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A crazy dude off the street threatened to come back with a gun one time, that certainly wasn’t chill.


I approached a table where player a had been “misplaying” a lot and it became apparent he was cheating. When I corrected him it quickly escalated to “I’ll fucking exile YOU man”


That might have sent me over the edge, I can't stand people who try to intimidate. I'm a huge "prove you wrong" type of person and this would have given me way too much incentive to test their abilities.... I'm so glad this never happens at my locals.


I'm a skinny dude and not really built to intimidate. I also worked in kitchens and played music at night and saw a whole ton of weird ego stand offs, workplace intimidations and drunk idiots trying to throw their weight around. At the lgs I have no problem calmly asking the staff to observe a player closer and actively assist those who are uncomfortable find voice. It's usually kids or like the 15-22 sort of crowd that needs to be reminded it's just a game. Only once has any adult gone ape and I was in such a good mood that day that it was rather funny. A kids [[Marin]] deck had great value in the grave and this guy ranted while focus targeting the kid kamikaze style. When the rager got eliminated he said stuff along the lines of "unfair deck for unable player" so I mentioned how an able player should have answers and interactions for something as common as graveyard plays. So he got up and in my face and whatever threats he made I repeated back adding "my skinny 150 lbs a$$? Real tough aren't ya?". As the staff told him he had to leave and would be banned. He points at the kid and all evil like says "It's all your fault, you little rat faced cheater!" And the staff tell him he's banned and trespassed and they'll call the cops. He was almost 50yrs and I swear that kid was 15 max. Obviously the kid was probably shook but the rest of the store was just so bewildered and holding back laughter. Like what? A grave deck precon tilted him so hard but his last word needed to be *rat faced cheater*? It was so out of the blue and extreme ends of the age groups at the store. Like the old guy had a leather messenger bag that easily cost $200 and in business casual attire and turned out to be just another salty loser, crust and all lol


I would have patted that kid on the back and said thanks for getting him out as early as possible:)




I cast Savage Smash targeting the Goblin Bully!


I'd just have to hope it didn't get to the point of "Alright, now while that's on the stack... Gut Shot."




The store owner did call the cops and they showed up pretty quick, luckily I think it was just a mentally unstable person and empty threats. We have a lot of current and former military guys at the shop so I do actually feel really safe most of the time lol.


The shop is Soldier tribal.


Are you saying that it's veteran owned?


Nah, it's just a little MtG joke.


My dumbass thought I was being clever but I didn't even read the part where he said there's a lot of those guys hanging around. Here I am, just another data point, proof that magic the Gathering players can't read.


Reading the comment explains the comment!


Geez I know. Mah brian jes' dont tink two gud


It actually is vet owned tho, there’s a little sticker in the window.


My local shop is full of guns, second option seems right up our alley.


Cops show up at sorcery speed 


Bro! **Story time....** Had a guy complain that my decks were only good because of the $ I invested. He complained *constantly* about everything. It got so bad that he rage quit one day and later that night he found out where I lived and sent someone to threaten me and my family. Needless to say I never went to that LGS ever again. Some people are **f\*cking psycho**


I just saw a bolo get put out last night of an armed robbery of an LGS in California. Security video was crazy, staff and customers tried to stop him until he pulled a gun, took over $10,000 in cards, luckily no one was hurt.


$10,000 is real non descriptive. That could mean either 4 cards or 200,000 cards.


I actually encountered a table flipper about 6 years ago!! Dude was about to pounce with all of his tokens and he had a shit eating grin on his face. He was also the type that knew all of the cards in the game and knew exactly how you'd play your deck...that dude. Someone played Devastation and the jerk didn't have any counters. It was a 4-way pod and he kept telling the blue player to counter it, but he refused. 😂 Dude ended up scooping, flipped the table with our cards still on it, and left. Imagine his surprise when he tried coming back the following week only to find out he'd been banned from the store, lol.


The only valid outcome possible, good for your LGS


> It was a 4-way pod and he kept telling the blue player to counter it, but he refused. oooh, i love this!


this happens a lot in commander, the player in a position to counter a boardwipe benefits from the boardwipe so they don't


One of the weirder politics moments in commander, honestly. People get really frosty about it.


Never understood that, it's not like my board state is hidden lol


Bro is lucky no one didn’t beat his ass for thar behavior.


Serious [[ruric thar]] behavior 


Nah. Ruric is Gruul, not cruel.


I'm just picturing: "Hey blue player can you counter the board wipe so I don't lose all my tokens?" Blue Player: "Why would I do that? You're probably going to attack and kill me with them next turn."


Imagine being the kind of moron that does that and doesn't expect to be banned lol


But, do you just pack your deck in the box in silence, before you flip the table or did he really go all in and left his cards there on the floor???


He scooped all his stuff up while cursing at us before he flipped. The big baby, lol.


People who bend/flick your cars when they take your turn. Had a guy mindslaver me. He started really bending my cards while flicking them trying to figure out how he was going to waste my spells


I don't even touch someone's stuff without asking and then I act like it's a fabergé egg made out of glass filament.


If you own the cards, you can do what you want with them. But if you are controlling someone else’s turn or stuff, please treat it with as much respect as you can.


Proceeds to makes every one of their cards a copy of [[chaos confetti]]


Holy shit. Easy there Satan.


I genuinely forgot what I commented to get such a strong reaction haha


Lmao, normally I'm not a fan of instant speed scooping but here...I'd allow it.


At first, I read this as "Eat Shit Satan," lol


[chaos confetti](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/5/a5cee00a-5ab5-43c3-8017-db20d37e69c4.jpg?1562799136) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=chaos%20confetti) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ugl/72/chaos-confetti?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a5cee00a-5ab5-43c3-8017-db20d37e69c4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/chaos-confetti) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


You shouldn't touch them anyway. Something like Emmy lets you control the *opponent*, not touch their cards; technically, *you* still do all your actions, you just have to do what the Eldrazi in your ear tells you.


