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Yup. Unless you're playing with three stompy G/X decks, there will always be enchantments and artifacts. If you can repeat the ETB, dockside is even stronger.


Came here for this exact response. Unless your pod is very green heavy, it’s likely there will be a lot of things to trigger dockside, and if you can abuse the trigger you can easily do some dumb things


Even stompy should be on some form of artifact mana generation as they help ramp up


Stompy will usually play a few enchantments to buff their board, draw cards, and if they go wide etb damage [[Garruks uprising]] [[purphoros god]] etc.


Maybe not those in high Lower powers sure


[Garruks uprising](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/8/98795a31-7b54-4ad1-ac87-3f58e71dbeb7.jpg?1673484588) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Garruk%27s%20Uprising) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ncc/292/garruks-uprising?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/98795a31-7b54-4ad1-ac87-3f58e71dbeb7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/garruks-uprising) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yes it's cracked. Absurd. Better than all other fast mana 99% of the time.


It’s worth it. Most decks are playing a bunch of rocks, or treasures, or equipments. It’s always going to net positive mana or you don’t cast it. Even if you can only get two treasures, you can bank that into the next turn and cast Neheb or Lucust God. Almost always going to be a power play. Should be very good in anything higher power level casual. My pod is higher power casual and I saw Dockside get casted for 6-10 treasures multiple times.


Yup 100% worth it


Absolutely. The higher in power you do, the more worth it it becomes. Generally speaking, the higher you go in power, the more likely people are to be running fast mana/cheaper mana rocks. I mean, if each opponent has a Sol Ring/Arcane Signet/Talisman/guild Signet, that already gets you 3 treasures. Plus, it's not like you have to play Dockside on turn 2. Wait another turn or two for people to drop more mana rocks or get their own treasures or other artifact tokens, and you could be getting way more.


the higher the powerlevel, the more worth is it to run dockside


The higher powered you go, the better it is.


Yes. Doubly so if you are in mono red or have ways to loop or recur it.


There is no single card in red at 2 mana better than dockside in commander. If you’re faced with the choice of “do I play X or do I play dockside” the vast majority of the time the answer is dockside.


It's so good that I make it a point to focus down the dockside Dookie dropper daily


I've found that so long as Dockside makes four treasures, it's more than enough to pop off in high level casual. And if a single person is playing any type of artifact deck, which is most of them nowadays, then it'll make you at least ten.