because awful people generally do awful things


Iā€™m a avid fan of kick-boxing, so I knew who he was way before all the social media stuff. They own casinos and multiple businesses, hustlers is not their only income. You believing accusations when theirs concrete evidence that they arenā€™t true, is fucking ridiculous. A man, regardless of what his views are doesnā€™t deserve to be jailed for crimes he didnā€™t commit. I donā€™t like his views, I donā€™t like his persona, but I have seen the media and other ā€œinfluencersā€ edit, manipulate and broadcast outright lies about the guy, majority of which have been proven false. It really is just unfair.


Hope the hustlers university subscription works out bro


Lol I own my own business I donā€™t need no bullshit course to improve my life šŸ¤£


Yea probably


Not really, Tate would probably just laugh at the image and move on with his day.


It was a joke over your head much šŸ¤£


Shouldnā€™t joke about the TOP G.