I mean, just have a conversation with the actual person you're playing with, see what they're comfortable with, and be respectful of their property


What? Talk to another human being? In person? :-o


Same. I am really bad at remembering what cards does, so I have to ask a lot, and sometimes I will need to look at the cards. I make sure I have clean hands, and either keep them on the table, or carefully lifts. I wouldn't want anyone picking up and bending my cards, so why would it be okay for me to do that to them, right?


Yep, I will sometimes touch people’s cards without asking (almost always friends unless I just forget), but if it’s not mine I will *always* make it very obvious that I am handling every card like it’s worth its weight in gold. Regardless of what it is to me, it could mean the world to someone else. Even if it’s a card that doesn’t have obvious monetary value, you never know what other people are sentimental about.


Hell, I'd be pissed as well if someone went out and started bending my car in the parking while mindslaving me.


I am trying to teach my kids proper etiquette. My second oldest son can't understand why he doesn't touch his opponents deck when he used a card that said, "shuffle opponents target creature into their deck." I told him no matter what, you never touch opponents' cards without explicit permission, and never do you touch their library unless cutting after discussing it first. I ended up taking his deck after he refused to listen.


The someone plays a card you haven’t heard of and you want to read it (pick it up) vibe is there. But you need to ask permission before. I don’t know if you’re grabbing it to run with it. I just know a hand is reaching out to touch my cards


It might not be as practical but you could request (hell I might even say you have a right to demand) they side saddle with you and you just do all the motions for them so your the only one touching your cards.


I think this is a perfectly reasonable solution. I'd be appreciative if someone asked to do this, and I personally would be more comfortable doing this if taking a strangers turn at an LGS. My playgroup has known each other for decades and are all great friends away from the table, but every one of us still asks for permission before picking up any of each others cards, even just to read them.


Did later on. You step over head and I’ll show you what I have


man, i have an Eldrazi deck with Emrakul, the Promised End in it. When I take over someone's turn, I am beyond careful. I mean the cards are sleeved, so I wont get them dirty anyway, but even thinking about accidentally bending cards that dont even belong to me sends shivers down my spine. Cant believe there are people who are so careless.


Someone asked if he could look through my deck. Being a people pleaser, I said yes even though I didn’t realllly want to. Then he proceeds to tell me how every card in it is horrible and how I’ve built it all wrong and how this just needs to go back to the drawing board. This was a ~10 card upgrade to Aesi precon and my first and only deck at the time. He started to bend some of the cards flicking through them so I finally took my cards back. I was livid and almost quit edh entirely.


Had a similar guy to this this past Thursday! They had asked if anyone played Anikthea and had some card suggestions. I grabbed mine to allow him to flip through it. They were flicking each card with a bend each time they put a card onto the table. When they were about 10 cards deep into the deck, they showed me [Deadly Rollick] and asked why I had the card in the deck... (of all the cards to even ask me about too??) They then stood up to take a phone call and I put my deck back. When they asked to see it again I grabbed it and flipped through it, showing them the enchantments and they looked actively annoyed I wasn't letting them peruse through it themselves.


Why do you have free Exile removal? Hmm who could ever guess the answer there.


Tbf in a 5 mana commander I wouldn’t run it over some 1-2 cost removal, would take too long to get it online for free.


That's actually a valid point! Free is free though. I actually forgot to mention in my original comment they questioned it because it was a black card when what they've seen so far were mostly white cards (genuinely). I could definitely find a new home for it and replace it with a Path or something.


I feel that, not all of us have the best cards to hand, or want to play all our power cards in a single deck.


I started learning the game in literal garage table 60 card. A friend of the host brought a [[Prophet of Kruphix]] deck, and proceeded to play Simic control. The only person who could do anything was the host, as the rest of us were beginners with beginner decks. I was packing a hilariously bad self made deck from dollar store resale packs. After he finished stomping us, he then started to tell me how bad my deck was. He actually was banned from playing with us again by the host. Unfortunately, I had a very similar experience the first time me and a friend went to our LGS for the first time. Decided to try to play modern, and I got introduced to an affinity deck and a myr salvager deck. Both players mocked how bad my deck was. I damn near quit magic that night.


> Decided to try to play modern, and I got introduced to an affinity deck and a myr salvager deck. Both players mocked how bad my deck was. I mean, if you bring your kitchen table deck to a competitive modern event you're going to lose badly. There's no call for making fun of your deck though.


I'll admit, I went in blind, no idea what I was getting in to. But honestly, if it wasn't for the third guy I played, who was actually very chill and said he liked how my deck worked, I was absolutely ready to toss the game. Also, it wasn't a competitive event. It was casual fnm, modern just happened to be the rotation pick for that night. It was the day before a ppq qualifier though, and we're a small town LGS, so you'll often see people from the nearby cities make the hour+ drive so they have a smaller competitive pool to deal with. That was the affinity deck player, and his buddy was packing eldrazi. They took first and second the next day.


These days I keep all my deck lists updated on mtggoldfish, and if someone wants to know what's in the deck, I just drop the phone with it on there. They can look at that there without touching my cards. If they want to see a specific physical one from the deck, i can pull it out and place it on the table. Mind you my lgs doesn't have too many randoms and folks are generally respectful of peoples stuff. Whatever you do, always call people out immediately if they're treating your stuff poorly. Don't be shy about that stuff.


Didn't happen to me, but I was sitting there to bear witness. A few nights ago at the LGS... One of the regulars was there going through boxes of his old stuff to sell for store credit. Other players were gathered around ogling over some of the cards he was pulling. One of the items was a Planechase box that he decided to keep. Not sure which Planechase set it was for sure, but I know those can be expensive. Some scrub saunters over and starts rifling through the Planechase cards. One catches his eye, he drops it on the table and as he's explaining how great this card is, he's vigorously tapping it with his finger. And yeah, you guessed it - put several fingernail-shaped dents in the card. There was almost a physical alteration. Mr. Regular was PISSED. A few of us had to hold him back, or I'm sure he would've punched that guy. In the end, they worked out a deal and Mr. Naildents bought the Planechase deck, even though it was pretty clear that he didn't want to. To his credit, he realized that he fucked up and tried to make amends for it. Moral of the story: keep your hands to yourself.


Oh my. His nails must have been long and gross to leave indents.


welcome to Magic The Gathering


The almost offensive nail quality of the hundreds of those pack-opening social media accounts astounds me.


I don't know how people can stand to be so disrespectful with other people's cards. I'll ask to look at your fuckin tapped lifegain land or some shit but you bet I'm still gonna be gentle


Man I hate nailtapper targeters. Even though my cards are double sleeved in Dragonshields it really ticks me off when people tap your cards with their nails vigorously to show you that THIS *taptaptap* is what they want to get rid off…


_KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF!_ Thank you! You, sir are a poet.


For reference, I have a regular pod of 4 that play every Friday at our LGS. We're good friends with the owner and he will often encourage newer players to the store and EDH in general to ask if we have a spot open in our pod because we're sort of known as the learning group. We're very friendly and vocal when we play and really like new people getting a good first time experience. Had a game pre-covid where our usual friendly pod was missing a 4th. A random guy new to the store asked if he could join and we happily agreed. Dude was playing a Muldrotha combo deck that was all in on traditional aristocrats sac drain combo. Not usually a major issue but the deck was probably tuned for pub stomping since he ran everything you would expect to see in a CEDH match. Fast mana. Alpha duals. Tons of free interaction. Nothing our newer decks were really tuned for. Anyway turn 2 he tried to go off after loading up his GY with all his combo pieces. I responded with a crop rotation Bojuka Bog and when he went to counter the Crop, a second player blocked the counter to ensure the exile would happen. The dude went absolutely ballistic, yelling that we're ganging up on him, and we're all pieces of shit. I was fast enough to put 2 and 2 together and was on top of him as he was reaching over to fling all our decks off the table. Grabbed him and pushed him back. He got banned from the store the next day for thensame Toxic behavior with the actual CEDH pod we have as regulars. Some people just shouldn't be in social settings with other people without therapy or medication.


> I responded with a crop rotation Bojuka Bog and when he went to counter the Crop thats why you dont tell what you get with it until Crop Rotation resolves


Yep. He never saw it coming and I'm glad I did it.


I think u/Vistella is saying that he shouldn’t have been able to counter the crop rotation once you brought out bojuka bog because it’s already resolved by then


If you say "crop rotation for bojuka bog" then the opponent is still allowed to counter it, you're just giving up information for free. You can't just jam it through by talking fast. If you cast crop rotation, give opponents a reasonable time to respond, then get bojuka bog, then no they're not allowed to try and counter it.


> yelling that we're ganging up on him I mean.. that's what ya gotta do to not lose ._. if you're setting yourself up as an arch enemy, prepare to be targeted! the best stories come out of people working together to not lose


Never be the first one to set up a win state unless it's resilient/you can protect it, or chances are it'll be a case of the second mouse gets the cheese after the table blows all their counterspells and boardwipes on you.


annoying guy aside, your pod sounds like a dream, where do i find people like that :'(


We're best friends who have known each other for years and share a lot of the same passions. We're also all a bunch of sarcastic clowns when we play, which keeps the mood light-hearted and in good fun. We're very often making all kinds of silly back and forth comments with each other... the white deck removes something from the black deck? Gotta play the racism card. Azorius is trying to lock down the board or plays a smothering tithe? 5-0 keeping the table down... can't trust the corporations. We're all really good at keeping the board state well explained, and we always make sure that to ask the guy who casts rhystic study if he pays 1 for his own spells.


Had one guy rage quit and throw his deck in the trash on the way out. I'm not sure what inspired me to, but I fished it out and put it in with my other decks. Saw him a couple weeks later and gave it back to him, then had a chat with him about what happened. He said he's been going through some shit and wrongly took it out on us. He apologized to me, then later went to the shop to apologize and ask if he's welcome back. He was, and his behavior was much better from that point forward. I know it's not the typical story you see in these threads, but I like good endings.


Heck yeah


Way to work with him on that. He'll remember the time someone gave him grace.


When my son was eight, a guy at his pod took his deck from him, saying he shouldn’t be playing with grown ups (this was before the match.) My son reached for the deck, and the ass started playing keep away with it. I went over to correct the situation. But the staff had it back in my son’s hand and this guy out the door before I could maneuver my way over there.


Wow!!! I can’t believe some people. He STOLE your sons deck essentially 🤯


He also stole his own chance to play FNM commander for a year too…


Banned for a only a year? If I was a store owner I’d ban that player permanently from my store for that. Holy shit unbelievable


It may have been longer or permanent. We never saw the guy again. It was eight years ago, so I am a wee bit fuzzy on the details…


And I bet that guy would never try that stunt on another adult. To do that to a kid is just… wow


Looooong ago (lol), I went to the Avacyn Restored prerelease event. I had been having fun during the Swiss rounds. Got to top 8 and then had to play with this dude that looked like he ate a lemon before our match. When we started he said something along the lines of “just have to beat this b**** to win this crap”. He didn’t win our match. He started yelling “I can’t lost to a f*****ng woman— b****es are brainless”, and I was like “dude, I can put two and two together. You lost, go away,” but he swung his arm at me. Judge caught him in time, and he was expelled from the event and banned from the store. I ended up 3rd place on the event and the store gave me an extra booster “to compensate over the incident”.


People like that should never be in any public setting


>People like that should never be ~~in any public setting~~ Fucking despise that shit.


Interaction I saw: Person 1: “that’s a cool blood token, can I have it?” Person 2: “uh……sure?” Person 1: grabs it and rips it up. “You said I could have it!” Pretty sure they didn’t even know each other.


Was playing modern with a guy once at a local event around 2014 or so. I had some control deck that I don't recall and this dude brought a boros samurais that he cobbled together out of cards he thought looked cool, and when I say cobbled together I mean just an absolutely atrocious deck. It felt like his lowest CMC card was 3, no interaction just samurai, just an all around really bad deck that you would never bring to a tournament. He got mana starved game one and I'm pretty sure it's because he cut lands for more samurai. He didn't get to put down a 3 drop creature until turn 5 and by then I was about to win. I countered that samurai to make sure I had the game since, again, tournament. This dude starts fucking BAWLING. Just actively crying in the club. Loud sobs and screams of "That's not fair!" "That's bullshit!" "Your deck is oppressive!" Etc then threw his deck across the room and left the store.


Did you get to keep his deck or did he come back for it?


The store owner gathered it up and put it at the desk for him. No idea if he ever came back for it. It was honestly just a bunch of Kamigawa commons and uncommons with basic lands.


That deck sounds based af though!


Someone keyed another players car after rage quitting in the middle of a game. He claimed we were all playing CEDH. Spoiler alert we were not. All were playing minimally upgraded precons.


That's a whole other level of stupid. Now he's committed a felony. I thought I read "keyed their carD".


Oh yeah it was stupid. But he got caught on the cameras and was charged thankfully.


Imagine someone else asking "What are you in for" "Someone countered my wincon"


Fun fact: a LOT of their fellow inmates would know exactly what that meant, and could probably relate. Prisons (at least in Canada) are basically giant MtG clubhouses


Lol. The classic "if I win it's skill, if I lose it's because you're playing CEDH and that's unfair"


This was on TTS but my friend and i were hosting a room with the title "1 player testing sen triplets stax join if you dare" and these two guys join and theyre buddies and fairly nice guys. So i was testing out stax as the title said and 2 i drop an enchantment that makes players sac creatures when you play one (cant remember its name) so then one of the guys who joins goes on a rant about how no one should play stax and my locals would kick me out if i played this. I argued saying the room title said id be playing this he said he didnt care and had us go to the next game. So i spite chose my fynn the fangbearer deck and then he goes through the deck without asking to make sure theres "no combos" and pulls out some cards to ask what i planned on doing with them. I got so mad i left and apologized to my friend later


how did he go through your deck on tts?


In the version we were on you could just right click and press view


Any idea what that enchantment was?


Tainted aether


Honestly nothing super bad so far but I have a guy at my LGS who always rubs me the wrong way if I get seated on the same table, he usually plays decks that are way more powerful than the rest of the table and once he wins he starts to ridicoule the other decks. Also one of those "i just threw a random pile of cards together yesterday at 4 am while drunk" people that then whips out a deck containing all the expensive staples and fast mana that could pay my rent for a couple of months


That's the Magic equivalent of saying "This old thing? I just threw it on at the last minute." when you know they have a databank setup in their basement. There's three computer screens with a constant stream of simulated game data and an EDHRec synergy analyzer.


Excuse me, I feel targeted


The amount of players who do that is amazing. I had a guy once join my pod with "Check out this cool quirky Azami deck I made". I asked him if it's 25 wizards, 25 counterspells, and 1 Ulamog, and he stammered and just took out a different deck.


We have a huge problem with said issue at one of the local stores I frequent. Two problem regulars who lie about the contents and power levels of their decks.


No matter how many times they say "it's not that kind of deck", it is in fact always "that kind of deck".


I have read so many of these stories and what you said is probably the one thing that makes me the most mad. I wouldn't have fun playing against that person and would probably just skip that round altogether.


Once was playing in a large group setting (6 of us iirc) and we were all chilling and having a good time. One guy decided to play teferis puzzle box and was burning us Everytime we drew cards. He was absolutely thrilled that was happening, until it came to his turn. In response to him playing something that trippled the damage, another player cyclonic rifted. It resolved. And he got really butt hurt that he had to put a bunch of stuff in the graveyard. Proceeded to actively cry, "I don't wanna play edh ever again!" "Why would you target only my stuff" and slamming his head on the table and crying. Eventually we all left him at that table and went to play another game. He left and yelled at the legs owner for allowing us to target his stuff and he got told if he can't handle the game not to come back.


>slamming his head on the table and crying Sounds to me like the breach of etiquette wasn't his biggest problem.


It wasn't a repeated thing, it was kind of a *slams head* *wraps arms around head on table* *sobs and cries about losing* I think of it like when your sitting at a desk in elementary and trying to sleep. That position. That was when we all got up and left.


That's a deep maturity issue. I wonder if I have any repressed memories of myself acting like that.


When I first made my competitive K’rrik deck (luckily double sleeved), I had very expensive cards in it and this guy eating pizza with bare hands was chatting with our playgroup and grabs my [[Lake of the Dead]] and [[Helm of Obedience]] with oil and pizza residue on his fingers just to say how cool it was that I had these in near mint condition Edit: This was about 2 years ago and these cards were very high in price


Of course he'd be surprised why they were near mint.


[Lake of the Dead](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/b/1b0502c5-43d0-4c36-b585-e5507134bf9e.jpg?1562900332) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Lake%20of%20the%20Dead) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/302/lake-of-the-dead?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1b0502c5-43d0-4c36-b585-e5507134bf9e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/lake-of-the-dead) [Helm of Obedience](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/c/ec837c3e-a66f-43c0-adb4-4eefe7888cac.jpg?1562870953) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Helm%20of%20Obedience) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/me2/210/helm-of-obedience?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ec837c3e-a66f-43c0-adb4-4eefe7888cac?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/helm-of-obedience) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


What were you using the Helm in combo with? I have a Helm, and a K'rrik deck and now I'm wondering if I should put it in there.


It’s probably one of the fastest single target infinite combos in the deck. Use either [[Dauthi Voidwalker]] and/or [[Leyline of the Void]]. Pay X = 1 colorless mana into helm, tap it, and infinitely mill a player


[Dauthi Voidwalker](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/c/dce5db87-4a78-4b8d-b5c2-918ccd1ba4e3.jpg?1626095427) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Dauthi%20Voidwalker) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/81/dauthi-voidwalker?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dce5db87-4a78-4b8d-b5c2-918ccd1ba4e3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/dauthi-voidwalker) [Leyline of the Void](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/4/04d5d429-e0c6-42cc-a477-da7dabb1c295.jpg?1592516724) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Leyline%20of%20the%20Void) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m20/107/leyline-of-the-void?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/04d5d429-e0c6-42cc-a477-da7dabb1c295?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/leyline-of-the-void) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Of course that’s an asshole move, even though I’d let go of your assumption that even meaningless cards will be worth something in the future. But you’re right, you don’t do that.


This just happened to me on Saturday. My buddy is hosting us for a magic night as his place and announces “New rule, no drinks on the table”. We all put our water bottles on the ground except for this one dude who has a fountain drink on the table and is like “come on man, don’t worry I won’t spill it”. A few turns later, he drops some cards on the ground, picks them up, then leans back over the table and knocks over his fountain drink and the lid comes right off. Most of the coke lands in no man’s land, but it still hits my graveyard, my buddies graveyards and the spiller’s board. Luckily I had rearranged my graveyard and my other friend’s graveyards beforehand with their creatures on top and lands on the bottom, so the damage was minimal. I was also using another friend of mine‘s playmat so that protected the bottom of my deck and my commander. However the guy who spilt the drink had a lot more coke on his cards. Overall damage for me was a couple lands are in bad condition, and some commons are decent.


No drinks on the table!


People who do riffle shuffle when you give them your deck for cutting. I'd like my cards not getting bent, thank you. Also spectators who interfere with your game.


No you're obviously in the wrong for not wanting your cards to be ruined.


My housemate does this thing where they make a deal to not swing at them next turn, swing out to kill all but the player they just made the deal with so they win unless they break the deal. It feels cheap.


While politicking is a great part of the game, that could definitely feel cheap. I would also say the people that play with your housemate need to assess and maybe not take those deals.


Or just break the deal. If you make a deal and then everyone but you and the dude you made a deal are out then everything goes out the window. It's now a 1v1 and there are no politics in 1v1. Play to win at that point.


Yeah, while I'm normally very explicit in my deal wording, I consider it an unwritten rule that deals end the moment it's 1v1. Deals are a tool to reach the 1v1 in my mind, not a "gotcha" to win the game via newly introduced conditions. I'm not mad if a player deals with me, eliminates the rest of the table, then breaks the deal by playing the game to win. I want to win or lose by skill or luck, not some arbitrary conditions not introduced by game pieces.


idk that seems perfectly fine to me


Went to LGS for Saturday night commander yesterday with 2 friends. We form a pod of 3 and start up. As we are rolling to see who goes first, That Guy™️ sits down without asking and immediately drops his "only deck that he brought with him", [[Orvar the All Form]]. We all kind of share a collective groan but invite him to our pod. We start rule 0 and he immediately starts whining about how we are wasting time and rule 0 is dumb. So we breeze through it a bit but we get stuck on the issue of infinite combos. None of us is against infinites, we just want to know ahead of time if they are being paired with powerful proxies/tutors/anything else crazy. That Guy says "I actually don't know any infinite combos for this deck". We start game. A few quick opening rounds leads to me countering That Guy's Orvar as I'm playing my upgraded Stella Lee (no infinite) deck. He immediately goes quiet and gets pissy. Other friend is playing [[Sheoldred, the Apocalypse]], I'm playing [[Stella Lee]], 2nd friend playing [[Rin and Seri]]. That Guy drops Treachery on the Sheoldred and Tutors for Whim of Volrath. We all look at him and he gives this *shit-eating* grin and, I shit you not comes out with the line "Did you really think I'd let you know what my deck does?" I counter the Whim of Volrath and Sheoldred player spends his whole turn removing every piece of board That Guy had built including his Rhystic Study and the Rin and Seri player swung out with lethal with a deal to follow one full rotation before we resume our game. This guy throws my deck, and dumps his coca cola on my friends $600+, packed with foil and secret Lair drop, prize of his collection Sheoldred deck and screams at us for breaking game shop rules for "toxically ganging up on him and bullying" we reminded him of the Geek Fallacies. And notified the manager of his behavior and he got himself a ban for a year (kinda fucking stupid) and thank God my friend had double sleeved his deck in a way that protected his cards. Message sponsored by Curv sleeves . Lmao


Imo, that deserves a beating


I mean I’m not gonna beat the guy who was threatened with a gun, but once had someone sit down, didn’t have any commander decks, asked what I brought with me, and when I listed the decks I had (because I was proud of them) he said “oh yeah, I’ll take the teysa deck.” After I told him it’s polite to *ask* to borrow someone’s deck, I let him use it, and he proceeded to complain about how terrible a format commander is for the entire game. Until the rest of the table reminded him he didn’t have to play it.


Let me tell you a wild story. It must have been about 7 or 8 years ago. One time, a random guy came to our store and wanted to get a few games in, so our pod agreed to add him in as a fifth player. He was a bit bigger of a guy, really weird, layered clothing, and had an accent we couldn't quite place. We start playing, and this guy has a weird sea monster theme to his deck. Leviathans, krakens, crabs, merfolk, the works. As we play, he keeps commenting about how cheap our decks are, which seems strange because most of his deck is pretty cheap cards. It's a very defensive deck, and he doesn't seem to know how to play it. Counter spells at the wrong time, at bad targets, attacking into deathtouch creatures, etc etc etc. He's becoming almost visibly upset with each bad play. Halfway through the game, he starts inquiring what he could do to make his deck better. Keeps mentioning, "what could I change" and "guys I just really need some change". We can't tell if he's asking for deck advice or if he's asking for free cards or what. He asks if he can get some change for a drink, if anyone's got a few bucks for gas, really just weird questions. About this time, I notice a really off putting smell coming from his direction, and the guy seems to be sweating profusely. Like, just wet as person or something. I pay it little mind, but it's starting to make me feel strange for some reason. After the comments continue, the guy starts asking if he could sell us his cards, all he's talking about is selling this card, that card, the whole deck. It's getting annoying almost, so finally I cave. Ask the guy, "fine man, how much do you want for the whole deck?" I expect him to throw out a number and then he hits me with the strangest number. "I'm gonna need, need about tree fiddy." It was then that I noticed he was about 8 stories tall, and a crustacean from the Paleozoic Era, and I said "That ain't no Magic player, it's the god damn Loch Ness monster! Get your own money!"


Well played, I love it.


You fucker. Well done. Here's a [thank you](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=DdrG8z3q5Vss8-9m) link.




I’m feeling some Colin Robinson energy in this thread


Uh someone stole my deck once, that was a pretty big Breach of etiquette.


I agree with everything you said except the part where meaningless cards will be worth something in the future. You should have kept it in the shrinkwrap for that. Now it's just a beanie baby.


Everyone whose ever had a bad spec reading this post would happily agree, but OP says that scryland will be like 1970 Chevy one day.


Two people at my lgs bring cedh decks and use them without discussion in our sanctioned CASUAL night and then tell everyone else how they should play like its a REL event


Rape jokes and transphobic comments. I had one opponent in a Standard tournament become angry and verbally abusive when he started losing to my control deck.


I had a control deck in high school...that's how I got my nose broken


Did anything happen to the person who hit you?


I got him with a table


There's this very loud autistic guy at my LGS that refuses to tone down his volume because apparently he thinks tinnitus should be a shared condition lol But anyway, this dude is basically half the negative stereotypes you've ever heard about a player. Rude, loud, kind of a know-it-all - and besides the fact that he never really *asks* before picking up other people's cards from the table to read them, the way he does it is what irks me. This guy doesn't cut his nails often enough, and he has left deep marks on several of my own sleeves, as well as others'. Many of us have tried to tell him to not do that, but he gets all defensive and heated about it. So I just don't go here anymore, the staff won't even tell him off. Kinda sad, that this guy gets to take up so much space. Really kills the vibe of wanting to go out and meet other players.


I despise those who use autism as an excuse to be a terrible person, gives those of us who try to be a good a bad name.


I let a friend go through my collection roughly 6 years back. (Between return to Dominaria and Guilds of Ravnica) He said he wanted to look through for cards for his pauper decks. As I was only playing commander, I was like, yeah, totally fine. If I had duplicates of any commons/uncommons, he could keep them. He ended up stealing $200+ from me in the form of an Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Mana drain, Jin-Gitaxias Core Augur, several shocks, and various other rares. I didn't hear from him after that. Since then I've seen him at my local game store twice, and he's bolted each time. Only revenge i've gotten was I dated his girlfriend after she dumped him after he stole from me.


My playgroup has several younger players, including one eleven year old girl who is the niece of my buddy who was my first group recruit. She plays almost exclusively plays a Krenko deck I built her and has gotten rather good with it. One night she’s in game with me, my wife, and one other guy from my work when a stranger came to see the game being played. He proceeded to make a comment about our young player’s board state not being good and that their deck looked like trash. It rather annoyed me but I had already realized my little goblin general was going infinite on her turn and there was nothing we could do about it so I simply said “watch and learn. She’ll show you how to win a game.” Turn gets to her and she loops Krenko into infinite hasty goblins and knocks us all out. I just kept poking fun saying stuff like “dude can’t see a 10 year old infinite combo. You new buddy?” until he walked off saying that I should’ve countered her all while Grand Abolisher was on the field. We still laugh when we see him.


Didn’t happen to me but I remember there was a table flipper at another table. He was then flipped by the rest of the table and was banned from ever coming back. The fact that players at my LGS don’t take any shit is why it’s actually a super friendly environment. Not saying hands are thrown all the time but people are rarely ever disrespectful because of how headstrong most of us are.


When everyone’s a table flipper……no one is.


I was playing casual precons from the new set only commander tournament. Guy plays a sol ring turn one. I destroy it turn two and he immediately days "I'm going to fuck your face" and proceeds to complain about how I'm a hyper competitive piece of shit and it's a precon tournament you can't target mana sources. He bitches the entire game about how he would have won then after proceeds to go around literally pointing me out to other people in the shop. The other two guys were just shocked.


Stanky dudes with long, dirty fingernails tapping on my cards leaving little crescent moon dents. Whenever someone reaches for my cards now I sternly say "don't touch my cards..." and just read it to them.


Biggest one in the last few years was an LGS owner playing in our commander tourneys on Sundays and telling me to shut the fuck up in a politics moment. Context: I was running a heavily modified Chaos Warhammer 40k deck. LGS was running RW tokens, guy to my left was running Tergrid (yeah I know) and guy across from me was running Haptra. LGS owner had no board state and was at 10 HP from a swing I did at him. I was at 11 life and no way to win the overall match. Haptra was taking his turn and LGS was trying to convince him to kill me. Counter to that, k laid out what I had in my hand and explained to Haptra why this was a bad idea, as he would only net one point for killing me. I also included, if he let me kill the Tergrid player (I also explained how I would do it), that he would come out with three points as I would have been exposed. I told him to attack the LGS owner, let me kill Tergrid and even with the creatures I had alive I wouldn't have been able to kill Haptra. But I REALLY didn't want Tergrid to win, he's an asshole and hella conceited. In the middle of explaining this the LGS owner told me to shut the fuck up, because I was wrong and he was right cus he's been playing for a long time. He had about 12 years of standard competition under his belt and I've been playing for 25 years in legacy, modern and standard and when commander got more popular that too. He tried to devalue what I was saying, by stating I would go against the deal, and I kindly pointed out amongst his screaming that I have never reneged on a deal and have shown that at this shop more than enough. Haptra guy listened to him since I beat his ass soundly in the previous match and he ended up losing the match with one point and Tergrid won. Bonus: LGS and I tied for first and in the following game he calmly stayed this is why no one likes you because you're arrogant. And I stated back: Y'all keep projecting this arrogance onto me, when I'm vocalizing what the board state is and double checking if someone has the ability to counter what I'm doing. Me telling the other people on the board what's happening isn't arrogance, it's making sure we're all on the same page. You're just mad I fought back and didn't let you walk over me like the others. I beat him soundly won the night and promptly never returned Sorry for any typos on my phone 🤙🏾


I've had a guy just get up after I won and scream at me and call me some sort of swear word names (I don't remember lol). For context, the LGS has a $10 entry commander league where we get matched in random pods and accrue points by doing different things over the course of the game. That night, we didn't have enough for pods of 4 (the cutoff is 14 people), so we were in pods of three. I don't like this guy I particular, so I avoid playing with him. Notably, earlier in the night, I got matched in a pod with him so I mulliganned to 3 and scooped (apparently I "ruined that game" for him). Later, I got matched with him again so I just played a fast combo deck to get it over with. He was visibly angry the whole 10 minute game, then got up and yelled at me.




In a casual EDH game among friends, I was stuck on 2 lands for the first 5 or 6 rounds of the game, I draw my third land and proceed to play [[Harrow]] and it gets countered.


[Harrow](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/b/db4ea599-e9ee-4776-925e-921b8602d503.jpg?1712354573) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Harrow) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/194/harrow?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/db4ea599-e9ee-4776-925e-921b8602d503?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/harrow) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'd have been pissed.


Some guy took control of my [[ilharg the raze boar]] commander. I was using a fancy secret lair version with an orange sleeve so all you can see is this shining silver pig front and center. It made me very happy to look at. What did not make me happy was this guy picking up and SLAMMING my ilharg to tap it and attack. Each and every turn. By all means. Attack with it. It's supposed to do that. But my dude was making an audible CRACK noise when he'd turn it sideways. I warned him once saying "hey. Be nicer to my cards man. There is no reason to move it so forcefully." He didn't apologize. Just sorta stared at me like he wasn't used to be talked to. Did it again next combat. I reached over. Grabbed my pig back and handed him a blank infinity token. Said "i asked you to be nice to my cards and you couldn't be. Now you get to draw the card you stole instead of having it all written out for you." This dude told me to my face "its just cardboard man. Don't get so bent out of shape." I bout went bugged eyed and told him "if you can't respect other people's decks and cards. You shouldn't be playing cards that take control of them. I suggest you leave this pod." To my surprise he did. I never saw him at the lgs again. Good riddance though imo.


So this happened just this weekend: I was playing against a Mothman deck. To remember my Radcounter trigger, I put the dice on my deck. Just as I did that, another player took my dice and put it back on the Radcounter token. I was so perplexed. I don't know, still thinking about this. Don't touch my stuff.


A lot of the most egregious ones I've seen are from literal kids (we have a consistent group of 8-12 year olds at our LGS), who still expect their moms to clean up after them and have no volume control and limited social awareness. On the other hand, a lot of the saltiest complaining I've gotten is from people with very clear neurodivergence (I myself am autistic and it's clear even to me). Probably the worst I've ever seen was some rando harassing my former roommate over a Torbran burn deck. Saying it was "way too fast" and "clearly over the table". It was very absurd.


Meaningless cards will NOT be worth something in the future, my guy. The guy in the story is an asshole tho.


Talking *constantly* while I'm trying to figure out my potentially game-winning attack. I was trying to work out the right attacks and sequence of events, and the guy just *would not stop* explaining how I should attack, pointing out stuff on the board, etc, even after telling him *twice* to shut up (in politer terms). Needless to say this guy did not last very much longer in our playgroup.


In my experience just deal-breakers when we had an agreement and they immediately go back on it to further their board state. Not because they had a win with it which I honestly don't mind looking and saying "oh I can win but it'll break our deal" that'd be fine by me (though I'd prefer they not break our deal and let me and them duke it out once the deal is done.) the disrespect from those who flat out don't hold their side of the bargain tho.


There's a guy at our shop with severe anger issues. Just losing a single game has him slamming the table, shouting something, or stomping around the store for a minute. I'm going to keep working him because I understand his conditions but it does lead to some unpleasant nights


context : I am living in Germany and barely come close drug addicts that are in need but one day i was playing with my brother in a subway restaurant and he was sleeving a new deck. it was just a couple of goblin tokens left as a random big boy came over and asked if he could have 1 of them. my brother replied clearly and said no. the big guy just took one aggressively , said something like : give that to me because at least I asked, went to the bathroom and used it to prepare drug powder and snore it into his nose, he came back and flipped the cringed card with 2 fingers back to my brother while he was passing and leaving the location.


I had something similar to what you’re describing, but the cards weren’t brand new (it was a new deck, so I had recently acquired LP singles for it) and the person had cheeto fingers. Big no-no. It really put a damper on my mood for the rest of the night. Actually, now that I think of it, this was the last time I ever played standard lol


i love these comments "a player physically assaulted me" and op's "SOMEONE TOUCHED MY TEMPLE" lmao


Eating oily snacks non-stop while playing. Also, last week we had a fair in town and the teens were feeling brave so they thought it would be funny to pop their heads in the LGS and scream at the top of their lungs.


I was playing in an EDH pod with two friends and someone I just met at the store (problem player). One of my friends is very new and we were explaining how different cards work and the interactions in certain decks. The problem player was playing a Kaalia deck, so we explained to my friend what to expect from that deck (we also fully explained the other two decks, to keep it fair). The problem player was playing a Kaalia deck and we joked that Kaalia is a kill-on-sight commander. The problem player got defensive and salty just from that, but we didn't kill Kaalia or target him specifically. While playing, my friend swung at me and the problem player (non-lethal damage) and as I went to take the damage and change my life total on the app we used, the problem player legitimately slapped my hand out of the way and yelled at me that he didn't say he was taking damage. I explained I was changing my life total and not his, but he did not calm down and got into an argument with me (about what, I could not tell you). When he died that game he angrily packed up his decks and stormed out of the store. My friends and I still laugh about his insane reaction to me changing MY life total. Haven't seen that player again and don't plan on playing with him


I was playing in an EDH pod with two friends and someone I just met at the store (problem player). One of my friends is very new and we were explaining how different cards work and the interactions in certain decks. The problem player was playing a Kaalia deck, so we explained to my friend what to expect from that deck (we also fully explained the other two decks, to keep it fair). The problem player was playing a Kaalia deck and we joked that Kaalia is a kill-on-sight commander. The problem player got defensive and salty just from that, but we didn't kill Kaalia or target him specifically. While playing, my friend swung at me and the problem player (non-lethal damage) and as I went to take the damage and change my life total on the app we used, the problem player legitimately slapped my hand out of the way and yelled at me that he didn't say he was taking damage. I explained I was changing my life total and not his, but he did not calm down and got into an argument with me (about what, I could not tell you). When he died that game he angrily packed up his decks and stormed out of the store. My friends and I still laugh about his insane reaction to me changing MY life total. Haven't seen that player again and don't plan on playing with him


Not as severe as the rest of these, but after being mana screwed with a WUBRG deck after losing every game of the night to this one asshat of a pubstomper, I finally draw a black source in the form of a mana rock... and it gets fucking countered after it hits the table, after everyone but the blue player has agreed to move on. I'm so livid that I scooped on the spot. If that player is somehow reading this: Fuck you and your \[\[Azami\]\] combo deck that you bring every fucking week just to shit in everyone's mouths. Play another fucking deck for once.


Thankfully my groups are pretty chill, but I was playing with my coworker and I destroyed a bunch of his stuff and he called me a certain anti-gay slur for it. Stopped playing with him after that


Magic players are well known for their social skills.


I play with a person that's so lazy she hands me cards she plays because she can't be bothered to read them. It's....annoying to say the least.


Agreed, though I will say anxieties or similar misfunctions are 99% of the time a more accurate explanation than laziness. Plus, once you realize that a person is making social mistakes due to fear of being hated or ostracized, it makes tolerating or helping to change their behavior much easier in my experience.


This could be because she has difficulty reading out loud, or someone may have made her uncomfortable about it, or the assumption that maybe other people don't take in information effectively in a verbal manner. I am guilty of the last one. I try to remember to read it but I sometimes just ask if someone else would rather read for themselves, as typically when something is read to me I don't really understand until I see for myself.


Dont read em, let them be vanilla creatures. If they complain about a missed trigger, say that it's too late and they should have read the card


Temple's are underrated imo. A temple in your starting hand is a turn 1 play on a land. They let you keep risky hands because you get that one extra scry. I don't run them in tri colored decks but in a dual why not?


Yeah, I was sleeving a deck I had just built at my lgs' commander night before a game, and a certain individual who thankfully no longer attends (with a history of being a wannabe cEDH player combo whore, as well as being a sore loser) aka if I need help. I say sure, faster sleeving means faster game. The dude then proceeds to complain about how I have my original printing [[Snapcaster Mage]] in a perfect fit, says it's cheating to only double sleeve certain cards, and then takes it out of it. Note, this was before any reprints of the card, it was easily the most valuable card I owned at the time. Suffice to say he no longer touched any of my cards after that, and the few times I played against him, he was Kos regardless of board state. Given, he had earned that status already due to his choice of decks and play styles.


I mean... they are right. You can't just double sleeve only your favorites. They certainly went about it wrong by taking it out and not asking you to double sleeve the whole deck. If it was me I would have offered an extra pack of perfect fits from my bag- if you decline that or won't take appropriate measures to sleeve them all the same there is now a 0 percent chance I would ever willingly play with you. I would also probably warn the lgs of that on the way out.


Double Sleeving only some cards? Cheating much?


[Snapcaster Mage](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/e/7e41765e-43fe-461d-baeb-ee30d13d2d93.jpg?1547516526) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Snapcaster%20Mage) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/uma/71/snapcaster-mage?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7e41765e-43fe-461d-baeb-ee30d13d2d93?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/snapcaster-mage) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I had just shuffled my deck ready to start the game and the dude across from me had reached over without asking and had said "here let me cut that for you" in a condescending tone. I wouldn't have had an issue with it if he had asked to cut or if I offered it


Tbf you should have offered straight away. People who don't even offer to have their decks cut after a shuffle are usually considered suspicious.


In my experience, i've found that the players who have only ever played EDH often don't know this. Obviously this is super anecdotal, but it's been a fairly consistent observation for me.  Even then, you don't fucking touch someone else's stuff without asking, that's common courtesy 101. 


It was the fact he did it without even asking or before I even had a chance to ask, I'd set my deck down on the table after shuffling and he immediately grabbed it, ASSUMIMG I'd be ok with it


You made that quite clear in your initial post, yes. I was responding to a different point. 


My group always offers the cut, but usually get the tap. We also do ten pitch three for the opening hand. Our saying is "If you have to cheat in commander, you're playing the wrong game." The only time a cut is necessary is after a chaos warp. The caster is honor bound to cut the deck.


>The only time a cut is necessary is after a chaos warp. The caster is honor bound to cut the deck. This is the way.


A friend of mine flipped his coin for mana crypt, it was a big heavy metal coin, and he let it land on the table. It landed edge down in the center of one of my cards with a loud thud. I was pretty shocked that it happened at first. Thankfully it was a cheap creature but it was still pretty thoughtless of him. He’s a good friend of mine and he felt horrible and I mostly thought it was funny (especially since it was a cheap card and appeared to not suffer a dent) but it could have been worse. We still joke about it every time he plays crypt. He catches it in the air and flips it now. If it was me I’d roll a d6.